Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1939, Page Two, Image 2

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    “You bctcha. baseball is one of
the best professions” — Forrest
Tw’ogood, baseball coach at the
University of Idaho. That’s the ex
act words of Twogood, former ma
jor league pitcher, who gave up
the big time to coach at Idaho be
cause of that painful shoulder in
jury called bursitis which is the
result of a broken fluid sack.
With the above statement as his
generalization, the Vandal coach
can elaborate indefinitely about
the merits of the diamond sports.
Should college baseballers be on
the payroll of major league clubs
during their undergraduate days?
“I’m for it,” says Twogie whole
heartedly, “it gives a kid a chance
to go through school. Any rule
against it is lousy.”
Quit after you’re through higli
school to sign with a major league
club and play on one of its farms?
For that proposition the Idaho
coach voices a vociferous “No!”
His reasoning: You mean nothing
to those clubs as an individual,
only as a ball player. You go off
with the pros and get hurt . . .
then they’re apt to drop you en
tirely. Then you come back to col
leges to be greeted with a “We
can't help you, you're profession
alized.” The odds, he points out,
of any one lad becoming a Joe Gor
don or a DeMaggio are to be over
whelmingly against the risk.
Twogood hasn’t had any of his
Vandal players stolen out of col
lege before their three years of
play were finished, and eonsequent
ly he hasn’t a yelp to voice on that
score. Hill Kramer, the left handed
first baseman who played northern
division hall for Idaho against
Oregon last year, went into the
St. Louis Brown’s chain last sum
mer, hut he was a senior. Kramer
hlt .346 in ('lass B company.
The Idaho baseball skipper,
whose team plays Oregon on Howe
field this weekend, isn’t a bit re
luctant about admitting baseball
helped put him through school. St.
Louis Cardinal money did it.
This is what he meant to Uni
versity of Iowa: Football on a
regular scholarship in that sport
until injured in his sophomore
year. Basketball all-league guard
in the Big Ten with the conference
champs. Baseball pitcher, with a
major league future ahead of him.
The outset was that Forrest Two
good quit football lest he ruin a
baseball future, and went into “a
gentleman's agreement with the
He's one baseball coach who
would advise Wimp Quinn, Elmer
Mallory, or any of the boys with
professional futures to "get a de
gree” like Yankee Joe Gordon did.
A college degree is the synonym
for opportunity, says Twogie, and
the baseballer who doesn't go to
college lacks it. Added Twogie
thought: Whether you make some
thing of it is a different matter,
nevertheless you've got the oppor
* *
Colonel Hill Hayward is out*
* oaeli who’d probably appreciate
having a major league baseball
team boosting his athletes through
school. Track hasn’t got that pro
fessionalized here, not >ct, so Hill
is trying to knock a Ion); v\ it li less
than one-third the approximate
$4500 budget he once had.
Only 15 Webfoots will get to
travel to Seattle for a dual meet
against Washington this weekend,
which averages just about one man
per event. To win with a handful'
like that would be well nigh im
possible if the men only competed
in one event apiece, but Colonel
Bill doubles his Ducks up wherever
Mack Robinson, the lithe, dusky
Olympic sprinter of last year, was
probably the greatest Webfoot
Bill ever had for doubling up on
various events. Mack, you'll re
member, was a four-event man,
ami one day last spring on Hay
ward field gave Oregon "do points
by winning the 100 and 220-yard
dashes, a hurdle event, and the
broad jump. Oh yes, Mack filled in
on the relay team, too. whenever
called upon.
Good news for University of
Oregon track tans . . . Bill May
ward is planning on having his boy
Mack Robinson back in Webfoot
uniform next spring . Mack may
optcr school in the fall foi one
term to make up scholastic del'i
•iaacies . . . then he’d return for
spring term . . . Mack is working
or the city of Pasadena now and
teeping himself in trim by nul
Guaranteed Finishing
Baseball Aplenty Due
For University Fans
Idaho Vandals and Washington State
Clubs Come for Four Games in Five
Days Against Webfoot Tossers
There'll be a hot time at Howe field this weekend and Monday and
Tuesday of next week.
For the Inland Empire’s finest Idaho’s pesky Vandals and the
1 Buck Bailey circus, Washington State's Cougars, are coming to town.
The Vandals, with Ring-ieader Forrest (You can’t stop us) Twogood in
the van, play Coach Hobby Hobson’s Ducks Friday and Saturday,
while the Cougars claw at the Webfoots the first two days of next
It’ll be a big week of baseball for Oregon sport fans, for as Dixie
uan migru. pui it, meres nary a
one that ain’t heed tel) of ol’
Buck Bailey kickin’ that bucket.
A Heal Gashouser
And then you can't forget that
ohi “gashouser,” Forrest Twogood,
who once whooped it up for the St.
Louis Cardinals, and where can
you find a better setup under
which to receive your preliminary
gas house training. Twogood has
color, plenty of it, and so have his
Vandals. What’s more, he hates to
lose like nobuddy’s business.
Yes, it’s a natural. Twogood,
Bailey, Vandals, and Cougars all
rolled up into a tasty baseball dish
which should have the fans clear
ing their work desks, taking a va
cation, and hieing off to Howe
Idaho Nine
Conies Here
For Two Tilts
Vandals to Face
Ducks Friday dnd
Moscow, April 26 Idaho’s Van
dals left here Tuesday morning to
open their conference baseball sea
son against Oregon State in a two
game series Wednesday and Thurs
day in Corvallis. On the same trip
they will play Oregon at Eugene
Friday and Saturday, and Wash
ington in Seattle Monday and
Tuesday following.
A snow storm anil a cold wind
wrecked the Vandal training pe
riod when a four-game series with
Whitman was postponed, but work
during the good weather has im
proved the club. The 10 games
with Whitman form the pre-sea
son experience for the Idaho nine.
Smooth Infield
Strength in the Vandal club lies j
in the smooth working lettermau
infield which has been developed
by Coach Forrest Twogood. Big
Otis Hilton plays first base; Hoy
Ramey and Italo Caccia, second;
Chick Atkinson, shortstop, and
Captain Harold Atkins, third. This
combination also can hit. Hilton,
is heaviest hitter on the team.
The Idaho pitching staff for the
trip will be made up of Merle
Stoddard, Earl Gregory, Harold
Jenkins and Ed Ranta, and Tony
Knap, reserve from last season.
Gregory is the most finished pitch
er on the staff at the present time,
but Stoddard is improving rapidly.
Gordon Price and Ted Kara will
do the catching. Price has been ill
for several weeks, but will be in
condition to make the trip. Kara,
who boxed his way to coast and
national championships, joined the
club Iasi week.
The outer garden patrol for the
coast jaunt is Don Metke and
Maurice Young. All of the lads are
in the top bracket of Idaho hit
Zeta Hall, ATO
Softballers Mix
Anderson, Truby to
Tangle at 5 p.m. in
Rival Mound Dual
things ft iv going tu happen
around tho intramural softball dia
mond today fit about 5 o'clock
when pre-season favorites ATOs
and Zeta hall send out their ace
underhandet... lion Anderson ;ttul
t.ene l’l-uby, to decide a temporary
lead in league I.
l’at Frizzell, Zeta manager, has
whipped up his hull boys into a
high ptieh for their first real test.
In two previous games, they have
scored more than 20 runs in each i
contest The ATOs boast wins over I
the defending champion lH's. and
Strikeout King Ole Olson of Camp
bell co-op.
Other games tomorrow pit Can
ard club against Omega hall, DCs
against SAM. and Phi i’a meeting
Gamma lialJ. j.
field for baseball served with com
edy relief. Last year, they defied
the elements just to hear Bailey’s
raucous voice, and to watch his
battle with the water bucket.
Out to Win
As far as Coach Hobson and his
Ducks are concerned, however,
these games will be anything but
comedy. The Ducks are gunning
for four straight and the top spot
in the conference standings.
Both Idaho and Washington
State, moreover, must face Oregon
State’s co-champions before com
mg to Eugene, and’ must necessar
ily use their ace pitchers against
the Beavers. This is a factor in fa
vor of the Webfoots.
Burly Bob Creighton, veteran
curve ball specialist, and Bob Har
dy, southpaw stylist, are expected
to share mound duties against
Idaho. A1 Linn and Pete Igoe,
i ighthanders, Jack Jasper, south
paw, and Joe Manatowa, Indian
recruit from the football ranks,
will be held for relief duties.
Infield Set
Oregon’s “pro” infield of Busher
Smith, Wimpy Quinn, Elmer Mai
lory, and Captain Ford Mullen has
been performing in great style all
week in practice, and is set to
carry the burden both afield and
at the plate this weekend.
Four outfielders—Tom Cox, Jim
Nicholson, Jack Shimshak, and
Whizzer White are battling for
the nod Friday. Jimmy the Nick
is hitting the ball, and is set, and
Jack Shimshak looks good for
right field. Tommy (Whiffy) Cox,
after being demoted to the second
string for a day, collected three
hits in Tuesday’s practice game,
and regained his left field spot.
Idaho s Vandals have been ham
pered in practice by a snow storm
and cold wind, but work during the
good weather has improved the
club, according to Inland Empire
Oregon Staters
Tip Idaho, 23-14
Corvallis Game
Provides Hitting
Spree by Rivals
Northern Division
Oregon State
Washington State
W L Pet.
2 I .667
1 1 .500
0 1 .000
0 0 .000
0 0 .000
Yesterday’s (iaine
At Corvallis Oregon State .23,
Idaho II.
Oregon State’s Beavers greeted
the visiting Idaho Vandals yester
,!*y in the silllie rough manner they
lid against Oregon last Friday,
winning 23 to 14. Same teams meet
it 3 o'eloek in Corvallis today.
A total of 17 runs was,scored
n the wild sixth inning, more than
vas made in the rest of the ball
mi-Kinney and Konger
pitched for the oBavers, while Ida
ho’s °l)aeh Forrest Twogood used
his aee. Karl Gregory, as well as
two others, Ed Hanta and Tony
Summary: K II p;
Oregon State 2d 23 3
Idaho m i;,
Batteries; McKinney, Konger and
Soller: Gregory, Kana, Knap and
< OMIsli 1*1 lil.lsMKs viiTId.i;
l)r- *N>- II Oomi.sh, professor of
business administration, is the au
thor of an article published in the
April issue of Hardware World
entitled "The Traits of a Suceess
tul Hardware Salesman." In this
article Hr. Cornish discusses twen
ty traits, derived from original
research, which successful sales
people have in common, and points
out that these traits might be used
as an aid in selecting applicants
for selling jobs in hardware stores
Professor Cornish includes also a
questionnaire in the article for
hardware merchants to use in in
terviews with prospective em
Web foot Javelin Tosser Boyd Brown Masters Odds
In typical Glenn Cunningham
| fashion has Boyd Brown, Oregon
javelin hurler, risen to the rank of
the nation's No. 2 ace in the jave
lin event.
Coach Bill Hayward announced
Wednesday afternoon that a Io
nian squad will entrain for Seattle
Friday noon.
The boys will get a full night’s
sleep in Seattle before meeting the
University of Washington Hus
With a squad, cut in numbers to
the bone because of a small budget,
Hayward will double up wherever
possible, using each man in two
events or more if possible.
Like Cunningham, the great
Kansan miler who overcame the
handicap of two badly burned legs
to gain recognition as the world's
greatest miler. Brown has mas
: tered a physical handicap. He has
■ only a stub of a thumb on his right
hand the result of an accident at
the age of four when a playmate
, "came just too close with an axe.”
Holding the "grip” or handle of
the javelin between hi3 first two
fingers with the spear resting in
the flat of his palm, Brown throws
the spear in an unorthodox man
ner. but one in which movement is
free and easy. Coach Hayward pat
terned this form for the Hubbard
redhead when he was a freshman
after that of the world-famous
Finnish javelin tossers. Holding
the javelin shoulder high, Brown
starts off wiCh a smooth, rolling
style and then ends up with a sling
shot heave.
No Strain There
Proof that the form puts no
strain on his arm, Brown points to
the fact that he only had a slight
soreness in his back and stomach
muscles after the Portland meet
when he astounded the Northwest
with a mighty 231 foot, 1-4 inch
Brown, six feet, one inch of rip
pling muscles, placed fourth in the
Pacific coast AA at Berkeley late
last spring with a toss of 204 feet,
7 inches. Perfecting his form was
his one aim last year as a sopho
more and the results were re
A basketball player at Hubbard,
small Willamette valley town,
Brown had never thrown a javelin
before entering college—had never
even seen one. He failed his fresh
man year to make his numerals
and tossed the spear only 140 feet.
Comes Fast
“Once I got the hang of things
from Bill Hayward.” he said, “I
picked up fast. Bill didn't pay much
attention to me my freshman year
here. Then last spring I found I
could get the javelin out 180 feet.
Against Washington in a dual
meet here, I won first with a throw
of 193 feet. Then came 195 feet.
And in the northwest conference
meet I took second behind Don
Johnson of Idaho at 198 feet.
“My greatest thrill, incidental
ly," said the Webfoot star, “was
throwing the spear over 200 feet
for the first time, I did it in the
coast meet at Berkeley. The in
stant it left my hand I could feel
the javelin was going places. You
know, there is something that'tells
you the instant you have perfect
coordination. I cou’4 really feel
that javelin sail out.”
Since last fall Brown has been
preparing for great deeds this
spring, working out with chest
weights and dumbbells. He was
quoted by this scribe then as ex
pecting “to at least crack the 210
' foot mark before the year is over.”
Form Perfection
Brown attributes his ability in
heaving the javelin to form per
fection plus a strong arm and well
developed torsal muscles. Weigh
ing around 183 pounds, the Hub
bard junior is not a giant, but un
derneath his sweat clothes is a
powerful frame and extremely
wide shoulders.
The oft-told and nigh mytholog
ical tale that is ever popular
among John Straub dormitory res
idents is the heave Brown made
last spring. Someone handed him
a softball in the street between
Zeta hall and the Falcon (plug for
you, Guske) asking him how far
he could throw it.
“Never tried it before,” Brown
said as he tossed the ball up in
his hand.
Then back went his arm, and
like a battleship's catapult casting
a seaplane into the air, he sent the
ball zooming through the air
higher than the dorm. Up and up
it went. It landed out of sight, on
the other side of the grey ROTC
shack, two stories high and fully
275 feet away.
Over-stepping the foul line pro
vides Oregon’s outstanding Olym
pic hope in 1940 his greatest wor
ry. Brown admits he is cautious
every time he runs up to the line,
stops, and makes the reverse
stance, thus explaining why he of
ten gets off his throw a yard or
more behind the foul line.
The field at Seattle, where the
coast meet will be held this year,
may give Brown some trouble.
Javelin throwers have to run up an
incline there and buck direct winds
which invariably blow in from the
bay. Brown thinks the Berkeley
throwing pit to be the best he's
ever seen, but he found fault last
year with the wind there. A cross
wind' caused many of the javelins to
splinter in mid-air, which seems
almost unbelievable.
Hayward, who gaped with un
believing eyes when Brown un
corked his 180-foot throw a year
ago in early spring practice, be
lieves Brown will be America's
best javelin bet in the 1940 Olym
“He’s always improving," Hay
ward said. “And he's consistent,
too. No let-down for Brown. He
is always hitting the same or bet
Frosh Nine
Battles Army
30th Infantry From
San Francisco Is
Sink the Army! Sink the Army!
John Warren and his slugging
Duckling crew will take up this
chant today at 4 o’clock on either
Howe field or Warren’s mud flat
when they face the 30th infantry
nine from the Presidio in San
Francisco. Winners in six of eight
starts, the frosh wlil be gunning
for victory No. 7 today.
During the past two days “Hon
est” John has been in Portland,
leaving the frosh in the hands of
Dick Whitman, slugging outfield
er. Warren will be back to coach
his team for today’s game.
Mussolmann Hurls
Bill Musselmann, chunky Great
Falls thrower, will open on the
mound. In his last start., Mussel
manh handed the Jefferson Demo
crats' their first defeat of the sea
son, being credited with a 10 to 4
Catching duties will be handled
by Whitey Austin. Whitey, whose
natural position is at second base,
has performed very well behind the
bat in the last three contests.
In the infield, Jim Goodhew, Bill
Skade, Lee Carrilho, and Kenny
King will start in their regular
positions. In yesterday’s workout
considerable improvement was
shown in the fielding of the four
Bill Carney, Dick Whitman, and
either Bob Adrian or Leland Dra
goo are slated to start in the out
field. The Army lads will need their
entire infantry to stop the hitting
of Warren’s slugging Ducklings, i
With Whitman, Carrilho, Carney,
and Austin all batting over .350,
Presidio pitchers will need some i
sort of rapid-fire gun to stop the
UO Skiers Get
Fourth at" Hood
Annual Northwest
College Meet Goes
To WSC Team
(Special) Blond Elton Blazier
won both the downhill and slalom
events to pace his Washington.
State college team to the cham
pionship in the first annual north
west collegiate ski tournament at
Mount Hood last Friday and Sat
The Cougars won the team sla
lom event, but finished in fourth
place, behind Heed college, College
of Puget Sound and University of
Oregon, in the downhill race.
However, Washington State had
piled up enough points in the sla
lom to score a comfortable victory
in combined standings.
The combined team landing ;
found Washington State college,
tvisit. IPOOl points; Heed college,
second. 179.10 points; College of
Puget Sour l. third, 171.37 points;
University of Oregon, fourth,
160.83 points: and Oregon State;
college, fifth. 136.38 points.
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology sailors are this year spon
soring the annual intercollegiate
Oregon’s Grid Rating
In Nation Posted
Oregon’s football varsity ended up in fifty-seventh place in na
tional standing last fall as a composite team, but their defensive rating
was fortieth in the nation. This pertinent fact was evident from a
ranking of the Webfoot varsity in comparison with coast schools,
posted by Tex Oliver.
The list includes the various types of offensive and defensive rec
ords made by the varsity last year. One of the best records made bv
me team was national rank of
twenty-ninth in holding opponents
! on rushing. Poorest mark was the
rank of eightieth made in punting.
Jinuny Sets Record
Oregon led the entire nation in
the number of field goals, with
three scored by Jimmy Nicholson.
Following is Oregon’s rank in
conference and coast:
Team offensive rushing — Sec
ond in far west, second in confer
ence; average 3.71 yards per play.
Team defensive rushing—Fifth
on coast, fourth in conference;
average 2.63 yards per play.
Team forward passing — Elev
enth cn coast, eighth in confer
ence; average 4.09 gain per com
Team defense against passing—
Twelfth on coast, eighth in confer
ence; average 5.91 yards per at
Total team offense — Fourth on
coast, third in conference; average
3.79 yards gain per play.
Team defense — Fifth on coast,
ninth in conference; average 3.56
yards per play.
Team punting—Twelfth on coast,
eighth in conference; average
34.59 yards.
Defense against punting—Last
I ~ --
It seems that the greatest en-'
joyment we get out of an Oregon
baseball game other than seeing
Oregon win, is watching a foul ball
flying over the University street
fence. Probably the one that sees
no satisfaction in it whatsoever is
Bill Foster, the manager of the
VVebfoot nine. It is his annoying
job of retrieving these foul tips
-very time a baseball leaves Howe
Aitor working hard for three
h ng years bv being everything
from a bat boy to a water boy. Bill
has linally reached the position of
senior manager. A member of Al
pha Tau Omega and a BA major,1
Bill is hoping for a conference title
as a graduation present. He thinks
a let of the team and feels that
the infield combination of Smith,
Mullin, Mallory, and Quinn is about
the best in the league, and goes on
to add that the ' pasture'' combina
tion Shimshak, Nicholson and
Cox is no slouch either.
Be dues arranging the details for j
all trips, there is the matter of
keeping inventory of the balls, I
bats, suits, and other equipment
that a team needs for play. During1
a game Bill warms the beneh and
keeps a seorebook for Coach Hob
son The Washington series is be-'
ing hiked forward to with groat1
anticipation since the managerial!
staff is keeping with traditions by
betting their junior manager
sweaters with the Huskies staff,'
but more than that Bill still hopes
for that graduation present.
Zeiss Cameras. \gfa f ilm
in far west; average 31.87. Two
kicks blocked.
Team runbacks—Sixth in con
ference, eighth on coast; average,
Interceptions—Fourth in confer
ence, sixth on coast; average 5.45.
Team runbacks by opponents—
Last in conference, nineteenth on
coast; average 13.75.
Interceptions returned by oppo
nents—Ninth on coast, fifth in
conference; average 8:43.
Recovered opponent fumbles —
Fourth in conference, fifth in far
west; total nine.
Fumbles — Seventh on coast,
fifth in conference; total 11.
Field goals —First in nation;
three completed.
UO Netmen
Play Idaho,
WSC on Trip
Coach Washke and
Six Netmen Leave
For North Today
The Oregon tennis team will
leave for the cool plateaus of the
Inland Empire this morning at 11
o’clock. Together with their coach,
Paul R. Washke, six players will
board the train at the Southern
Pacific station.
The fellows who are making the
trip include Captain Les Wesch
kul, number one man on the squad;
Leonard Clark, portsided No. 2 man
and undefeated in intercollegiate
competition so far this year; Dick
Phillippi, No. 3 swatter; Rex Ap
plegate, No. 4 man; and Dick
Williams, No. 5 player, who has
gone undefeated in singles compe
tition since he climbed from tenth
(Please turn to page jour)
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mbscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suf
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lite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business of
ice not later than 6 :00 p.m. prior to the
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BLACK LEATHER zipper note
book — owner's name on cover.
REWARD. Phone 3585 or Local
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ments; Nixon, Principles of Ad
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April 24. Return to George Pa
sero. Reward.
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CABLE PIANO for sale. Excel
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each roll of films. Free develop
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9 Used Cars
COMPLETE LIN E~of Mod e 1 A'3
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