The Oregon —Aily Emerald, official student pub lication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except Snudays, Mon days, holidays, and final examination periods. Sub scription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. PAUL DEUTSOHMANN, Editor BTLL PENGRA, Managing Editor HAL HAENER, Manager GEORGE LUOMA, Assistant Business Mgr. Upper business staff: Jean Farrens, national ad vertising manager; Bert Strong, circulation manager; J. Bob Penland, classified manager. Represented for national advertising by NA TIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representatives, 420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.- Chicago Boston Los Angeles - San Francisco. Helen Angell Jean A- senior of proven ahilily, duly (deeled l>y Hit' whole lOmerald stall’ in open nn'el i n . 'J'hc frirl editor’s staff represents the eream of th(‘ feminine side of the journalism sehool. 'i'iie "iris have been working Hieir heads off all week to make this the best of tin* spring speeial editions. "" # # \yiIAT the "iris will he out to demonstrate in tomorrow’s paper is the credo of wo men of today, namely that jjivon a chance What Other Editors Believe POLITIC S ON THE CAMPL'S Politics is a dirty business at best. Caucuses have long been denounced as cancerS on the demo cratic system. At Stanford for the past few years the hue and cry against secret meetings and deals to decide on party candidates has been growing louder and more meaningful. Last year the controversy came to a head when a would-be ASSU president revolted against the Row caucus and set himself up as an independent candidate. Although the Greeks were victorious in the election, this schism revealed a fundamental weakness in the Lasuen political set-up. Already this spring Row politicos are talking about independent parties, simon-pure and caucus free. Their objective is admirable, but they may find it difficult to overturn a machine that has been producing winning candidates since 1935. A victory for the rebels one year would probably result in an even more formidably organized Row the next. Paradoxical as it may seem, the solution to the fraternities’ problem lies in the Halls. In order to avoid active dissatisfaction and revolt, Tnterclub Council has made the Hall caucus an official insti tution. The success of this plan points the way for reform on the Row. The most effective way to put an end to the civil war among the Greeks is to make the Row caucus an official organ of Interfraternity Coun cil. Organization for the selection of candidates is a vital feature of the party system. Caucuses of one sort or another are inevitable. If the Row wants to clean up its politics with out losing its strength, an Interfraternity Conven tion will do the trick. As Stanford politics matures parties must realize that a dozen ’ smoke-filled hotel rooms cannot match the strength of a packed convention hall. Stanford Daily. worn on c.'in do ;i capable job. Tlioy have had Hi'* t »*{i in i iio-? find 11 icy have ability, now they " ill lin vi* I heir chance In make 1hemselves I'll. »l on rim I ism majors arc a hard-working I'd iiiidor any conditions, and women in jour nalism schools are faced av it h an uphill struggle In break in against men in open competition. In the words of one of the senior journalism professors, the only way for a woman 1o beat a man in journalism is to sur pass him at the same tliinpr. This today’s wo men will ultimately be considering. Now it is likely that the odds against women in jour nalism are not quite so great, the picture is probably painted too darkly. Hut the women are a game lot. Women graduates of this school with few exceptions get jobs. # * ANl> so tomorrow when readers pick up copies of the Kmerald for their usual perusal they will be looking at more than inerts the eye. The women always do a good job on their edition. They do a good job be cause there is so much behind them. Herein are expressed congratulations in advance for t lie fruits of t heir labor. Hendricks-Sigma Nu Float Has 'Jabberwacky' Theme The “Jabberwocky” float has just disappeared down the mill lace. The brilliantly illuminated water curtain parts for the second time, and the “Walrus and the Carpenter” float appears. This float is sponsored by Hendricks hall and Sigma Nu. Junior weekend's Queen Alice Maxine Glad bewildered by the first float turns to hear the White Rabbit begin the story from which the theme of the Hendricks-Signm Nn float was taken: “The Walrus and the Carpenter Were walking close at hand Art Holman's orchestra starts playing “Would You Like to Take a Walk?" and as the White Rab bit continues, the walrus (with a Mussolini jaw) and the carpenter ‘with a Hitler mustache) begin their satirical pantomime of the oyster feast. The little oysters are labeled “Austria," “fOthiopia," “Czechoslovakia,” "Albania,” etc. Workers on the float committee from Hendricks hall are Pauline Baird, Jean Spence, and Margaret rts a BIG EVENT CARL BAKER FILM SHOP 698 Willamette Phone * + •f * T when .Junior Weekend is eelehrateil ! 1 $e sure you are prepared with a eamera to remeniber it, >P *r t * * T ' Harper. Boyd .lossy and Jack Bu scy arc the Sicilia Nil representa tives. The plans for the float have been drawn up, and the construc tion will take place at the Sigma Nu house. University Program Will Review Novels John Steinbeck's new novel "Grapes of Wrath" and "Days of Our Years” by Pierre von Passen will be reviewed by Mrs. Daisy Hamlin, librarian of the Co-op rental library, and Mark Hanna, in structor in speech, over KOAC dur ing- the University hour Friday evening at 7:30. Seniors Have Chance With Portland Firm Seniors who are interested in obtaining a position with the Bur rough Adding Machine company after graduation will interview VV. H. Flynnc from Portland to- ! morrow in the Commerce building, I according to Miss Ruth Chilcote, i ba secretary. A total of 207 United States! journalists have applied for Nie man fellowships at Harvard uni versity for next year. “Are we as a people willing L to cooperate and work one. with another? There is no shortcut to prosper II ity. The only way to have more wealth and a better « distribution of wealth is to I f produce more of it.” says the Honorable L Joseph K. ■ Carson, Jr. F Mayor of Portland, Oregon Drews Heads Peace Hroup Other Officers Are Josephine Hull and Murray Adams Completing affiliation with the national Youth Committee Against War, the local group Wednesday elected Robin Drews, graduate in anthropology, chairman. Drews had been temporary chairman of the group and head of the campus committee for the student peace demonstration. Murray Adams, sophomore in science, was named vice-chairman and Josephine Hull, Northwest Christian college student, secre tary-treasurer. With the help of the local Wo men’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the group will send a student from the campus to work with the Student Peace serv ice. This will include a six-weeks’ training course at Mills college fol lowed by a summer of active peace work. Albert Kauffman, Drews, Hayes Beall, and Leslie and Murray Adams were appointed on the com mittee to select a student for the work. Tentative plans for a skating party were also made. ! Beverly Young to Be Play Day Chairman Miss Beverly Young, senior in physical education, will be student chairman of the Lane county play day scheduled for May G. The affair will be held on the Eugene athletic field from one to ! four. Children from all over Lane county will participate. Miss Janet i Woodruff and Zelpha Huston of the women’s school of physical educa tion, will also be directing the pro- j gram. The name of Columbia college in Dubuque, Iowa, has been changed to Loras college in honor of the pioneer bishop and founder of Catholic higher education in the Northwest. '39 Oregana ((■ ontinued from facie one) the book is its use of color pic- i tures and shading* of colors. I Through color and tinting the' makers of the Oregana have hit the mood they wanted. Wherever the book or parts of it have been viewed, mostly by ad vertisers, highest commendation has been forthcoming, it was re ported by Activities Director Root and Business Manager Dick Wil liams. They report mounting en thusiam for the yearbook in all quarters. Distribution is to be Thurs day through a method to be an nounced before that time, Williams said. Pre-Junior Weekend distri bution is being resorted to in or der not to overcrowd the already jammed Weekend program, it was stated. Lady Journalists Will Get Instruction From Editors Today Women in journalism are re minded that today is the deadline for turning in application letters to be judged in Theta Sigma Phi’s 'CuqtnrA Oum WAJH BURNET PHONE 2700 Polar Bear Sweaters For Formals For Pajamas For Slacks $J.95 AND $2.95 Tl \s clever! Can bo worn successfully over pajamas — for sportswear and over for mals. ... A smart versatile — cuddly bolero. Paslel colors — 34 to 40. .SECOND FLOOR I fifl Ini HDFn3frU 170 170 frl? Ht3 fHl Greeting Cards A complete assortment of distinctive and beau tiful cards to choose from. MOTHER’S DAY WE SUGGEST CANDY There is nothing that would please Mother more than a box of chocolates. We have a complete assortment of a 11 r a c i v eil y bojxed chocolates especially for Mother’s Day. STATIONERY A box of stationery would please Mother greatly. We have a com plete assortment. 170 IriilnJlrJlnl foil nJinllnlln] %'B SEND WESTERN UNION GREETINGS CLAYPOOL & VAN ATTA DRUGGISTS 886 East 13th Street Phone 1086 job clinic Wednesday evening at 8 i o’clock in the men's lounge in Ger linger hall. William Tugman, managing edi tor of the Guard, and Arthur W. Priaulx, editor and publisher of, the News, will act as judges, criti- j _ cizing the letters as to content and writing. Purpose of the meeting is to give students a better idea of what em ployers want to know and tho best way to write a letter of appli cation. Did you know that radio broadcasting stations from coast to coast are linked by more than 53,000 miles of special telephone circuits? Even before the earliest days of broadcasting, Bell System engineers developed means of trans mitting sounds of all kinds by wire. These have been improved constantly to transmit the extremely high and low sound frequencies of music and entertainment. Just as years of telephone research stand back of today’s special broadcasting circuits — so the research of today is helping to solve the communi cations problems of tomorrow. Another Bell System contribution to your daily life. How about a telephone call to’’ Rates to'most points ar e lowest any after 7 P. M. and all.,day-Sund,Ciy.>. ,,-c ITS GOOD TO LET UP- LIGHT UP A CAMEL WITH THAT CAM YOU COULD POSE FOR A PICTURE OF L happy SMOKING FOR SMOKING PLEASURE AT ITS BEST -'■v«*SSK