Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1939, Page Three, Image 3

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    Parade of Formal*
Apex of Social Life
Rain or snow, ice or sleet, seventeen house dances have been plannei
for the coming weekend. It is hoped that the weather gods will be kirn
though, as most of the dances are formal—and what is worse thai
shuffling through slush in a formal?
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sigma Chi, after much fuss and ado
have combined their efforts and equipment Friday night and will holt
a joint formal at the Eugene hotel. Art Holman’s orchestra will play
and the hotel will be simply decorated with early spring flowers anc
Gamma Phi Beta is being very
secretive about its dance Friday
night. The freshmen have taken
full charge of the affair, only in
forming the upperclassmen that
they are to come in formal attire.
Swedish Motif
The Osburn hotel will be taken
over by Alpha Omfcron Pi Friday
for its winter formal. The motif
is built about a Swedish smorgas
bord. Earl Scott’s orchestra will
Another Friday night formal
will be held at Gerlinger hall by
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Maurie Bin
ford’s campus orchestra will furn
ish the music.
“Hearts and Flowers” is the
theme of the Hilyard co-op semi
formal Friday night. Guests will
enter the house through a large
red heart, and the room decora
tions will consist of red and white
streamers, balloons, and heart
shaped mirrors.
* $ #
Saturday Dances
On Saturday evening the All
Dormitory winter formal will be
held in the men’s dorm. Decora
tions are to symbolize a night club
opening. An unusual and interest
ing feature of the affair will be
a half-hour broadcast direct from
the hall over radio station KORE.
Art Holman’s orchestra will play.
Alpha Chi Omega is using the
“Penthouse” theme, with decora
tions depicting a skyline scene.
Programs are silver and black with
a penthouse silhouette. Earl Scott's
orchestra will play.
Alpha Tau Omega’s annual win
ter formal will be held at the Os
burn hotel. Hal Huggins’ orchestra
will play.
The Betas are also keeping the
theme of their dance a secret, but
it is to be formal and Jimmy John
ston’s orchestra will furnish the
Startling Effect
Delta Tau Delta will attempt to!
achieve a startling decorative ef
fect at their formal through the
use of indirect lighting on tall sil
ver corrugated columns. Bright
flowers and potted palms will also
add to the decorations. The frater
nity colors will be carried out in
the programs.
Phi Kappa Psi has arranged a
formal dinner-dance at the Eugene
hotel Saturday night. Fred Beards
ley’s orchestra will play.
Pi Kappa Alpha will try a jun
gle effect for its house dance. The j
orchestra will be placed in a straw
hut formation, the ceiling will be
covered in colored paper, and the
room will be decorated with bal
loons in bright colors.
Theta Chi will use the “Silhou
ette motif for its dance Saturday
night. Maurie Binford's orchestra
will play.
* * *
Sigma Nu will entertain with a
fireside Friday night. Bridge and
dancing will be the main diver
sions for the evening.
Housemothers Entertanie d
Phi Sigma Kappa entertained
Wednesday evening with a forfna
dinner for all housemothers on the
campus. Hm! Now what will a
poor housemother be able to sa>
when one of her girls comes in af
ter hours, if she’s with a Phi SigV
* * #
An upperclassman exchange din
ner will be held Sunday between
members of the Oregon and Ore
gon State chapters of Phi Delta
* * *
Week’s Desserts
Desserts this week find Sigma
Chi and Kappa Kappa Gamma
putting their heads together for
final plans for their dance—mix
ing business with pleasure. Other
desserts are Gamma Phi Beta, Al
pha Tau Omega; Alpha Gamma Del
ta,, Delta Upsilon; Delta Tau Delta,
Chi Omega; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Hendricks hall; Delta Delta Del
ta, preference dessert; Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Alpha Chi Omega; Susan
Campbell, Phi Kappa Psi; Univer
sity co-op, Yeomen; Hendricks
hall, Theta Chi; Alpha Phi, Phi
Gamma Delta.
Alpha Omicron Pi had a Valen
tine party Tuesday evening. A
special dinner was served, followed
by games.
* * *
Thursday evening Tri Delta is
having a dinner for all heads of
girls’ houses and the housemoth
* * *
Miss Hanson Honored
Alpha Xi Delta honored its
housemother, Miss Mathea Han
son, with an informal coffee at
the chapter house Tuesday eve
ning. In the receiving line were:
Mrs. Herbert Nelson, province
president, Miss Hanson, and Miss
Barbara Stallcup. Miss Fannie
McCamant, Mrs. J. Laurin Rey
nolds, and Miss Ethel Sawyer
Engagement Announced
A party given at the Zeta Tau
Alpha house Wednesday evening
by the upperclassmen for the un
derclassmen was merely a camou
flage for the announcement of the
engagement of Mary Ellen Wil
liams to Lester Van Lydegaraf, ’36,
of Boise, Idaho. The wedding will
take place in Eugene on June 5.
Van Lydegaraf is affiliated with
Sigma Chi fraternity.
The theme of the party was
“Castle in Spain.’’ It was in the
form of a fireside, following which
ice cream and red heart cookies
were served. Announcements were
in the form of pictures of a cot
tage surrounded by a moat, and
inscribed vvith the words, “This
castle will be occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Van Lydgaraf after
the fifth of Jun«.”
The University of Virginia al
umni association will request that
congress give the university the
13,000,000 fund available as a
monument to Thomas Jefferson
for an “educational, living trib
Miss Match Suits
with plain skirts
1 2.50 and up
styles in stripes, blacks
and navies
1 2.50 and up
in tweed and new light
shades of spring!
— Blouses —
Sheer batiste with soft,
lovely lace trims.
Tailored fronts for that
new spring suit.
. rJ—»..!■
Editor .<.B. Bowman
Associate editor.B. Chapman
Society editor.M. Finnegan
L. Lemen, E. Erlandson, B. J.
Staff—S. Mitchell, M. K. Riordan,
Thompson, M. Wodeage.
By B. Bowman
It was bound to come. I've beei
scared for weeks that someom
would get me in a corner with m;
hands up, back to the wall and al
that. So here’s one of the Bettj
Hamilton victims staging a hold
“There is a group of us Emeralc
readers who would like to know
why the features of Betty Hamil
ton are run so constantly on the
front, page. Isn’t it time someom
came to their defense?”
And there it is—Frankly then
doesn’t seem to be too great a
unanimity of opinion on the sub
I ject. Although the fraternities ob
! ject, one must say that Betty's in
| tentions are the best. She’s out foi
a feature story and there’s nc
I stopping her.
That she carries things a little
I too far is probably true. The main
i objection from these quarters is
; that she is presenting a picture of
campus life that most of us are
trying to live down. And that’s
the "movie version.”
Anyway, it’s a good thing Betty
doesn’t have to pay a poll tax.
Equal Rights?
For at least 360 days in the year,
I'm for equal rights, equal respon
sibilities, equal opportunity, equal
pay, equal every old thing. But at
least five times a year I relapse
into docile, clinging femininity
when I just adore being “protect
ed.” That, of course, is when I’m
not feeling .quite up to snuff and
the gentlemen around are particu
larly chivalrous, gallant ahd in a
“There, there, dear, don’t you
worry, we’ll take care of it” mood.
It’s rather sweet. Then, too, there
are the days on which I view
Boulder dams and San Franciscc
bridges and such and stand awee
with these evidences of masculine
superiority. Presently, however
I'm listening to some feather
brained jitterbug reviewing mas
culine achievements in the world
and I’m right back on the Equal
Rights bandwagon. A teeterer
that’s what I am. Of course, deep
down in my heart what I’d really
prefer is that all men would be
superior and prove it.
! A Record
Bob Hochuli, more recently
known as the knave of hearts, rc
j ceived 12 letters yesterday! Won
J der how many King Stan Staiger
A New Note
The Alpha Chis found the end
of a perfect evening last Saturday
night. Informal singing by Bar
bara Ward, Bud Saunders, and
j Fred Beardsley with Zo Brassey
at the piano was a pleasant change
from the usual radio and shagging
j during the last 15 minutes. It may
surprise some people that college
students actually like something a
little on the cultural and more se
rious side of life.
DGs Get Surprises
Those signs which decorate the
DG house during the early morn,
ing hours are something new and
different. The donors remain a
mystery but they arc faithful.
Each morning the DG’s find a new
number awaiting their inspection.
The latest wras a “Dump no gar
bage here.”
Campus Mystery
After all the fuss about the time
the girls have to get home to see
them coming in at 10 on Monday
nights, of their owti accord, must
be a surprise for the dean of wo
men. Her surprise might w^ell turn
to indignation when a few mo
ments later all of the lights in
the drawing room go out.
To see the same things going on
at 11:45 Friday night would prob
ably bring down an investigation.
She would discover a recent fad
for mysteries, which is being en
joyed by the entire campus. “The
Devil's Scrap Book” and “Black
Chapel” arc current hits. The ra
dio program is usually aided by
sound effects from the assembled
Queen's Routine
Queen Elizabeth has a definite
color routine, it was revealed in an
article, “King George Strives to
Please,” by Ben Robertson in a
recent Saturday Evening Post.
Although the queens friends
liked her in black, which she wore
V.'liCU ’ ’' llw'l!VH,'tl ftp
Sorority Tribute
International organizations are observing this year the centenary
of the birth of Francis E. Willard, 19th cnetury women’s leader and
educator. Shown is Miss W’illard as a 21-year-old student at Evanston,
Illinois. This oil painting by Karl Buehr was presented to the new
W’illard hall at Northwestern university by Alpha I*hi sorority, of which
Miss Willard was an early member and national president.
A Coed’s Education
“If he doesn't come in a minute, I’ll never speak to him as long
as I live,” the little freshman was wailing as the mascara made two
dark paths down her cheek. “He can’t stand me up after I’ve spent
three hours getting dressed.”
Which, poor girl, is perhaps why she has been stood up. Completely
oblivious of the fact that a boy, even her steady, may tire of waitin0
for his date, this 'little self-centered beauty sheds a Willamette of
tears because he is 15 or 20 min--—-—__
utes late.
Dates Kept Waiting
It is not exaggerating in the
least to say that nine out of ten
girls keep their dates waiting at
least 10 minutes before they ap
pear. The 101 necessary touches
that add to the fair lady’s charm
are excusable by most big-hearted
escorts, but when they require
half an hour or 45 minutes, any
discourteous act upon the part of
the boy is justified.
Of course, if the girl is a sopho
more she has probably learned
that tears not only do not help the
situation, but spoil the effects she
has labored to obtained these many
minutes. She knows that no one
arrives at the dance before the
sixth dance anyway, so she uses
the extra time to finish her make
up. If it is she who keeps him wait
ing, it is not because of the ner
vousness of having a new date, or
the inability to get her formal
pressed on time, as her freshman
sister, but because she has spent
the time trying on all her room
mate’s formals.
Junior Improved
When confident junior steps out,
■ she can be depended upon to be
i ready, in most cases. After three
years she has establishd a routine
for the entire day before a formal
affair and prepares for the occa
sion calmly and with assurance.
The dress.up and make-up proced
ure is clock-work for her; she puts
on lipstick at the same time that
she takes the curlers out of her
hair and while her finger-nail pol
ish is drying.
She still keeps him waiting, how
ever. for her college education has
! taught her that a girl has to keep
la man waiting or he will become
big-headed thinking she likes him
enough to be ready on time.
Senior on Time
Sister senior (oh, dear, how do
they get so smug and efficient?)
hat not only budgeted the 21 hours
prior to the dance, but at 9 o'clock
sharp, in her nicely pressed dress,
and wanted her to continue wear
ing it, she refused for she docs not
like it, but prefers blue and green
and pink. “When she tours in
Great Uritain. she wears powder
blue the first day, pink on the sec
ond, apple green on the third, dove
gray on the fourth, and powder
blue, again on the fifth. It is her
color routine.
.her correctly moistened lips, and
the exact number of perfume drops
on the lobes of her ears, she waits
in her room till she is rung—with
a copy of Nietzsche in her hand!
Rare specimen of perfection, ideal
of the underclassman, pride and
joy of housemothers, how do you
do it?
Does she keep him waiting ? Not
if she wants to hang on to him, she
doesn’t. If he has to talk with the
housemother too many times about
the horrible appearance of the
campus, where the humanities
building is being dug, he will not.
call again. (He will forgive the
freshman anything, but the senior
can't get away with it.)
But woe be unto the lad, who
didn’t send a valentine! He will be
kept waiting so long that he’ll
think every girl he ever took out
was an amateur at making men
Coeds Discuss
Cut Throating
Pro and Con
The decree of Oregon's new king
I of hearts that romance should rule
! over the campus is indeed a lovely
! sentiment, but Oregon coeds be
lieve that this question of love has
( other and less desirable features.
“Would you steal your girl
friend's boy friend?” they were
“Not I," was the reply of Ruth
ellen Merchant, “because throat
cutting has too many complica
While on the other side of the
question, one thoughtful young
! lady said, “Yes, I’d steal him if
! I could. It would be easier on my
j girl friend to find out now that
i he was still in circulation, than to
i wait and really be heartbroken.”
“I wouldn’t steal a girl’s boy i
friend, even if I could," volunteered
Pat Taylor, “ ’cause I’d be afraid j
she’d beat me in the face with a
hatchet, or poison my soup, or
One girl's answer to the ques
tion was, “I always treat my girl
friend's boy friends as cold as ice,
so there isn’t a chance.”
One coed said the risk involved
was too great. “You'd be sure to
lose your girl friend, and probably
your new boy friend wouldn't last
long either,” she said.
Another comment on the ques
tion, and a very modern one, was,
“Yes, I’d steal him. In these days
of cut-throat competition it’s every
girl for herself.”
SpriiMj lormols Go
Models of 1890 furnish the
inspiration for many of the spring
foimals now arriving at Eugene
dress shops. Soft full skirts, puffed
sleeves, and pastel colors are fea
tures being noted by the shopping
coeds preparing for this week
end’s array of 17 house dances
(most of which are formal) and
next weekend’s big all-campus for
mal the Senior ball.
"More feminine than ever,” is
the verdict of the buyers of most
of the local stores when discussing
this spring’s trend.
Although some of the very ex
pensive Paris models which will be
shown on the east coast have I
straight gown-like lines, nearly all
the formals shown here will have!
yards and yards of material in |
their skirts. Extreme decollctesj
are not so popular here either.
Jackets and boleros, which give
a dress that two-time wear appeal,
will be popular. Basque waists lend '
a charming old-country appear
ance to many formals and is an
other point of style worth noting.
Lace, net, and chiffon lead ma
terials in popularity. Organza and
taffeta, too, are good. White and
powder blue are expected to be
leading colors, with light pink and
aqua in the race for top place.
Dusty {'ink, Maize, Boy
Blue, Bust, and all the
other new spring shades
to match your sweaters
and skirts.
ANKLETS 35c.. 3 for $1.00
New Can-Can Petticoats
A short taffeta slip in the newest
spring shades witli cleverly con
trasted ruffled bottoms.
Williams Stores, inc.
10lo \Yillamcltu
1'houc 8i3S
Simdcnj Dote
Decidedly new and spring-like
because of it’s deep rosle khude,
this simple dressy sport outfit la
accentuated by the smart black
accessories worn with it. The ma
terial is a light wool crepe, and the
pleats, which go in one direction,
are stitched down over the hips.
Backward Manners
Victorian styles seem to have
completely taken over spring fash
ion trends, and now manners are
slowly but surely going backwards.
Mannequins of several Paris hous
es are being taught to drop curt
sies popular of that period. Gone
are the old terms of “glamorous”
and “Southern Belle,” and in their
Dress of the
There was a whiff of spring in
the tangerine and white polka
dotted dress, worn by Virginia
Swearingen to the Sophomore
Whiskerino, Saturday night.
Virginia’s smartly cut cruisine
dress of shantung had one of the
new long waistlines, with a skirt
that was tucked and pleated.
Very flattering was the unusual
semi-squared and scalloped neck
line treatment.
Six tiny white pearl buttons
down the waist front, and a white
stitched leather belt, wider in the
front offset the gaily colored dress.
Soft gathers across the back from
shoulder to shoulder made for
; plenty of chique in Virginia's
I clever costume.
1 Names of Four
J Girls Added to
List of Nominees
The names of four girls were
added to the list of nominees for
the offices of the AWS, WAA, and
YWCA at the meeting held yes
Genevieve Casey was nominated
for the office of secretary of the
YWCA. Pat Taylor was nominated
for secretary of WAA. Nomina
tions for AWS were Betty Nor
wood for secretary and Barbara
Fulton for treasurer.
Elections for the offices will be
held next Wednesday, from 9 te
2 at the YWCA.
Mrs. Lamar Tooze, of the Ore
gon League of Voters in Portland,
i was guest speaker. She gave a:i
j inspiring speech on "Citizenship.”
I She was introduced by Elisabeth
j Stetson, AWS president.
The minutes of the last meeting
: were read by Anne Frederickson,
! secretary, and roll was called. The
| singing of the Oregon song opened
i the meeting.
place newer adjectives are used.
Old fashion and different types
of petticoats are back in many in.
stances. A typical example is a
model by Robert Piquet called
"Cafe Anglais”—name of a Pa
risian boulevard cafe in Edward
ian days. Much of the charm of
this tiny black and white checked
surah is in the embroidered muslin
petticoat with a hoop in the hem.
The dress also has a starched
white Eton collar and Windsor tie
which show over the collarless
black jacket.
With Lively New
Sweaters and Skirts
in our
Sponge knits in all of the
newest pastel ohades $2.95
Pastel shades $2,95
Cardigan and slipovers
$2.95 and up
Soft wool sweaters
$1.95 and up
Plain slipovers $1.95 - 2.95
New colors
Lime Fuchsia - Japonica
Spray Blue ■ Pink
•hist Arrived
On the Campus at the Campus Shop