Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1938, Image 1

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0. OF ORE.
Emerald Covers
Late Vote Count in
General Election
Who Was
Smith? See Sports
New 1938-39
Figgers Guide
On Sale Todag
Campus Booth Will
Open at 8; Many
Unique Features to
Be Included
Just off the press, the new
streamlined 1938-1939 “Pigger’s
Guide” will make its first appear
ance on the campus this morning
at 8 o’clock.
A booth placed between Oregon
and Commerce will open at 8 and
will remain open all day in order
to take care of the sale of guides
to students. Only one day has
been allowed for the sale and in
order to secure copies immediate
ly, students should make sure to
get them today, Roy Vernstrom,
editor-manager of this year’s guide,
said last night.
Faculty Directory Included
This year’s directory contains
over 65 pages of names, addresses,
home addresses, student majors
and most important of all, tele
phone numbers. Also included, is
a faculty directory and a short ar
ticle on the history of pigging
written by Vernstrom.
The book this year, which re
quired over 200 man-hours or
about 25 days to produce, will be
four pages larger than last year’s
guide and will contain over 3000
students’ names. No advance in
prices will be made, the regular 25
cents a copy rate will prevail,
Vernstrom said.
‘Rigger’s Guide’ on Copy
The issue today will mark the
first time that the words “pig
per’s guide” have appeared on the
copy. Although the book has been
known for a long time on the cam
pus by that name, the more so
phisticated “student directory” has
always appeared on the guide it
self. Of course the words “stu
dent directory” will appear on the
copy, but stuffed in the back pock
et of an illustration of a duck on
the cover is a book on which is
written “pigger’s guide.”
Also included in the directory
are the usual features arranged
for the convenience of students.
These include the list of women’s
and men’s living organizations,
their addresses and phone num
bers; a complete map of the Uni
versity campus and a diagram of
the University library and stacks.
Cal Students
'Up in The Air',
Flying Popular
College students flying high ?
Ninety University of California
students are doing just that, but
only because they are members of
the UC Flying club.
These club members, 70 of whom
signed up this semester, have the
unusual opportunity of reduced
rates for flying lessons and in
structions from leading pilots and
designers on the Pacific coast. The
club was founded last year.
* • * *
Attention, editing students!
“Copying one book is plagiarism;
copying three books is research.”
Professor V. P. Rapport of Con
necticut State college points out
what he considers a discrepancy in
* * *
Here, Please
Oregon State college has areas
painted on its sidewalks to indicate
where students may light cigar
ettes, where they may throw then;
* * *
Nino Martini, leading Metropoli
tan opera tenor, paid two fines ir
kangaroo court at the Universitj
of Iowa for violation of the Men’!
Week code.
His offenses; Wearing a necktie
and walking with two coeds.
The sentence: “You will have t<
kiss both the coeds in public.’’
“That,” said Mf. Martini, “is
more like it.” He complied withoui
Cat Salary Causes
Admiralty Concern,
Marder Discovers
No, English tax money is not spent without due consideration.
Record-searching Dr. Arthur Marder, former University professor,
has unearthed a prize-winning example of official “red tape” in the
British admiralty records, a letter received this week by Dr. R. C.
Clark revealed.
The pay of an office cat is the subject of the voluminous corres
pondence on which Marder reports. Some of the back-and-forth dis
cussion Marder found as follows:
Pay Raise Urged for Feline
On March 16, 1921, H. E. Scotten, binder at the Admiralty office
in London, pleaded the cause of the office cat. In his letter to the
accountant general he asked for a raise in the cat's salary, which had
been 13 shillings a quarter since 1902.
Buck-Passing Fast and Furious
The accountant general in May sent the request to the financial
secretary, who in turn sent it to the first sea lord.
The first sea lord, not certain of the worth of the office cat against
“rat raids,” sent the request to the secretary, insisting however, that
the matter should be discussed in parliament. “The fourth sea lord,
subject always to financial consideration, which would require the con
currence of the secretary, must have the last word in a matter which
is one of navy victualling,” he stated in his letter.
Cat Wage Held No Navy Problem
Hhe secretary denied that this problem concerned the navy depart
ment since no one in the admiralty was on the navy rations.
The third sea lord suggested the “short time” system of working
hours to prevent the raise. The request was put in the “yellow jacket,”
which gave it priority, in case the cat did not have enough to eat pend
ing the decision.
Rat-Cafching Efficiency Doubted
The assistant chief of the naval staff, next to pass on the request,
suggested that the use of cats for destroying rodents was obsolete
and in the interest of economy the cat should be destroyed. The
deputy chief of the naval staff agreed upon the increase.
Poison Gas Held Costly
The financial secretary voiced his disapproval of poisonous gases
on the cat because the expense might in the end amount to more.
On reaching the first lord, it was decided in June to increase the
wages without further delay.
YWJMto Hold First
Joint Conference
“Student Problems” will be the
theme of the first joint conference
of the University of Oregon YWCA
and YMCA at Cedarwood tavern
at McKenzie Bridge.
Led by Ralph Severson, presi
dent of the YM, and Bettylou
Swart and Lois Onthank, mem
bers of the YW cabinet, with the
frosh presidents, Elna Johnson
and Norman Foster, the group will
include between 25 and 30 mem
bers of the organization.
Professors joining the confer
ence will be John L. Casteel; Q.
Breen; D. E. Hargis; W. A. Dahl
berg; Francis Beck, secretary of
the YM, and his wife; Mrs. John
Stark Evans, secretary of the YW;
and Miss Janet Smith, University
employment secretary.
Another similar group will be
organized in the near future to
carry on the study and discussion
on student problems and activities.
Parsons Discusses
Youth Problems
At Symposium Meet
Social unrest of youth and pre
mature sophistication were discus
sed by Philip A. Parsons, head of
the sociology department, at the
women’s symposium meeting yes
terday, in room 108 Friendly hall.
He believes that youth today are
frankly bewildered by a world
they cannot understand and that a
back-to-the-soil movement is their
only hope.
The women’s symposium subject
is “Youth Tell Their Story.” t’hey
are working on the various phases
of security: economic, personal,
educational, and standards of phi
losophy, religion, and government.
Twelve Men Added
To Fraternity Lists
Twelve UO students have added
their names to the roster of var
ious fraternities on the campus
during the past fortnight, Dean of
Men Virgil Earl announced yes
terday, with Sigma Chi and Sigma
Alpha Mu named as the only
houses pledging more than one
new member.
The new pledges include Thomas
Fishburn, Delta Tau Delta; Marvin
Mason, Theta Chi; Irving Johnson,
Phi Kappa Psi; James Davidson,
Chi Psi; Estley Schick, Phi Sigma
Kappa; James Stuart, Kappa Sig
ma; James Braddock and Herbert
’ Anderson, Sigma Chi; Dan Davis
and Morry Stein, Sigma Alpha
Mu; Ward Wiison, Delta Upsilon;
and Berger Rorvick, Phi Delta
Pin Planter Put
On Chain Gang
By DU Brothers
Little Willie doesn’t like pub
licity . . . much! At any rate,
he got his fill yesterday noon
when fellow DU’s put him on the
chain gang in front of the Col
lege Side.
William Gentry, ardent Chica
go Sox fan, planted his pin on
Chi O’s Della “the Cubs” Root
some time ago. Hence the chain
gang idea.
But it’s not as bad as all that!
Not when three charming "coeds
serve you lunch on the curb.
Della, appropriately enough,
came through with a bottle of
milk . . . nipple and all. Omin
ous was the baby buggy, parked
at Little Willie’s side by oblig
ing brothers.
Christian Groups
To Supply Ushers
For Collins' Speech
Students from Westminster
house, Wesley house, and the
Episcopal and Lutheran student
organizations on the campus will
act as ushers for Dean Collins’
Armistice day speech, the Student
Christian council decided at the
regular bi-monthly meeting held
Dean Collins, columnist for the
Oregon Daily Journal, is speaking
Friday at 8 p.m. at the Methodist
church on Twelfth and Willamette
streets on “Do You Want to Buy
Another War?” under the joint
auspices of the Eugene Ministerial
assocaition and the Student Chris
tian council.
Berkowitz to
Be Speaker
In Gerlinger
Place of Religion
In Student's Life to
Be Discussed This
Evening at 8
The place of religion in relation
to the life of the college student
is the subject on which Rabbi Hen
ry J. Berkowitz of the Temple Is
rael of Portland will speak to Uni
versity students tonight in Ger
linger at 8 o’clock.
Rabbi Berkowitz, Who will ar
rive on the campus this afternoon,
is being sent here as a feature of
the program of campus religious
leaders to continue some of the
good results of Christian Mission
week, held at the University in
The Portland rabbi will also
speak at firesides at various fra
ternities tonight and tomorrow
morning will speak at several
classes and seminars. Too, person
al consultations on individual
problems may be arranged through
YMCA Secretary Francis M. Beck
or Mrs. Marjorie Evans, YWCA
The Portland religious leader is
not new to campus audiences, ac
cording to Personnel Dean Karl
W. Onthank, who explained that
he had appeared at religious meet
ings on the campus several years
ago and was widely acclaimed by
student audiences.
Education Programs
On KORE This Week
Dean J. R. Jewell to
Give Speech Today
At 1 o'Clock
Observing American Education
week, from November 6 to 12, sta
tion KORE has been presentnig a
series of programs on the general
theme, “Education for Tomor
row’s America.”
With several speakers, including
Rex Putnam, state superintendent
of public instruction; Dean R. W.
Leighton of the school of physical
education; and H. B. Ferrin, su
perintendent of schools at Cottage
Grove, having completed their
part of the week’s program, four
more educators will speak during
the rest of the series.
Dean Speaks Today
This afternoon at 1 o’clock, Dean
J. R. Jewell of the education
school will speak on “Attaining
Values and Standards.” Music will
be furnished by the Wendling
grade school.
Thursday at 6 p.m. Professor N.
L. Bossing will address the radio
audience on “Accepting New Civic
Responsibilities,” with music on
the program by the Santa Clara
grade school.
At 1:30 p.m. Friday the subject
will be “Holding Fast to Our Ideals
of Freedom,” with J. F. Cramer,
superintendent of Eugene schools
speaking. Eugene public schools
will provide musical entertain
The last address of the series
will be given by Dean Victor P.
(Please turn to page three)
Sprague Chosen Governor
By Voters; Holman Also Wins
New First Citizen
Charles A. Sprague, Salem pub
lisher who was assured of victory
over liis democratic opponent,
Henry L. Hess as incomplete re
turns began coming in.
Parade Stops
As 'O' Wearer
Gets Subpoena
Stories of subpoena servers
were funny ones to Oliver Hus
ton, a Sigma Nu Oregon grad
of ’10, unitl the Saturday of
Huston has a job in the title
division of the state highway
department. When a court has
a case concerning titles, it is
sometimes necessary fon an offi
cial of the title department to
testify. The Eugene court need
ed an official.
Huston, a two-sport letterman,
was in the Order of the "O” par
ade before the start of the Idaho
game. Just as soon as he an
nounced himself on the public
address system, he was present
ed with the subpoena. This inci
dent literally held up the parade
until the server had fulfilled his
Olievr Huston was a guest of
the Sigma Nil’s Monday.
Dean Schwering Will
Be Mothers' Guest
At Klamath Falls
Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, Ore
gon’s dean of women, is leaving
Wednesday for Klamath Falls,
where she will be entertained by
the Klamath Falls mothers’ club.
Dean Schwering will speak be
fore the mothers at a tea Thurs
day. This tea is one of the many
to be held by University mothers
all over Oregon this weekend for
the purpose of obtaining money
for the Mothers’ Scholarship fund.
The scholarship will be given to
the most outstanding and promis
ing high school graduate of 1939.
Last year the one $300 scholar
ship was divided into three indi
vidual scholarships of $100 each
and was presented to the three
most outstanding 1938 high school
Amphibian meeting 7:30 tonight
in Gerlinger pool.
Professors Study Grade Change Plan
Why not abolish grades in cer
tain of the courses offered at the
i University of Oregon at the end
of the fall term ? . . . that is the
question which many members of
the faculty are considering, ac
cording to a canvass taken yester
day among instructors of a few
of the schools of the University.
Members of the art school fac
ulty favor putting the “no-grade"
system into operation as soon as
I possible. W. S. Hayden, assistant
instructor in architecture, said
“We would be in favor of recording
fall term grades under the new
Smith in Favor
Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of
the department o'f geography and
geology, said, “I am glad to see
the step taken by the faculty in
the grade system. It is a distinct
advance toward a better system
which we hope to reach ultimately.
“As long as the faculty has
passed on the measure, the sooner
we get the new system under way,
the better. But I do not propose
to suggest when and how this shall
be done.”
lish department expressed hmiself
Dr. Frank G. Black of the Eng
lish department, expressed himself
as being against the use of the
method in his classes in English
composition, but thought that
since the method had been accept
ed for certain types of classes,
there would be no objection to
putting it into effect immediately.
Action Slow
Although* the majority of fac
ulty members interviewed were
favorable to the application of the
plan immediately, none could sug
gest a means of starting the ma
chinery to bring about the actual
The suggestion was made that
the initial move should be made by
the president's advisory board, by
the faculty senate, or the president
Only fly in the ointment was the
statement by Clifford L. Con
stance, assistant registrar, that
the new grade method should be
explained in the University cata
log, and that any change in the
catalog as regards classes anc
grading system should be included,
The 1938-39 catalog is, of course
already distributed, and the new
one is being compiled.
The question which students 01
the University and faculty mem
bers alike are asking one anothei
is, “Who will make the firsi
, move?”
Early Returns Give Salem Publisher 3-2
Lead Over Democratic Opponent; Race
For U. S. Senate Close
(Emerald Managing Editor) |
Holding a margin of approximately 3 to 2 at eleven o’clock
last night, Charles A Sprague, republican, Salem publisher, was ;
assured of victory over Henry Hess, democrat of LaGrande, in j
the race for governorship of the state.
With returns from half of Oregon precincts tabulated at j
that hour, this state showed an increase in strength for the
GOP which was echoed throughout the nation. At that hour
-— I
Returns at 12:53 this morning
gave Sprague a majority of more
than 25,000. Based on 804 out
of 1081 preeinets the vote was:
Sjrague, 77,689; Hess, 50,090.
A clear-cut victory for Hol
man over Mahoney was sure
early this morning on the basis
of 83.3 state precincts. The re
publican led Mahoney 72,039 to
53,923, thus defeating the Klam
ath Falls ex-mayor’s attempt to
beeome the first regularly eleet
ed democratic senator from the
state in 17 years.
republican candidates had captured
15 of the 32 gubernatorial offices
at stake, democrats taking five of
fices with incomplete results re
corded. This marked an increase of
11 governors’ seats throughout
the nation for the republican party.
Holman Leads
Rufus Holman, republican and
present state treasurer, had ap
parently nosed out Willis Mahoney,
democrat and former Klamath
Falls mayor in the race for the
U. S. senate seat.
Returns from southern Oregon
were not complete enough to give!
a definite result for the election,
but a state-wide bulletin at eleven
fifteen had Mahoney trailing by
approximately six thousand votes.
Other results were as follows:
Incomplete returns from 46 Lane
precincts late last night showed
the following vote on state candi
U. S. Senator (short term) —
Barry, 4938; Miller, 2635.
U. S. Senator (long term)—Hol
man, 5270; Mahoney, 3125.
Representative, (first district) —
Burk, 1898; Mott, 6230.
Governor—Hess, 2836; Sprague,
Secretary of State—Edson, 825;
Snell, 6763.
Superintendent of Public In-!
struction — Putnam, 4697; Rice,
Labor Commissioner — Gram,
4451; Hyde, 3415.
The following are incomplete re- i
turns late last night from 22 of
Eugene’s 31 precincts:
Treasurer — Hulegaard, 2514; j
Wentworth, 1880.
Sewage Disposal — Yes, 2888; i
No, 1141.
(Please tarn to page three)
P. E. Students Will
Hold Informal Parhj
The men’s and women’s Phys
ical Education clubs will hold a
party Thursday evening in Ger
linger hall. All majors and minors
in physcial education are invited,
and the evening will be spent in
dancing an(J playing games. Stu
dents are to come stag and in cam
pus clothes.
During an intermission in the
night's dancing and fun, a program
will be presented by several phys
ical education students. The enter
tainers are Smokey Whitfield, El
len Torrence, Ruth Russell, Mar
garet Van Matre, Hugh Simpson,
and Allard Conger.
The physical education clubs
have planned many combined and
separate activities for the coming
year. This program includes a
barn dance, a games tournament
night, a series of recreation nights,
trips to schools in southern and
eastern Oregon, camping, skiing,
and fishing trips, and moving pic
tures of athletic events.
University Gets
High Rating in
New 'Who's Who'
Twenty-two Faculty
Members Are Listed
Among Notables
Oregon ranks high in the world
of notables, according to the 1938- j
39 edition of "Who’s Who in Am- j
The new Who’s Who, now avail- j
able in the library, ranks 22 mem- |
bers of the University of Oregon j
faculty. This number is the same
as the number in the 1936-37 Who’s
Who. The only change is the addi
tion of S. Stephenson Smith, Eng
lish professor, and the dropping of
Dr. DeBusk of the psychology de
partment. Dr. QeBusk passed
away in 1937.
Names Listed
The list includes: Eric W. Allen,
dean of the school of journalism;
James D. Barnett, head of the poli
tical science department; C. Valen
tine Boyer, dean of arts and letters
and head of the English depart
ment; Newel H. Cornish, professor
of business administration; Luthur
S. Cressman, head of tne anthro
pology department; Edgar E. De
Cou, head of the mathematics de
partment; James H. Gilbert, dean
of the college of social science; and
Herbert C. Howe, professor of
Others on the list are: Freder-|
ick M. Hunter, chancellor of the j
state system of higher education;!
James R. Jewell, dean of the school j
of education; Wayne L. Morse,
dean of the school of law; Philip
A. Parsons, head of the sociology
department; and George Rebec,
dean of the graduate division and
head of the philosophy department,
now retired.
Fredrich Schmidt, head of the
German department; Henry D.
Sheldon, professor of education and
history; S. S. Smith, professor of
English; Warren D. Smith, head of
geology and geological depart
ments; Orin F. Stafford, dean of
the lower division and service de
partments; Harvey G. Townsend,
professor of philosophy; Gertrude
B. Warner, director of the art mu
seum; and Walter Willcox, profes
sor of architecture, are also in
New U. S. Solon
Rufus C. Holman . . . Incomplete
slectlon returns gave him a com
nanding lead in the race for U. S.
Anti-Picketing Bill
Wins Approval
By Marjority of 15,000
Complete returns from 667 out
of 1681 state precincts indicated
almost a 5 to 3 margin in favor of
the anti-picketing bill last night.
Tabulations were: 52,747, yes; 38,«
300, no.
Multnomah county incomplete
returns gave a 5000-vote majority
in favor of the bill. Lane county
voted for the measure, 3948 to
Only five counties voted against
the anti-picketing measure, accord
ing to tabulations based on the
returns from 667 precints.
Returns from 21 Portland pre
cints on the state measures fol
lowed Lane county trends for the
most part. The double liability re
peal for bank stock holders was
voted down by a 2000 margin in
(Please turn to page three)
Free Tuberculin
Tests Available
To UO Students
Beginning immediately, tuber
culin tests and x-rays of the
chest will be available to stu
ients who have not already been
tested, or to those who wish to
have the test repeated, Dr. F. N.
Miller, University physician, an
nounced yesterday.
Dr. Miller stressed the request
that students do not miss this
chance to check up on a very
imoprtant health factor, which,
he said, is often an important
consideration for graduating
class members who are seeking
The tests will be given free of
charge, Dr. Miller said.
English Visitor Sees
First Football Game
Football is more spectacular than any sport played on the other
side of the Atlantic declared Miss Loch, a visiting Englishwoman who
saw her first football games here this fall.
Miss Loch of Winchester, southern England, is here visiting her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cressman and will prob
ably return name arier ennsimus.
L. S. Cressman is head of the
University anthropology depart
I especially like the colorful uni
forms, Miss Loch said. In England
the athletes wear shorts and sweat
ers, but the football players are
well padded and they do not appear
to stand the chance of injury our
athletes do, she explained.
The coeds with their bright col
ors and waving pom-poms were
especially attractive, Miss Loch
In England the sports enthus
iasts take their sports dead ser
iously with no organized cheering.
Once in a while there will be a
spontaneous cheer but everything
is business-like. Even the players
don’t seem to get fun out of their
The entire picture of American
sports is different, the bands, or
ganized cheering, stunts, and
bright colors of the fans and play
ers, make it different. The game it
self is more exciting than those on
“our side.” All of this goes to
make your “football” very cheery,
Miss Loch declared.