The Oregon Doily Emerald. official student publication r»f the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except Sunday-. Monday-, holidays and final examination periods. Subscription rates $1.25 per term and $5.00 per year. Kntercd as second-class mater at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Editorial offices, Journalism building 2, (>. 10. Phone Loral 3"4, 3.1. Business Offices, Journalism building 5. Phone Local .•’■54. PAUL DEUTSCHMANN, Editor HAL HAENER, Manager BILL PENGRA. Managing Editor KEITH OSBORNE, Ast. Bus. Mgr. Represented for national advertising by NAT IO \'AL A 1 )\’ I.KTT S ! XL SLK VICL, IXC., college publishers representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York, X. Y. Chicago Boston Los Angeles San Francisco. UPPER NEWS STAFF Elovd Tupling, associate editor .Pud Jermain, news editor Eyle Nelson, assistant managing editor Charles Green, chief night editor Elbert Hawkins sports editor Glenn JTasselrooth. literary editor Jternadine JJowman, women's editor Wally Patterson, photographer Kuthellcn Merchant, executive secretary T'l’PKR M \ST X KSS ST A V F Clayton *CHicirculation manager Jean Farrens. national advertising manager Dick IJtfin. classified manager "Ruth Mary Scovell, executive secretary Jietty PlankiiiRton, executive secretary DAY ADYKRTISIXC; MAXAC.KR Rita Wright ASSISTANTS Kleanor Sc*flerslrom Hetty Kflier 'Cordial Supporter' Sprague 'TM’IE CONTACTS between 1 Ik* stale* system of higher educa iion and the eliief executive of the state* are not num erous, ))111. they are important. Therefor, if is with "real elieer that the University of Oregon may extend congratula tions to Cliarles A. Sprague, governor-elect, who has sig nificant ly labeled himself “a cordial supporter of higher education ...” The plight of the University and the state system as a "Whole is a serious one. The election of a man who is willing to recognize this plight is a spur to those who hope* to see better times on the state campuses. AGREE implicity with Mr. Sprague's hope ‘‘to see the institutions make progress . . . the steady strength ening of faculties and raising of standards.” It is through these methods that educational progress may be achieved. Unfortunately for the cause of higher education, in the past the means of advancement has been stymied by that perennial bogey —lack of funds. The strengthening of faculties has been an impossibility. The mere maintenance of an adequate staff has been difficult, with promising professors being lured away by offers of other institutions, with the winning of qualified men to re place and to add made impossible, and with over-crowded schedules taxing the efficiency of lliose who have remained through the lean years. # * «< # 'JUIU OTHER facts about the state system of higher educa tion are probably well known to the governor-elect.. It. is his duty as chief executive of the state to be interested and informed upon the various departments, and in his mes sage to us, he has indicated both interest and knowledge in the part of the government which affects us most. So Mr. Sprague is welcomed to the battalions of those who are striving for higher education in Oregon. May In* prove a worthy warrior. Weekend Events Will (Continued from page three) The Beta dance motif is also to be a surprise for the pledges. Maurice Binford’s band will furn ish the music at the affair. Desserts Popular Desserts this week find the Beta Theta Pi boys playing host to Pi Beta Phi Wednesday evening; Chi Psi, Alpha Gamma Delta; Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Tau Delta; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Phi; Sigma Chi, Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Chi Omega, Theta Chi, Pi Kappa Al pha, Gamma Phi Beta; Delta Del ta Delta, Phi Delta Theta Tuesday evening; and Phi Psi, Chi Omega Friday evening. Have Preference Dinners Delta Tau Delta upperclassmen will hold a preference dinner Sat urday evening, followed by a radio dance until 9 p.m. Phi Psi fresh men ruled the chapter house last evening and held a preference din ner-dance until 7:30. Phi Beta, women's national mu sic and dramatic honorary, has planned a tea for Tuesday after noon. Details will be announced later. * * # Rabbi Entertained Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz of Portland was entertained last eve ning at dinner and a fireside by the Delta Upsilon fraternity, and Beta Theta Pi will honor him with a luncheon today from 11 until 'J p.m. * * * Alpha Gamma Delta will be en tertained at a dessert Thursday evening by the Alpha Delta Pi Sigma Chi will entertain Thurs day evening with a dinner honor ing Dean Virgil D. Earl, Dean Karl W. Onthank, and several ether members of the faculty. Lovelorn, Ltd. (Continued from fane three) die, when as far as a full emo tional enjoyment of the compan ionship is concerned, all he's got is a dead investment ? When a fellow can't express a normal affection for someone he would consider “pal,” if she says “nix,'1 if she is someone else's girl, how does he feel ? You can't play poker without putting some chips into the game. It’s no deal. If a boy feels left in the cold by a girl who says “Can’t we be just friends?” what to do but seek warmth elsewhere? And the average student doesn’t find too much time to pal with one girl when he has obligations to anoth er. And as for Plato, was he a nor mal sort of a guy ? Sincerely, Butch. Dear Butch, You're right! Plato was not a normal sort of a guy and neither are the girls who are frank enough to admit (few as they are) that they have a “fire for someoi^ in Paducah.” If you think it better for them to conceal their real feelings and lead you on, picture the disillusion ment of discovering yourself mere ly another sucker on the string, after staking all your cards on what you believed to bo a "live in vestment." Women's Sports (Continued from page two) Sophomore physical education club members will sponsor a meet ing Monday night at 8 o’clock in the physical education club room. Robert Beeper, assistant professor of psychology, will speak on per sonality problems in physical edu cation. Tonight, the men’s physical edu cation department is sponsoring a mix for all majors and minors. There will be games, dancing, and swimming. A1 Long is in charge. Ferris Elected (Continued from page two) members of the Big-Nine league which includes the well-known Hill Military and Milwaukee teams. In older to win a varsity letter, a man must win one fight against some other college representative. •Frosh numerals are given out by recommendation of the coach. Grades must be passing and the fighters must possess ASUO cards Unprepossessing," Herb Colwell, boxing and wrestling mentor, stressed the importance of regular and strenuous training. No out side matches will be made unless approved, according to Colwell. rH fF frQ frD [n] fn] frO fS3 fK3 fSl frQ fS) 173 fRJ friJ IrT TO frD fnl ra ra to ra ra Round 'n About WITH WEN BROOKS T suppose all parents enjoy telling about the clever . . . and otherwise . . . antics of their offspring. The telling often is quite discomfiting to the off spring themselves but this nev er seems to bother the older ones. When I was quite a bit small er than I am now the folks one Sunday hied me off to a large Episcopal church in Indianapo lis to be christened. Following the usual procedure in that church at the time, the bishop dipped a large sea shell in a basin and then proceeded to pour the contents over my head. Guess I made some sort of a scene. At any rate, my little sister, who had been watching the proceedings from a pew midway back in the church, now ran down the aisle shriek ing, “Not for Peggy! Not for Peggy!” Whenever the folks happened to be passing that church after that with friends, and Peggy happened to be along, she would proudly point to the building, “That’s where brother gets his hair washed!” * * When Fritz Kreisler was in town Monday the girls at one of the houses decided they would like to speak to the maestro. They phoned the Eu gene hotel. When Kreisler an swered the phone in person the girls didn’t know what to say. After stuttering around a min ute, one of them finally came through with, “Would you sere made some of the sororities fo. right?” Mr. Kreislor answered quick ly, ‘‘It would he fun. It would be fun. But I have to leave right after the concert.” What next, little girls , . . what next! Speaking of Kreisler: it was brought to my attention Tues day that students . . . many college students ... do not ex ercise the common courtesy of leaving quietly when they do, for one reason or another, find it necessary to leave before a concert has been completed. Just put yourself in the mas ter’s place on the platform as Joe Jones suddenly decides he’s had enough and prefers to be back at the house. You are concentrating on giving a good performance when you sudden ly hear feet scraping, banging about, and some raucous voice proclaiming to the world at large, “Come on. Let’s get out of here!” Or something similar. How would you feel ? Did you know that Paul Cushing and Ida Mae Farrel are just like that? Should have seen the Theta Chi handcuffed to Ida Mae Farrel, Alpha Chi O, most of yesterday. The pair, .needless ..say, ..are., going steady. And from the looks of things yesterday both parties were making sure the other wouldn’t get away! Quite def initely! * * t The Pioneer Mother was giv en to the U by Burt Brown CAMPUS CALENDAR Christian Science organization meeting will be held at 8 o’clock in the YWCA bungalow. All stu dents and faculty members are cordially invited. The hockey club will meet for practice at 4 o’clock. At 5 a busi ness meeting will be held in the social room in Geriinger. Final plans for entering the hockey tournament will be discussed. Meeting of freshmen and soph omores interested in forming a so cial and discussion group at West minster house at 7:30 o’clock. Condon club meets in the men’s lounge at Geriinger at 7:30. Dr. H. B. Yocom will speak on "Ma rine Biological Station at Coos Bay." Student Health Office Will Remain Open Armistice Morning The student health service will be open on Armistice day morning, Dr. F. N. Miller, University phy sician, has announced. The physician also requested that students be again reminded of the University dispensary hours on University holidays and Saturdays and Sundays, 8 to 12 o’clock on Saturday and 10:30 to 12 Sundays. These hours, he stated, have been so set to enable dispensary treat ment of minor ills without necessitating the calling of a doc tor on weekends, except in cases of emergency. Cressman Returns From Conference L. S. Cressman, head of the de partment of anthropology, re turned Monday from a (^inference of the Pacific coast regional com mittee for social science research in Berkeley. The committee dis cussed the steps to be taken in i urther research of social sciences on the Pacific coast. Why Do Girls Dress (Continued from page three) year. I think the women look kind of silly all decked out in fur coats md fancy hats, when the men wear f sport clothes. Too much show for j me.” asserted a rally committee : member. D >] b 3 n ALPHA OMEGA RHO Presents 3 ■) 3 a 3 JOHNNY STALNACKER at Masonic Temple — Portland 0 “Well worth the trip to Portland'’ Nov. 1 I 98c a couple PE STUDENTS TO DANCE The women’s outdoor gymnas ium will be the mecca tonight for PE majors and minors, who will gather for their annual mixer dance. Graduates and faculty members of the school are also in vited to attend, according to Jim Hatch, social chairman of the PE club. Those attending are warned not to wear neckties and to come dres sed in campus clothes. Wie geht’s imiiniIlllll!ll!iill!liin!!IIJ!:iII!!!niJl!lll!li:ili;;!HIIIIIIIIIIII!lll!!n[HiniilBllUI By V. GATES In the past the newspapers rail Orson Welles, that bogey man of the Mars yarn, the “man of the week.” Wouldn’t he bet ter be ealled the man of the weak ? * * # The Democrats took this fel low Corrigan too seriously. Too bad they can't capitalize on their wrong-way flight, too. * * * We read that tight rope walk ers are getting to be a thing of the distant past. Probably they have become politicians. * * * Tn California the “Bettors Back Bancroft and Merriam," according to a San Francisco daily. But the bettors were not at their best. * » * With a minimum of straw votes this year there may be a scarcity of fodder. But lots of chaff. Barker in 1932. The Pioneer statue was given to the U in 1919 by Joseph T. Neale. * * * Clever coeds: Charlotte Strickler, AOPi, remarking at one of the first school dances, “I feel just like an old gate on a dance floor. So rusty I can’t swing.” And Janet Dillehunt, Gamma Phi, speaking of a date she had at a recent exchange-dessert, “He clutched me so hard he threw me out of gear!” On the sentimental side: is there anything so devastating to the stability of the male mind as a woman’s tears? And I understand Bob Keene had a visitor while he was in the infirmary yesterday, Pat Taylor brought the SAE a dou ble-decker ice cream cone, a copy of Esquire, and a diction ary. I can understand the first two presents. Photography Club Of Yale Sponsors National Exhibit Open to undergraduates at all United States colleges and univer sities. with an entry fee of one dollar, the Yal^ photography club at New Haven, Conn., is sponsor ing a national intercollegiate photographic exhibition from Feb ruary 13 to 20, 1939. Prizes will be awarded to the three prints adjudged the best by Anton Bruehl, Frank R. Fraprie. Herbert C. McKay, Barbara Mor gan and Richard A. Rathbone, judges. The last date for receiving prints has been set at February 1. For further information applicants are requested by the club ‘officials to address the Yale Photography 'club, 403A Yale station, New Hav en, Connecticut. CHESSMAN TO BROADCAST L. S. Cressman, head of the an thropology department, will tell of the easiest inhabitants of the state and how they adapted themselves to various conditions, on the week ly broadcast sponsored by the mu seum of natural history over KOAC tonight at 8:15 p.m. SLIP INTO A SLIPPER For the Sleeping Porch When you brave the sleep ing porch, avoid cold feet with a pair of Zori’s—straw slippers that protect bare feet and can be easily kicked off as you make the climb to the second and third decker. For the Halls As you pad about the halls during study hours — you’ll find that you'll make less noise and avoid fines with our straw and leather slip pers. ORIENTAL ART SHOP Mrs. Faith B. Wheeler I I SKf-WARD ^ BOUND! and the sky's the limit for toggery. Kin" Winter has started an early ski s e a s o n for which you want to be well equipped. 14.95 and 16.95 Gabardine and all-wool suits in two pieces . . . Trousers and hooded par kas ... in comfortable, correct, colorful clothes. • Windproof! • Water tepellant! 9 Well Tailored! EUGENE’S FASHION CENTER 957 Willamette St. KUYKENDALL DRUG CO. 870 Willamette Street | Engene Phone 23 Oregon | E A Complete Drug-Store — Quality Cosmetics | Yard ley’s Old English Lavender — Tussy Toiletries !j Hudnut’s l)u Barry— Daggett and Ramsdell’s— Elmo jj Sisters’ Cosmetics. | Parker. Slieaffer and Waterman Fountain Pens E Schick. Remington and Ronson Dry Shavers Rolls Razors — Whitman’s Famous Candies 1 1 hese action shots of Whizzer” White... famous All-American ' football star.. . show what it takes to be a triple threat man. f • • . that's the reason Chesterfield stands out from the others The reason Chesterfield is different is because it combines the smoking qualities of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos in one cigarette. It’s the right combination of these tobaccos... mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish, rolled in pure cigarette paper...that makes Chest erfield a better cigarette for you to smoke... milder and better-tasting. > Cornish! 19}8, Li cot IT & Mvws TOiACCO Co, • ..the blend that can't be copied ...the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos