Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1938, Image 1

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‘Cocoanut Grove’ Will Be Theme
Streamlined Sign Winner
The Theta Chi illuminated sign . . . winner of the campus sign con
test staged as part of the program to welcome back the| grads to the
24th annual Homecoming.
Deafening Din of Saws,
Jack Hammers, Whistles
Split Eugenean Eardrums
Twenty boiler factories were turned loose in the streets of Eugene
last night when twenty noise floats, every one a winner, were paraded
down the streets.
Earmuffs and cotton were in order as more than 10,000 Eugene
residents, visiting alumni and students gathered along the sides of Wil
lamette street to witness what was termed as “Oregon’s noisiest noise
Most attractive house sign:
^ Men’s houses — Theta Chi,
first; SAE, Sigma Nu and Men’s
Co-op, honorable mention.
Women’s houses—Alpha Gam
ma Delta, first; Kappa Kappa
Gamma and Alpha Omicron Pi,
honorable mention.
Noisiest Float:
Theta Chi and Orides, first.
Pi Kappa Alpha and Hilyard
Co-op, second.
Yeomen and Phi Beta Pi, third.
Student Train
Gambling, 'Bats'
The ghosts of 7-come-ll must
have been floating around the
^ University of Wisconsin during
the recent investigation of gam
bling on the special student train
to the Iowa-Wisconsin game.
The Daily Cardinal, student
, newspaper at the University of
Wisconsin points out that the uni
versity is not to blame for the
gambling since it had been an
agreement with the railroad com
pany that the latter see that the
conditions on the train were
However, the Cardinal viewed
the possibility of discontinuance of
the special trains in the light of
“ginned-up” parties with skidding
and crashing automobiles on their
way home from a football victory.
—Calif. Daily.
Old Proverb: Life begins at for
Song Hit: Life begins when
you're in love.
Late movie: Life begins in col
• lege.
So now you have to be a forty
year-old, lovesick college student
to really live.—Alabamian.
* * *
The University of West Virgin
ia has a mock honorary fraternity
named Fi Batar Cappar. As a
first step in a new constructive
program it instituted a tag day to
provide grants and aids for worthy
students participating in tennis,
track, and baseball.
A general alumni discussion
meeting will be held at 10 o’
clock this morning in the assem
bly hall in Johnson. Ed Bailey,
Portland, president of the asso
ciation will preside.
The noise parade and the rally
afterwards went off as planned.
Grads returning- for the weekend
were enthusiastic in terming it
‘‘The greatest show of Oregon
spirit since I graduated.”
Best Spirit Ever
‘‘This is the greatest manifesta
tion of spirit at any Oregon rally
I have ever witnessed,” David Gra
ham, Portland alumnus, told the
crowd gathered for the rally at
19th and Ferry streets. ,“Most
noise I’ve heard in a long time,”
commented Keith Fennels, one of
the judges. ‘‘The best spirit at
Oregon in many years,” Clay Bax
ter, another judge, chipped in.
“Best noise parade and all around
spirit that I have seen on any cam
pus,” Louis Harrington, another
judge stated.
Top honors of the day went to
Theta Chi who took first place in
the house signs and alse placed
first, teamed with the Orides, for
the best noise float. Second place
in the noise division was awarded
Pi Kappa Alpha and the Hilyard
Co-op while in third place was the
Yoemen and Phi Beta Pi.
Theta Chis Twice Winners
In the signs division, the first
place among men’s houses went to
the aforementioned Theta Chis
while Alpha Gamma Delta took the
(Please turn to page three)
McArthur Court Set
For Barris Edition of
Homecoming Mixer
It’s "McArthur Grove” for tonight, in honor of Harry Barris, writer
of hit tunes, madcap of the piano keyboard, and ace band leader, who
will for four hours demonstrate to students, returned grads, towns
people, and homecoming guests how he does it.
Barris, fresh from the Los Angeles Cocoanut Grove, ldhds off with
his special ASUO bonus swing concert at 8 o’clock. This will go on
for an hour, until 9.
Then at 9:30 the “Grove” atmos
phere will really begin to show up
as a thousand couples make the
most of the Barris night in the an
nual Homecoming dance.
Barris at the piano, doing the
hot breaks which are by now sec
ond nature to him, Barris all over
the bandstand, Baris, Barris, BAR
RIS, with Oregon Homecoming at
mosphere further coloring the af
Dancing will continue until
12:30, and possibly a little after.
Girls must be in by 1 o’clock, even
with the special late permission
granted for the weekend.
Dark suits for men, long dresses
for women. No corsages—mums
are official Homecoming corsages.
Dad's Dag Set tor
Winter Term Date
The University of Oregon’s an
nual Dad’s day will be January 28
this year, Dean of Personnel Karl
W. Onthank announced yesterday]
following action by the Oregon I
Dad’s organization.
The faculty committee named
for the affair includes Dean On
thank, executive secretary, G. N.
Belknap, C. L. Constance, V. D.
Earl, G. H. Godfrey, Mrs. Hazel
P. Schwering, and Mrs. Genevieve
ASUO President Harry Weston j
is expected to name the student
committee for the affair next
NY A Checks Arrive
For 311 Students
Students working on NYA re
ceived checks yesterday totaling
$3543.65 for work done between
September 19 and October 16. The i
checks were mailed direct to stu
dents from the Portland office.
Undergraduate students, 297 of;
them, worked a total of 9602 hours
for an average earning of $11.32.
Fourteen graduate students worked
366 hours for an average check of
Stage*Set for New
Writers, Visitor Says
The stage is set today as never before for an influx of new writers
into the field of fictional writing, Edison W. Marshall, noted American
author, who is here this week-end to visit his alma mater during
Homecoming, declared last night.
Seated with Dean Eric W. Allen of the journalism school and
W. F. G. Thatcher, professor of English, in Dean Allen’s office, Mr.
William McKinney
To Play Monday
Over KOAC Program
Opening the University hour
broadcast Monday night at 8
o’clock, William McKinney, grad
uate student of the University of
Oregon, will play fifteen minutes
of pipe organ music over station
KOAC, Corvallis.
His selections include “Clair de
Lune,” Debussy; second move
ment of the “Fifth Organ Sym
phony,’’ Widor; and “Gavotte”
from Thomas’ opera, “Mignon.”
“Billy” McKinney, who former
ly lived in Milton-Freewater, is a
fifth year pipe organ student and
organist at the Christian Science
church in Eugene.
Marshall exchanged memoirs ol
the war-time years spent at the
University of Oregon. The three
recalled how “Eddie Marshall”
stayed up to the small hours of
the morning at the Delta Tau Delta
fraternity house here to compose
his early efforts.
Professor Thacher, recalling old
time stories, reminded the author
of the time that he had criticized a
story quite fiercely which Mr. Mar
shall had written in a freshman
class in English, and then saw it
appear in a leading magazine at a
little later date.
For the past 20 years, Marshall
has lived what he termed a "vigor
ous and intense life” in southern
United States, Europe and the
orient, and now he plans to settle
down to a certain extent and write
(Please turn to page three)
YWCA Announces
Programs for Year
Carol Singing and
'Heart Hop' Again
Planned by Group
A year replete with activities
and new projects for the Univer
sity YWCA was revealed by Ruth
Ketchum, president of the cabinet,
as she disclosed yesterday the
plans for the forthcoming year.
“We are sponsoring our annual
Homecoming donut sale which is
now in progress, and numerous
other enterprises which we hope
will increase our general “Y”
funds that are used for campus
needs and scholarships,” Ruth ex
Over three hundred coeds are
members of the YW and together
have planned the Christmas carol
singing just before winter vaca
tion, the Sunday breakfast given
by the junior girls in honor of the
seniors, and the Northwest region
al conference at Seabeck, Wash-'
nigton, this spring.
“The Valentie day ‘Heart Hop’
will again be resumed this year," j
the president said, “a ‘King of j
Hearts’ will again be chosen, and
the event will take place in four
of the campus sorority houses.”
“Activities for every girl means
many committees and interests
within our group,” Miss Ketchum
continued, “and this year we have
added a new foreign-foods club
which studies the customs and
foods of different countries, and
the usual “Y” groups which in
clude our community service, pub
lic affairs and international rela
tions, religious, music and book
review committees.”
Mrs. Warner Talks
To Art Epics Class
Mrs. Murray Warner, director of
the art museum, addressed a class
in civilization and art epics Thurs
day on the Chinese water colors
of Miss Helen Hyde.
Miss Hyde, an intimate friend of
Mrs. Murray for many years be
fore her death in 1919, was long
recognized as a leader among the
foreign painters of Chinese home
life. She spent most of her life in
China and Japan gathering mate
rial for her works.
Mrs. Warner told the class par
ticularly of the paintings done by
Miss Hyde when the latter was a
guest in Mrs. Warner’s Shanghai
home. At that time, the speaker
said, her brother was covering the
Russo-Japanese war as a corre
spondent for the Chicago Daily
Also at the time, the now Gen
eralissimo Chaing Kai-Shek was
employed as a credit agent in her
husband’s office in the same city,
Mrs. Warner continued.
Miss Hyde’s paintings are on ex
hibition in the museum, on the
ground floor, in the room to the
left of the main entrance.
Also exhibited on the third floor
is a collection of paintings of Jap
anese scenes, executed by Miss
Maude Kerns, a member of the
University art faculty, in 1928.
The Kappa Kappa uamma sor
ority softball team defeated thf
Sigma Chi fraternity team at the
■ University of New Mexico.
The Latest Pin-Planting
i -
The five finalists in the “Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” contest which
.was won by Betty Anderson, Pi Phi freshman, last night. The girls,
from left to right, are: Ann Bossinger, Marjorie Kempter, Betty Ander
son, the sweetheart; Florence Stevens, and Mary Storkersen.
Betty Anderson 'Glorified’
Stocks Adopted
For Sigma Chi
Pin Planters
A Puritan punishment device,
the stocks was adopted yester
day by the Sigma Chis as a new
method of treating pin planters,
succeeding the former mattress
A perpendicular wooden frame,
with holes for arms and legs,
was built by Dick Peters, to
hold the “offender” in front of
the Side during the noon hour.
Clayton Sheldon was selected
as the first victim. He was
locked in the frame, and to
make certain his remaining, his an
kles, covered with white spats,
were locked and chained together.
Sheldon remained until “the
Girl,” Caroline Sturgeon, ar- J
rived and was supplied with a i
ring of keys, After tryipg most j
of them, she succeeded fin free
ing him.
Tabard Inn Meets,
Pledges Announced
Edison Marshall, who writes for
Cosmopolitan, Robert Orman Case,
who has a short story in the cur
rent number of Collier’s, and Ear
nie Haycox, another regular con
tributor to Collier’s magazine . . .
were all there ... as well as sev
eral other professional writers and
former actives in Ye Tabard Inn'
when that organization banqueted
at 6:30 last night.
Following the dinner Wen j
Brooks, president, introduced four .
new pledges to the writing honor-!
ary: Hubard Kuokka, Howard
Kessler, Leonard Clark, and Daniel
Bergman. #
W. F. G. Thacher, founder of the
local chapter of Sigma Upsilon,
spoke briefly, after which Mar
shall, Haycox, and Case led in a
general discussion of writing.
Oregon Profs Will
Appear on Radio
On Education Week
Four University of Oregon pro-1
fessors, two city school superin
tendents, and the state superinten
dent of public instruction will ap
pear on KOBE broadcasts during
American Education week, Novem
ber 6 to 12, it was announced Fri
Under the general theme “Edu
cation for Tomorrow’s America”
daily programs have been lined
up through the week, with a differ
ent speaker each night.
Leading off Sunday morning at
9:15 will be Hex Putman, state
superintendent of public instruc
tion, whose topic will be “Achiev
ing the Golden Rule.”
Monday at 1:30 p.m. Dean Ralph
(Please turn to paye three)
Homecomers will have the op
portunity to see Oregon’s new
gymnasium Saturday morning, ac
cording to the announcement of
Dr. Leighton, acting dean of the
school of physical education. Guides
will be supplied to escort visitors
through the building and point out
‘ the things of interest. Also, the
gymnasium and men’s pool will be
open to students for recreational
purposes during the morning, Dean
Leighton said.
Pi Phi Blonde Wins
Sweetheart Race
Blonde, blue-eyed, 19-year-old
Betty Anderson, Pi Phi from Seat
tle is official sweetheart of Sigma
Chi, University of Oregon chapter.
The petite freshman nosed out
four of her classmates to win the
sweetheart contest in a vote cast
at noon yesterday and counted last
night at 9:45 over KORE.
Voting was by all actives of the
local chapter. The secret ballots I
were counted with presidents from ]
the houses of each of the five fin
alists on hand at K6RE as an hon
orary election board. The local
sweetheart contest is part of a na
tional movement.
The five finalists earlier survived
an elimination to which each wo
men's organization had set two en
tries. All entries attended a ban-;
quet in their honor last week at
the Sigrria Chi house.
"Sweetheart” Betty, five feet
four inches of personality sur
mounted by an up-style hair-do,
showed extreme excitement over
her new status, but admitted being
“very happy" about it. Oh, yes,
she has dimples.
She will be banqueted tonight,
when Sigma Chi will plant its of
ficial "sweetheart” pin on her.
Other finalists were Mary Stork
erson, Theta; Florence Stevens,
ADPi; Marjory Kempter, Alpha
Chi O; and Ann Bossinger, Kappa.
Erb, Hunter Will Go
To Convention in East
Dr. Donald M. Erb, president of
the University, and Chancellor
Frederick M. Hunter will leave
Monday for Chicago to attend the
national convention of state uni
versities, scheduled for November
9, 10, and 11, they announced to
President Erb, following the
state university conference, will
continue east to New York where
he will spend the week of Novem
ber 14 seeing alumni and contact
ing various foundation enterprises.
He will be the guest of Oswald
Garrison Villard, noted publisher
and son of Henry Villard, for
whom Oregon’s Villard hall is
named, at dinner November 16.
At the state universities con
vention the two Oregonians will
confer with the National Educa
tional association on the nation's
educational program, the problems
which confront educators today,
and the purposes of education.
Dr. Hunter will also meet with
the Educational Policies commis
sion, of which he is the only mem
ber of the Pacific Northwest.
Morris Attends
Portland Meeting
Victor P. Morris, dean of the
BA school, is in Portland this
weekend for a series of meetings
of the League of Nations associa
tion of which he is the Portland
branch president.
The occasion of the meeting is
the visit of Mr. Clark Eichelberger,
national director of the associa
tion, to Portland. Mr. Eichelberg
er has been in Geneva and the
capitals of other countries in Eur
ope during the recent tense weeks.
He was one of the observers
used by the Columbia broadcast
ing system to send the news of
European conditions to America.
Powerful Idaho Team
Will Meet Revamped
Webfoot Squad Todaq
Hayward Field Will Be Scene of Game at
Two o'Clock; Hard Fight Seen Between
Evenly Matched Aggregations
Idaho’s powerful Vandals will furnish the opposition for
Oregon’s revamped Webfoots this afternoon on the Hayward
field turf in the annual Homecoming classic. Game time is
2 o’clock.
Coach Tex Oliver’s gridders will be trying to break a losing
streak which has stretched to three games when they face Ted
Bank’s men from the Inland Empire.
as tor tneir part, the Idaho
squad makes no secret of its deter
mination to wallop another confer
ence opponent, even if its games
with member teams are labeled
Vandals’ Record Good
Idaho has a record of four wins
in six games. Its list of victims in
cludes Oregon State and Washing
ton, although the latter must be
entered in the partial victim class.
The Huskies tied the Vandals, 12
to 12.
Coach Ted Bank and a squad of
29 football players arrived in Eu
gene yesterday and ran through a
short drill on the McArthur prac
tice field.
Lineup Shift Possible
Two shifts in the Oregon lineup
will send Don Mabee and Larry
Lance to the end positions, and Ted
Gebhardt and Bob Smith to the
halfback posts. These shifts were
made by Oliver following the Sou
thern California game.
(Additional details, page two.)
Military Training
Up for Discussion
“The ROTC and Christian
Ideals" will be discussed tomorrow
evening at Wesley club meeting at
6:30 o’clock at the First Metho
dist church. Charles Carpenter,
Murray Adams, and Fred May will
Since 1928, when the general
conference of the church took its
official stand, the Methodist church
has favored optional military
training and has asked that all
Methodist students conscientiously
objecting to the course be exempt
ed. This stand was again taken at
the third national conference of
Methodist Youth, which 14 local
students attended, meeting on the
University of Colorado campus
last summer.
One student in a California
school carried his case to the
United States supreme court, and,
while the court’s decision was
against him, Methodist churches
throughout the country united in
his support.
The local group was active in
the attempt to make military
training optional in the state which
was voted down by a count of 214,
246 to 131,917 in 1936.
This 11 Help
Mike Mikulak and Frank Em
mons .. . talking; it over with their
eye on one of the pigskins Emmons
will try to pack through the Idaho
line today. > 4
UO Alums Swamp
Eastern University
The University of Oregon has
more alumni registered in the
graduate school of retailing at
New York university than, any
other out of state schools among
the 36 states represented, accord
ing to a letter received by Profes
sor N. H. Cornish of the business
administration school from Jack
Enders, Oregon graduate in 1938,
who has been elected president of
the graduate class of 104 students.
The students on scholarships are
Beryl Cornish, Jack Enders, Ker
mit Gimre, Vivian Runte, and Wil
bur Webb, while Harry Hodes and
Howard Overbeck round out the
Oregon delegation.
Other Oregon grads from the
school of business administration
attending different universities
with scholarships for graduate
work include Gordon Palmer and
Carrol Gates at Northwestern uni
versity, and Jack Filsinger at the
University of Washington.
Today's Lineups
Oregon Idaho
No. Player Pos. Player No.
62 Larry Lance .LE.Tony Knap 25
68 Bill Poskett .LT.....Dick Trzuskowski 47
71 Nello Giovanini .LG.Walter Musial 32
16 A1 Samuelson . C .Rudy Aschenbrenner 27
77 Cece Walden .RG ...Jack Donovan 17
67 Ellroy Jensen .RT.Ray Kaczmarek 33
14 Bud Robertson .RE.Ray Smith 16
75 Hank Nilsen .Q.Earl Gregory 45
28 Ted Gebhardt.LH Harold Roise 6
56 Bob Smith .RH.Edgar Wilson 5
38 Frank Emmons .F.Harold Durham 7
Referee- Nibs Price, Oakland.
Umpire Mike Moran, Portland.
Head Linesman W. S. Higgins, Spokane.
Field Judge Perry Mitchell, Renton.
OREGON ROSTER: 10, Stuart, t; 11, Cadenasso, c; 12. Mabee, e;
14, B. Robertson, e; 15, Haliski, g; 16, Samuelson, c; 17, Hendershott,
e; 19, Winetrout, t; 20, Hinkinson, hb; 21, Gammon, hb; 22, Isberg, f;
24, E. Robertson, g; 26, Hawke, q; 27, Nicholson, hb; 28, Gebhardt, hb;
30, Passolt, g; 31, Stenstrom, f; 32, Speetzen, e; 34, Anderson, hb; 36,
Peters, t; 38, Emmons, f; 39, Rach, f; 43, Hamilton, t; 44, Nestor, g;
48, Tressel, t; 49, Jacobsen, c; 56, B. Smith, hb; 58, Reginato, e; 62,
Lance, e; 65, Blenkinsop, e; 67, Jensen, t; 68, Foskett, t; 70, Inskeep, t;
71, Giovanini, g; 75, Nilsen, q; 77, Walden, g; 73, Donovan, q; 80, Gray
beal, hb; 81, Yerby, e.
IDAHO ROSTER: 5, Wilson, hb; 6, Roise, hb; 7, Durham, f; 9, Kam
elvicz, g; 10, Tauber, t; 12, Johnson, hb; 13, Bell, f; 14, Rathbun, t;
15, Howard, e; 16, R. Smith, e; 17, Donovan, g; 18, Caccia, c; 19, At
kinson, hb; 20, Heien, e; 24, Acuff, hb; 25, Knap, e; 26, Beall, q; 27,
Ashenbrenner, c; 29, Price, hb; 31, Cook, t; 32, Musial, g; 33, Kacz
marek, l; 35, Ryan, e; 37, L. Smith, c; 41, Strang, t; 43, Sanner, g;
44, Stoddard, q; 45, Gregory, q; 46, Therrell, t; 47, Trzuskowski, t; 48,
Rettberg, g.