Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1939, Image 1

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    Success Story of
Oregon Cooperatives
Told on Page Three
Peace Meeting Splits
As Ideas Clash on How
To Insure AgainstWar
Isolation vs. Collective Security Issue
To Be Settled by Committee; Strike to Be
Held Week From Thursday
The dove of peace, symbolic goal of a student committee planning
a strike against war, faltered in its flight yesterday when an intra
committee dispute broke out over the type of peace program to be
propounded at the April 20 demonstration.
Plans for the anti-war demonstration reached a virtual stalemate
when heated discussion arose over whether an “isolationist" or “col
lectivist” viewpoint should be expressed at the strike. The terms were
Speech Quintet Join
National Honorary
Four speech students, Florence
Sanders, Pearl King, Charles Dev
ereaux, and Roy Vernstrom, have
filled requirements and will be for
mally initiated into Delta Sigma
Rho, national speech honorary,
May 3, according to George Hall,
To qualify for Delta Sigma Rho
the student must be an upper
classman and in his third year of
speech work. He also must have
debated successfully against some
other college or represented the
University in oratory. There are
five active members of the Oregon
chapter at present: Zane Kemler,
Ed Robbins, Marshall Nelson,
Howard Kessler, and President
On the faculty there are six
members: John L. Casteel, W. A.
Dahlberg, Burt Brown Barker,
Wayne Morse, Victor P. Morris,
and Carlton Spencer. They will
take part in the initiation at the
Anchorage at 5 p.m.
Persons who have participated in
debate or speech work have been
invited by Delta Sigma Rho to at
tend the banquet at 6. This will
take the place of the annual speech
banquet. Hall asks that those who
plan to attend notify him by the
last of April.
not denned at the meeting, al
though several students indicated
their beliefs centered around the
theories that peace could be best
achieved by isolating the United
States from factors which might
lead to war, or by collective action
among nations to insure peace.
After nearly two hours of argu
ment, Chairman Robin Drews, a
militant “isolationist,” turned the
tempest of ideals over to a five
member committee, which will de
cide the nature of the strike to be
held a week from Thursday. The
committee was given full power
to outline a program.
Tony Harlow, a sophomore in
social science, suggested a campus
wide program representing a
“united front for peace” be planned
for the date. Under Harlow’s plan,
groups who agree that peace is
desirable would be given the op
portunity to explain the methods
by which it could be achieved.
Speech Department
Supplies Speakers
Many requests have been re
ceived by the faculty in the speech
division to deliver high school
commencement addresses, John L.
Casteel said yesterday.
The schedule thus far includes:
W. A. Dahlberg to speak at Wasco
and Rufus; D. E. Hargis at Glide;
and Mr. Castel at Adams, Echo,
Knappa-Svenson, Dufur, and Co
University Band Concert
Wins Praise of Audience;
KOAC Releases Program
Like “clock work” in precision, I
skillful in technic, and brilliant in
interpretation, are all phrases
which were repeated in describing
the playing of the University band,
when they presented a concert un
der the direction of John Stehn
last night at the music auditorium.
The concert opened with a rous
ing marching song from the “Al
gerian Suite” by Saint-Saens. Be
ginning with clarinet, flute, and
harp cadenzas and French horn
solos, the band presented with
variation and contrast “Mignon
Overture” by Thomas.
Miss Hixson Sings
Lorraine Hixson, soprano, who
is a sophomore in music, sang
“Air, I Vow That Nothing Shall
Prevent Me” by Bizet. The band
accompaniment provided a fine
background for Miss Hixson as
she sang high notes from the opera
Applause Brings Encore
In closing the band played two
movements from Tschaikowski’s
symphony No. 4 in f-minor, which
demonstrated the impressiveness of
tremendous volume, broken by
short silences, changing moods,
and interesting song pattern with
its quick, exciting tempo.
At an interval the woodwind
quartet and quintet played two
In response to applause the band
played a military march. The con
cert was broadcast over KOAC by
remote control.
There will be a meeting of all
house representatives for the AWS
carnival at the Side today at 4
First Web foots
Grew Fat on
Valley Verdure
Evidence that the early Ore
gon Indians ate practically ev
erything that was green is
shown in the Indian plant foods
now on display in the Condon
hall museum. The plants were
gathered in the valley around
Because of the abundant veg
etation in the Oregon country,
the Indians oftentimes became
overweight and lazy, while their
brothers in the eastern part of
the country grew taller and were
more energetic.
The Klamath Indians used va
rious roots and berries for food.
Wild gooseberries, huckleber
ries, currants, thimbleberries,
strawberries, and service berries
were their favorites'. They
ground flour from the rice root
lily, and ate the leaves and ten
der sprouts of many other plants.
In the entire valley food was
so plentiful that a squaw could
take a two-hour trip in a dug
out and come home with a canoe
half filled with fowls, eggs, and
water plants.
Miss Elaine Gorham, Portland
adviser to Campfire Girls, who was
scheduled to be at the dean of
women’s office Wednesday, will be
there Thursday afternoon and Fri
day morning to interview all girls
wishing to apply for positions as
camp councilor in Campfire Girl
camps this summer.
Robert Bailey
Set for Today
Eugene Rites for
Student Leader
To Be Held
This Afternoon
Services for Robert C. Bailey,
president of the senior class, who
was drowned while canoeing on the
upper millrace Sunday afternoon,
will be held this afternoon at 4
o’clock at the First Congregational
church. Close friends on the cam
pus of Bailey, as well as his fra
ternity brothers, members of Theta
Chi, will attend.
The death occurred after the
canoe which Bailey and James
Murray were paddling was swept
over one of the spillways near the
head of the race into the Willam
ette. Bailey, an experienced swim
mer, failed to cling to the canoe.
Murray left his position by the
canoe and tried unsuccessfully to
help him.
The body was recovered about
thirty-five minutes after the acci
dent. City firemen and physicians
were unable to revive him.
Active on Campus
Bailey has been active in Uni
versity life. He served as class
treasurer when a freshman, and
was elected president of the YMCA
for this year before becoming class
president. He was elected president
of Zeta hall before becoming a
member of Theta Chi, in which he
served as secretary and social
Bailey was the son of Supreme
Court Justice J. O. and Mrs. Bailey
of Portland, and is survived by a
brother, Jason, a second year law
student here, and two sisters,
Frances and Barbara, both of Port
Funeral services will be held
from the Holman and Lutz chapel
in Portland Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Members of Theta Chi will attend
the funeral.
Spanish Honorary
Sponsors Showing
Of Mexican Film
In. observance of Pan-American
day, members of the Oregon chap
ter of Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish
honorary society, are sponsoring a
showing of “Jalisco Nunca Pierde,”
a Mexican movie, to be held in
Corvallis Friday afternoon, April
14. The entire film is in Spanish
and contains much music and local
color typical of the Guadalajara
region of western Mexico.
Following the film there will be
an informal dinner at which South
American students in attendance
at Oregon State College will talk.
University of Oregon students de
siring to attend may obtain fur
ther information from Stanley
Robe at 214 Friendly hall.
Adeline Hansen, sophomore, is in
the Sacred Heart hospital recover
ing from an appendectomy. Miss
Hansen, who was operated on last
Friday, will probably attend class
es within two weeks.
Services will be held this afternoon at four o’clock at the First
Congregational church for Bcb Bailey, who drowned Sunday.
Young Artists
Learn to Paint
Near to Nature
Temperamental students of
art are finding the blossoming
trees, blue skies, and colorful
posies of spring more inspiring
to their artistic ego than mere
The pupils can now do their
painting in the great outdoors.
One section, the spring water
solor class, is given only this
term and all the painting is done
next to nature.
Three teachers, assistant pro
fessor L. W. Hart, professor A.
M. Vincent, and instructor D. J.
McCosh, will each have charge
of the section for an interval.
Independents Plan
Triple-Bill Affair
A three-fold program including
swimming and dancing climaxed
by a wiener roast, will be the fea-;
ture of the “4:40 Yard Dash,” to
be sponsored by the Yeomen, in
dependent men, and the Orides, in-,
dependent women of the Univer
sity of Oregon in Gerlingcr hall on
Friday night.
Men and women will swim in the
pool of the women’s gym, and
dance in the Gerlinger sun porch.
Feature of the evening will be the
wiener-roast on the field between
the library and the outdoor gym.
The evening will begin at 7:30..
The cost of the function is to be
20 cents. All men and women on
the campus are invited.
Arrangements are being handled
by Erros Penland and Jim Hatch.
Campus Musical Enters
Final Week of Rehearsals
Entering the final big week be
fore the grand opening of “With
Fear and Trembling” next Mon
day night in Johnson hall at the
University of Oregon, Horace
Robinson, drama division instruc
tor and co-director of the musical
with Wilfred Roadman, last night
put the cast of 40 students through
the first complete rehearsal of the
comedy. •
Major emphasis will be placed
on final grooming and trimming
of Gene Edward’s dancing
choruses and specialty numbers.
Edwards himself and the lovely
ballet dancer, Janet Eames, will
carry one of the heaviest and most
effective dance numbers.
Robinson’s latest ingenious stage
device is the introduction of Lor
raine Hixson, the glamorous and
successful Gina Kirsten movie star
in the comedy, to the Johnson hall
audience in one of her movie tri
Horace Kobinson ... is keeping
pretty busy with his latest pro
umphs, fading the movie sequence
of the singer as the curtains part
to show the actress "in person."
The remarkable ease with which
the complex factors of the show
were fitted together in the always
difficult "first draft” of the musi
cal, indicate the perfection and
careful planning with which the
comedy has been handled.
'First Lady'
To Talk Here
Ruth Bryan Owen
First Woman to
Hold Four Positions
In Government
Without sharing- the honor with
Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, Mrs. Ruth
Bryan Owen, coming here to speak
at an ASUO assembly Friday
morning, was, nevertheless, termed
by faculty members yesterday in
deed a “first lady of America."
When AWS officers, who will be
her hostesses while she is here,
meet Mrs. Owen at the train
Thursday night, they will greet a
woman who was the first woman
to ever represent the Old South in
congress, the first American wo
man to ever hold a diplomatic posi
tion, the first woman to serve on
the the congressional foreign af
fairs committee, and the first wo
man to represent the United States
at the Interparliamentary Union.
l)Gs to Meet Her
A member of Delta Gamma,
Mrs. Owen will be greeted at the
train by the local chapter en
masse. Whether there would be
any other activity in her honor on
the part of the sorority could not
be learned last night from her
Although she retired from active
political and diplomatic life in
older to begin a career a few years
ago as the wife of Danish Borge
Rohde, whom she met while serv
ing as minister to Denmark, Mrs.
Owen still serves as advisor for
the federal prison for women in
West Virginia and on the adult
education board of the Columbia
Broadcasting System, in addition
to conducting lecture tours.
Famous Phi Betes
To Speak on Radio
Advice for Future
Series Planned for
National Hookup
“Get Ready for Tomorrow” is
the title of a series of six radio
talks over WEAF, New York, and
the NBC’s red network, set for
6 to 6:15 eastern standard time,
Friday evenings, beginning April j
14. The series, given by national
figures in their respective fields,!
under sponsorship of Phi Beta
Kappa, national honorary scholas
tic’fraternity, follows:
April 14, “Get Ready for World
Problems,” by John W. Davis,,
Democratic candidate for president,
in 1924.
April 21, “Get the Graduate j
Ready for Tomorrow,” by Dr.
Christian Gauss, of the Princeton
university faculty.
April 28, “Get Ready for Tomor-;
row’s “Printing Press,” by John H.
Finley, editor emeritus of the New
York Times.
May 5, "Get Ready for Public
Leadership,” by Roscoe Pound,
dean of the Harvard law school.
May 12, "Expression Through
Art,” May 19, “Living Tomorrow.”
Strict 'Do's, Don'ts' Regulated Early Students
Come on fellers and gals—quit
your crabbin’ about “no liberty.”
We’ve got lots of time to have
fun before 12:15 o’clock—well, as
compared to the “do’s and don’ts”
our grannies and grandpaps had to
observe when they went to the
Minutes Revealing
Someone got to snooping around
and uncovered the minute books
of John Straub, who was secretary
of the faculty 57 years ago. Our
predecessors led a tough life. Here
are some of the “hear ye's” listed
on the minutes of the faculty meet
ing of September 11, 1882:
"A student must not enter the
brewery or saloon.
“Or drink any intoxicating liquor
while in attendance at the Uni
versity, or on his or her way to
and from the same, except on the
prescription of a physician.
No Smoking
“Or use tobacco in any form or
way while on the college campus.
"Or injure the building or pro
perty of the University.
“Or join any secret society.
“Or stand or sit around the
doors or making disturbing noise
in the halls of the college build
Here's what was found when the
minutes of another meeting were
found: "Moved: that it be the duty
of the president to investigate the
cases of intemperance having oc
curred among the students at
Lane’s hall Friday evening."
Different Rooms
And again on September 28,
1882, the lads and lasses took an
other one on the nose: "it was
moved that the young ladies and
gentlemen be assigned different
rooms. On motion the young ladies
are required to use the stairways
on the south end of the building
and the young men those on the
north side.”
The next time you swear at the
ladies for interrupting your "tete
a tetes" (?) remember this:
“At any social gatherings, stu
dents in attendance are required to
be in their rooms by 11 o’clock
each night.”
Here to Study
Poor kids! Listen: “It is import
ant that students should devote
their time to the object for which
they attend the University, and
whereas their attendance at places
of amusement seriously detracts
from their standing and scholar
ship, therefore, resolved that all
students of this University are
hereby prohibited from attending
any places of amusement from
Monday morning until Friday
night of each week during the
session of the University.”
Skating Is Injurious
Skaters had their difficulties:
“Resolved that we regard attend
ance at the skating rink on the
part of our students as injurious
to their moral and intellectual wel
The gay nineties—ha! “It was
moved that those who are known
to have been at the theater be
brought before the faculty.”
Tell About Sexes
At least the administration was
conscientious: “Moved that the
president call the students togeth
er and address them upon the asso
ciation of the sexes in both private
and public.”
The Emerald story tells us that
most of these regulations have
passed into eternity. It all goes to
show that we aren’t so hard hit
now. But we'll agree that there
was plenty of fun to be had for
the adventurous at heart.
Queen of Wonderland
Maxine Glad . . . will sec her brain child, the “Alice in Wonderland”
of Junior Weekend, put into effect from her queen's throne.
Maxine Glad Captures
Crown-Wearing Role
Desiped bg Herself
Originator of 'Alice in Wonderland'
Theme Elected Queen of Juniors Over
Nearest Competitor, Alyce Rogers
She planned the part, and now she will act it.
Maxine Glad, around whose “Alice in Wonderland" theme all Junior
Weekend will be designed, saw her already successful plan bear the
sweetest fruit of all yesterday when ASUO and junior class card
holders went to the polls and voted her head into the Junior Weekend
queen’s crown.
In winning the right to play “Alice” in her own “wonderland,” the
queen-to-be ran up a comfortable
majority over Alyce Rogers, her
nearest competitor, collecting 170
out of the 504 votes cast.
Final Results Listed
Standings of the four princesses
at the end of the ballot counting
were: Alyce Rogers, 111; Patsy
Taylor, 92; Margaret Williams, 65;
and Helen Gillam, 61.
Dean of Women Hazel P.
Schwering made a surprise entry
into the race by proxy, capturing a
place in the finals when five un
identified supporters marked their
ballots with her name.
The new queen will rule over all
Junior Weekend events during the
three days of the traditional spring
term holiday. In addition, she will
this year act a definite role as the
Alice of "Wonderland."
The ballots were counted by a
special committee headed by Bob
Hoehuli and including: June Brown
and Elisabeth Stetson, working in
conjunction with the “big three”
of Junior Weekend, Hal Jahn, Walt
Miller, and Burton Barr.
Provision for inspection of the
ballots at any time was made by
the committee with the announce
ment that the votes are on file at
the educational activities office in
the Igloo, and may be seen upon
request during this period.
Queen Maxine-"Alice” will offi
cially don the crown and scepter
and mount the Junior Weekend
throne just a month and a day
from this noon. Coronation is a
traditional feature of the campus
luncheon, on Weekend Friday,
May 12.
National Rifle Champions
Receive Fine Plaudits;
Warren’s Score Praised
If Coach Howard Hobson is the best basketball coach in the nation,
then diminutive Sergeant Harvey G. Blythe, coach of the University
rifle teams, can lay claim to the title of the “best rifle coach in the
nation,” for his teams of the last six years have done something that
no other college rifle team has been able to do.
In the seven years that Sergeant Blythe has been coaching the
Oregon marksmen, the W. R.
Hearst National Championship
trophy has been won three times
by Oregon teams.
The trophy was won by the Ore
gon team in 1935 and again in
1937. This year the team upheld
the every other year tradition by
stepping out and grabbing the,
championship for the third time.
OSC Congratulates
Today, Colonel Robert M. Lyon,
commandant of the University
ROTC, received a letter of con
gratulation from Colonel Sloan,
commandant of the ROTC at Ore
gon State college. Colonel Lyon
expressed his pleasure at receiving
the letter and said that it showed,
"the good sportsmanship of his
unit in congratulating our rifle
team on their success.”
In regard to the victory of the
Oregon squad, he said, “I’m very
happy indeed. Very proud and hap
py. The hard work and conscien
tious training of these boys has
placed their score so high as to
put them at the head of all college
ROTC units of the United States.”
Blythe’s Work Shines
Later, he added, "this has again
brought the excellence of Sergeant
Blythe, as a rifle coach, out to
the front. The unceasing toil of
Sergeant Bylthe has told the
Sergeant Blythe, when asked
what kind of a score he could
shoot, laughingly said that he was
“a has been.” However, he admit
ted, when pressed, that there was
only one member of his team
which he would not be willing to
bet on beating. That member is
national individual champion, Stan
ley Warren, who fired a perfect
score of 200 in the national match.
This feat has never been matched
before by a college marksman.
“It Was Partly Luck”
Warren insisted that his perfect
score was partly a matter of luck.
He had fired perfect scores before
in practice but never in a match.
Warren has fired on three na
tional championship teams in the
last three years. He fired on the
team which brought the Hearst
trophy to Oregon in 1937. Then, in
1938, he was selected on the team
to represent the ninth corps area
and this team also won the na
tional championship. Now, in 1939,
he has finished his college compe
tition by winning the national indi
vidual championship. Warren will
not be back on the firing line for
Oregon next year. He is a senior.