Drum Majoress for Oregon? Settlement To Be Made Today VOLUME XL UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1938 NUMBER 39 Jimmy Nicholson’s sticky fingers . . . caught a pass from Donovan late in the second quarter and ran it 15 yards to set it near the point from wliie li his educated toe booted the game’s only score. , . , , , , , (Courtesy (lie Register-CJuard) Marshall Stenstrom’s ambling feet . . . arc shown hero carrying him for an Oregon firs* down late in the first quarter as 21,500 persons watched the favored Huskies lose 3-0. Washington Has Them—Why Not Oregon? Five pretty Washington drum-majoresses . . . smiling for the cameraman after “bringing down the house"’ as they strutted their stuff for the Oregon stands. Left to right they are: Ruth .lean Rodgers, June Martin, Roberta Rice, Jane Bender, Phillis Opie. Majoress Question in Test Today; Petitions, Picketing in Late Hours UO Student Affairs Group to Consider Differing Opinions After more than a week of ar guments pro and con, the question of whether the University of Ore gon shall have a drum majoress will face its final test-the stu dent affairs committee-today at 11:50. The meeting called by Dean of Men Virgil Earl will decide on two proposals. One presented by the student executive committee, the student ruling body, request ing that immediate action be tak en to secure a drum majoress for the University, and the other from the AWS council against the whole idea. (Please turn to page three) Syracuse Men Pay Fees, Help Sorority Funds By HOPE DONDERO The Associated Press reported recently that Syracuse university coeds are charging fees for a godo night kiss as a means of raising house funds. Escorts must drop a coin in a silver bowl for every kiss. Weekends call for special rates. * * * Practically Spartan “Are they strict at your col lege ?” “Strict? Well, you remember Hemingway? He died and they propped him up till the lecture ended.’’ * * * Persistent David Van Wallace, student at the University of Detroit, has realized a 15-year ambition by re suming his education which was interrupted more than a decade ago when he broke his neck. * * * Collegiate Evolution Freshman—"Two plate lunches, I can't get along on one.” Sophomore—“One plate lunch, please.” Junior—“Two hamburgers and a cuppa coffee.” Senior—“Guess I'll have to punch a couple more holes in this belt.” Guild Hall to Present Biblical Drama Modern Version of 'Noah' and Ark Is Unusual Students and townspeople will be treated to one of the year’s most unusual [productions when Andre Obey’s “Noah” is presented by the Guild hall players on De cember 1, 2, and 3, according to the director, Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt. “Different from any play thus far produced by the drama de partment, ‘Noah’ in rehearsal shows promise of being one of the Guild players’ most interesting of ferings,” she said. Stage settings have been de signed by Horace Robinson, and under his direction the “ark” is rapidly being built by the stage crew. In designing the set a de parture has been made from the conventional ideal of what the ark really was. Just as the story has been given new life by modern language and actions, so also has the historical boat been renovated with modern nautical accessories. Noah of the Bible would probably have a hard time recognizing this as his ark in some respects. In the actual handling of the play Martha Hartshorne will serve as stage manager, assisted by Bet tie Jane Quigley, Jane Cottrell, and Helen Parsons. Frank Morgan takes care of stage lighting, and Norma Rose Evans, assisted by Fred Waller, is in charge of prop erties. Choral Group to Sing Over Station KOAC The choral group of University high school, under the direction of Mrs. Anne Landsbury Beck, will sing on the University program this afternoon over radio station KOAC. The program consists of the fol lowing selections: “Waterboy,” an old negro folk and work song; “Adoramus Te” by Palestrina; and “Czecholovakian Dance Song,” ar ranged by Manney. The program will emanate by re mote control from the music au ditorium. Last Minutes Spent Gathering Names, Carrying Signs Last minute preparations by both sides to the drum mayoresses controversy yesterday kept stu dents working- far into the night. Proponents of the idea were pre pared to present petitions signed by almost half the student body, including nearly as many women as men, to the committee tomor as men, to the committee today. Other demonstrations on the campus included picketing the AWS by students carrying signs marked in huge red letters "AWS Council Unfair to Students. We Want Drum-Majoresses,” and a definite voice of approval from most of the players on the Oregon football team. Oregonian Favors Idea They also hailed an editorial in Saturday morning’s Portland Ore gonian as’ a definite expression that outside opinion was in favor of the proposal. A canvass of the Oregon band members also re vealed that the organization was almost wholeheartedly behind the idea. A marked demonstration for the coed baton-twirlers was also noted at the Oregon-Washington game in Portland Saturday when stu dents of the Oregon rooting sec tion stood to cheer the high-step ping University of Washington girls who marched before the band. Girls Hopeful Meanwhile Mary Anderson and Ann Emmons, the two Eugene high school girls whom the peti tions named for the Oregon State game are anxiously waiting the outcome of the decision. The two girls indicated when questioned last night that they are willing and honored at having the chance to become Oregon drum majoresses. "We have complete outfits of our own which we could wear,” they said. “We hope the committee s reaction will be favor able.” MISS QUIGLEY’S FATHER DIES Betty Jane Quigley received word of the death of her father Saturday. She was taken to her home in Albany by Mathea Han son, housemother at the Hilyard street coed cooperative, of which Betty Jane is a member. Funeral services were held in Albany yes terday. Rally Commitee Looks* Ahead to OSC Weekend Program Skeleton Essentially Same as Last Week's Back on the campus only a few hours from a busy and profitable weekend in Portland, the ASUO rally committee promptly started yesterday on the coming weekend, announcing most of the program for Friday and Saturday. Rally Chairman Scott Corbett was hors-de-combat in Portland, holding down a sick bed, but that didn’t seem to hold back the other committee members, who were en gaged in distributing handbills and posters publicizing weekend events. The program announced includes a theater rally at the Paramount, this time having only University of Oregon rooters. Dancing will begin on the mezzanine of the Paramount at nine o’clock, following which campus talent will compete in a sparkling stage show. A regular film offering will wind up the bill. The rally committee is again sponsoring a special train at the same reduced rates in effect last weekend. Saturday night offers another Jantzen Beach dance, this time with Bart Woodyard’s revamped orchestra, featuring a new girl singer. UO, OSC Honoraries Hold Joint Initiation A joint meeting of Oregon and Oregon State chapters of Sigma Delta Pi, national Spanish honor ary, was held in Memorial Union building on the Oregon State cam pus Friday, November 18, for the purpose of initiating new members. The initiation was followed by a banquet and program of music and group singing in Spanish. Spe cial guests at the banquet were four South American students now attending Oregon State college. Oregon students initiated were Robert C. Anderson, Donald Cas tanien, Waldo Caufield, Charles Hillway, Robert Pettee, Martin Tengs, and Mary Wright. Duke university will celebrate the centennial of its founding next April. Exchange Tickets Available Until Wednesday Noon ASUO card holders intending to take in Saturday’s game must get exchange tickets from the ASUO ticket office by Wed aesday noon, according to a re minder issued yesterday by A.SUO Ticket Clerk Ed Walker. Student body cards must be brought to the ticket offices in McArthur court for the ex change tickets, which carry no extra charge. Exchange tickets will be the%>nly method of ad mission to the game for stu dent body members, as Multno mah stadium officials will not handle exchange tickets. Any one failing to get an exchange ticket will not be able to get into the stadium on an ASUO card. AWS Goes on Unfair List Murial Patterson and Jack Bryant ... holding picketing sign in main corridor of libe at 9 o’clock last night to get signers for petitions. The sign protested AWS action on the drum inajorcss question. Rex Underwood to Lift Baton on Symphony Orchestra Tonight at 8:30 Three Soloists Will Appear With 70-Piece University Orchestra at First Concert of Season in Music Auditorium Tonight at 8:30 the music auditorium of the University school of music will open wide its doors for the first major concert of the season the University symphony orchestra under the direction of Rex Underwood. It will be the first of three concerts sponsored by the Eugene symphony association to send the orchestra to the people of the Northwest. The work of the 70-piece orchestra will be supplemented by three soloists, Halfred Young, tenor, John Stehn, clarinetist, and Mayo Sorenson, flutist. All are instruc tors in the University school of music. Symphonic selections from many countries will be included on the program. Suite by Charpentier From France comes the greater part of the selections, one of the most romantic of which is the "Im pressions of Italy Suite” by Char pentier. In this, the most colorful of the three movements depicts the travels of mules along a mountain path in Italy, while near at hand the shepherds speak words of love to dark-eyed shepherdesses. Others in the French group are the Saint Saens "Tarantelle for Flute, Clari net, and Orchestra,” and Ravel’s “Mother Goose Suite.” From nineteenth-century Gzarist Russia come two numbers from the emotional pen of Peter Ilyitch Tschaikowsky. They are the “Waltz from Serenade for Strings” and the “Pizzicato Ostinato from the Fourth Symphony,” described by Mr. Underwood as “some of the loveliest string music ever writ ten.” Halfre4 Young to Sing England's Coleridge-Taylor is the composer of "Onaway, Awake Be loved,” which Halfred Young will sing. The great intemperate Ital ian, Rossini, wrote Mr. Young's other selection, “La Danza.” The Bach of old Germany composed the “Prelude and Fugue” which will be offered by the orchestra. It was arranged for orchestral presenta tion by Abert. Mr. Stehn and Mr. Sorenson will play solos in the “Tarantelle” by Saint-Saens. Boushey Leads Bowmen Into Coburg Forest Earl E. Boushey’s 3 o’clock archery class will depart from the usual class routine today and lay aside the warlike bows and arrows in order to go visiting. The class plans a trip to Co burg to visit the archery shop of Wilburn Cochran, according to Professor Boushey. The ob ject of the visit, he said, is to show the class the whole process of making archery equipment. They will see what types of woods are picked, how they are seasoned, and how the bow is made from the seasoned stick. The class will leave at the regular class hour, Professor Boushey said. OSC ROTC Headman Visits Colonel Lyon Colonel Frederick C. Test, head of Oregon State's HOTC unit, re cently visited Colonel Robert M. Lyon, head of the local ROTC de partment, when they discussed plans for the Governor’s day com petition. No definite plans were estab lished for the drill competition be tween the two schools, which will be held in Corvallis. The exact place of drill is undecided, as a large field is desired to accomo date the crowd. Webfoots Clamp Down OnWashingtonEleven To Score 3-0 Victory Highly-Favored Huskies Swamped by Fast 'Aerials' of Hard-Playing Ducks; Jimmy Nicholson Makes Scoring Kick Oregon’s Webfoots found the key to their pass defense puzzle and connected with a few aerials of their own Saturday as they scored a stunning 3 to 0 victory over the highly favored Washington eleven on the Multnomah stadium field in Portland. All the scoring was confined to about two seconds of play—the time it took little Jimmy Nicholson to thump the ball squarely between the uprights for the winning margin. But Salem Jimmy's kick was only one of the features of a game that kept a crowd of 20,000 in the stands until the final gun barked in the crisp chill of late afternoon. Team ‘Inspired’ Playing inspired football, the Oregons left no doubt of their superiority as they outdrove, out blocked, and outrushed a Washing ton eleven that only last week humbled a great Southern Califor nia team, 7 to 6. And as far as the Oregon pass defense was concerned it left little to be desired. Washington at tempted 10 passes and completed only one for a net gain of only one yard. Of the remaining nine, the Webfoots intercepted four at crucial moments. Complete Eight Passes For their part the Ducks threw eight passes, and completed three for a net gain of 52 yards. One of these was a 20-yard heave by Nicholson which Donovan took I on his own 42 and raced to the Washington 44. This was the pass that started i the Webfoots off on the drive that was to culminate in three points for the Oregons. AWS Assembly To Aid Frosh Coeds An AWS assembly for freshmen women will be held at 4 o’clock this afternoon in Alumni hall in Gerlinger under the direction of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s service group. The program is in charge of Mortar Board. This assembly is the second of a get-acquainted series for freshmen. At the conclusion of the program questionnaires will be given each freshman to determine her know ledge of campus affairs and tradi tions. Pat Taylor is chairman for the assembly, and LaVelle Walstrom and Mary Failing are assisting. j Onthank Confers On Hazen Foundation __ Dean Karl W. Onthank, head of the personnel department of the University of Oregon, will be in Corvallis today to confer with State college officials on the for mation of a Northwest Hazen Foundation conference, similar to those held in the East and in Cali fornia. • The Hazen Foundation is a method of having educational con ferences among officials of insti tutions of higher learning in all parts of the United States. 'Bumpy Road To Eleventh, Said Disgrace They go bumpty, bumpty, bump along — and not on the bumpy road to love either, but on the strip of “highway” con- * necting University and Eleventh streets. The road, which was graded earlier this year, is again in bad condition according to students who have been using it. The city of Eugene, in answer to earlier requests, graded the road al though announcing that they would take no definite action, toward paving it. The road is definitely a private road and any action to pave it would have to come from the University, Street Commissioner C. A. LeVan said when ques tioned last night. However, the city will send a grader out in a couple of days to try to fix it, he said. Meanwhile students who travel the road united in protesting the condition in which it is kept. '“It is a disgrace,” said one. “Why I almost lost my car in one of the holes,” said another. YM Group to Begin New Program Series Breen Will Speak at Freshman Meeting Tonight The freshman commission of the YMCA will inaugurate a new pro gram tonight when Dr. Quirinus Breen, assistant professor of his tory, will appear at 7:30 in Ger linger as first guest speaker in a long-time lineup to bring fresh men closer to the faculty. Dr. Breen, who teaches back ground of social science, will tell “How to Grasp the Fundamentals of Background of Social Science.” Selection of Dr. Breen was made, according to Norman Foster, com mission president, because of the large number of freshmen enrolled in the course who are having trou ble with it. The new arrangement will be open to all freshman men. Choice of this type of program, Foster said, arises from a desire on the part of the frosh YMCA commis sion to do something to benefit the school, and particularly the freshmen. (Please turn to pape three) Get Weighed Now Try Your Chemist For those dieting coeds who do not trust the accuracy of down town scales, Professor A. H. Kunz, of the chemistry department, rec ommends the balances that his department has, which are delicate enough to weigh 1-000 of a drop of water. The balances can even detect the very slight variance in the weight j of a scrap of paper which is entirely blank, and one which has been written on. Each of the thirty balances used by the chemistry students is en closed in a glass case, and in weighing an object it is necessary to keep the case closed because even the breath of an individual affects the accuracy of the scale. If the sun is shining on one part of the enclosure, or if there is a 1 radiator turned on in the room, a | noticeable difference in the weight I of minute objects can be detected. Although these balances are used continually by inexperienced students, they are apparently fool proof, for Professor Kunz says they require very little adjusting. He finds that girls are usually quicker and more adept at using the balances than boys. “Girls develop speed and accuracy more rapidly probably because it is so hard to get boys to arrange the weights used in the proper order for more speedy handling,” he said. “An even more intricate balance is used by chemists who must work with extremely tiny samples or who weigh vitamins,” Professor Kunz said, “but those we have are sufficiently accurate for our , needs.”