U. OF ORE. Majoress Question r Nearly 'Settled' by AWS Council Vote i Portland Traffic Problems Solved On Page Three VOLUME XL UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1938 NUMBER 38 AWS Heads Give Thumbs Down Decision on Proposal For UO Drum Majorettes Coed Group Disapproves of Baton Twirler Whether in University or Not; Dean Hazel P* Schwering Absent From Meeting The AWS once again said “no” on the majoress proposition. Meeting yesterday afternoon the council discussed the issue, attack ing it vigorously. In a resolution to the student affairs committee, the council voiced their disapproval of women, whether they are in the University or not, acting as drum majoreses. The resolution was passed with but one dissenting vote, and that person was neither for nor againsl the idea. BULLETIN At a campus luncheon of al umni advisers of sororities yes terday, Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of women, asked the ad visers the question, “Would you approve of a girl in your house acting as drum majoress?” It was not learned what the individual answers were or to T what use Dean Schwering will ■ put the information obtained. Neither Mrs. Macduff nor Mrs. Schwering, who acts as adviser to the group and who has been blamed for the failure to obtain a drum majoress a year ago, were at the meeting. Resolution Stated As passed, the resolution reads: “To the student affairs commit tee: “Be it resolved that the AWS council goes on record as disap proving any woman’s participating in the activities of the University of Oregon band in the capacity of drum-majoress. “The AWS council bases its au thority on Article I, Section II of the AWS constitution which reads: The purpose of the organization shall be to furnish a medium through which the social standards of the University of Oregon may be elevated and maintained.’’ Armistice Day Program Done In Television Novelty was the keynote of the first University of Southern Cali fornia television broadcast com memorating Armistice day, which was presented by the USC radio players over KHJ’s television sta tion W6XAO. Material for the program was extracted from the commentary about the Armistice found in 20 year-old copies of the college pa y per. Future weekly programs will be termed, “Timely Topics on the Campus.’’ New Course The University of Wisconsin has a new course to train students for careers in the United States for eign service. * * * Bring Him Around He—I’ve got a friend I’d like you to meet. Society girl—Who are his fam ily? Chorus Girl—How much money has he ? College girl—Where is he ? A A * According to Yale The “Yale Record” came through + with a plan for settlement of the dispute between Harvard’s admin istration and the city council o1 Cambridge. The Record’s plan: That Harvard university be re moved not only from the munici pality of Cambridge, but also from the state of Massachusetts and further, from the United States. To this end we summon a confer-; ence to be held in Hollywood con sisting of the Yale Record and Harvard Lampoon, Adolph Hitler, and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Fraternities Claim Five New Members Five new members were claimed by fraternities on the Oregon cam pus this week, according to Dean of Men Virgil D. Earl. The new Greek additions are Lloyd W. Selfridge, Delta Tau V Delta; Alan Chaffee, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Don Barker and Robert E. Mitchell, Phi Kappa Psi; Wood row Rasmussen, Pi Kappa Alpha. Art Court Gets Beautification, New Foliage It's a bit of face lifting and j a bit of beauty treatment that j the court of the art school has j been undergoing lately, j First two madrone trees, one dead and the other one rapidly approaching that state, were re moved and replaced by two Lom I bardy poplars. Then it was decided that a | certain place was too high; so the grass was removed — in squares, of course—placed on the sidelines, and the ground leveled. The latter process started yesterday morning was only half completed—but in a day or two no one will know the dif ference—except for a little mud. I Interfrat Councilmen Talk Rushing Rules University fraternities next year will not be allowed to pledge more j men than they have room for, the I interfraternity council ruled last night. Definite action by the coun cil to elirriThate such objectionable features of rush week was start ed at the meeting. Big changes in next year’s pro gram were planned, including a possible change of the bid system, following Frank Nash's report on this year’s freshman week. Old Town Minutes Show Amusing Bits Of Former Times The bureau of municipal re search, during the process of co difying ordinances for 24 Oregon cities, has recently uncovered amusing bits of information in the early records of Oregon. Reading the minutes of Canby, one would conclude that at one time that city had very trust1 worthy prisoners, who remained in jail without the assistance of a lock. The minutes stated that a motion had been made and passed ordering the chief of police “to procure a lock for the city jail and put it on!” In 1887, a Eugene night watch man, when he asked for a $10 raise, was told that he first must agree to light each of the street lights with a torch, a task which required his climbing a ladder, ac cording to Mr. R. S. Bryson, legal consultant for the bureau. He said the “street lights” then were square lamps set on posts about nine feet high. He contin ued that each of these lamps had locked doors which had to be opened at night and in the morn ing at the time they were extin guished. Onthank to Attend NY A Executive Meet Dean of Personnel Karl W. On thank will leave this morning for Portland to attend the executive committee meeting of the Oregon Mothers organization and the state advisory meeting on NYA. The purposes of NYA and a dis cussion of educational aid pro grams will fill the two days of the Youth Administration conference. Dean Onthank was formerly state director of NYA, and is now a member of the advisory commit tee. With him to the Mothers’ meet will go Mrs. Warren D. Smith, Mrs. A. E. Caswell, and Mrs. Ray mond W’alsh, all of Eugene. Noted Scribe Cracks Wise On US Regime 'Merry - Go ■ Round' Writer Goes Inside News to Tell Story In Assembly Bringing to life his famous ‘'■Washington Merry Go Round” column, Drew Pearson, at an all school Gerlinger assembly “tied the can to the tail” of activities in the nation’s capital, as he gave po litical affairs and personalities in Washington an airing in their les ser-known lights. Members of the president’s cab inet received the brunt of his sat ire as he presented amusing pen portraits of Roosevelt's aides. Secretary of Commerce Roper was termed as the “most useless member of the cabinet,” while Secretary of War Woodring re ceived the description of a “nice little ineffectual fellow who would n’t hurt anybody.” Frances Per kins he dubbed a "great expert on patchwork quilts and colonial doorways.” President Real Power “The president is the adminis tration,” declared Drew Pearson, but the noted author added that it is \$ice-President Garner who holds the secret power in national politics. It is only that Garner plays his cards behind the scenes. Referring to the 1940 campaigns, Pearson, whose syndicated column is read in 300 newspapers daily, said that Roosevelt really doesn’t want to run again, but may have to in order to continue his present policies. He added that he believed Roosevelt will continue a “left of center” stand, because he must keep the good will of liberal re publicans. England Must Retreat War within six months will be the outcome, he said, “unless the British Empire is willing to be (Please turn to page three) Math Department GetsNew Professor Added to the University mathe matics department to meet in creased enrollment in mathematics courses, Dr. Thurman Stewart Peterson this week began his du ties as full-time instructor. The new professor, member of several national mathematical soci eties, is a graduate of the Califor nia Institute of Technology. After graduating with honors he was made a teaching fellow at Ohio State University where he received his master’s and doctor’s degrees. For two years Dr. Peterson was an instructor at the University of Michigan, following which he spent two years as research worker at the Princeton Institute for Ad vanced Study, where he made the acquaintance of Albert Einstein, author of the theory of relativity. The new instructor is actively interested in sports and was a member of the baseball, basketball, and football teams at Cal Tech. Dr. Peterson will bring his wife and 14-month-old daughter to Eu gene from Dos Angeles during Christmas vacation. Socialized Medicine AAUP Meet Topic Dr. H. J. Sears, University medi cal school faculty member, will speak on “Socialized Medicine" to night at the meeting of the Ore gon chapter of the American As-1 sociation of University Professors at the Anchorage at 6:30, Prof. Charles G. Howard, president, an nounced yesterday. Dr. Sears has been a member of the medical school faculty since 1918. Other faculty members from Portland will also be guests at the dinner. STETSON" GOES TO PORTLAND Professor F. L. Stetson of the school of education left Thursday for Portland where he will have charge of the district conference of Phi Delta Kappa, national edu cation honorary. Time Table Issued Weekending Ducks By Rally Committee Portland-bound Webfoots, set for another football weekend, were given last-minute directions for making connections at rally events in a statement issued by the rally committee last night. Rally train leaves the station here at 3:30 this afternoon, arriv ing in Portland around 7. Bonfire time is 8:30, with the seene the Benson Tech field at East 12th and Glisan. The Broadway theater rally starts at 10 tonight with dancing in the lobby. The stage show is set to begin at 11. Admission, 40 cents. The Jantzen Beach dance Saturday night begins at 9, with admission set at $1 a couple. Girl rooters were asked to bring along their pompoms for use at the game Saturday. Repeating its warning issued after the last Portland game, the educational activities office declared it would confiscate any ASUO cards presented at the stadium by any other than the rightful owners. Errant Australian Talks On Home-Land Down Under At Women’s Group Meet Don Ingram-Smith Explains to Symposium That Kangaroo-Land Is Not lust an Island, Larger Than America in Fact By LOIS NORDLING A long way from home is Don Ingram-Smith, graduate of the col lege in Sidney, Australia, who is visiting the Oregon campus on his tour of America. Friendly, young Mr. Ingram-Smith could easily be mistaken for an American student except for his decided accent. He was a delegate from Australia to the youth conference at Vassar college and from there traveled from Chicago down to New Mexico and then up through Bede Interviewed On KOAC Broadcast [Reminiscences of a former small! town newspaper man were given last evening at a meeting of Sig ma Delta Chi, journalism honor-, ary, by Elbert Bede, prominent Oregon publisher. Mr. Bede was in Eugene to make a radio interview with George Turnbull, journalism professor, over KOAC. Giving his views on the present tendencies of the press ^n the po litical field, Mr. Bede said, “De-! spite all we say about politics, I believe there is less political rack eteering than ever before, and this is due to the fact it is known that newspapers will subject crooked- i ness, wherever found, to pitiless publicity. Political gangsters can not thrive in a country in which there is a free press whose news columns cannot be controlled.” For many years the publisher of the Cottage Grove Sentinel, Bede is now the editor of the Portland Spectator. F erromagnetism Aspects, Caswell's Physics Meet Topic At the meeting of the Oregon chapter of the American Associa tion of Physics Teachers to be held Saturday at Linfield college, Dr. A. E. Caswell, head of the physics department, will discuss some aspects of ferromagnetism. In his talk he will bring out the new theory that atoms spin around in a group like a top in highly magnetic materials as opposed to the former belief that they turned around like a compass. He will use iron as an example in his discus sion. Dr. Caswell and Dr. W. V. Nor ris will represent the University of Oregon at this meeting. Ellis Wins Jewett After-Dinner Award Dean Ellis, Leonard Clark, and Harrington Harlow were the win ners of the Jewett after-dinner speaking contest held last night at the Cafe Del Rey. Prizes of $15, $10, and $5 went to the winners. Ellis, a junior, stressed the idea that you can’t apply given figures to a human situation and make it work out. R. MILLER CALLED HOME Robert Miller, student teacher in Roosevelt junior high school, has been called to Portland because of 1 the death of his father. California, speaking at several colleges. “I bought a little car in New York,” he said, smiling, ‘‘but just outside of Los Angeles, it gave cut.” So he came the rest of the way by himself. While here, Mr. Ingram-Smith wifi speak to several groups on the campus. Using a mixture of his English accent and what an American would term slang phrases, he spoke to the women’s symposium Tuesday at Friendly hall. Australia Unknown Subject Most Americans don’t know anything about Australia, he told the group. They consider it just an ‘‘island somewhere down in the South Pacific, you know.” In reality, he said, it is larger than the United States, and the climate in parts is much like that of Cali fornia—the people do a lot of bask ing in the sun. They are the most casual group in the world, the speaker said. ■' America Is Coming Race The Australian declared he be (Please turn to page three) YM Secretary Visits On Oregon Campus Mr. Howard Willis, northwest regional secretary of the student branch Qf the YMCA, visited the campus yesterday to confer with the University Y officials about future regional conferences. Campus activities and help for the Jewish refugees in the United States were the matters that Mr. Willis took up at a joint cabinet meeting of the local YM and YW. Mr. Willis is now on a tour of all the colleges and universities in the Willamette valley. He is a former student of Ohio State col lege. Miss Erickson Will Play Over KOAC Evelyn Erickson, student of Mrs. Aurora Potter Underwood, will give a piano recital over ra dio station KOAC tonight at 8:30 o’clock. Selections to be offered by Miss Erickson include John Powell’s “Banjo-Picker,” Chopin’s “Noc turne in F Sharp,” and Bach’s “Prelude and Fuge in D Minor.” Corvallis Women Hear Dean Morris Victor P. Morris, dean of th< BA school, spoke at a meeting ol the Business and Professional Wo men’s club of Corvallis last nighl on “Lessening International Ten sions.” Kappa Sigma Slapped for Undress Call Members of Kappa Sigma were placed on social probation yesterday following a meeting of the faculty and student disci pline board, for recent treat ment of one of their “pin plant ers.” According to members of the discipline committee, fraternity brothers presented the Kappa Sig at the sorority of his fin ce in a condition too “barely clad” for calling. The decision was made only after disapproval of the action was shown by the heaus of both men’s and women’s living' organ izations, who agreed that such treatment of “pin planters” is not University tradition at all but merely a recent innovation into fraternity life. Red Cross Donations May SetNew Record Funds to Be Given To Hurricane - Torn New Englanders Funds from the University Red Cross drive have increased last year’s donations by a “good mar gin” and hopes are high for setting a new record for Oregon, states Lois Onthank, chairman of the drive. Figures may be released soon. “All houses are cooperating with both small and large donations from every member. Each organ ization will be contacted again by speakers who will tell of the value of the Red Cross,” Miss Onthank said. Donations from this year’s drive on the campus will be given to the hurricane victims in New En gland. Anne Duden has asked all inter ested coeds to sell Red Cross mem berships in the downtown area. Landsbury Cancels Trip to Washington John J. Landsbury, dean of the University school of music, has canceled proposed engagements to go to Washington, D. C., next month to confer with congressmen on a bill affecting music teaching in public schools, he announced here Monday. Dean Landsbury’s decision to remain in Eugene was attributed to heavy work in the music school curriculum. The group he was scheduled to confer with was the “committee of schools of music of state universities in connection with certification of teachers of music in public schools.” Events which will take up much of Dr. Landsbury’s time in the near future are the University symphony concert on November 22, and the nation-wide broadcast of the orchestra on December 3, on which he will give a brief talk. 'Olivermen'Want Win For Annual Big Game Against Washington Webfoots Underdogs in Thirty-Third Tiff With Northern Neighbors; Records Same For Both Teams, Jinx Favors Oregon Striving1 to score a major coast upset, Oregon’s badly crippled but hopeful Webfoots will tangle with Unviersity of Washington gridders at Portland Saturday in the annual Duck-Husky “big game" battle. Once again decided underdogs, the Webfoots are not conceded much chance of upsetting the fast-coming and powerful Huskies, according (to the dope sheets. But this game is one in which the dope bucket is kicked clear under the stands. Comparative scores have never meant much in this traditional battle. -——-... „ Records Are Equal Since 1900, the two teams have faced each other 32 times and the chart reads 14 wins for each team and 4 ties. The Huskies have had many a powerful bal club in the past few years. Ball clubs which should have bested the best Oregon could field by considerable margin. But the Webfoots, calling on their fam ous jinx to aid them, battled up from defeat time and again to edge out the Huskies. 1936 Upset Near In 1936, Washington had her coast championship and Rose Bowl bound squad, pregon had one of her poorest- teams in years. But the final score in a terrific strug gle favored Washington noly 7 to 0. So this game rates in the col umn of the really unpredictables, even though the Huskies upset the mighty Southern Cal Trojans last week. • A lineup dotted with new faces is slated to take the field for Ore gon. The Webfoots are nursing 11 injured players, and- two, Mel Pas solt, guard, and Elroy Jensen, tackle, are almost sure to see no action. In Vic Reginato’s right end berth will probably be Bud Robertson. At left end Larry Lance is firmly entrenched. Jim “Big Red” Stuart, husky sophomore, is slated to step into Jensen’s shoes at right tackle. (Please turn to page three) Lutheran Students To Hear Dahlberg On Religion Sunday W. A. Dahlberg, speech profes sor, will speak on the biological basis for religion to the Lutheran Student association in joint meet ing with the Corvallis Lutheran students Sunday evening at 6 at the YWCA bungalow. The remainder of the program, which is being presented by June Nordling and George Luoma, Uni versity students, consists of a group discussion, special musical numbers, devotionals, and refresh ments. JANET SMITH ILL Miss Janet Smith, University employment secretary ha3 been confined to her home at the Thir teenth street co-op house due to illness. Martin Selected To Plag 'Noah' On Guild Stage Heads Large Cast Of Veterans and New Actors The entire cast of the forthcom ing- Guild theater play “Noah” has been selected and rehearsals are well under way, it was announced yesterday by Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt, director. Both old and new faces will be seen in the production as some of the parts will be taken by actors who were in the last play, while other players are appearing with the Guild theater for the first time. Adrian Martin has been chosen for the title role as the famous old Biblical character, Noah. Ma, Noah’s faithful wife, will be por trayed by Edith Eckstrom. The three sons are Ham, Eddie Hearn; Japhet, Derwent Banta; and Shem, Wilfred Roadman. Kathleen Mc Alear, Mary Ellen Williams, and Jeannette Hoss will take the parts of the three neighbor girls who complete the crew. Robert (Smoky) Whitfield will play one of the disbelievers who threaten Noah. Animal roles are taken by Margaret Gedney, mon key; P. T. Chiolero, elephant; Robert Whitfield, bear; Frank Waller, lion; Jerry Lakefish, tiger; and Virginia Whitlock, cow. “Noah” is to be presented at the University theater on Decem ber 1, 2, and 3. Faculty Members Go To Salem Meeting The committee on Teachers’ Ed ucation will hold a convention, in Salem this morning at 10 o’clock. Three faculty members from the University plan to attend, accord ing to Dr. Leighton, dean of the school of physical education. Dr. J. R. Jewell, dean of the school of education, and Dr. C. L. Huffaker, professor of education will attend as well as Dr. Leigh ton. Oregon Men Prepared toFigh t If War Should Come, Poll Shows Oregon males are prepared for war if brought on by actions of dictators; furthermore the males almost unanimously will protect this country from invasion. That was the result of a poll of 25 men’s living organizations on the campus. A representative of each house was asked the following ques tion: “If Hitler and other dicta tors persist in their attempts to make their respective countries the dominating powers in the world, and in doing so entangle the United States, would you be prepared for war and would you volunteer or wait and be draft ed?" Of the 20 representatives, 1,1 would volunteer immediately; 10 would volunteer of this coun try were invaded, but would wait to be drafted if the fighting W'as to take place on foreign shores; only four would wait and be drafted without any qualification of circumstances. Some of the various comments and answers to the questions were as follows: “Would Gladly Go” An Alpha hall resident stated, “If the situation became acute, and the United States declared war, I would gladly volunteer.” A representative of Campbell Co-op said he would wait and be drafted as he didn’t believe in war. However he modified this by saying that in case of inva sion, he would volunteer. A reason for volunteering was aptly phrased by a Chi Psi. “If the country went to war, there wouldn't be anything of import ance to do at home,” he said. Although a pacifist at heart, one SAE thought he would pro tect this country from invasion, nevertheless. Eight Would Volunteer Random members of other fra ternities who would volunteer immediately included represen tatives of Alpha Tau Omega, Canard club, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Omega hall. Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, and Sigma Nu. Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Theta Chi, Zeta hall, Gam ma hall, and Beta Theta Pi rep resentatives would all volunteer if the United States were in vaded, but would wait for the draft if the conflict was to be in foreign climes. The four men who would wait for the draft in any case were from Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, and Sherry Ross hall. In taking the poll, one thing was easily discernible. Most of the persons questioned had al ready formulated opinions, and gave their answers without hesi tating.