Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1939, Page Four, Image 4

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    Tlie Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of tlie University of
Oregon, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays
and final examination periods. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $J.U0 per year.
Entered as second-class mater at the povtoffire, Eugene, Oregon.
Editorial offices, Journalism building 2, 6, 10. Phone J.oral 354, 353.
Business Offices, Journalism building 5. Phone Local 354.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SER
VICE, INC., college publishers representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.—
Chicago—Bdston— Los Angeles—San Francisco.
BILL PENGRA, Managing Editor KEITH OSBORNE, Ast. Bus.Mgr,
Lloyd Tu pH rig associate editai
Pud Jermain, news editor
Lyle Nelson, assistant managing editor
Charles Green, chief night editor
Ruthellen Merchant, executive secretary
Elbert Hawkins, sports editor
Glenn Hasselrooth, litemry editor
Bernadine Bowman, women’s editor
Bill Scott, staff photographer
Jean Barrens, national advertising manager Milton Weiner, classified mgr.
Bert Strong, circulation mgr.
Max Frye
Helen Angell
Gerry Walker
Nisma Banta
Glenn Hasselrooth
Iris Lindberg
Doris Lindgren
Sadie Mitchell
Harold Olney
Maurice Goldberg
Wilbur Bishop
Buck Buchwacli
Eleanor Teeter*
Gordon Ridgeway
Eois Nordling
Betty Hamilton
Margaret Girvin
Wednesday Desk Staff
Wednesday Night Staff
Barbara Stallcup
Jerry Walker
Priscilla Marsh
Charles Rowe
Mary Kinrdan
Ellen YVachtcl
Harold Norberj?
George Pasero
Ehle Reber
Jim Leonard
Ken Christianson
Jack Lee
Carl Robertson
Duck Buckwach
Arnie Milstein
Margaret Young
John Biggs
Milton Levy
Paul McCarty
Wilbur Bishop
Rita Wright Eleanor Sedenstrora
Step in the Right Direction
rjpill0 problem of Thirteenth street lias long boon a thorn
in llio side of Die University. Hisect.ing the campus as
it does tin* street presents a complicated traffic problem.
The north-south pedestrian traffic often comes into conflict
with the east-west vehicular traffic. Most observers have
marveled that the accident rate on the danger area is as low
as it has been.
Last year the city council had Thirteenth between Uni
versity and Kincaid streets designated as a “slow” area. This
regulation proved of temporary value, but as the signs wore
off the street, the old habits of speeding through the campus
$ # * *
action of the council Tuesday evening in putting in
stop signs at both ends of the “campus bisector” is a
step towards solving the problem. While stop signs will not,
of course, remove all of the difficulties, they should slow
down Hu1 flow of traffic.
Elimination of speeding, or at least curtailment of if,
improves the condition for the campus, as far as the hazard
to the life and limbs of students is concerned. Another small
value to students will be that the noise should be cut down.
Roaring motors and tooting horns should not be quite as
pestiferously noisy once the whizzing through is stopped.
The screech of brakes should lie definitely eliminated.
^TOPPING through traffic at both ends of the campus
sector of Thirteenth brings to mind Professor F. A. Cuth
bert’s plan to make a double lane road in this area with a
circular “traffic-discourager” at the quadrangle of Oregon,
Commerce, Condon and the humanities building. Installation
of stop signs might well be the first step in putting this
long-term program of campus unification info effect.
The possibility 'of having a beautiful and complete
campus has long been a dream in the minds of planners. They
argue, and with admirable logic, that the University campus
should not be cut with a main thoroughfare. The dangers in
congestion alone, without even considering the esthetic
values, give heavy weight to their statements.
Putting stop signs at the ends of the campus “no man’s
land” may be far from the ultimate goal, but it is a concrete
step in the right direction.
The Case for Discussion
^J.ROUP discussion presents n groat field for development
of imagination and individualistic thinking. Discussion
sections, assembled to talk on almost any subject, have
proved their worth many times and in many institutions.
College classes, certainly designed for the dissemination of
as much knowledge of great latitude as possible in a short
time, seem sometimes to get iido the rut of relying too much
on the thoughts and ideas of the instructor.
While it is acknowledged that establishment of more
seminar-type groups at the University might bo difficult
because of the large student registration in many classes
thus requiring a larger faculty and additional expenditure—
a trend toward such a goal would be of the greatest value.
Worth of this type of education has been shown for manv
years by Reed college. The Portland institution has been
outstanding in scholarship among Northwest schools of
higher education.
* * * #
CMMINARS do not lend themselves to every field of edu
cation. Rut outside tin* exact sciences, their value is
widely recognized. Craduate courses, organized with small
enrollments to bring out not only the opinions and ideas of
the instructors but also those of the students provide a good
example for this contention.
Schools with small enrollments have an advantage over
larger institutions in the development of this field. Advance
ment, however, could be made in classes at schools such as
Oregon if faculty members would allow more discussion.
Lecture courses tend to feature memorization of facts not
to make the student advance his own ideas and information.
Facts alone do not constitute an education. The student must
h'arn to inakc use of these facts in his own thinking. Seminar
schoolwork is not an essential evolution which must go into
immediate ctfeet but it is a trend which schools must more
and more prepare to realize.—P.R.
According to a recent dispatch irom London, taxi drivers
and chauffeurs in that city enliven many occasions by their
wit and sarcasm. The story is told of a driver, who seeing a
pedestrian in bis way, stopped, leaned out of his car and
very politely inquired:
“I say, old man, may 1 ask what are your plans?”
NoMore Whispering About Sex Education
Collegians Say in Survey; Prudery Out
As Compulsory Courses Find Favor
Ey Student Opinion Surveys of America
AUSTIN, Texas, February 15 Sex education
should no longer be a matter to be whispered
about, a large majority of American college stu
dents believe. In fact, almost 62 per cent of them
favor making courses on the principles of sex
compulsory, a nation-wide survey by the Student
Opinion Surveys of America shows.
In summary, comments from collegians every
where sounded like this: "We have been prudish
about this matter too long. Authoritative informa
tion has either been hidden or prohibited from
young people.”
Prudery Loses Before Progress
Time has begun to change this attitude, it
would appear, for many colleges are now offering
marriage courses. Students regard this an im
portant part of their education when they say they
believe such instruction should even be made
obligatory. Interviewers have asked this question
to a scientifically-defined cross-section from coast
to coast: 'Should sex education courses in colleges
be made compulsory?”
Yes, say 61.9 per cent.
No, say 38.1 per cent.
Of the schools where the survey was held, only
about 10 per cent had required courses. Perhaps of
some significance is the fact that the poll shows
women in the South and West less in favor of
the idea than women elsewhere in the nation. Men
agree pretty well everywhere.
Not All Favor, However
Speaking for the majority, a North Dakota
state teachers college junior said, "Sex education
should have begun back in high school—during
adolescence.” Some believe upperclassmen only
should receive instruction. A Baylor university
medical student would include personal hygiene
and causes and results of venereal disease. How
ever, there are many who believe all sex matters
should be left to the parents, and a Northwestern
coed declares. “You should go to. your doctor for
that information.” In some college students say
there is not enough room in the courses offered.
Others favor voluntary courses only.
In America the movement toward more sex
education was begun in 1910 under the leadership
of Dr. Prince A. Morrow. Sex education in its
largest sense has been defined as that including
scientific, social, ethical, and religious instruction
and influence that may in some way, directly or
indirectly, help young people to solve the sex
problems that will inevitably be encountered by
every normal person.
One year ago—Two hundred '
thirty - eight students entered
the Emerald news commentator
audition contest. The auditions (
were held over station KORE.
This figure was higher by 50
per cent than that of other uni
versities entering the contest.
Five years ago—The girls at
Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta l
Phi, and Kappa Kappa Gamma
received life-like valentines on i
Valentine’s day. ]
A boy, wearing shorts and a '
red ribbon, was securely tied in
a laundry basket, and addressed 1
to “Pure-hearted Peggy” at the
Theta house. Marjorie Line- 1
baugh, Pi Phi, received a manly
morsel that was tied up in a ^
sheet. The Kappas found »
“Yutch, the Kappa-Killer” on
their porch. This prize package ]
was labelled: “To Lipstick
Ten years ago—Bishop Wal- '
ter Taylor Sumner, of the Epis- *
copal diocese of Oregon, told I
students that college youth “is *
just as fine in morals and as
splendid in spirit as ever.” *
Bishop Sumner also stated that
conventionality is always a safe 1
guide to morality.
Twenty-five years ago — 1
Washington defeated Oregon’s ‘
basketball team by a score of 1
16 to 10.
The University of Wisconsin has j
a new course to train students for
careers in the United States for- f
eign service.
The University of Kentucky band \
is one of the leading musical or. t
ganizations to appear in the an- t
nual Kentucky derby parade. i
Phi Delta Kappa Will
Initiate Saturday
Nino men will be initiated to the
^hi Delta Kappa, education hon
)rary, Saturday and Monday, Feb
uary 18 and 20.
The candidates, who are Francis
2. Beck, Kenneth Ruth, Roland B.
Dickie, Charles E. Meredith, Oscar
Williams, Dr. R. G. Nebleung, Clif
on W. White, Robert E. Anderson,
tnd Henry A. Lloyd, will be exam,
ned on their papers Saturday at
he University high school.
At 4 p.m. Monday the initiation
tself will take place at Gerlinger
ia.ll, and at 6:30 a banquet is to
)e given at the Eugene hotel.
Rev. Norman K. Tully will be
he main speaker of the evening,
[’here is also to be entertainment
rom the initiates.
iVouid-Be 'Manns'
ro Be Interviewed
ror Future Jobs
Wouldibe teachers are being in
erviewed in private conferences
his month by Miss Ida M. Pope,
ilacement secretary in the educa
ion department.
The reason for the interviews is
hat open teaching positions are
leginning to come in, and Miss
3ope, whose job is very much like
hat of Miss Janet Smith’s, must
alk to and see that each senior
nd graduate of the education
chool who wishes to become a
school marm,” has Iris letters of
ecomnrendation and other creden
iais all ready to be sent to em
Miss Pope said that there are
pproximately 100 seniors and 50
aaduate students who want jobs
It was also discovered that more
fomen than men seem to prefer
his occupation. Among the educa
ion students GO per cent are wo
iien and only 40 per cent men.
Better Watch Your Thoughts Now
II i>ajs to l>e careful with jour thoughts when this machine's
• round, tor through it, it is possible to “fingerprint" jour mind, It's
Ihe invention of I)r. Lee E. Travis, California psychologist, left. Dia
gram at bottom shows “fingerprinted" thought waves.
UO Professors
Not Forced to
Hide Cigarettes
Do you ever smoke a cigar
ette with your professor when
you are having a conference
with him? Well, if you don’t,
you are probably a typical Ore
gon student.
Mr. R. V. Mills, instructor in
the English department, who has
recently been a teaching assist
ant at the University of Cali
fornia, said yesterday, “Here at
Oregon the students will rarely
take a cigarette from a profes
sor while at California the pro
fessors have to hide their cigar
ettes so the students can’t find
Dr. Clark Tells
Oregon Pioneers
Of Trail Hardships
Dr. R. C. Clark, head of the his
tory department, was principal
speaker at the dinner meeting of
about 300 Sons and Daughters of
Oregon Pioneers Tuesday in the
Congress hotel in Portland.
Dr. Clark told of the character
istics of the Oregonians of 80 years
ago and pointed out the hardships
of the trail and some of the expe
riences of the early pioneers.
The meeting was in celebration
of the eightieth anniversary of
Oregon's admission to the Union.
Two Music Students to
Be on Station KOAC
The radio program of the Uni
versity school of music will feature
two students of George Hopkins,
professor of music, tomorrow and
Friday evenings at 8 o’clock over
station KOAC.
Thursday evening Jacqueline
Wong, a senior in music, will play
three selections, including ‘'Declar
ation" by Enrique Soro and “Mo
mento Capriccioso" by Weber.
Hiss Wong’s home is in Portland.
Friday evening Marian L. Hagg,
Reedville, will present a piano re
cital. She will play Chopin’s "Noc
turne in D Flat," "Three Waltzes"
by Brahms, and “Malaguena" by
Tecuana. Miss Hagg is a sopho
more music major.
Morris Will Speak
To Phi Chi Theta
Phi Olii Theta, national women’s
business honorary, will hold an
entertainment this afternoon at 4
o'clock in the AWS room of Ger
linger, according to Florence San
Dr. Victor P. Morris, dean of the
BA school, will speak on "Oppor
tunities for the Woman BA Gradu
ate." This program is held for
those gills making high grades in
the BA school, and will be followed
by refreshments planned by Bar
bara Keep.
Hip Boots Necessary
On Deady Hall Work
Underpinning of Deady hall was
begun Wednesday by workmen
n earing high hip boots.
Laborers also started to pour
concrete under the foundations of
the building. This will enable con
tractors to run through the re
quired tunnel.
The work was the first step in
this phase of the construction, ac
cording to Dr. Will V. Norris, Uni
versity technical adviser.
Double for
Oliver Would
Solve Worry
Found: a double for Coach Tex
The solution of Coach Oliver’s
problems of how to avoid inces
sant questioning on football
prospects, prospective line coach
es, and all those things which 1
make a coach’s life a habitual i
nightmare was discovered by a
! shrewd student today.
He suggested that Oliver do
nate the bkseball cap which he
wears when coaching to C. J.
Sullivan Jr., assistant professor
of philosophy. Professor Sulli
: van, who bears a decided resem
i blance to Oliver, could then as
! sume the irksome duties which
i usually descend upon the foot
ball coach.
Professor Sullivan could not
j be reached for his approval of
, the ingenious plan.
Mooting; of Senior Ball committee
chairmen at 4 in College Side.
Christian Science organization
will hold its regular meeting in the
YWCA bungalow at 8 tonight. All
students and faculty members are
cordially invited to attend.
Pi Delta Phi holds its initiation
tonight at 7:30 in the AWS room
of Gerlinger.
Phi Beta play practice this af
ternoon at 4:30 in AWS room of
Oregana pictures to be taken to
day at Condon hall are: 3 o’clock,
rally committee; 4, Ski club. At
4:30 the Wesley club will be pho
tographed at Wesley home.
ATOs Beat Theta Chis
(Continued From Page .Two)
which the Sweethearts took a win
over the Dolts almost occured
when Smith and Gridley led a
Sigma Chi rally that brought the
losers within one point of the Delts
with ten seconds left.
Both teams committed eight
fouls in the game. Gale Smith led
the scorers with nine points. J.
Monahan gathered eight for the
Delts (18) (17) Sigma Chi
Monahan (8).F . (9) Smith
Hewitt.F (2) Burlingame
Drach.C . Hansen
Self ridge (3).G . Lee
Baxter (7) .G . (4) Gridley
Hill.S (2) Sederstrom
S . Applegate
SAEs 24, Theta Chi 13
After dropping a 24 to 13 count
to Theta Chi Tuesday night in a
“B” league game, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon turned the tables by chalk
ing up a 19 to 12 victory to enter
the semifinal round.
The SAEs opened the scoring
and were never headed in the
game, leading 11 to 8 at half time
Both teams played fast, clear
ball, the winners bottling up th<
Theta Chi attack with close check'
Bill Jelliek led the winners wit!
eight points. Lowry was high mar
for the losers with six.
SAE (19)
Cardinal (6)
Jelliek (8) ...
Lowe (5).
Thomas .
(12) Theta Ch
. (4) Houcl
.... (2) Huesti:
. Coolei
. (6) Lown
. Barret
Craft and Dor
Kappa, Gamma Phi
(Continued front page tzvo)
In an “A” game, Gamma Phi
gave Pi Phi their third loss of the
season, Frances Roth, Salemite,
playing forward for the Gamma
Phis, connected on five field goals
to place as high scorer. Pi Phi’s
Grace Schaefers was next with six.
Player Team Games Ave.
Neilson Orides . 3 ig
Howard Alpha Phi .
Tri-Delt ....
Hendricks ...
Chi Omega .
Lucky Aces
Theta .
Susie .
Hendricks .
Kappa .
Alpha Chi O
Chi O.
Co-op .
Tri-Delt .
Alpha Phi
Dr. John A. Nietz of the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh has a collec
tion of some 1,500 old textbooks
tsed in U. S. schools.
Chinese students at Columbia
miversity spend only fifty cents a
ay for food.
Seeing the campus from an
ambulance was the experience of
Jack Daniels, freshman presi
dent, who is in the infirmary re
covering from an appendicitis
Jack and Robertson Cook, an
other appendicitis victim, occupy
ward five. The boys were oper
ated on last week at a local hos
pital and brought to the infirm
ary the first of this week.
.lack Likes Ride
Jack seemed to have enjoyed
his ride to the infirmary. “You
ought to take a ride in it some
time," he said. “It’s really a
swell ambulance.” The obliging
driver came around the campus
and past Jack’s fraternity'. The
campus looked great,” said Jack.
“Especially since I’d been'ieeling
so low and hadn’t been on the
campus for five days.”
Jack’s mother rode over' with
him in the ambulance. He
grinned as he explained. “This
was the first time mother had
seen the campus and she had to
sec it from the back of an am
Men in Henhouse
Bob did not have the thrill of
arriving in an ambulance. “They
brought over in an ordinary car,”
he said. Bob seemed puzzled be
cause the boys were put in the
girls’ end of the infirmary. “Why
did they have to put us down
here in this end with the girls ?”
he asked.
Beds Filled
There were few vacant beds
at the infirmary yesterday. The
patients number 23, including
Rachel Griffins, Mignon Phipps,
Pearl Buckler, Anne B. Dickson,
Georgia Langford, Lois Ann
Soule, Isabelle Witmer, Anne
Dean, Clarence Zurcher, Fowler
Wood, J. Monroe Richardson,
Frank Allen, Wrilliam Regner,
Wentworth Bowman, Richard
Davidson, Charles Hamilton,
Harrison Bergtholdt, Fred Pan
key, Clair Adams, Richard Cox,
and Erma Miller.
Oregon Mermen
(Continued Prom Page Tzvo)
second places in the fancy diyjng
set-to. Leo Gaffney and Elmer
Mallory came out ahead of Savage,
Bear diver.
300-yard medley relay—Won by
Oregon (Marnie, Wetmore, and
Dallas). Time: 3:09. New meet
record (old record, 3:14.6).
220-yard free-style—Won by
Cooper (C), Mallory (O), second,
Starbuck (O), third. Time: :24.5.
New meet record (old record,
100-yard dash—Won by Aron
son (C), Gerdes (C), second,
Starbuck (O), third. Time: :56
150-yard backstroke—Won by
Wetmore (O), Levy (O), second,
Dam (C), third. Time: 1:42.3. New
meet record (old record, 1:46).
200-yard breast stroke—Won by
Dallas (O), Lafferty (O), second,
Woodman (C), third. Time: 2:31.8.
New meet record (old record
Fancy diving—Won by Gaffney
(O), Mallory (O), second, Savage
(C), third.
440-yard free-style — Won by
Wetmore (O), Cooper (C), second,
Joy (C), third. Time: 5:19.4,
400-yard free-style relay—Won
by California (Clarke, Figely, Cox,
and Gerdes). Time: 3:50.4. New
meet record (old meet record,
Any Old
for Sale . . .
By selling those old golf
clubs, typewriters, and
other nick-nacks you can
raise enough cash for a
weekend splurge.
Only 2c
a word
Call 354
Smoking Question
Continual violation of “No
Smoking” rules in the basketball
fieldhouae at Indiana university
has finally aroused a storm of pro
test led by the college paper, the
Indiana Daily Student.
Said the Daily Student: “De
nouncing the unsanctioned prac
tice of smoking in the fieldhouse
during basketball games as having
an irritating effect capable of re
ducing an athlete’s playing time
by almost one-third, all local phy
sicians but one contacted by this
paper voiced their disapproval of
the winked-at ‘No-Smoking’ rules.”
Jack Holt
-plus -
Ray Rodgers and
Smiley Burnette
William Gargan
Joy Hodges
Andy Devine
Doors Open 6:30
Phone 3300 Local 354
I First day .2c per word
Subsequent days.lc per word
| Three consecutive times 4c per word and a
fourth time FREE with cash pay
I ment.
Minimum ad ten words.
Ads will be taken over the telephone
>n a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suf
icient remittance enclosed to cover defi
nite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business of
lce not later than G :0U p.m. prior to the
lay of insertion.
Arrangements for monthly rates will
>e made upon application.
* Student Service
FELLOWS: Bring your car to Jim
Smith Richfield Station at 13th
and Willamette for A-l service.
* Barber Shops
IT PAYS to look well. For your
next haircut try the Eugene
Hotel Barber Shop.
* Picture Framing
PICTURE framing for all kinds of
pictures and certificates. Ori
ental Art Shop, 122 E. Broad
* Lost
OVERCOAT, green covertelotli, on
FOR ITS RETURN. Joe Frizzell,
Alpha Hall.
PAIR RIMLESS glasses in b.rown
leather case. Also English comp
book. Call 1516. Reward.
• Found
Ml found ads will be published FREE
:>y this department. A minimum charge
>f 5c will be made claimants upon the
return of the lost article. Call for lost
articles at the University Depot lost and
found department.
The following articles have been
turned in during the week to the
lost and found department:
Text books:
Writing and Thinking
British Poetry and Prose
First Principles of Speech and
Handbook of Business Corre
Introduction to Chemistry
Interpretive Reporting
Political Problems
Logic and Scientific Method
2 umbrellas
If you have a claim to any of
these articles call for them at
the University Depot.
* Books
fiction, technical books. 31 7th
* Plumbing
Plumbers. Repairs and installa
tions of all kinds. Servicemen al
ways ready. Phone 243. 936 Oak.
* Ski Repairing
> * • • • « * • • • * j
Expert repairing done and •
1 hand-manufactured skis both •
hickory and maple sold at bar- •
gain prices. See Kaarhus, East •
13th and Moss. •