Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1938, Image 1

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    'N e wOregonSpirit’ at Night Rally, Dance
Boosts 'Olivermen in First Home Contest
ASUO Ducats
Admit Fans
To UCLA Tilt
Friday Bonus Night
Provles Successful
As First Big Treat
For Card Holders
Today will be the last chance
for students to purchase ASUO
cards before the football game on
Hayward field this afternoon, it
was announced by Wen Brooks,
drive chairman. Holders of the
ASUO cards may gain admission
to the game with no extra charge.
For those not holding the cards,
admission will be $1.65.
First of the features on the list
of attractions presented on the
cards was pronounced a success.
The “fall frolic” Friday night was
a rally dance and a pre-game cele
bration, honoring Tex Oliver, foot
ball coach with the rally commit
tee aiding in entertainment.
Friday Big Night
Friday night was also the date
of the delivery of one of the bonus
attractions offered sales represen
tatives in the ASUO drive. Gam
ma Phi Beta sorority and Sherry
Ross hall were served ice cream
from Medoland creamery, as an
award for the representatives in
those organizations selling the
most cards in one day. Two other
bonus ice cream treats will be
given tonight, after reports are
in and the best-selling representa
tive determined.
Awards to Be~Given
Sales of student body cards will
also benefit living organizations
with awards for the first houses
going 100 per cent ASUO. To
Alpha Phi sorority, the first award
of $20 trade at Rubenstein’s furni
ture company, will be presented
as a prize for being the first house
to report complete membership.
Alpha Chi Omega trailed close be
hind, and will be given $10 in
trade at the furniture store as the
second women’s house to turn in
100 per cent ASUO membership.
Among the men’s organizations,
Chi Psi fraternity has reported
first as having full membership.
A $10 trade prize for the second
men’s house to turn in a report
of full membership is still open.
U of Colorado
Tries Unique
Political System
By Anna Mae Halverson
In hopes of making- campus poli
tics more democratic, the associ
ated student body of the Univer
sity of Colorado has adopted a
system which does away with the
old form of elections and much
of the existing political combina
Representation under this new
plan falls into three categories—
representation of departments, col
leges, and schools in the Univer
sity; representation of sophomore,
junior, and senior classes, and also
representation of the activity or
The plan was drawn up and ap
proved last spring after a nine
month survey by the ASUC com
* * *
Sailor ROTC
Over at the University of Mon
tana, they feed their football
players on prize-winning vegeta
bles, says the Montana Kaimin.
Some of the local business men
contributed to the training table a
whole truckload of squash, pota
toes, apples, cabbage, pumpkins,
tomatoes, rhubarb, and other fruit
and vegetables which had taken
honors at the Ravalli County fair.
Cucumbers were off the menu,
however, because they were a trifle
wilted when the truck finally
came in. In addition to consuming
the pride of Ravalli, the team did
well on local food.
* * *
Tops in Eats
Something new at the Univer
sity of California at Los Angeles
is the estaWlishment of a Naval
ROTC this semester which will
enable 76 freshmen and five-yeai
sophomores to train for positions
in the Naval Reserve corps. The
four-year course will be known as
naval science and tactics.
Webfoot Crowds Turn Out
En Masse to Yell,Dance
As Pre-game Steam Rises
In a special flash received last
night a San Francisco sports
broadcaster picked Oregon to win
over UCLA in today’s game.
If the crowd at the outdoor ral
ly earlier in the evening was large
and enthusiastic it had nothing on
the struggling mass of humanity
which packed Gerlinger for the
rally dance last night.
While no official count was
taken, it was freely pronounced by
unofficial observers that Gerlinger
was crowded—jammed with vocif
erous Webfoot well-wishers. Few
home games have ever been so
spontaneously boosted, both at ral
ly and dance.
Art Holman’s music kept the
festivities in the proper mood
throughout the evening, while a
typical rally-dance intermission
program furnished the reminder
that behind it all was Tex Oliver’s
(Please turn to page (our)
The biggest, most spirited foot
ball rally in recent UO history was
accorded the Duck eleven and their
coach last night on the eve of
their first home game of the sea
son when team supporters from
every corner of the campus gath
ered in front of Johnson hall to
offer their noisy best wishes for
today's game and officially wel
come the UCLA Bruins to the Uni
versity of Oregon.
From three directions on the
campus a torch parade of hun
dreds of noise-making students
swung through Eugene streets to
offer proof of “that new Oregon
spirit” which is the theme of this
school year.
On the porch of Johnson hall,
Paul Cushing, yell leader, was
ready with his program of cheers
and songs. Pep speeches were
given by Coach Tex Oliver of Ore
gon, UCLA Coach Bill Spaulding,
Rally Chairman Scott Corbett, and
(Please turn to focje four)
First and Last Meeting
Coaches Tex Oliver and Bill Spaulding . . . Oregon’s mentor on left is just beginning his first
year in the coast conference, while the Bruin coachis ending his service this year at UCLA. The two
men, friends for many years, were talking more about golf than football when this shot was taken
by a Register-Guard photographer.
Bruin Fog in Front of Oregon Goal Line
These members of Bill Spaulding’s Bruin squad were
snapped as they went through a brief workout yesterday
on Hayward field. They are, from left to right: Strode,
rt; Zambia, rt; Pfeiffer, rg; Hyland, e; Sommers, Ig;
—Photo by Emerald Staff Photographer
Wyriek, It; and Broadwell, rt. Back row: Phinny, c; Ly
man, It; Frawley, lg; Matheson, c; and Zaby, f.
School of Music
Plans Broadcasts
An intensive program, includ
ing concerts of the University of
Oregon symphony orchestra, and
broadcasts, both over KOAC and
national hookups, has been planned
by the University school of music,
it was recently announced by Rex
Underwood, orchestra director.
A group of concert appearances
of the orchestra, featuring popular
soloists, is among the plans for
the coming year. Among the so
loists to be featured will be John
J. Landsbury, dean of the music
school, and with a reputation as
one of the finest pianists in this
section of the country. John Stehn,
director of the University band,
■ and assistant professor of music,
will be% presented with his clarinet,
and Eugene’s harpist, Doris Helen
Calkins, is also scheduled to ap
pear with the group. Mayo Soren
son, flutist, who has recently been
added to the music faculty, and
is well-known on the campus from
his career as a music student here,
is to be included on the concert
Popular on the campus and with
townspeople for their numerous
musical appearances, and gradu
ates of the University of Oregon,
Dorothy Louise Johnson, violinist,
and Robert Garretson, pianist, will
be featured in concerts with the
I University orchestra. Miss John
| son is another recent addition to
: the music faculty.
No pigging today at Hayward
‘ field.
University Christian Mission to Be
In Session During Next Six Days
E. Stanley Jones to
Speak Sunday P.M.
At Igloo
Several thousand people are ex
pected to hear E. Stanley Jones,
noted author, lecturer, and mis
sionary, who will speak at a union
service at McArthur court at 8
o’clock Sunday evening. The meet
ing, which launches the five-day
University Christian mission on
the campus, will be one of the
largest assemblies to be held on
the campus. Nearly all churches
in Eugene and vicinity have dis
missed their evening service to
enable their members to attend.
Students and faculty members
have cooperated with the Eugene
Ministerial association and other
civic organizations in preparing
the service.
Gleemen to .Sing
President Donald M. Erb will
introduce Dr. Jones. The Eugene
Gleemen, known widely for their
concerts, will sing Tschesnekoff’s
"Salvation Belongeth to Our God.”
Their director, John Stark Evans
of the school of music faculty, will
lead them.
Mrs. Edna Leslie Pearson will
direct the united church choirs of
135 voices in singing Handel’s "The
Heavens Are Telling.” Miss Bar
bara Hollis, G. E. Gaylord, and
Herschel Scott will sing the trio
parts. Glenn Griffith will be at
the organ.
(Please turn to page four)
Military Class
Concurs With
Britain, France
Student opinion at the Uni
versity of Oregon would favor
keeping the United States free
from all foreign wars, if the
demonstration in the 1 o’clock
section of the Freshman ROTC
class yesterday is any indica
During the course of his lec
ture, Colonel Robert M. Lyon,
head of the Oregon department,
mentioned the cost of various
wars to the United States, in
cluding the loss of men and of
money through loans in the
World War. “If we can draw a
moral from this it should be:
Let us keep our money and our
troops at home and keep out of
war,” Colonel Lyon said.
A rousing cheer from the 102
Freshmen in the class greeted
this statement.
Rev. Joe Boyd, educational di
rector of the Lumber and Sawmill
Workers of the A. F. of L. in Ta
coma, Washington, will speak on
"Can We Relate Religion to Life?”
at the 11 o’clock service Sunday at
the Community Liberal church.
Rev. Mr. Boyd received his mas
ter’s degree from the University.
Religious Leaders to
Speak i n Classes;
Local Offices Listed
Students and faculty members
will have many opportunities to
become acquainted with world
famous Christian leaders, both
professional workers and laymen,
who are to be on the campus dur
ing the coming week.
They will appear in classrooms,
speak to various campus organiza
tions, talk over KORE, and lead
forums as well as giving personal
interviews with students who de
sire to talk to them.
E. Stanley Jones will visit Prof.
Calvin Crumbaker’s 9 o’clock
Principles of Economics class
Monday morning. At noon he will
be guest at the Kiwanis club. He
will meet with the faculty at the
faculty club at 4 o’clock to spend
the rest of the evening with them
at dinner and conference.
Ballard to Speak
Speaker of the day is J. Hudson
Ballard, minister of the First
Presbyterian church in Portland.
At 7:30 he will give an address in
the music auditorium. He will also
be at Dean Jewell’s history of edu
cation class at 9 o’clock and at
John Stark Evans' 11 o’clock ele
mentary harmony class. At 3:45
he will speak over KORE.
To Give Interviews
While they are on the campus,
(Please turn to paye jour)
Extension Classes
StartedThis Week
General extension division of th<
University began night classes this
week at Eugene, Salem, Silverton
The Dalles, Klamath Falls, Med
ford, and Portland. Portland’s ex
tension center is the largest.
Courses taught in the Eugeni
classes include the history o
painting, public speaking for busi
ness and professional men am
women, a basic course in schoo
administration, and the history o
the Far East in modern times.
Main tendencies in contemporar;
literature, character and person
ality, and vocabulary building ar
subjects also included. Fees ar
charged for all courses.
Dr. Dan E. Clark, director o
the division, said that enrollmen
figures would be available nex
week. Since the classes are sell
supporting, some may be discor
tinued if enrollment is not larg
Many University students tak
advantage of these courses to ear
additional credit.
Fraternity Head
Visits on Campus
L. G. Balfour, national pres:
dent of Sigma Chi, visited th
local chapter yesterday afternoo
and evening.
Balfour is on a tour of the wesl
em chapters of the fraternity. H
look the 9 o'clock train for Cal
fomia where he will continue hi
UCLA Gridiron Troops
To BattleDucksToday
On Hayward Field
- wi
Danger of Aerial War Looms as Bruin,
Webfoot Squads Make Final Plans for
Two o'Clock Whistle
Complete lineups on page three.
The “Oliver Twist’’ of Oregon football will go on parade
before home fans for the first time today at 2 o’clock on Hay
ward field.
In the enemy camp will be the powerful Bruins of the Uni
versity of California at Los Angeles. Rated as mightier than
the Southern California Trojans, and fresh from a smashing
victory over Iowa last week, the Bruins come north favored
to win by 2y2 to 1 odds.
But Webfoot hopes are high. The dashing Ducks are con
ASUO Cards Will
Be Available at
Johnson Today
Student body tickets will be
available to Oregon grid fol
lowers right up to game time.
Tickets may be purchased at
Windows 3 and 4 on the second
floor of Johnson hall until noon.
For those who have waited un
til the very last moment. ASUO
cards will be sold at the sta
dium. *
British Woman
Cabinet Member
To Speak Here
Miss M. G. Bondfield
Speaks at Assembly
Tuesday in Igloo
Margaret Grace Bondfield, the
only woman ever to have been a
member of the British cabinet in
the 800 years of English history,
except the queens of England, will
address the students at an assem
bly in McArthur Court, Tuesday,
October 4, at 11 o’clock, on present
day labor problems and the inter
national crisis.
Miss Bondfield started her ca
reer as a shop assistant, and rose
rapidly as a trade union leader.
She has been active in the cause
of world peace and served on many
international commissions, repre
senting the British government
and the trade union congress at
the international labor confer
Co-op Booster
Miss Bondfield has long been
(Please turn to page four)
ceding the visitors not one inch.
They have the “Oliver Twist,”
long a victorious system. As their
headman, they have Tex Oliver,
one of the headiest tacticians on
the Pacific slope, and they have
the element of surprise in their
New Attack Due
Even the most inveterate Ore
gon fan will not see anything
resembling Webfoot teams of the
past few years when Tex’s boys
dig their cleats into the greens
ward of Hayward field. True, most
of the players will be from last
year’s squad, but everything else
is new. i
A new spirit, both among team
members and among rooters; a
new offensive that is as varied as
the nationalities in Czechoslo
vakia; and new uniforms of green
[ and canary yellow with even the
shoelaces yellow will be Oliver’s
I innovations.
Tex Predicts Even Game
Coach Oliver, himself, expects
an even game, and he has made
the statement that with a few
breaks, the walloping Webfoots
can win their second conference
game in a row.
As for the game itself, nothing
is certain except that passes will
fill the air as two of the most
aerial-minded teams in the nation
take to the ozone. UCLA ranked
eighth in the nation last year as a
passing team.
Both the Webfoots and Bruins
limbered up yesterday with
Spaulding sending his gridmen
through an open session on the
Hayward turf in the early part of
the afternoon. The Webfoots fol
lowed the Bruins and locked the
Immediately following the UCLA
practice, Spaulding announced his
starting lineup. Prominent among
the absentees was Hal Hirshon,
veteran and most versatile of the
Bruin backs. Joe L. Brown, son
of Joe E. Brown, the movie come
(Please turn to page two)
Secretaiies Finish
Business; Will Be
; Erb's Guests Today
Eight Oregon chamber of commerce secretaries will be the guests
of President Donald M. Erb at Hayward field this afternoon after
' completing their annual fall session in the Commerce building at the
University of Oregon.
The secretaries, who come from cities in all parts of the state,
' will hear Arthur Farmer of the Portland Chamber of Commerce speak
on ' L*aDor rroDiems ana me Ann
£ Picketing Bill" this morning, and
t a discussion on ‘‘Two Per Cent
. Transactions Tax and Its Effect on
. Business” by F. Harold Young of
e Oregon Business and Investors
Inc., Portland.
B The morning meeting will be
j presided over by George Layman
of Newberg, vice-president of the
£roup. I
Secretaries who registered for
the Friday afternoon session,
which was presided over by James
Smith of McMinnville, president
of the organization, included Don
-1 Walker of Newport, Don Peoples
k 1 of Bend, Carl Curlee of Albany,
i Roy Ritner of Pendleton, George
K. Layman of Newberg, Fred
- Brenne of Marshfield, C. C. Coch
e ran of Corvallis, Earl Reynolds of
- Klamath Falls, and John Durr,
s secretary of the Eugene Chamber
of Commerce.
Congressman James W. Mott!
gave a “Review of Congressional
Legislation” at the Friday lunch
eon meeting of the group at the
Osburn hotel, over which Dr. A. T.
Oberg, president of the Eugene
Chamber of Commerce, presided.
Earl C. Reynolds of Klamath
Falls, President Smith, and Pro
fessor C. Lyle Kelly of the Uni
versity of Oregon school of busi
ness administration, yesterday aft
ernoon in Commerce hall.
The Chamber of Commerce rep
resentatives were welcomed by Dr.
Donald Erb, president of the Uni
versity, at a dinner Friday eve
ning in the regent’s room of John
Straub memorial hall.
At that time, R. H. Baldock,
state highway engineer, talked on
“Routing of Arterial Highways
Through Oregon Cities.” Bill Tug
man. editor of the Eugene Regis
ter-Guard, presided at the dinner,