WOMEN’S PAGE Thursday, May 4, 1939 Page Three Picnics, House Dances Promise Gan Weekend < By MARY KAY' RIORDAN Despite self-made promises to “swear off-’ social life for once before Junior Weekend, many students will succumb to the gaiety of another full weekend as many sororities and fraternities present their gayest house dances of the year. Especially popular arc fraternity picnics, for the aim and ambition of all is to get a suntan before summer. The unusually nice weather this term makes picnic prepara tions more enjoyable because of the assurance that they will be successful. The entrance to the Delta Up silon house will be transforms into a ship and guests will wall on a gangplank over waves intc the house Friday night. Lifeboal decorations will carry out th( cruise ship theme. Earl Scott's or chestra wlil play. * * :Jt Freshmen Plan House Dance Alpha Omicron Pi freshmen are arranging their house dance this term, and plan to surprise the upperclassmen with the theme. From what is known it will be an informal radio dance. * * is “Marine” .will be the keynote of the Beta Theta Pi dance Saturday night. A fountain which will shoot 100 feet into the air, a background of white fences, a bridge, and lighthouse will decorate the house and yard. Kappa Sigs Have South Sea Motif The Kappa Sigma south sea is land theme will be seen against a background of Bart Woodyard’s music. Palms will decorate the house and yard, and a girl in a hula skirt will decorate the pro grams. :i; # Delta Gamma Holds Convention , One of the largest affairs of the | weekend will be the Delta Gamma province convention. About 42 ac tive members from Idaho, Mon tana, Washington, British Colum bia, and Alberta, Canada, will visit the campus as guests of the local chapter. Special sessions have been planned to be held at alumni hall under the supervision of Mrs. Eu 'J? r)c rJ? rt* rl? rJ? *4* *4* rH? *4’ rJ? rt *1? rt? riS? 4. a t SUN SE GANTNEIi SWIM SUITS 3 Whether you arc a size | 12 or 20—the one suit will | fit you perfectly. A com fort bra uplifts t he bust in the desired contour. The shirred last ex two-way stretch makes possible di minished hiplines and flat tened tummies. Gay satins—brocades and prints in a wonder ar- jj ray of colors. $1.95 to $5.00 THE BROADWAY INC. 20-00 E. Broadway . „ i_jJ t-K4.4-fef.UJ-Eh.Ut 444 Eh STAFF 1. Editor .B. Bowman J Associate Editor.M. Finnegan Society Editor.M. K. Riordan Staff._K. Cannon, S. J/ Ingle, M. Wodaege. i_ gene Booth, province secretary from Salem. Saturday evening a banquet will be held at the Osborn hotel at 6 o’clock for actives, alumni, and visiting delegates. Phi Delta Theta will have a beach combers ball Saturday night. The side yard will be screened off, and Fred Beardsley’s orchestra will play. One of the features will be a waterfront bar, and programs will be decorated with the silhouette of a dancing girl. * * * Kappa Alpha The la plans to carry out the spring motif Friday evening at their house dance. Maury Binford will furnish the music. * * * Phi Sigma Kappa will entertain with a semiformal dance at their chapter house Friday night. Ori ental rugs and tapestry will carry out the Song of India theme they are planning. Art Holman will furnish the music. •I* $ ijt Sammys Plan Carnival Dance Sigma Alpha Mu’s house dance Friday night will have a carnival theme. Clowns, stunt performers, and all that makes up a true car nival is being arranged. The entire front of the house will be shaped like a big' tent to carry out the realism of the theme. Gene Ed wards orchestra will play and it is to be a sport dance. Sigma Nu will present its dance Saturday night to the tune of Jack I Bain’s orchestra. Modernistic ar j rangements and statue work will decorate the house and $rard lead | ing to the mill race. The World’s i Fair is the theme. I * * _ * Sig Kps Arranging Beer Garden Auer Bach’s Keller beer gardens is the theme of Sigma Phi Epsi lon's house dance Friday night. Bonne Holmes’ orchestra will play. The back yard will be decorated like an old fashion beer garden I with tables and kegs. The dance is to be semiformal. The Kappa Sigma picnic sched uled for Sunday will be held at Benton-Lane park. Exchange Desserts Scheduled Delta Delta Delta and Sigma Nu held an exchange dessert Tues day evening. Among those desserts held Wednesday night were Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Psi; Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Phi; Delta Delta Delta, Pi Kappa Alpha; Campbell Co-op No. 2, University cooperative; Yeo men, Thirteenth Street coopera tive; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi; Zeta Tau Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Desserts scheduled for tonight are Deita Tau Delta, Hendricks hall; Delta Gamma, Sigma Phi Ep silon; Chi Omega, Beta Theta Pi; Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Chi; Susan Campbell, Pi Kappa Alpha. * $ sj: Susan Campbell hall is planning a skating party and picnic Satur day. Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi anti Alpha Gamma Delta entertainec faculty members at dinners at their respective houses Tuesday evening. * * * Zeta hall held an exchange din ner and dance with Susan Camp bell hall Wednesday evening. » * * Gamma Phi Beta freshmen art ; in charge ot arrangements tor tin By MARGE FINNEGAN Old King Cotton has really come i into his own this spring, being one of the most important highlights j of feminine style. No longer are wash frocks considered as coun trylied, or housework clothes—the fashioi; trend for 1939 has lifted them to a new level. On ih.se unusually warm spring days cotton is cool, refreshing, and much more enjoyable to wear than anything else. With so many va lieties of cotton materials it is easy to plan a complete wardrobe from pique, calico, linen, dotted swiss, .'ace, eyeiet embroidery, ba tiste, seersucker, muslin, lawn, and organdie. i For sport, campus, and general i daily wear the gay pr inted cottons are ideal. Play suits, culottes, dirn dls, and all the rest of the informal dresses are brighter and fresher than ever before. They launder easily and can be kept in spotless condition with very little time and effort. Attractive for afternoon is a cotton lace frock, non-crushable, with full pleated skirt and simple v-necked bodice. A contrasting blue ribbon belt and trim would add to the effect. Dainty lawn and batiste blouses are all the rage with suits just now. See! You just can’t get away from cottons, even with woolen suits. Fresh frills and lacy trims make them as clever and exciting as sheer gorgette. .But most exciting or all are the j delicate and charming formals for milady. Picture a crisp white or gandie dress, with yards and yardsi of billowy skirts gathered up to a tiny waistline. The bodice is plain with a small Peter Pan col lar and short, full sleeves. Narrow bands of powder blue and pink grograin ribbon tied in a bow and with streamers down the front of! the skirt give a light, yet definite, touch of color. The whole appear ance is one of delicate femininity. Gypsy formals are proving very popular, with bright print or striped cotton skirts, dainty sheer white blouses, and wide contrast ing sashes in attractive combina tions. For every hour around the clock you can find a cotton frock suit able to the occasion this spring. Dress of the Week Styled along simple lines, the formal of white dotted swiss, worn by “Torchy” Diage, Saturday night, suggested both youthfulness and sophistication. “Torchy’s” gown was cut low in back, with narrow straps, and shirred bust line. It was caught at i the waist by three blue velvet rib-1 bons, tied in bows. A taffeta slip rustled under the full flared skirt. With this formal, “Torchy"’ wore matching blue satin sandals, and white flowers in her hair. Vegetable Names For Neur Colors For the past several years fash-1 ion columns and articles have been 1 sure to often mention that “this spring would bring forth a variety of flower colors.” It has, but now we turn to the more healthy and vitamin giving plants—vegetables. Eags in RED CABBAGE, a blue i red shade the same as that pun ! gent vegetable, will be big suc I cesses. In a like manner all the col 5 ors will be renamed: SUMMER SQUASH -for strong maizes and yellows; ONION WHITES; and i TOMATO RED. A seed store cata log is all that is necessary for to morrow's color chart. LATEST HOSE FAD Not long ago when this page rc ported a toeless and heelless stock ing soon to be put on the market, the thought was hooted at as be ing absurd. The idea, however, has not been considered quite so fool ! hardy as some might expect among buyers and stores back | east, for in addition to accepting this idea they are offering a very feminine lace hose for the open toe and heel shoes. “Feminine as an old-fashioned nosegay” they say. house dance Saturday night. Pat Riley’s orchestra will play. Delts Plan Breakfast Dance Delta Tau Delta is planning its annual breakfast dance Saturday morning from 9 to 12 with Allen Thom’s orchestra playing. Pro grams will be chromium plated, with the crest on the cover. A pic nic is being arranged in the after noon at Seavy’s hop yard. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon house dance will be held Friday evening on their tennis court with music by Cari Rwocn's orchestra. Guaranteed Finishing DOI^ON j i-HUIO toUOl Cotton Preuieti) Cotton takes the day around—plain for daytime and trimmed in lace and embroidery for evening:. This dress of embroidered cotton muslin and lace with a black satin sash will set the styles for house dances and Mortar Board. A black hair ribbon and embroidered white muslin gloves set off this striking gown. Mortar Board Dance and Pledging Ereats of Month Two important events of Mortar Board, senior women’s honorary, will take place this month with the pledging- of new members at the campus luncheon Junior Weekend and the annual Mortar Board spring formal. The traditional ceremony of selecting new members during the luncheon stands out with the pledging of senior Friars, as a highlight of the weekend. The parading of old members through the campus in black robes, decorating pledges with roses and ribbons is a familiar Highest honors in the news paper this week go to those elected to Phi Beta Kappa, na tional honorary scholastic fra ternity. Latest to receive this distinction are MARY E. BAX LEY, English; ELIZABETH ONTHANK, sociology; PEGGY J. PEEBLER, English; MARY C. SORANSON, economics; and *BEVERLY YOUNG, physical education. Sharing almost equal honors is RUTH KETCHUM, who was presented with a Phi Chi Theta, women's professional and busi ness honorary, key as the most outstanding girl in the school of business administration. Politics still continue to dom inate even coed participation in the news. Winning headlines for last week’s election are BAR BARA WILLIAMS, newly elec ted vice-president of the sopho more class, and BETTY WORK MAN, secretary. Running in politics this week are MARY JANE NORCROSS, LORAINE GJORDING, JEANNETTE HAFNER, and HELEN BRUG MAN for possible student body officers and JENNY CASEY, SALLY MITCHELL, KARO LYN KORTGE, and BETTY NORWOOD as junior leaders. Chairman of the Junior-Sen ior breakfast this Sunday is LEVELLE WALSTROM with ANN BOSSING ER as ticket chairman. ANNETTE ANSLEY will be in cnarge of the frosh lea which will be given for seniors in the high schools of Eugene by the YWCA, AWS, and WAA. Aduisorw Board Entertains at Y YWCA advisory board members yesterday entertained nearly 100 friends and contributors to its work at an afternoon tea at the YWCA bungalow. The bungalow was decorated with lavendar and white flowers. Lilacs and spirea were placed in vases around the room. Iris and narcissus formed the centerpiece at the serving table. In the receiving line was Mrs 1 John Stark Evans, YWCA execu-' ! tive secretary, Mrs. Percy W. Brown, president of the advisory board, and Bettylou Swart, YWCA president. Mrs. C. Valentine Boyer, Mrs. F. M. Hunter, and Mrs. Donald M. Erb poured during the afternoon. YWCA cabinet members and mem bers served. Miss Swart gave a brief talk ex plaining the purpose of the local YW program and work that i. carried on by various groups. In 193b there were 1,015,000 liv ' ing graduates of all United States higher educational uutitutioua. sight. The Mortar Board dance is known to be one of the outstand ing affairs of the year. Following tradition any girl may take a boy to the dance, paying the entire evening’s expenses. Besides these two main events, Mortar Board also entertains girls on the campus with a grade aver age over three point at an annual are also being made to aid in the are also bein gmade to aid in the orientation program for freshmen women next fall. The Oregon chapter of Mortar Board began on the Oregon cam pus as a local honorary, called Scroll and Script. It was installed June 3, 1910 and selected as its members University women who were representative of the high ideals which it upheld. The society encouraged excellence in scholar ship, acknowledging also qualities of leadership and the rendering of service to the University. On April 28, 1923, the local chap ter became a member of the na tional society and adopted the na tional name. The Oregon chapter was one of three accepted from 15 universities who applied, the others being the University of Texas anil the University of Idaho. The acceptance of the local chap ter as a national member estab lished it as the first on the Pacific coast and the nineteenth in the United Sta.tes. Women students were then chosen, as they are now, for scholarship, prominent leader ship, and campus activities. Be tween 9 and 12 members, with a grade point average of three, were chosen each year. On November 21, 1924, a sec tional convention was held at Eu gene, attended by Mortar Board members from the University of Washington, University of Idaho, and Washington State college. The program for the conference con sisted of a tour of the campus, luncheons at the houses, two busi ness meetings, a tea, and a formal dinner. ir= B.B. SHOTS. By B. Bowman Helen Jepson stepped off the train for a few minutes Saturday to chat with some friends she made while she was here last year presenting the Junior Weekend concert. You may have forgotten but she is the concert singer who went fishing up on the McKenzie and caught the big fish. She and her accompanist were on their way to Vancouver, B. C., for a concert. She spends the many hours of traveling during the con cert season knitting afghans for her friends. She has already made four of them. For those who like to dash around the country the life of a con cert singer would be all right. She flies from New York to Los An geles May 2J, to sing three min utes on the Wrigley radio hour. For those three minutes she will receive twice what she usually does for a whole concert. Directly after the program she will fly hack to New York for a concert. Helen Jepson regrets above ev erything else that she never had the opportunity to attend college. She worked her way through a mu sic conservatory. After she was pledged to Phi Beta last year she wanted to know if that made her a sorority girl. She is now seeing to it that her 7-year-old daughter is given the opportunities she did n't have. * * * A certain young professor on the campus was talking the other day about the days when he was courting his wife here. Nothing slow about him. The first time he ever saw her she was going in the library. With a silent “aha” he pursued her up to the J third floor to the old English re serve room. Without further ado' he asked her if she would have din ner with him the next evening. On the verge of refusing she re considered and accepted. As soon as he had her address and her name he was off, until the next evening—and so they were happily married! * * * Everyone has become either so politically minded or so studious that writing is becoming a prob lem. The mast innocent statement can be politically construed these days. And far be it from this col umnist to delve into some of the more serious subjects. Thus we eliminate both of those subjects and wish there was nothing to do but to go sit on top of a hill and scoff at the futile hurrying of the people below. Open Fingered Globes Reeecd Pointed Noils The epen toe and heel trend in stockings is taking effect in gloves as well. The latest style being pre viewed at a large New York store is one with open tips to reveal each pink or fuchsia nail. Another very decided trend gloves are taking this year is up ward. Stylists suggest a new eight butten length suede glove to wear with a short sleeve spring dress. It is already a well known fact that the outfit has very bright contrasting accessories. Bags, es pecially the extra large ones, are so reasonably priced now that the average woman can afford to have two for the price of one. The styles are original and clever, and they go a long way toward making a new dress or outfit look smart and attractive, or an old one new. , A University of Tennessee doc tor has successfully used an ab | deminal fluid as a substitute for j blood in transfusions. 'i Corsages All tin? house dances on 1 lie list lliis weekend mean a variety of lovely spring flowers in many forms. ♦ Leis ♦ Corsages ♦ Bracelets ♦ Flower Hats College Flower Shop Phone 3018 Across from Sigma Chi Coed of the Week Seated calmly midst the bustling activity of the Emerald office, this week's Coed of the Week, Marjorie Bates, spoke hesitantly of her campus activities and future plans. No justification is needed for this week’s selection since she was chosen Oregon’s ideal coed last year. The immediate impression one gets is that of a very attractive girl, but more than that, a girl with a great deal of charm and poise coupled with intelligence and determination. Margie originally had a yen for landscape architecture but didn’t consider a nve-year course ieasioie and turned to business administra tion as being' more practical. Now she has hopes of getting into the advertising game. Wfth some addi tional art stuay sne intends to try for a position with Harpers’ or Vogue. Although her immediate fu ture is a little unsettled, she prob ably will continue to work during the summer months at the Eugene bank where she is now employed. She has worked since she was a sophomore, and this past year she was president of her sorority. Dur ing the summers she has worked in a bank, at Crater lake, and on the college board at Meier and Frank’s. Last year Marjorie presided over Gamma Alpha Chi, the women's national advertising honorary. Besides being a crack member of the University rifle team, Margie plays tennis and swims. Her hunt ing experience has been limited mostly to rabbits, although once she did go on a deer hunting trip all alone, but no deer were to be seen. Her plans for the future com pletely contradict the theory ad vanced on this page last week that senior girls usually admit they1, would get married rather than work in case they fell in love. None of that sentimental stuff for Miss Bates, she’s going to work until she is tired of being independent. She holds no illusions about there being only one person that would probably “measure up.” Meanwhile she will “take things as they come and they will probably happen for the best.” Her personal work with women has led her to the conclusion that only about a fifth of the women on the campus think anything is more important than dates. A very small percentage of these will be found in each sorority, she believes, since they are more socially motivated. Here, as on other campuses, dates are over emphasized, she added. Though she doesn’t smoke or drink she is quite tolerant of both, at least to a certain degree. To drink in excess she considers dis gusting and the same goes for girls who learn to smoke when thej^ don’t even like it. As any house president knows, there is an ever-present problem of enforcing the rules for the girls to get in at certain hours. To make them get in at 10:30 on week nights she says is okay, but she Sian»iel Hosted 1!<- sun: you’re well sup plied with hosiery to har monize with all your new costume colors. We have full-fashioned, pure silk hose in all the new s it m in c r shades — chiffon or service weight. WILLIAMS' INC. blljii ljj. jssassasamm MARJORIE BATES would be in favor of giving them till 1 o'clock on weekends. All of these opinions were stated with conviction and a tinge of the quiet humor that is characteristic of her. She admits having a passive rather than a crusading attitude. But it has got her places, this quiet, unassuming attitude which she prefers to call passive. This summer she attended her sorority’s national convention in Virginia as well as Gamma Alpha Chi's in Los Angeles. YWCA Co-Edition Goes to Press; Waha, Stallcup Edit Paper Once a year the YWCA goes journalistic and publishes the Y’s Co-Edition. This year the publica tion is being edited by Barbara Stallcup and Anne Waha. This paper gives a bird’s-eye view of the Y’s activities during the previous year and is distrib uted to members on the campus and sent to Y.WCA organizations on other campuses. Various merchants near the cam pus give donations each year to insure its publication and to date nearly enough expense money has been collected. The Co-Edition is expected to roll off the press next week. giiiiiiiiiiiiiaiNiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiimuimiiuiiiiiiiit'iitiiiiiiuniiiRVj Exclusive with 0 —B. C. Hadley_I 1 J INC. McDonald Theater Bldg. 1 1004 Willamette Phone 633 1 X .A mams® $8.95 11 5551 y 'S'OfMlCAM "Streamliner" Note the intriguing bias cut skirt on this profile stripe Sanforized pique... full-length zipper, novelty belt and high patch pock ets are simple, yet ultra smart trim. Blue, Red, Gold. Choose one or your en tire spring and summer wardrobe from our com plete stock of Gay Qibson dresses, 4