'Bud' Bowman Covers UO Social Events, Fashions, Page Three NUMBER 32 OF 0. LIBRARY UOtFUS Large Crowd Expected to Cheer Webfoot Team on to Southland Grid Tilt Depot Rally to Send Off California-Bound Ducks BULLETIN—BAND Members of the band are asked to report at the ROTC building by 11:15 this morning to form for the rally. Oregon's Duck eleven, supplied with new vitality following last weekend’s victorious clash with Idaho, will bet a spirited send-off this morning to their Saturday’s clash with California when stu dents gather at the local depot at 11:40 to rally before their south bound train leaves Eugene. Parade to Start at 11:80 Pete Mitchell, who is acting as chairman of today’s festivities, has announced that the rally dance will leave the College Side at 11:30, proceeding through downtown streets to the station where the University band will play and Paul Cushing, yell leader, will lead student supporters in cheering the traveling squad. Short speeches will be made by members of the team and Coach Oliver before their train leaves at 11:50 for the conflict in the south. Cooperating with student rally leaders in planning this morning's meet will be Eugene’s Monday Morning Quarterback club. Lack of Student: Interest In Religion Natural, Says Rabbi HenryJ.Berkowitz Declares Religion’Helps to Bear Difficulties Of Everyday Life; Prayer Misunderstood By Most; Involves Planning, Work By BETTY JANE THOMPSON College students are not to be condemned because they are not profoundly moved by religion, declared Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz, Portland, in an address last night in Alumni hall. It is a normal situation, he said. College students are the world in themselves: they are self-sufficient. Their problems of today are more fundamental than are the abstract problems of religion. Yocom Discusses Medical Colleges Merits, costs, and requirements of various medical schools( in the United States and Canada were discussed last ngiht by Dr. H. B. Yocom, head of the zoology depart ment, who spoke at a meeting of the Asklepiads, pre-medic honor ary organization, last night. Dr. Yocom mentioned several \ top-ranking schools and gave the cost of tuition, enrollment, and re quirements in each. New York university medical school has the highest tuition, $600; and the Uni versity of Illinois has an enroll ment of 646, the greatest in the United States. Dr. Yocom still prefers the medi cal school of the University of Ore gon. “I would come to Oregon no matter where I were, if I could get in,” he said. . Campus Riot Brings Probe By Newshawks By ANNA MAE HALVERSON ^ A window-breaking riot at the SAE house at Northwestern uni versity has the whole campus ‘ agog as to who the unknown trou blemakers could have been who started a whispering campaign and made mysterious phone calls to various fraternity houses, which resulted in the riot. The Daily Northwestern has started an investigation to see what measures have been taken by University officials and the men’s organization council to pre-1 vent repetition of such an affair. The origin of the raid is still un known. * * * Ticket, Please It’s news when a man bites a dog, but it’s super news when a football coach has to pay to see his own team in action. But that’s exactly what happened at the Uni versity of Scranton when Coaches Davies and Jones were stopped at the gate for no gain until they paid through the window.—ACP. * * * Hot Dog Food statistciians have estimat ed that the University of Minne sota freshmen, at their annual bean feed, will consume 95,000 beans, 900 frankfurters. * * * Happy Birthday It sounds like a lot of birthday presents or perhaps good adver tising but in any case the Univer sity of North Carolina Daily Tar Heel in conjunction with the local theater is giving one free pass to each student on his birthday. They only have about 3,500 stu dents registered. Men's and women's PE “Mixer” tonight at 8 in the outdoor gym at the rear of Gerlinger, It is because college students have never had to face the tests of life that they tend to disregard re ligion, said Dr. Berkowitz. “You are untested mentally and emo tionally. You have never felt the need to have a power beyond the senses,” he said. Students Physically Fit To a large extent college stu dents have, been physically tested, Dr. Berkowitz said. Their athletic :ontests prove this. “What men won’t do for a little cheering and a bit of ribbon,” he explained. However, the time comes, said Rabbi Berkowitz, when college stu dents find religion a help in meet ing the tests to which they are subjected. Social Contacts Needed The most important of these tests come as a result of one’s rela tions with one’s fellow men, and these can not be met unless one has within one’s experience the discipline which comes from some kind of religious training, he de clared. Ministers can not do it alone, he said. The weekly ser mons are not enough: religiousi training starts in the homes. “Religion,” he declared, “is no inhuman discipline that sets a per son apart from others; it is rug ged, practical, and rational.” Re ligion is the great force which helps man to bear the difficulties of life, he said. Prayers Important The other thing about religion that is important is prayer. Prayer and the power of religion to help man bear his problems are the two fundamentals of every man’s faith, he said. They are the unifying forces, bringing men together and working for religious tolerance. Prayer is greatly misunderstood, Dr. Kerkowitz said. Most people have the Huckleberry Finn idea of prayer, he added. You cannot go to class unprepared for an examin ation and ask God to help you get an A. Along with prayer, man must work and plan. A man s prayer is the dominant thing, the obsession of his life. World peace will come, he de clared, only when peace becomes the prayer of the world. Music group of YWCA will meet this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Com munity service group meets at 5 o’clock. Special Student Section Reserved At California Tilt A special student section, di rectly behind the Oregon team on the 50-yard line, has been reserved for University rooters' making the trip south for the Oregon-California game Satur day. Anse Cornell, athletic mana ger who made the arrange ments. indicated that over 300 seats in this section will be re served for University rooters. A special rate of $1.65 has been set for Oregon students. A slight deduction for ASUO cards may be arranged, he said. Aids Piggers Roy Vernstrom . . . junior in journalism, who edited this year’s edition of the pigger’s guide and placed copies on sale at booths on the campus yesterday. 'Pigger's Guide' Sales Reach 600 For All-Time High Vernstrom Reports '37 Results Doubled, Salesmen Busy Oregon’s great bible, the “pig ger’s guide,” reached an all-time first day sales high yesterday when over 600 students kept campus salesmen busy shelling out the new 1938-39 edition. On the basis of the first day’s sale, nearly twice as many as were sold on the initial day last year, Roy Vernstrom, editor-manager of the guide, predicts a prosperous season for the “pigger.” In spite of the rain, students turned out in large numbers to keep the booth between Oregon and Commerce busy all day, he said. do-oo jn sins uo All students who did not get their guide yesterday will have a chance to secure the book at the University Co-op store or at George Root’s office in McArthur court, Vernstrom said. It will be impossible to supply additional directories after the present print ed supply is exhausted, he stated. Not only have requests for the guide on the campus been exceed ingly large, but many demands from outside sources have been received in the educational activi ties office. Requests from Cam bridge, Massachusetts; Newark, New Jersey; Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania, and several from New York City and Chicago have been among those filed in the office. The guide contains over 300 stu dent names, addresses and phone numbers besides a complete faculty directory, map of the campus, and diagram of the library. Sophomores Set Plans for Big Informal Class of '41 to Hold Revels in McArthur Court Dec. 3; Name Band Promised j TJO sophomores swung off to a j start on plans for their annual fall 1 term informal last night, setting I December 3 as the date for their j revels in McArthur court, with a | “big name” orchestra promised by | class leaders for the occasion. Co-chairmen for the affair will be Marjorie McLean and Philip Gould, who completed special com mittee appointments last night. Last year's informal—formal for girls, informal for men—featured a “Joe College” motif and two bands, Gus Meyer’s from Oregon and Bud Mercer’s from Oregon State, competing for “supremacy in swing.” This year’s sophomores plan an orchestra with wide ap peal as one of the features of their dance. No definite selection however, has been made by those in charge. Will Select Theme The dance theme will be select ed at a meeting of committees in the near future, Miss McLean said. Committee appointments re leased last night include the fol lowing: orchestra: Jim Pickett, chairman, Berta Beck, Betty Bu chanan, Kay Dillard, and Dusty Jameson; publicity: Bill Ehrman, chairman, Majeanne Glover, Elea nor Swift, "Pete Igoe, Betty Kel | ler, and Leonard Clark; advertis ing: Bob Millspaugh, chairman, Gerry Tripp, Margaret Adlesich, J. T. Monahan, and Bill Orr. Decoration: Betty Moore, chair man, Margaret Crosbie, Jess Shinn, Joan Hoke, Harry Davidson, and Don Turner; program: Frank Meek and Barbara Mayo, chair men, Grant Alexander, Sue Peil, Howard Jenks; ticket and sales: | Chuck Tripp and Stan Johnson, | chairmen, Jimmy Hickey, Pat I Vandeneynde, Gene Sharp, Jean ' Miller and Dick Clark; patrons and ' patronesses: Ellouise Gunn, chair man, Donna Ketchum, Genevieve Casey, Kneeland Stone, and Fred Waller; clean-up: Herb Barber, chairman, Maurice Hunter, Ro land Rodman, Jack Shimshak, Bob Watson, and Henry Camp. Charter Requested By Cascade Locks The city of Cascade Locks, an ticipating a rapid growth as the result of the construction of Bon neville dam, has sent a request to the University bureau of munici pal research to prepare a charter for a model city, Herman Kehrli, bureau director, announced yes terday. Kehrli plans to attend a meet ing at that city on Monday to dis cuss the charter with civic offi cials, he said. Globe- Trotting Ben t Sho wn by UO Grad Having travelled in every continent, except Australia, in connec tion with his work as a mining expert, Donald D. Smythe, Oregon geology graduate, unexpectedly returned to the campus for the Home coming festivities, and to visit his uncle. Dr. Edgar E. DeCou, of the mathematics department. Donald Smythe, who entered the University of Oregon as a fresh man in iyiis, crossed 10 Europe with the regular army when the United States entered the world war. He fought at Chauteau Thierry and Beaux, and has only recently returned from a trip to Europe where he re-!visited the scenes of these battles. When the Armistice was signed he returned to Oregon, where he completed his work and received a B.S. degree. He later married Edna Zimmerman, a graduate oi the school of journalism here, whc served as foreign correspondent ir China for a London newspaper foi some time. Since his graduation Mr Smythe's work has taken him tc i Peru, to the Sierra Pasco mine, which is the largest copper mine in , South America; to China, where } he worked for three years, once narrowly escaping death in a ban . dit raid; and to many other Asiatic countries, where he took innumer able pictures of the natives and wild life. Recently he was sent on an ex pedition into the Yellow Knife dis i trict around Great Slave lake in northern Canada, which borders on the Arctic circle, to investigate some mine veins there. Aside from his travels, Mi Smythe spent several years as a geology instructor in various uni versities of the country. Cordial Supporter Charles A. Sprague . . . gover nor-elect of Oregon wlio has sig nified his understanding of the problems faced by higher educa tion and last night expressed his intention of backing it to the best of his ability in a message to the Emerald. Sheldon Exposes Palestine Trouble Country Too Small, Too Poor to Become New Nation Home The root of present racial dis turbances in Palestine, source of concern to Great Britain, was ex posed by Dr. H. D. Sheldon in a lecture to his history classes Mon day. 4 The country is too small and poor to be the home or a nation; three or four million people could not possibly be supported there, the professor stated. Dr. Sheldon, professor of history and education, explained that due to the presence of eight or ten million Arabs to the south and east of Palestine, the Jews would not be safe unless they were under the protection of a strong European power. England, which now controls the land, will probably let go of it in case of another European war, he said. ftOTC Rifle Teams Plan Shooting Tilt Oregon State's acceptance to participate in a small bore rifle match with Oregon and Washing ton ROTC teams December 3, has been received by Col. Robert M. Lyon, military head. Washington challenged Oregon to a shoulder to shoulder match here, with Oregon State also com peting if they accepted. Oregon last year's champion of the Ninth Corps area (nine western states), will be minus the services of four members of the crack rifle squad. “Oregon, Oregon State, and Washington represent three of the finest shooting squads in the coun try," said Sergeant Harvey Blythe, who trains and' selects the Univer sity ROTC rifle team. Mainstay of Oregon’s squad will be Stan Warren, individual Ninth Corps area small bore champ; Bill Gieseke, National Guard champ; Gilbert Wing, last year’s fresh man sharpshooter; and Don Boyd, member of last year’s team. Other positions are sti’l open, but will be tilled soon. This match will be the first im portant contest of the year and will be held in the University's ROTC shooting range. Winner of the Hearst national ROTC trophy in 1935 and 1937, Oregon will be out to regain the cup again when the annual competition is held. Morse to Head • Law Committee Wayne L. Morse, dean of the law school, has been selected chair ; man of the committee on law en ; forcement for the coming year, bj the board of governors of the Ore gon State Bar association. O. J. Hollis, law school profes J sor, is also on the committee. Governor-Elect Sprague Views Higher Education In Speeches, Statement Governor-Elect's Statement (In an exclusive statement to the Oregon Emerald, Governor elect Charles A. Sprague gave his views last night on higher educa tion in the state.) Oregon Daily Emerald: Oregon’s higher educational institutions are rendering excellent service thdligli I recognize that the increase of enrollment has put a severe strain on the budget. I hope to see the institutions make progress particularly in the quality of work done on the campuses. This means the steady strengthening of faculties and raising of standards. While I am a cordial supporter of higher education I realize that the role of the governor with relation to higher educa tion is restricted. He has responsibilities respecting appropriation for higher education and has the duty of making appointments to the state board of higher education who should be competent and fair-minded persons. The governor, however, should refrain from interfering with internal administration or free expression of opinion by members of faculties. CHARLES A SPRAGUE. Don Cossacks Plan Third Concert Here Following- swiftly the dramatic visit of Violin Maestro Fritz Kreis ler here Monday will be the appearance next Wednesday, November 16 of Serge Jaroff's world-famous Don Cossack chorus in concert at McArthur court. The coming of the colorful “singing horsemen of the steppes” will be the third visit of the group in the past six years to the University of Oregon campus, where each time they have received wide acclaim. Little Man What Now Serge Jaroff . . . director of the Don Cossack Russian male chorus to he presented in an ASUO con cert at the Igloo next Wednesday night. Friends Will Publish Memorial Edition of Mrs. Rebec's Poems In commemoration of the late Mary Rebec, wife of George Rebec, dean of the graduate division, a book of her poems will be pub lished by a number of her friends, it was learned yesterday. Mrs. Rebec died last spring. Several of her poems have ap peared in the Atlantic Monthly. However the majority have re mained unpublished, upl to this time. Dr. John Henry Nash is handl ing the designing and printing of this publication. According tt> Robert C. Hall, associate professortof journalism, the book will be completed some time before Christmas. Independents Plan Social Get-Together A social “get-together” will be observed by independent men and women when they gather in Ger I linger hall at 7:30 Monday night for a joint meeting. Tentative plans for the occasion include a program of singing and specialty dancing, climaxed with a speech by S. Stephenson Smith, popular professor of English. All independents are invited. The Cossacks come to Eugene with more than 3750 concerts in Europe, the United States, Mex ico, Australia, New Zealand, and] the Orient behind them and will offer here a program of the color ful folk songs and Stirring music of old Russia of the “czar’s era,” which died with the inception of the new regime. Most of the music which the Don Cossacks sings has never been set down in writing, but has passed along vocally from generation to generation in the families of old Russian aristocracy. As the few Cossacks remaining in Russia to day are prohibited by Soviet law from singing the old songs the con certs of the Don Cossacks are the sole means by which this once proud musical heritage is pre served. The program to be presented here is divided into three parts, the first devoted to church music, the second to haunting folk melo dies of Russia, and the final group to stirring Cossack soldier songs accompanied by shrill calls, bar baric shouts, and frenzied danc ing. Ed Walker, ASUO ticket clerk, has announced that no exchange tickets will be necessary for the concert, and that student tickets alone are sufficient for admit tance to this program. Stoddard Unable To Start Work Because of illness, Laurence G. Stoddard, recently appointed in structor in physics and astronomy, who is to succeed Rex R. Rhoten, was unable to take his position Monday as scheduled. Mr. Stoddard received his mas ter’s degree from UCLA, and has recently completed the work for his Ph.D. degree at the University of California. Chemistry Staff Plans Motor Trip The entire staff of the chemistry department plans to motor to Sa lem Saturday evening, November 12, to attend a meeting of the Ore gon section of the American Chem ical association, which will be held there. The latest developments in chem istry will be discussed at the meet ing. ATTENTION ROTC MEN Sergeant A g u 1 e has an nounced that all ROTC men are requested to report in front of the headquarters on 15th street at 9:45 am. on Friday for the Armistice day parade. Members are requested to be in full uni form, the sergeant stated. Publisher Seen as Education - Minded Man; Radio Talks Reviewed By LYLE NELSON An educationally minded man was elected to the governorship or Oregon Tuesday when Charles A. Sprague, Salem publisher, swept to victory by almost a three to two majority. “I have long had deep interest in education. In my younger man hood, I served as a high school teacher and principal, and later as superintendejn|t in schools,” Sprague said in a campaign speech over KOIN, November 2. Despite his program of tax re duction, Charles Sprague will not let the universities and schools suffer, he indicated in most of his major talks. Sees Problems “Our higher institutions suffer because enrollment has increased much faster than income,” the new governor stated in comment ing on what he termed “some of the acute problems of education.” “As governor, I should lend what aid I could in solving our school problems to the end that we may improve our system of education from the elementary grades clear through the University,” he prom ised. Education is one phase of gov ernment that has been pretty much overlooked, he said, Oregon’s school system employs many peo ple and spends more money than any other state agency. It has long been the pride of the people who have been willing to make great sacrifices to provide im proved educational opportunities for their children, Sprague stated in his speech over KOIN. Was Former Educator Mr. Sprague has been connected with, and interested in, education for many years. He has served a3 a high school teacher and princi pal, superintendent of schools and for a time superintendent of pub lic instruction in the state of Washington. An interest in young people graduating from educational in stitutions in Oregon, particularly institutions of higher learning, was shown by the Salem publisher in another speech before election. Job-Finding Important “My interest goes beyond the schools as an institution to the young people they are serving, and extends particularly to the efforts of young people to establish them selves in life after their school days are over. In far too many in stances, youth coming out of high schools and college find no steady employment," he commented. Music Class Hears String Ensemble A string quartet of University music students appeared before the music appreciation class of Dean John J. Landsbury this week. They illustrated the use of, and the kinds of music which can be played with string instruments. Members of the ensemble were Lorene Mitchell, Mary Ann Holt, Ruthalbert Wolfenden, and Madge Conaway. # A woodwind ensemble will also play before the class this week. Instruments in this quartet will be oboe, clarinet, flute, and bas soon. Dean E. F. Lawrence Gets Appointment Ellis F. Lawrence, dean of the school of architecture and allied arts, was recently appointed chair man of the national advisory com mittee for preparation for prac tice. The committee is composed of representatives from collegiate schools of architecture, national council of registration boards, Beaux Arts Institute of Design, and the educational committee of the American Institute of Archi tects.