Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1939, Image 1

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    Plans AWS Affair
Anne Waha . . . Chairman of the
Girl Date Dessert dance at 6. The
affair will he sponsored by the
Jinx Conquered;
Dance to Be on
SAE Tennis Court,
Rain or Moon
“Jinxed" three times already in
preparations for their girl-date
dessert dance tonight, AWS weath
ered a fourth attack yesterday and
came out with only a change in the
site of the dance. Preference des
serts in girls’ living organizations
tonight at 6 o’clock will be fol
lowed by dancing on the SAE ten
nis courts instead of the law school!
Complaints from law students
that they could not study when
tennis court dances are held forced
Anne Waha, chairman of the
dance, to sign up SAE support for
the affair. Maurie Binford’s orches
tra will play, and dancing will be (
from 6:30 to 8 o’clock, Miss Waha
All women’s living organiza
tions will entertain at individual
preference desserts tonight at 6 j
o’clock before the dance. Admis- j
sion will be 20 cents for each cou-;
pie, ana girls who do not ask dates
will be asked to contribute 10 cents
to the scholarship fund for which
the dance will be held as a benefit.
In case of rain, the dauce will
be held in the outdoor gymnasium
behind Gerlinger hall, Miss Waha
Nerve Fails;
Gets 'A'on
At Columbia a student a few
years ago was supposed to hand in
a term paper in philosophy. The
time flew by and before he knew
it the paper was due. He hadn’t!
written a line. So he took several
sheets of blank paper, bound them
together, typed a title page and I
was about to hand the opus to his
professor when he burst into tears.
”It isn’t my best work,” he cried.
"I can't hand it in.”
Still sobbing, he tore the manu
script to bits. The professor was
deeply touched by this conscien
tiousness, and gave the student an
"A” in the course.—Daily Trojan.
* * *
Never Forget a Face
Professor: “Didn't you have a
brother in this course last year?”
Student: “No, sir, it was I. I’m
taking it over again.”
Professor: “Extraordinary re
semblance though—extraordinary.”
Good Morning to You
Two ingenious University of De
troit students have found a new
way to get themselves up in the
morning: When the alarm £oes off,
(Pleas,.- turn to page jour)
The Annual Meeting of Mem
bers of the Co-op Stope will be
held m room 105 Commerce,
Friday, April 28th at 4 P.M.
All students are invited. Nom
ination of board members, Man
agers annual report.
Frosh Politicans Learn a New Trick
Tricksters Fox
Would-Be Donors
Of Free Fling
At Willamette Park
Perhaps marking a trend back
ward to the days when uesiring
politicians kissed babies, passed out
cigars and gave away free beer,
was the proposed dance at Willam
ette park yesterday afternoon. The
record dance with free transporta
tion to and from the park was to
be sponsored by the “Lansing for
Sophomore President” contingent.
Walker Treece and Bill Loud is
sued invitations.
But a fly in the ointment, ac
companied by hurried telephone
consultations, appeared at noon
time when some unnamed person
and persons began phoning sorori
ties informing them that the dance
had been cancelled. It is under
stood that both Treece and Loud
missed their lunch attempting to
reassure prospective voters.
They Were Foxed
Then about one o’clock another
blow befell the brave little band of
Lansing supporters. The dean of
women’s office said definitely that
the dance could not be held at the
park. Loud and Treece attempted
to make arrangements to have the
dance in the gym in back of Ger
linger hall. They went ahead with
plans to cut the Willamette park
off the bottom of the Lansing cir
At quarter to two a seemingly
unconquerable obstacle blocked the
path of the would be politicians.
They couldn’t find anything or
anybody to provide music for the
now mythical dance.
No Information
Another thought came to mind
that there was no way to inform
the waiting public that the dance’s
location had been switched. Then,
too, there was a lack of coopera
tion in correcting the printed
“Lansing for President” propa
So, tired and discouraged, the
few remaining members of the
Lansing block politicians an
nounced for publication—no okey
—no location—no music—no co
operation—no dance.
Dean Powers Speaks
On Development of
Extension Division
Dean Alfred Powers, head of the
extension department of Oregon,
spoke to extension workers from
four cities in Oregon, at a staff
dinner in the sun porch of Gerlin
ger hall Saturday evening.
Dean Powers talked on the early
days of extension work. Mr. W. G.
Bailey, member of the extension
staff at Eugene, told the group
about his trip back east fall term
and the extension department he
visited on the way. A pleasurable
part of the program was an ob
jective test given on extension
Altogether there were 37 mem
bers present, 14 from both Port
land and Eugene, 8 from Corvallis,
and 1 from Monmouth.
Dr. Robins Talks to
Prospective Students
Dr. E. C. Robins of the Harvard
Graduate School of Business, Bos
ton, interviewed students Monday
who are interested in entering the
school next year, according to Miss
Ruth Chilcote, secretary of the BA
Dr. Robins will also spend to
morrow morning seeing the stu
No Holiday for Them
Shown here is the “Today’s a Holiday” number' from the U of O
musical comedy, “With Fear and Trembling” which will open its second
week tonight. The members of the act, from left to right, are: Donna
Row, featured singer, Mary Staton, Lois Smith, Betty Jean Caldwell,
Eleanor Seely, and Janet Eames.
State Board
Commends UO's
National Titles
The University of Oregon re
ceived recognition for its grow
ing record of national achieve
ments from members of the state
board of higher education yester
day when they met on the cam
pus to approve the budget for
the academic year.
Willard L. Marks, president of
the board, cited the national bas
ketball championship, the na
tional rifle championship, and
the national honor rating at
tained by the Emerald, and ex
tended his congratulations and
those of the board to President
Donald M. Erb.
E. C. Sammons, chairman of
the finance committee, was
heard to remark very pointedly
to Dr. Erb that when a man
makes a “hole in one” it is cus
tomary for him to set his fellow
players up to champagne.
President Erb accepted Marks'
citation . . . laughlingly ignored
Sammons’ suggestion.
Assistant Manager
Of Brigham Young
Co-op Visits Campus
On a tour of inspection to the
western student cooperative stores
after attending- the annual spring
meeting of the Western College
Bookstore association in Los An
geles recently, Mr. McNutt, as
sistant manager of the Brigham
Young university co-op, visited the
campus Monday.
His cooperative store differs
from the University’s in that the
former is University owned with
the dean of the school of business
administrator acting as co-op man
ager, Mr. M. F. McClain, Univer
sity co-op manager, said.
Staff Names
Editors, Set
Picnic Dates
Elbert Hawkins,
Miss Jones, Angell
To Edit Emeralds
Editors of the three special edi
tions of the Emerald, to come out
this term, and the dates for the
Emerald picnic and banquet, were
picked at a staff meeting in the
Shack last night.
The editors are: women’s edi
tion, May 5, Elizabeth Ann Jones;
men’s edition, May 12, Elbert Haw
kins; and frosh edition, May 20,
Helen Angell.
Picnic May 21
The date for the annual picnic
was changed from May 7 to May
21, due to conflicting picnics on
the previous date.
The banquet date was set for
May 25.
Editor Paul Deutschmann re
minded the staff of the awards to
be presented at the banquet. These
include one and two-year certifi
cates, Emerald “O’s,” and the
plaque to be presented to the out
standing senior.
Story Telling to Be
Sponsored by YW
Girls who like to tell stories to
small children in hospitals or
nurseries will soon have an oppor
tunity to do so, Mrs, John Stark
Evans, executive secretary of the
YWCA, announced yesterday.
Such a group will soon be or
ganized under the community ser
vice group of the YW, she said.
Boyd Brown Acclaimed as
Model Student by Smith
If more students of the Univer
sity were like Boyd Brown, Ore
gon’s record-breaking javelin tos
ser, they would be a lot better off,”
said Professor Warren D. Smith,
head of the zoology department
Professor Smith, who had Brown
in his geology class last year, ve
hemently commended Brown for
having two activities, studies and
track, and being good in both.
“He’s tops in the javelin and he's
tops in his school work,” state Pro
fessor Smith, who, by the way, be
lieves that Brown will be a mem
ber of the next Olympic team and
! will eventually break the world
j javelin-throwing record.
Professor Smith substantiated
his statement concerning Brown’s
studies by displaying a book that
Brown had turned in for his term
project last year.
Brown, an art major, combined
his artistic ability with his general
geology, and produced an excellent
piece of work. The drawings are
beautiful designs taken from fos
sil plants and animals, according
to Professor Smith. He believes
that the pattern could well be used
for dresses, linoleum, rugs and
such, because they are so attrac
tive. His opinion was backed by
one of the art professors who
viewed the work.
“Boyd also has a fine personal
ity,” according to his ardent boost
er, Professor Smith.
Fame Fleeting?
Hobby's Boys
Don't Think So
Their fame lingers on. Mean
ing the national basketball cham
pions of course.
Instead of their feats being
forgotten at the close of the
basketball season, the Webfoot
basketeers are receiving more
and more attention.
Autograph books, papers, pro
grams, and the like are pouring
in at the athletic office in Mc
Arthur court to be autographed
by the renowned quintet. Re
quests for Hobby's signature are
not lacking either.
Who said that fame was fleet
Mrs. Sackett Talks
To ASUO; Extends
Greetings of State
Board Members
Asking^ Webfoots to consider the
state board of education as “doting
aunts and uncles” beaming over
little accomplishments rather than
as dignitaries, Mrs. Beatrice Wal
ton Sackett yesterday morning ex
tended the board’s hand of friend
ship to faculty and students gath
ered to do their official welcoming
at a special Gerlinger assembly.
Mrs. Sackett spoke briefly on
board policies in response to the
introduction of the nine board
members made by President Don
ald M. Erb, Harry Weston, ASUO
prexy, extended Webfoot greetings.
Speaking to a packed Gerlinger
audience, Mrs. Sackett pleaded for
tolerance of board activities. "I
hope you will realize,” she said,
“that our courses of action are
necessary because of a definite
charter laid down by the people of
She expressed approval of the
board of extra-curricular activities,
declaring that a liberal education
concerns itself with “social values
. . . as well as technical know
Starting his introductions of
assembled educators with presen
tation of Chancellor Frederick M.
Hunter, Dr. Erb in turn introduced
Charles D. Byrne, secretary of the
board; President George Peavy of
Oregon State college, and the
presidents of the three Oregon Col
leges of Educatino, before turning
to board members.
Present to pay homage to the
education leaders with music were
the University band under the di
rection of John Stehn; John Stark
Evans’ University mixed chorus;
and the University symphony or
chestra directed by Rex Under
Board members who made their
first official bow of the 1939 ses
sion to Oregon enrollees were
President Willard L. Marks, F. E.
Callister of Albany, Edgar W.
Smith of Portland, Robert W. Ruhl
of Medford, C. A. Brand of Rose
burg, E. C. Sammons of Portland,
E. C. Pease of The Dalles, Herman
Oliver of John Day, and Mrs.
Sackett of Marshfield.
In his capacity as director, Dr.
R. C. Clark, head of the history
department, will attend the Oregon
historical society board of directors
meeting in Portland Friday.
Dr. Clark is also editor of the
Oregon Historical Quarterly, the
society’s magazine.
Campus Artist
To Approve Float
Designs, Revamps
Stage Setting
Junior Weekend's canoe fete,
bolstered last week by the appoint
ment of the art school’s Bob Swan
to guide construction and supply
artistic advice, was yesterday look
ing- like a going concern, after a
float-builders’ meeting presided
over by Swan.
Purpose of the meeting was to
consider themes and designs for
the ten floats which will make
their way down the millrace be
fore canoe fete crowds Saturday,
May 13. The themes have been in
the hands of various house chair
men for two weeks, but design i
difficulty has been delaying the;
Float Plans Approved
House float chairmen brought
their plans to yesterday’s meeting, I
as far as they had completed them, i
for Swan’s approval. Outcome ofj
the meeting was the choosing of1
favored designs on which work!
can go ahead.
Swan's appointment last week
was the signal for a change in
plans for the ramp across the mill
race, which is practically the stage
for the canoe fete. His first action i
was to throw out all previous sug-'
gestions and hammer at the prob
lem from an entirely new angle.
Authority on ‘Alice’
The new art adviser was chosen
for artistic ability and experience
iu handling projects of more than
class room scale, but after his ap
(Please turn to page three)
Mary Field’s
Recital Liked
Mary Field, graduate student at
the University, was highly com
plimented by listeners for her per
formance at an all-Bach piano and
organ recital she presented Mon
day night at the music auditorium.
Introducing her own numbers,
Miss Field told something of the
manner in which the style of music
has changed in the 200 years since
Bach's time and that consequently
some people today find no melody
in his music.
“Italian Concert" was the open
ing number, a composition differ
ent from his customary melodies
for it empolyed a rich ornamenta
tion of the theme and abandoned
the imitative style.
State Board Sets Up
Religion Department
On Oregon Campus
Education Moguls Suggest That
Controversial Marketing Division Be
Administered by Another Agency
Checknig efficiently through reports of the building, insurance, and
finance committees yesterday morning in Gerlinger hall, the Oregon
state board of higher education, presided over by Willard L. Marks,
genial board president, took the following action.
X. Approved the budget for $3,163,399 for the next academic year
for tlie University and colleges of the state system.
2. Established a department of religion at the University.
3. Recommended that the pro
posed division of agricultural and
industrial marketing be admin
istered by another agency than the
Approved the recommendations
of the presidents of the several
state institutions for personnel
5. Appointed President C. A.
Howard of the Eastern Oregon
College of Education to the posi
tion of president of Oregon College
of Education and director of educa
The University of Oregon was
allotted $916,847 of the total ap
proved by the board. The rest of
the budget was divided as follows:
Oregon State college, $1,283,77C;
University of Oregon medical
school, $329,297; Oregon College
of Education, $176,189; Southern
Oregon College of Education, $84,
701; Eastern Oregon College of
Education, $72,276; other activities,
including federal cooperative ex
tension, experiment stations, exten
sion division, general research and
centralized activities, $300,307.
A supplemental appropriation of
$34,786 was allotted by the board
(Please turn to page three)
Beginning of
Mall Work
In Offing
Shortage of WPA
Crews Only Snag;
Projects Listed
Work on Oregon’s long-promised
mall will begin "with a week
Dr two, F. A. Cuthbert, associate
professor of landscape architec
ture and University landscape ar
chitect, promised yesterday.
Work on the mall has been held
up because WPA workers have
been transfered from University
projects, which has left the Uni
versity short handed, he explained.
With the arrival of spring weath
er, so many WPA workers were
transfered to other projects that
a number of small projects, which
had been started to use the large
crew kept on during the winter
months, progressed quite slowly
because of a lack of workers, Pro
fessor Cuthbert said. He added
that the crews at the University
had been cut to approximately one
fourth their former strength.
(Please turn to faye three)
Badger, Dog to Fight It Out
For Scabbard and Blade
Nomination and election of offi
cers of L Company, Sixth Regi
ment, of Scabbard and Blade, na
tional military honor society, will
be held tonight at a meeting in
the ROTC building, Captain Jack
Gavin announced yesterday. The
meeting will be called to order at
8 o’clock and all junior and senior
members are notified to attend in
Following the elections the Scab
bard and Blade members will ad
journ to a nearby meeting place
where the annual badger fight of
the military group will take place.
Officers of the University ROTC
department as well as Eugene re
serve officers are expected to at
tend the event, which is known in
army circles as excellent entertain
ment. A large badger has been pro
cured by one of the honorary’s
members, and one of the best
fights in years is expected, accord
ing to Captain Gavin.
In search of a good opponent
for the badger, which is customar
ily a dog, the committee has con
tacted the Phi Delt house in an
effort to sign up “Smokey,” re
cently elected King of Campus
Canines and noted for his frequent
heated tangles with other animals
on the campus.
Badger fights, according to
ROTC members, originated during
the French and Indian war when
the soldiers placed badgers and
dogs together and made bets on
the outcome. The practice proved a
a popular and exciting form of en
tertainment and gradually moved
west. It is said that badger fights
were first introduced west of the
Rockies at Seaside, Oregon, at the
end of the Old Oregon Trail, where
the famous salt cairn near the
beach was used as a pit for the
Education Men
C. A. Howard, top, and J. A.
Churchill . . . Mr. Howard wan
named president cf the Oregon
College of Education to succeed
Mr. Churchill who has retired to
the position of president emeritus.
Former Head
Of EONS Replaces
J. A. Churchill
At Monmouth
The Oregon state board of high
er education yesterday named C.
A. Howard, president of the East
ern Oregon College of Education,
as the new head of the Oregon
College of Education and director
of education.
Howard will replace President
J. A. Churchill, who has been head
of the college at Monmouth since
1932. President Churchill was
granted the position of president
emeritus and will administer the
student loan fund.
Held State Job
Howard was superintendent of
public instruction for the state for
ten years before he became head
of the Eastern Oregon college. He
has been superintendent of schools
at Marshfield, principal of Eugene
high school, and has taught at oth
j er Oregon schools. In 1933 he was
granted an honorary degree of doc
tor of literature by Oregon State
College. He graduated from the
University of Oregon in 1923.
Has Been Active
President Churchill has been su
perintendent of schools at Baker,
1 (Please turn to page inree)