UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1938 NUMBER 41 Leon Mojica Band to Plaq At Informal Christmas Theme Is Chosen for Annual Sophomore Dance Saturday The sophomores “told all” yes terday regarding- plans for their Saturday night informal dance, an nouncing both the orchestra and the theme for the event. Leon Mojica is to bring his El Patio band and “Christmas” is to be the theme. Without the use of horseshoes, rabbits’ feet, or other special aids, the sophomores come off with the surprise catch of the fall dance season in the signing of Mojica to play for Saturday’s dance. Mojica Bnsse Pupil T Mojica (Mo-hee-Ka), whose mu sical apprenticeship was spent under Henry Busse, comes north fresh from a 2i-week engagement at San Francisco’s El Patio ball room. Broadcasts from the El Patio were never less than three times weekly over an NBC hook up, so Mojica's /Serenaders are well known to radio listeners as well as to dancers al lover the nation. Mojica first appeared at the El Patio last year, following which he went on an extended tour of the east, returning for the 21 week engagement he has just completed. Horseshoe Class Signing of Mojica is in keeping with a class of ’41 characteristic of coming out ahead in their ven turings into the complicated field of outside orchestras. It was this \ same class, it will be remembered, who last year got Dick Jurgens for the frosh glee. Setting for the dance will be Gerlinger, where all the usual Christmas atmosphere will be in evidence. Plenty of mistletoe, hol ly, snow, and everything except cold are guaranteed by the sopho mores, who will have Alumni room open for the event. (Please turn to page three) U of Minnesota Mining School Gets Practical By ANNA MAE HALVERSON Practical and grimy are terms i that might be applied to the activi ties of students at the University of Minnesota mining school, who are learning some of their mining techniques by experience. Twenty-two mining students re cently descended into a smoke and gas filled heating tunnel to prac tice use of oxygen mining apparat us. Directed by a traveling demon strator from the U. S. bureau of mines, they went into a tunnel filled with a mixture of carbon mo noxide, formaldehyde, and smoke to remain for two hours. Each stu dent carried a 32-pound oxygen tank on his back. Translated Anguish—A course in English Comp. ^ Battle axe—A stout female. Boolo—A freshman. Broken wagon—A ruined ro mance. Cement mixer—A poor dancer. Chief itch and rub—The most im portant person. Dryball—A student who studies all the time. Yawptologist—A cheer leader. —Rider College News. * * * Record A Vassar freshman had thought that she held the world’s record for seeing “Mad About Music.” She has supposedly seen it 139 times, but now a Harvard sophomore has tak en the title away from her. He has seen the show 144 times. * * * Phew Complete consolidation under one roof of all plant and animal sciences y except dairy husbandry at the Uni versity of New Hampshire will be possible in June with completion of two 90-foot wings to Nesmith hall. —ACP. Harger Almost Fooled Them Les Harger . . . drew plenty of cheers from the Oregon rooting section Saturday when he appeared and led the University band at halftime in this costume. His stunt was a bitter satire on the fact that Oregon goes without a drum majoress while OSC has two such as attractive Beatrice Leonard, at right. Whoops, Look They've Got It A Majoress “Oregon has a drum majoress” —the word spread like wildfire through the Webfoot rooting sec nouncing booth, and echoed from all corners of the stadium. As incredible as it seemed af ter a student affairs committee ruling against the coed baton twirlers, there it was—a beauti ful, high-stepping girl leading the Oregon band at half time. When the band and the flashy stick slinger turned to face the Web foot rooting section, the whole section stood to cheer the show of courage which the majoress showed in coming on the field. A fancy display of baton twirl ing was demonstrated by the Ore gon coed. All attempts to get in touch with her failed. It was un derstood that her name was Hessie Larger, although she would probably disclaim any re lation to Oregon’s prestn baton twirier, Les Harger. Student in vestigators pointed out, however, that when the pretty baton-wield er was on the field, Harger could not be found and that he reap peared as soon as she made her exit. GRAD VISITS CAMPUS A visitor to the campus and art school yesterday was Mrs. Eugene Laird (Lorene Christianson) of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Laird was graduated from the University in 1933. New 'ASUO'Bibles To Be Delivered to Student Members ’« ---— 4 Plans for presenting every member of the ASUO with a complete, printed copy of the constitution went forward at the meeting of the executive committee yesterday afternoon when bylaws applying to awards were discussed. Discussion of these and other portions of the official document have been necessary, the committee discovered, when Zane Kemler and Changes Made in Examination List Only two changes are to be made in the schedules for fall term examinations as listed in the "white book’’ of term acitvities, issued at tbe beginning of t!he school year, C. L. Constance, assistant registrar, said yesterday. The two changes, approved by the schedules committee, include a shift of both sections of class 207 in elementary psychology to Wed nesday, December 15 from 10 to 12 o’clock, at the same time as the examination in background of social science. The general physics exam for both sections of class 207 will be held from 3 to 5 on Thurs day afternoon. The committee, meeting yester day, also approved the schedule of events for the school year 1939. Wally Johansen, delegated by Pres . ident Harold Weston to prepare the constitution for publication, disclosed that important sections were missing. Regulations Out-Dated Lax handling of amendments and additions in the past brought about this condition, they believe. This makes it necessary for the execu tive committee to bring some regu lations up to date, and to supply others where no actual record can be found. The complete text of the docu ment will be adopted by the com mittee at a meeting tomorrow. The constitution will be submitted to printers and be ready for distribu tion at the beginning of winter term. Luvaas New Chairman Other business of the committee including the naming of John Lu vaas, senior, to the chairmanship of Dad’s day. Carolyn Dudley, sen ior, will act as assistant chairman. The event will take place early in February. |Game Seating Arrangement Draws Fire _ UO Students Were Warned to Get in Section by 1:45, Say Officials Answering numerous student protests concerning the arrange ment of the Webfoot rooting sec tion at the Oregon-Oregon State ! game Saturday, University officials today explained that students were warned that no seats in the rooting section would be available after 1:45. The students complained that outsiders were allowed into the UO section and that many bona fide ASUO members were forced to "sit on the ground or anywhere else that was available.” Several “beefs” stated that outsiders were rushed into the section reserved for the band thereby crowding the band out of their seats. Students Warned “While it is unfortunate that many students came in late and didn’t find seats in the regular rooting section, it was their fault. They wfere warned many times be fore the game that all UO rooters must be in their seats by 1:45 or enough general admission crowd would be let in to fill up the remain ing seats,” Anse Cornell, athletic [ manager, said. Large Staff Worked Zollie Volchok, assistant educa i tional activities manager, Expressed the same opinion adding, “Of course a few outsiders managed to slip in before that time. We had twice the student staff working and even with the aid of six or seven policemen, a few did get through. It was al most impossible to stop them,” he sadd. ' Cornell also pointed out that James G. Richardson, manager of (PIeast? turn to page three) Olympic Skier Will Speak to UO Club W. Darroch Crooks, member of the 1936 Olympic ski team, will be a visitor on the campus today and will appear this evening at a meeting of the University Ski club. The meeting, to be held at 7:30 o’clock in room 208, Villard, will feature a showing of moving pic tures of famous skiers and skiing events shown by Mr. Crooks. Seattle, Washington, is the home of Mr. Crooks, who has earned an international reputation, in ski competition. He was one of the two members of the 1936 Olympic team chosen from the Pacific Northwest and has taken part many times in competition at Mt. Hood. Mr. Crooks, the northwest rep resentative for Sun Valley, will talk over with members of the University Ski club plans for a seven-day trip to Sun Valley which several of the University skiers are planning to make after Christmas. Production of 'Noah' Nearly Ready for Thursday Night Opening Former Grid Rooters—Tonight's Hoop Rooters These Oregon team’s heads to against Portland ■»»« ... .. .— -- - eoeds . . . tried to keep smiling all season as opponents’ passes sailed over the grid go.for touchdowns. Tonight in the Igloo they will see the basketball season opened University, and lots of passes for both sides. OSC Trips Olivermen; Football Gives Way To Basketball Tonight Gridmen's Uniforms Go Into Storage as Hobson's Hoopsters Take to Igloo Floor The reign of King Football is ended. That is, as far as the Uni versity of Oregon is concerned. Saturday’s loss of the northwest I grid championship to Oregon State’s ! giant Orangemen completed the I Webfoot football season. Four i wins against five losses is the Web foots’ record for the season, and the flashy green and yellow uni forms of the Ducks go into storage until next autumn. • Basketball Reigns Tonight Tonight basketball takes the cen ter of the sports stage at McAr thur court. Tonight, Oregon fans will witness a preview showing of Coach Hobby Hobson’s Oregon hoopsters as they begin a campaign for northwest, coast, and national honors. Co-starring with the tall Duck five will be the Portland Pilots and their coach, Eddie Fitzpatrick. And furnishing the fan music will be an outpouring of University students and townspeople. Other Sports Rise With the turn of the athletic sea son also comes renewed interest in other university sports—swimming, skiing, boxing and wrestling, and frosh football. Frosh basketball begins today with all candidates meeting Coach John Warren at the men’s gym at 3 o’clock. Swimming tryouts are being scheduled for the remaining weEks of the term; skiing interest is | mounting with the coming of snow to the McKenzie region, and a ring match is scheduled for November 30 with the Eugene Elks at the Eu gene Athletic club. Eight matches round out the program. Obeg's 'Noah' Gets Finishing Touches Finishing touches are being made on costumes and stage set tings for "Noah,” Andre Obey’s fantastic comedy, which will be presented by the Guild theater here on Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of this week. One of the most difficult jobs for the play, that of making masks for the animal characters, has just been completed. The six animal faces, whcih took 12 to 14 hours each to make, were designed by Jean Sutherland and Clarence Bates, and the actual work was done by Dale King and Jean Gable. Noah’s ark and the rest of the stage setting was designed by Horace Robinson, drama instruc tor, and built entirely by his stage crew class. According to Mrs. Ottilie Sey bolt, director, the play gives every promise of being the most unique production every to have been pre sented by the University theater. The box office opened Monday afternoon starting the sale of seats to the play, and many reserva tions have already been made, Austin Dunn, drama division secre tary, said. 'Revels' Parti] Scheduled for December 10 Eighth Annual Yule Dance on Weekend Before Finals The eighth annual Christmas Revels, traditional all campus Christmas dance party, will be held Saturday evening, December 10, in Gerlinger, came the announcement last night from Muriel Beckman and John Luvaas, respectively presidents of the Orides and Yeo men, campus independents’ organi zations which are jointly sponsor ing the affair. Every year, preceding the fall term examinations, the students and the faculty get together for this Yuletide spree, in which everyone, falls into an informal evening of dancing, skits, singing, and fun. And every year members of the fac ulty break down and put op special skits for the entertainment of the party. The admission to this non-profit, no-date affair is 30 cents a person. Marcia Judkins and Gordon Link have been appointed general co chairman of the dance and Zola Boyd' and Jim Hatch have been ap pointed entertainment and program co-chairmen, Luvaas and Miss Beckman announced. Dr. Parsons to Give Wild Life Report Dr. Philip A. Parsons, head of the sociology department, will re port the studies and recommenda tions of the state planning board of the Oregon Wild Life federation at the annual state meeting to be held Thursday and Friday at Oregon State. The paper will be presented Thursday afternoon. Dr. Parsons will represent the Lane county Wild Life federation and Siuslaw Rod and Gun club. MISS PHY ILL Miss Margaret Phy, secretary to the dean of the school of physical education, has been ill since Friday and was unable to report for work today, according to the announce ment of Dr. Leighton, dean of the PE school. Kisselburgh Proves Dynamite to Blast Staters to 14-0 Win In Thanksgiving Tilt Stopped' for three quarters by a stubborn Oregon defense, Oregon State’s powerful grid machine rolled to two touchdowns and a 14 to 0 victory over the football forces of the University of Oregon Sat urday on the Multnomah stadium field in the forty-second renewal of Beaver-Duck pigskin rivalry. To 27,000 fans looking on, it was Jimmy Kisselburgh, a 190-pound package of fullback dynamite, who turned the football show from a scoreless battle to a glorious vic tory for tne Stinermen from Cor vallis. l in-u l.lilt- ujirim With the Oregon line tired and weary from continuous pounding, Kisselburgh broke through a de fensive gap in the center of the big Green forward' wall and ran 32 yards to the Oregon 7 just as the third period ended. This run turned the tide, and the Orangemen bat tered their way to a touchdown, this same Mr. Kisselburgh diving over the 1-yard mark. Eleven minutes later, following Hal Higgins brilliant 40-yard re turn of a Duck punt to the Web foot 28, Kisselburg teamed with Higgins to take the ball into scor ing territory. Again it was Kissel burgh who plowed over. Two Scores Missed In the second period, the Web foots missed two scoring attempts by close margins. Jimmy Nicholson, running to the right, suddenly whipped a quick pass to Halfback Ted Gebhardt who dropped the ball on the Oregon 3. A few plays later Nick’s field goal attempt from his own 29 yard line was wide and a trifle short. Never again did the Ducks come close to scoring. Barbara Tripp Will Be on KOAC Program Barbara Tripp, student of Mrs. Jane Thacher, professor of piano at the University, will play two piano selections on the University pro gram over station KOAC this af ternoon at 2:30 o’clock. The numbers include Beethoven’s “First. Movement in C" and “Reflec tions in the Water” "by Debussy. Thursday evening at 8 o’clock the brass quartet, directed by John Stehn, assistant professor of mu sic, will be heard. Art School Bazaar Set for December 9 Once again a gaily decorated art school court, transformed by pre-Christmas spirit into a place "where your gift problem may be quickly and easily solved," will lure students and townspeople to the bazaar given annually by the Allied Art league. Date for this year's bazaar has been set for December 9, with hours from 2 to 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon and from 8 to 10 o’clock in the evening,, announced Orville Varty, president of the league, last night. Articles offered for sale at the bazaar are the work of either art school students or faculty mem bers. Every department of the school will be represented and will include pottery, etchings, water color sketches, pen and ink, and pencil drawings. Refreshments are also to be sold. .