Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1939, Image 1

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    Maxine Glad Is Coed
Of Week; Details on
Women's Page
Baseball Men Leave
For North; See Sports
Page for Details
Stands the Test Today
Don Root . . . Editor of the 1939 Oregana which will be out today.
At the first of the year he predicted that the ’39 yearbook would be
the most beautiful of all Oreganas. Today the book will be distributed,
giving students a chance to see what the editor meant.
Students Receive 1939 Oregana,
'Most Beautiful'Yearbook, Today
This morning at 8 o’clock copies
of the 1939 Oregana will begin to
go out into the hands of student
purchasers. By sundown probably
1500 and more of the books will be
called for.
The day the campus and the
Oregana-makers have been await
ing since fall, today will see the
unveiling of what has been mailed
at previewing as the “most beauti
ful’’ of all Orcganas. Full color in
both literally and tone, the book
will speak for itself today.
Method of distribution is simple.
Five Shifts Set
For Mothers
Five shifts of girls have been
chosen to sign up the hundreds of
mothers who will be guests on the
campus Junior Weekend announced
Mary Failing, registration chair
man, yesterday. Hours for regis
tration are from 10 to 6 o’clock on
Friday, and 9 to 3 on Saturday, in
Johnson hall.
Mothers who arrive Friday
morning will be able to attend the
campus luncheon on the lawn be
tween Fenton and Friendly halls
and witness the crowning of Junior
Weekend Queen Maxine Glad—the
first of the three-day weekend
From 10 o’clock Friday morning
until noon, Pat Salisbury, Betty
Workman, Barbara Campbell, An
nette Ansley, Betty McNiece, Mary
Storkerson, and Martha McClung
will register the visitors.
That afternoon, these girls will
work until 3 o’clock: Anne Boss
inger, Rachel Griffith, Mary Kay
Riordan, Pat Howard, Hope
Hughes, Barbara Williams, Betty
Brookshire, Janet Morris. Jean
Person, and Eileen Williams.
Finishing Friday s registration,
the late afternoon shift includes
Edith Heath, Margaret Young, Vir
ginia Miller, Betty Anderson, Alice
Guistina, Pauline Shaw, Betty
Milne, and Barbara Barlow.
Saturday the registration period
will be shorter. Girls on the 9 to 12
committee are Nancy Knicker
bocker, Betty Murray, Eleanor
Sederstrom, Dorothy Kellaher,
Jerry Walker, Marjory Hosfeldt,
Bobby Rheme, Pat Wright, Flor
ence Gordon. Pat Larkin, and Max
ine Hanson.
Scheduled to complete the regis
try by 3 o’clock Saturday after
noon are Virginia Tyrell, Marge
Greppe, Marjorie Kerman, Nancy
Gardner, Janet Morris, Annette
Ansley, Trudy Anderson, Barbara
Bamford, June Justice, and Ruth
Mothers will be asked to list
their names, addresses, and the
class of their son or daughter. A
prize will be presented to the class
with the best representation, at
the banquet Saturday night.
All that is necessary is for the
buyer to appear at the special
booths at the student entrance to
the Igloo, establish identification,
and take the book. The distribution
will go on all day from 8 to 5,
except for an hour at noon. To
morrow from 8 until 12 will be an
additional period of distribution,
in case all copies do not go out the
first day. It is hoped all students
will collect their copies the first
Faculty members will have their
copies delivered Saturday.
Pfeiffer Rigs Up
Machine to Shine
Soldiers' Belts
Even the soldier’s load is
lightened by modern machinery.
No longer is it necessary for the
followers of the militant profes
sion to spend long hours rubbing
and polishing their boots and
belts, only to hear the inspecting
officer growl, “Why don’t you
polish your belt? Corporal, give
him kitchen duty!’’
Joseph Pfeiffer, military de
partment storekeeper, has rigged
up a motor on a small table,
which will spin a circular brush
very rapidly—and will put a
beautiful polish on a belt.
Perhaps the reason for Mr.
Pfeiffer’s interest in easing the
lot of the soldier is that he is
a retired army sergeant himself.
ea --- —
Professor Burrell
To Teach at WU
This Summer
O. K. Burrell, professor of busi
ness administration, will be on the
faculty of the Pacific Northwest
Banking school at the University
of Washington this summer be
tween August 21 and September 1.
The faculty of this school consist
ing of practical bankers and col
lege professors from all parts of
the United States will give a course
in academic and practical study of
certain phases of bank operation.
The school was started in 1936
by Cecil E. Jenks when he was
the supervisor of banking in the
state of Washington for bank offi
cers and employees.
Professor Burrell will lead a lec
ture and discussion class in current
economic problems.
Eleven o’clock classes, which
were postponed yesterday be
cause of the installation assem
bly, will be held at the same
tim etoday, it was learned last
night from Dean Karl W. On
thank's office.
Junior Weekend
Plans Pushed as
Deadline Nears
No Dismissal of 11 o'clock Friday
Classes, UO Officials Decree; Conflict
With Campus Luncheon Hour Seen
It’s only a matter of hours now until Junior Weekend, 1939 edition
moves out at full steam ahead, taking the entire campus with it in
its rush.
Plans are virtually complete for every feature of the program,
which is one of the fullest in years of crammed Junior Weekend
Only hitch so far was the report that, contrary to the practice of
Prom Sets
Say Heads
Wonderland Theme
Transforms Igloo;
Holman's Band
To Go on KORE
Proud as new parents yesterday
were Glenn Eaton and Bud Aron
son, co-chairmen of the Junior
prom, tomorrow night’s headline
With their long-time efforts be
ginning to show results and their
event beginning to look good, the
two co-chairmen will today be roll
ing up their sleeves and getting
ready for the actual physical toil
involved in the building of a prorn
set in the Igloo Friday.
Art Holman and his boys were
reported in heavy training for their
three-day grind, in which the prom
is the first round. Newest wrinkle
in prom band tactics as revealed
by diminutive Glenn Eaton is a
request hour during the evening,
during which Holman will play re
quests from the dancers. No speci
fications were given for the method
of entering requests.
Virtually certain for the prom
is that a half hour of it will be
broadcast over KEX, Portland,
Eaton said. Holman’s is an MCA
Decorating will begin early to
morrow morning, it was an
nounced, with Dale Mallicoat at
the helm, plus several representa
tives from the Allied Art studios
of Portland, who are supplying the
expensive false ceiling and the wall
drapes. Latest to be recruited for
the decorating is Skull and Dag
ger, soph men’s service honorary,
who were asked in on the project
on the ground that it is a campus
dance rather than a class function.
The queen and her royal court
will add much to the evening's pro
gram. There will be a special stand
for Maxine Queen Alice and her
four looking-glass princesses. At
(Please turn to page too)
last year ana orner years, classes'
would not be dismissed at 11 to
morrow. Provision made was that
classes would be let out at noon
and not before, regardless of when
campus luncheon was scheduled to
Although mothers are expected
to register before luncheon, and
although classes do not let out
until 11:50, the time when the
mothers’ special train pulls in at
the station, the extra hour was
not included because, it was an
nounced through Dean Onthank’s
secretary, the extra hour would
not be needed for student body in
auguration. Last year classes were
dismissed at 11 and inauguration
was part of the luncheon program,
which began as now at 12:30.
Weekend heads announced they
would try again to get the hour
free, and campus luncheon planners
were faced with the necessity of
changing their plans at the last
moment in favor of the unexpected
change in usual weekend tactics.
The other parts of the program
were also threatened.
Another reason announced tor
the omission this year was that
proper arrangements had not been
made, and it would be too late
(yesterday) to notify professors
they would not hold classes at 11
In view of the inevitable mixup
and general confusion expected
when the hundreds of mothers be
gin to arrive and attempt to
register before luncheon, which is
already a waiting game, Junior
Weekend heads felt last night they
were justified in making their re
quest for the hour, it was stated.
Aside from this one sour note,
everything was going along all
right. The water carnival was get
ting ready, prom arrangements
were complete, and all other de
partments showed good progress.
Canoe fete floats were in the pro
cess of building, indicating one of
the most striking canoe fete com
binations ever shown here.
Patsy Taylor, chairman of cam
pus luncheon, announced yester
day that there will be a special
serving table for students with
mothers at the lawn picnic. Mo
thers will receive their guest tick
ets at registration. Others will get
their tickets at living organiza
tions, and admissions will be on
sale at the luncheon for 25 cents.
Amato in Wonder Land
Archimedes II, No Less
Hard-working law scholars last
night released plans for their awe
inspiring barge of the canoe fete.
It is understood the barge is to be
the highlight of the Junior Week
end fete.
There was much bickering on
the part of the barristers as to
who would have the honor of serv
ing on the barge building commit
j tee, according to the law school
propaganda bureau. Committee
members finally selected are: Da
vid Silver, union artist, William
Robert, right bower chairman,
Robert Wagner, left bower chair
man, Robert Reckon, construction
engineer, Wendell W .Wyatt, as
sistant engineer, Mel Rooney, as
sistant to the assistant engineer,
Jack Dunn, head Stooge, Helen
Gorrell, Harold Johnson, and Don
Thomas, assistant stooges.
It was announced that due to
the fact that it was Frank Nash’s
idea to have the float he will be
head of the navigation committee
and also will act as chief hydrau
j lie engineer. Nash's principal duty
will be to swim the barge down
1 the mill race.
The design of the float had to
be changed at the last minute.
Committee members, after weigh
ing Queen Amato, decided that
the dainty little float they had in
mind would turn Into a submarine
with the presence of the queen. Ru
mors that Queen Amato I did not
know how to swim also prompted
a change in construction plans.
Now, it was said, the float will
take on the appearance of a battle
ship—with a special derrick being
built to hoist the weighty queen
into position.
An added attraction of the law
scholars’ brainchild will be that the
flower girl, Kenneth Abraham,
will accompany the so-called float
riding in a bucket.
The president of the law school
stooge body, D. Graves Burdick
II, issued this statement for pub
lication: “Any member of the
court not appearing in an appro
priate vertical position in costume
and not able to navigate (the
barge) will be hog tied, tarred and
feathered, and ridden out of town
on a rail.”
Governor Gives Official OK
To New ASUO Executives
'I Do Solemnly Swear'
(Courtesy of the Register-Guard)
Governor Charles A. Sprague ... Is shown administering the oath of office to the four newly
elected ASUO officers at yesterday’s assembly in Gerlinger hall. Left to right the new members of the
executive committee are: John Dick, president; Jeanette Hafner, secretary; Boy Vernstrom, second vice
president, and Verdi Sederstrom, first vice-president.
Moot Court
Playful Prank
Brings Damage
Suit to Mr. Gill
“Don't ever trust nobody" seems |
to be the moral of tonight's moot
trial, the third in the annual law
school series. The case of Lee ver
sus Gill will be tried at 730 at the
Lane county court house, with
Judge Orlando John Hollis presid
The case is built around a cer
tain Mr. Lee and his automobile-^
or at least something that once
went under such a title. One eve
ning a Mr. Gill and friends, being
of a gay and frivolous nature,
changed the 1939 license plates on
cars owned by them and their ac
quaintances for old license plates
originally obtained for political
campaign purposes. Mr. Lee was
not involved in the plan in any
way, but in the course of the eve
ning his 1939 plates were removed
from his so-called car and old li
cense plates substituted.
Later in the same evening Mr.
Lee called on a young lady to take
her riding. Apparently blinded by
thoughts of the entertainment
ahead, Lee did not notice the
switched license plates. So, Mr.
Lee and lady friend merrily drove
up the McKenzie highway.
About thirty miles from Eugene \
Mr. Lee noticed a light waving in
the roadway ahead of him. He
speeded up and passed the individ
ual waving the light. Then he'
heard a siren behind him, imme-1
diately thereafter two or three!
shots, and then he felt one of his
tires go out. He came to a stop
and was confronted by a state po
liceman who placed Lee under ar
[.rest. Lee was booked on charges
of driving a car without proper li
cense plates and for failing to stop
when commanded to do so by an
Lee later learned of the switch
ing of his license plates by Mr. Gill
and friends. Lee has authorized
Messrs. McLaughlin and Welsh to
sue Mr. Gill, if in their opinion,
he has a cause of action. Action
brought against Mr. Gill will be
defeated by Messrs, Davis and
I _
Christian Council
Names New Head
Bob Tindall was named to the
presidency of the Student Chris
tian council at elections held Tues
day afternoon. Other officer^ elect
ed include Murray Adams, vice
president; Eleanor Entler, secre
tary, secretary; and Anne Dean,
Officers will be installed at the
council picnic in Hendricks park
May 21, Mary Field, retiring presi
dent, said.
Warm Weather
Whets Invalid's
Ice Cream Yen
Business on a wholesale scale
came to local ice cream parlors
yesterday, when half the patients
in the infirmary kept their
friends busy traveling to and
fro for milk shakes, malts, and
ice cream as a result of the sud
den “heat wave.”
Enjoying the hospitality of the
campus hospital yesterday were
Seth Smith, Betty Plankington,
Alice Hoffman, Pat Tuller, Hel
en Zavodsky, Maxine Winniford,
Beverly Young, Peggy Snow,
Margaret Spliid, Nick Maticli,
and Bill Cardinal.
German Honorary
Presents Awards
To Leading Students
Delta Phi Alpha, German hon
orary, at a meeting Wednesday
night in Gerlinger hall presented
awards to four outstanding Ger
man students.
A book entitled “Auf Spures des
Jungen Goethe” by Ott.o Ernst
Sutetr was given by the Carl
Schurz Memorial foundation to
Perry J. Powers for his excellence
in German studies.
The German government through
its consul in Portland, Robert G.
Clostermann, gave two books on
German art and history to the
department to give to outstanding
students. Lorraine Gjording, who
is equally well-versed in German
and Swedish, and Mary Hughes re
ceived these.
George Bodner, with a straight
“A” average for all of his work
in German, was given the Delta
Phi Alpha book award. This vol
ume by Emil Waldmann is entitled
“Albrecht Duerer.”
Work by the Eugene extension
classes in metalcraft is now being
shown in the windows of Wash
burne’s department store. Includ
ed in the articles on display are
trays, bookends, metal spinning
work, bowls, two sets of goblets,
hammered trays, cut work, and
Club Launches
Drive on Bill
The Oregon Commonwealth Fed
eration club on the campus will
launch a drive tonight to get sig
natures for the referendum peti
tion on the bill changing the date
of Oregon’s presidential primary
election from May to September.
The campus group will meet with
interested students and towns
people at Westminster hall at 8
Mr. Monroe Sweetland, execu
tive secretary of the Common
wealth federation, will be on hand
to explain the nature of the bill and
to state why the Commonwealth
is supporting the petition. The
meeting will be chairmaned by
Prof. S. Stephenson Smith, presi
dent of the club.
The bill under question was
passed by the 1939 session of the
state legislature, and its purpose
is to move the primary date from
May, as it has been for years, to
September. Under the new set-up
citizens of the state will not have
an opportunity to vote for this
state’s delegates to the national
conventions, since these conven
tions are held in mid-summer. The
effect of the bill will be to evoke
the convention system of election
of delegates.
In 1936 this scheme was submit
ted to a vote of the people and
was rejected by a 5 to 2 vote. The
Commonwealth, the state grange,
the American Federation of Labor,
and other organizations behind
the petition feel that since the
people defeated the proposal once,
they will want to defeat it again.
Evidence of her continued inter
est in the University is shown by
Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, wife of
the sixth president of the Univer
sity, in a letter to Dean J. H. Gil
bert in which she heaped her
praises on the national basketball
Mrs. Hall, who lives in Evans
ton, Illinois, wrote that she en
joyed seeing the Oregon games.
The Order of the “O" will hold
a luncheon meeting at the Phi Delt
this noon.
Theta Chi-Alpha Gam Float
Will Be ‘House of Cards’
Queen Alice (Maxine Glad) will
be accustomed to seeing floats pass
her when the float entered in the
Junior Weekend canoe fete by Al
pha Gamma Delta and Theta Chi
comes through the water curtain.
She wc(n’t grow tired of the
floats though, because each is an
important chapter of the canoe
fete story. The Alpha Gam-Theta
Chi float has been modeled from
the theme of “The House of
Cards,” taken from Lewis Car
roll’s “Alice in Wonderland,"
which is the theme of Junior
Featured on “The House of
Cards1’ float will be a pantomime
by Queen Alice and the princesses.
The administration will be the vic
tim of a bit of burlesque as the
float passes the stage.
On Alpha Gamma Delta's float
committee are Alice Bailey, Mar
jorie Schnellbacher, and Virginia
Tyrrell. Theta Chi is represented
by Harry Davidson and Darrell
Meets Its
Hobby's Boys Get
Champ Blankets
In Star-Studded
Camera bulbs flashed, students
rose and cheered, and political big
wigs grimly “took it” yesterday as
Governor Charles A. Sprague put
the official OK on ASUO newly
elected as executive chiefs. Admin
istering the oath of office to John
Dick, new ASUO prexy, and Verdi
Sederstrom, Roy Vernstrom, and
Jeanette Hafner, executive council
members, Oregon’s chief execu
tive culminated an excitement
filled month of political doings at
a Gerlinger assembly yesterday
Commending the University stu
dents' choice of 1940 leaders, Gov
ernor Sprague declared that a test
of a college “results not in a test
of the number of students, the
wealth, or the physical plant, but
in the achievements . . . and the
leaders you build.”
“Books and a faculty and labor
atories equal a university,” he
said, “but a university must do
more than that ... it must inter
pret the mental climate of a giv
en generation and the culture of a
Early speakers at senior com
mencement exercises, he recalled,
gave students a world "wrapped
up and tied with pink ribbon,” but
those promises came, he declared,
from an “age that was defeated.”
“When your president hands
you the world at graduation,” the
governor forecast, "it won't be
wrapped in pink ribbon . . . he’ll
have to hand it to you in a bucket
because it is such a mess!”
He counseled Oregon graduates,
then, not to be overconfident. “Be
ware of movements that create
youth as the great salvation of so
ciety,” Governor Sprague advised.
The way to success is hard, he
declared, and “it is a mistake to
look for easy avenues of escape.”
Many seek for signs or formulas,
he said, but few find them, be
cause they are not at finger’s end.
A nearly filled Gerlinger hall
| rose to its feet in applause as the
governor, President Donald M.
Erb, Harry Weston, the new offi
cers, and members of the cham
pionship basketball team came on
the stage to the strains of music
by the University band.
ASUO Prexy Harry Weston took
his official leave of the student
body he has guided for a year and
turned the reins over to Dick. Wes
ton also presented “National
Champ” - inscribed blankets to
Howard Hobson and his champion
ship team traveling squad as
ASUO recognition of their achieve
The chief executive left Eugene
for Salem immediately after a
special faculty luncheon in his hon
Hotels Full; Mothers
Lodged in Homes
Students who want rooms for
their mothers over Junior Week
end in the private homes of Eu
gene should see Mrs. Alice Mac
duff, assistant dean of women, to
day. Mrs. Macduff has the names
of several families who would be
willing to take care of some of the
mothers since the accommodations
in all the Eugene hotels are taken.
“We want every mother to be
comfortably placed,” stated Mrs.
Macduff, and she urges that the
students see her today.
Plans are under way at Texas
Christian university for the for
mation of a band composed entire
ly of coed instrumentalists.