Horse Sense Among UO Students Is Aim Of Hunt Club Ring Development of a greater degree of “horse sense" among University students will be one of the chief goals of the Eugen Hunt club's activities under a rejuvenated setup which features construction this year of a $23,000 new show ring, according to Dean Wayne L. Morse of the law school, president of the club. Building under the joint auspices of a federal grant and a large aonauon oi me bane county iair board, the hunt club will begin preliminary construction in the near future on a site near the pres ent one on the Lane county fair grounds in Eugene. University riding classes are held at hunt club headquarters now, and at least a score of stu dents are members of the organ ization itself, club officials said yesterday, so that it will be a boon to the college as well as the city of Eugene. Igloo Floor Shorter McArthur court, until now the longest floor in Eugene, with an arena which measures 156.4 feet by 103.10 feet, will lose its rating when the new display ring, mea suring 90 by 200 feet, is completed. The floor space will have as a dual purpose use as a display room for machinery during the annual county fair and as a show ring for the hunt club’s yearly spring horse show. Dean Morse also ex-< pressed a hope that the University might in time sponsor polo matches or other show events in the new building. Tanbark for Floor The floor will be covered with a top dressing of tanbark or saw dust, the plans explain, and the sides and corners will be banked enough to allow the horses to take extended gaits without danger of accidents. Increased floor space will enable display of big six-horse teams of draft horses, and animals of the highly trained show type which can only be shown in a large arena on a soft surface floor. Will Seat 750 Seating capacity will allow room for 750 spectators in tiers of seats at each end of the floor. A club room and kitchen will be included in one section of the building, ac cording to the plans drawn up by Peter J. Van Bruggen of Portland, who designed the display arena. “The best building and the best facilities in Oregon” is the goal Chi 0 Anniversary To Be in Portland Coast Conference Of Sorority Slated , In Honor of UO, UW The thirtieth anniversary of the ! installation of Chi Omega chapters i at the University of Oregon and | Washington will be celebrated at1 a Pacific cosat conference to be! held in Portland March 11 and 12. I Entertainment for the first day includes an afternoon spent at Timberline lodge, followed by a din-! ner honoring the charter members j of the Oregon and Washington chapters. On March 12, the sessions will be held at the Masonic temple | and consist of round table discus- j sions, a model initiation, and a dinner. To Give Cups Cups will be awarded at the din ner for the chapter having the best chapter publication, for campus activities, group singing, scholar ship, general achievement, and highest percentage of graduates. Chi Omega chapters at the Uni versity of Washington, Washing ton State college, University of Oregon, and Oregon State college,! Montana. State college, University j of California, Stanford university, University of California at Los An geles, University of Utah, Utah State college, and University of Arizona will be represented at the | meeting. Chi Omega was the second na tional sorority to be installed on the Oregon campus. of the club members in charge of construction, according to Presi dent Morse. WIN 6 DR. GRABOW PIPES IN AN EASY AD WRITING CONTEST — , -3rtilE?JS‘ There's Nothing to Buy! Dr. Grabow pipes are Pre Smoked by machine, wifh fine tobacco, to make them sweetl They're fine gifts! They cost only $1,501 That's the story — just write an ad in this same sire space, using the Dr. Grabow facsimile cut. The best ad wins a set of Dr. Grabow Pre Smoked Pipes in a gift box EUffi ICIAN FOR. ft. BETTfR SMOKE X DrGRABOW THE Pf-Smoi.J PIPE NO BITE 7 NO BREAKING IN . #H0 tlltft* TASTE Let Us Hold the Bag! Your laundry bag is our job. students — so plan to use our service from now (in. and give yourself some extra time each week. Whether you yourself want Wet Wash, liough Dry, or Complete laundry service, you’ll find our prices most economical. New Service Laundry Phone 825 What Goes on Here? Trudi Sehoop . . . and a member of her cast go through some of the antics they will perform in their ballets tomorrow night in Mc Arthur court. Queen Clown Trudi On Way to Eugene Troupe of 20 Said League of Nations On Wheels Trudi Schoop, the queen of clowns, is on her way to Eugene after having made a successful in vasion of California with her troupe of 20 comedy ballet artists. Trudi will be at McArthur court Thursday evening at 8 o'clock to present a ballet “All for Love” or “what makes the world go 'round in seven episodes.” It takes expert dancers to go through the daring leaps and ca reening that this ballet requires, so Trudi's company of dynamic dancers have been rigorously trained in acrobatics, ballet, and character dancing. Gathered from the four corners of the earth, Trudi’s troupe is a veritable league of nations on wheels. The finest artists from op era houses and dancing schools were chosen to travel with her. Also in her company is Trudi’s brother, Paul, who is one of the composers of the music that will be presented with the ballet Thurs day night. Reserved seat tickets are on sale at the associated students' ticket office in McArthur court. Twenty-Two Faculty Made 'Men of Science' Professors' Names In Sixth Edition of Biographical Book Twenty - two members of the University faculty have been placed in the sixth edition of “Am erican Men of Science,” a bio graphical directory of 28,000 lead ing American scientists, it was revealed here recently when a copy of the new book reached the Uni j versity library. The volume has, in the words of i its publishers, “set standards on 1 which the material prosperity and j intellectual leadership of the country depend,” in its choice of names included. Faculty members receiving the honor are: L. S. Cressman, profes sor of anthropology and head of the department; Warren D. Smith, professor of geology and geogra phy, head of both departments; H. R. Taylor, professor of psychol ogy, head of the department; O. R. Stafford, professor of chemistry, head of the department and dean of the lower division; F. P. Sipe, associate professor of botany, head of the department. E. E. DeCou, professor of mathe matics, head of the department; A. E. Caswell, professor of physics, head of the department; H. B. Yocom, professor of zoology, head of the department; H. R. Cros land, associate professor of psy chology; A. R. Moore, research professor of general physiology; L. F. Beck, assistant professor of psychology, R. W. Leeper, assist ant professor of psychology; L. F. Henderson, research professor of botany; A. R. Sweetser, professor emeritus of plant biology. L. E. Defling, assistant professor of botany; F. E. Shinn, professor of chemistry; A. H. Kunz, asso ciate professor of chemistry; A. F. Moursund, associate professor of mathematics; K. S. Ghent, instruc tor in mathematics; W. V. Norris, i professor of physics; R. R. iiucs tL proftiior of 400Iogy; X. L Bob Garretson Dominates Final Concert Soloist's Finesse j High Mark of Symphony; New i Work Admired By GLENN HASSELROOTII With a performance of great charm and finesse, Robert Gar retson, pianist, dominated the scene last night at the music audi torium when Director Rex Under wood and the University symphany orchestra presented the last of their concert series for the 1938 39 season. The rhythms of the four varied negro themes from John Powell’s ‘ Rhapsodie Negre” gave Garret son the opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities, and he proved himself an artist of piano tech nique of which George Hopkins, his professor, and the school of music may be duly proud. Jungle Heard From In the jungle melody, the la ment, and the spiritualistic chorale, orchestra members, director, and pianist held the audience on the edge of their seats. In the breath-! taking finals, the dance music as cended to a wild frenzy which lit erally “brought down the house.” Professor of Piano George Hop kins might be commended twice last night, this time for contribut ing three songs from his own "Suite Jazz,” which he came to the platform to direct. The num bers, “Dusky Rhythm,” “Moon down,” and “Snake1 Eyes,” were purely in the spirit of the Ameri can negro. The first two were in the lazy blues rhythms, while the third was in the humorous mood of a Harlem Sunday morning. These selections were played by instrumental ensembles of orches tra members. Orchestra at Best Conductor Rex Underwood and his 70-piece orchestra were at then best in the performance of the "Evening Prayer” and “Dream Pantomime” music from Humper dinck’s “Haensel and Gretci." Based on the oft-told fairy tale of two children lost in the woods, the scene depicts the sprinkling of sand in their eyes by the Sandman, their peace as they fall happily in to slumber, and the coming down cf angels from Heaven to watch over them. In the slow and restful begin ning, the high pitched and diffi cultly sustained tones of the mid dle portion, and the return of ear lier theme in triumphant power showed why the orchestra has so many faithful supporters. The lis teners were highly enthusiastic in their applause. Celeste Is Novelty The bell-like tones of the or chestra's new celeste made a sprightly novelty of Tschaikow sky's “Danse de la Fee-Dragee” from his "Nutcracker Suite.” Vio linist Lorene Mitchell was well liked for her solo in the presenta tion of the prelude to Saint-Saens’ “Deluge." and Dorothy # Louise Johnson played her role of concert master with her usual poise. The spirited march music of Bi zet's “Farandole” from “L’Aries ienne Suite No. 2” was inspiring and exciting in its booming climax. Old American folk tunes were em bodied into the melody of the “Bar go” from Dvorak’s “New World Symphony," and Margaret Allen Alderman, assistant professor of j zoology. In addition, the Portland medical school is well represented, with Dean It. B. Dillchunt heading an uupouing Ust. m + f* By NORMAN FOSTER Excitement! Flying, from the women's point of view, is the dra matic keynote of “Tail Spin," a ro mantic take-off of the national air races, which opens today at the McDonald. The respective ambi tions of Alice Faye, Constance Bennett, and Nancy Kelly give em phasis to the colorful, thrilling and well photographed air spectacle. Hie behind-the-scenes story is built around the Powder Puff der by an event limited to women flyers. Miss Faye is out to win a private flying contract. By win ning, Miss Bennett hopes to win a navy man’s heart. Miss Kelly flies because her husband is a racing pi lot. Thrilling action and sincere acting makes “Tail Spin" a certain nomination for your must see list. Joan Davis capably provides com-1 edy relief. * * * Censored! Fred Allen—tonight at 9 o'clock over NBC—no longer verbally strays from his script to ad lib witticisms. As a repercus sion from the recent controversy over radio censorship “Town Hall Tonight” has been ordered toned down and Allen requested to stick to his lines. Allen must even be careful of what he says concern ing the well-being of Jack Benny. * as * Quiet! Even though pre-exam week quiet hours are in order, sneak a listen to Kay Kyser's “Col lege of Musical Knowledge.” Smooth music—singing song titles and all—and a musical question naire make this program — 8 o’clock tonight NBC one of ra dio’s leading special feature at tractions. Sister! Martha Tilton, vocalist with Benny Goodman's band, has a. younger sister, Betty, who is now singing with Buddy Rogers and company. Betty got her start singing in high school musicals. was outstanding in her English horn solo. Modern Effects Panned A touch of humor was added to the program notes with the state ment on the composition of "Khap sodie Negre”: "Mr. Powell has used some ‘Modern’ effects in his writing, but in general it is ex tremely tuneful.’’ From that the reader may draw his own con clusions, but audience consensus last night applied compliments that were far more superlative than simply "tuneful.” More than one expressed dsiappointment be cause director and pianist failed to offer an encore. The artists would, surely, have not gone unappre ciated. Dartmouth college students played the part of extras in a movie filmed on the campus dur ing the recent winter carnival cele bration. Again the Chief Verdi Sederstrom ... has been named to head the spring term ASl’O card drive. Quite the girl I know—I used to go to school with her. Tops! Although it placed second on Saturday's Hit Parade, “Deep Purple" is by far the most popular romantic ballad of the day. Just go into any living organization — when quiet hours aren't on—and unless we miss our guess you'll hear "Deep Purple” being whis tled, sung, hummed or played. You ain't human unless you get goose pimples when Bee Wayne, with Larry Clinton’s orchestra vocalizes it. Hal Kemp played it Sunday as the song of the week. So did Sammy Kaye. And Ran Wilde knocked ’em dead with it Saturday night. Campus Will Be : Scene of League; Of Cities Meeting Officials Plan to Discuss Problems Of Oregon Towns City officials of Oregon will come to Eugene for two full days of conferences, round tabels, and addresses at the league of Oregon cities convention on Monday and Tuesday, March 13 and 14, it was announced by Herman Kehrli, di rector of the bureau of municipal research. The meetings will be held at the University. Paul Morris, northwest regional' construction engineer of the civil aeronautics authority, will lead a discussion on the new proposed federal policies affecting municipal airport construction. Attorneys Will Meet Special problems of municipal law will be considered at a meet ing of city attorneys. Several model ordinances drafted by the league staff will be presented for discussion at this time. City planning, zoning problems, and park developments will also be discussed. Fred W. Cuthbert, asso ciate professor of landscape archi tecture, will help in leading the discussion. Banquet Scheduled Electric franchises, transmission line franchises, and Bonneville SPECIAL LOW TRAIN FARES FOR VACATION $2JS ROUNDTRIP TO PORTLAND It e cl n c c (1 fares to ol her poiiits. Special parties being organized for Klamath Falls and California points. Tick els on sale March 8.!), 10, and 11. Return limit March 22. Northbound trains leave 12:25 and 4:45 p.m. SPECIAL TRAINS RETURNING Marrli If), leaving Portland at '•> and G:3() p.m. For further details inquire at A.S.U.O. Office Sjionsored by Assocaited Students of University of Oregon VOU COMPLAINS SO MUCH ABOU . 7 TONGU£-B|T| ^ VOUP.PIpE r EXTPA!?t Me NeXT TO, joy' ANY MORE ■ ^ ru* • ’ SMOKING BREAKING in a pipe? Make it easy on your tongue! Fillup with “no-bite” treated Prince Albert and enjoy EXTRA MILDNESS, plus FULL, RICH BODY too. P. A. cakes your pipe up RIGHT—never too moist. It’s “crimp cut!” Draws easier, BURNS SLOWER—SMOKES COOLER, with the grand aroma of rich, ripe r tobaccos. Say “PRINCE ALBERT” today! i SMOKE 20 FRAGRANT PIPEFULS of Prince Albert. If you don’t find it the mellowest, tastiest pipe tobacco you ever smoked, return the pocket tin with the rest of the tobacco in it to us at any time within a month from this date, and we will refund full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. Copyright, 1939, It. J. licyuold* lobacco Co. I pipefuls %M\Jf of fra grant tobacco in every 2-ounce tin Of Prince Albert THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE >ower policies will be considered ilso. All sections of the convention vill combine for the joint banquet if conferences, round tables, and he Oregon finance officers’ asso iation on Monday evening. imim I .AST DAY TODAY Virginia Bruce Melvyn Douglas in "THERE'S THAT WOMAN AGAIN” - plus - Lucille Ball Jack Oakie in ‘‘ANNABEL TAKES A TOUR” LAST DAY TODAY “GUNGA DIN” DOORS OPEN 6:30 *ai MR. and MRS. NEWT J ««• * £ Classified Ads Phone 3300 Local 354 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First day .2c per word Subsequent per word Three consecutive times 4c per word and a fourth time FREE with cash pay ment. Minimum nd ten words. Ads will be taken over the telephone >n a charge basis if the advertiser is a mbscribcr to the phone. Mailed advertisements must have suf icient remittance enclosed to cover defi lite number of insertions. Ads must be in Emerald business of U*e not later than 6:00 p.m. prior to the lay of insertion. Arrangements for monthly rates will ie made upon application. • Student Service FELLOWS: Bring your car to Jim Smith Richfield Station at 13th and Willamette for A-l service. * Barber Shops IT PAYS to look well. For your next haircut try the Eugene Hotel Barber Shop. • Picture Framing PICTURE framing for all kinds of pictures and certificates. Ori ental Art Shop, 122 E. Broad way. •For Rent — — " ■ ■ i. POUR possible vacancies next term. Well-lighted, single, com fortable rooms. Private home. Two adults. Mrs. Lloyd Denslow. 1652-W. • Found \ll found adrt will he published FREE ay this department. A minimum charge >f Be will be made claimants upon the return of the lost article. Call for lust articles at the University Depot loot and found department. The following articles have been turned in during the week to the lost and found department: Text books: Writing and Thinking British Poetry and Prose First Principles of Speech and Training Handbook of Business Corre spondense Introduction to Chemistry Interpretive Reporting Political Problems Logic and Scientific Method 2 umbrellas If you have a claim to any of these articles call for them at the University Depot. • Plumbing_ EXPERT PLUMBING—Chase’ Co. Plumbers. Repairs and installa tions of all kinds. Servicemen al v.dja ready. Phone 21G. tldtj