Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1938, Image 1

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Emerald Ends40th Y ear
Of Service to Univesity
Today the Oregon Daily Emerald celebrates its 40th anniversary
as mouthpiece for the University of Oregon campus. The University
news organ first appeared regularly as a four-page weekly in 1900
under the title, “The Oregon Weekly,” with Clifton N. McArthur as
editor. It was published spasmodically for two years previously.
The first issue of the weekly, which was published each Monday,
was written in a half magazine style, carrying a story and cut of the
winner of the University oratorical contest . . . one B. C. Jakway . . .
with very little news and many advertisements.
In 1909 the paper adopted the name of Oregon Emerald, named
after a poem by Joaquin Miller in which he termed Oregon the
“emerald state.” At this time it expanded to eight pages and became
a semi-weekly, published each Wednesday and Saturday.
Development of the Emerald began in earnest in 1912, when a
journalism course was established at the University and the sheet
was made a six-column tri-weekly.
Not until 1920 did the campus news organ become a daily. In
1922 the Oregon Daily Emerald created a furor among coljege and
university publications by instituting a Sunday edition, which in
cluded such special items as features, essays, poetry, and humor.
The Sunday edition was discontinued in 1924.
1928 saw the installation of a new Goss Comet press at the Uni
versity of Oregon press, making it possible to print 3,300 copies of
the eight-page paper an hour. In the same year the United Press
news service was obtained for the Emerald.
The past year has climaxed the achievements of the Oregon
Daily Emerald, when with new type faces and the tabloid form, the
Emerald was chosen one of six “pacemakers” among college and
University newspapers in the United States.
Friday Afternoon Opens
Commencement Week for
600 Seniors, Class of *38
Commencement week—the ending of supervised education and the
beginning of years of real learing and experience for more than 600
graduating seniors—will open formally Friday afternoon with a silver
tea in the library browsing room, and end next Monday evening with
the commencement exercises and conferring of degrees in McArthur
The tea, sponsored by the library staff and the State Association of
University Women, will be from 3 to 5 Friday afternoon for the benefit
Modes Varied
By Collegians
Today is “Senior Shine Day” at
the University of Washington. The
senior class sets up its traditional
stand near the library on this day
every year and shines all shoes for
five cents a pair. This year the
proceeds will provide a benefit fund
for students in need of medical at
Another strange way of raising
money is the junk drive at the Uni
versity of Southern California,
which will be sponsored by one of
the honorary service fraternities
next Saturday. Funds raised from
this all campus drive will be con
tributed towards the cost of the
erection of the new Religious Cen
ter building. A prize will be award
ed the living organization turning
in the largest amount of material
that can be turned into cash.
Among the new honoraries is
Delta Sigma Gamma, honorary
cinematography fraternity at the
University of Southern California.
Eleven students, moving picture
taking fans, were recently initiat
They've Heard of Us
The University of Oregon is not
entirely unknown in other parts of
the country as is shown by the fol
(Please turn to page ten)
oi me rauune jr'ouer Jdomer col
lection of books. The collection
was founded in 1919, on the death
of Mrs. Homer, when her father
presented the library with her
books and established a $2000 fund,
interest on which is used to pur
chase * other unusual and choice
An added feature of the tea will
be an address on book collecting by
Frederick Woodward Skiff, noted
collector of books and antiques.
Graduates and their parents are
especially requested to attend, al
though the tea is open to the pub
Seniors to Compete
The annual Failing-Beekman or
atorical contest will have six seni
ors competing that night at 8 p.m.
in the music auditorium.
The first event on Saturday’s
program will be the breakfast
meeting of the State Association of
University of Oregon Women at
the Osburn hotel. All senior wo
men and alumnae are invited to at
tend. The semi-annual meeting of
the Oregon Alumni association will
be held in Guild theater, Johnson
hall at 10:30, with President Ed
ward F. Bailey, T3, presiding.
Seven class reunion lunches will
be held with the ’38 class luncheon
in John Straub Memorial hall at
noon. Classes reuniting for this oc
casion will be those of ’83, ’88, ’98,
’08, T3, T8, and ’28.
Alumni Reception »
At 3:30 Saturday afternoon,
President and Mrs. Donald M. Erb
will be honored at an alumni recep
tion in alumni hall. Events for the
evening will include the flower and
(Please turn to page ten)
Seniors Must Meet
Deadline lor Book
Returns May 27
Graduating seniors and grad
uate students who are candi
dates for advanced degrees are
requested to return all books
before May 27, 1938, to the Uni
versity of Oregon library. All
other students must return
books before June 8.
Diplomas will be withheld un
til all books are checked in at
the library.
Unreturned books will be
charged against students and
deducted from their $5.00 break
age account.
Cushing Is Named
Yell King bg Excom
Rally Committee
Reforms Viewed at
First Meet
Paul Cushing, 1937-38 yell king,
was last night reappointed to the
position for next year by ASUO
President Harry Weston and the
executive council.
Plans for the reorganization of
the yell squad ard the rally com
mittee were also discussed at the
meeting. Under the new plan the
work of the two bodies will be co
The incoming and outgoing ex
ecutive committees will meet again
tomorrow when they will pick the
yell king’s assistants and the rally
committee chairman. Members of
the rally committee will then be
chosen by the yell squad and the
rally chairman from applications
on file at the educaf lonal activities
office. Final approval of appoint
ments will come through the execu
tive committee, which must pass
on all appointments.
Magazine Lands
Student Printers
The annual project of the typo
graphical class at the University
was pronounced “an excellently
well done piece of work,” in the
April issue of the Inland Printer,
published in Chicago.
The project was the printing of
a special limited edition of Ralph
Waldo Emerson’s essay on “Com
pensation,” under the direction of
Robert C. Hall, superintendent of
the University Press.
John Henry Nash, master printer
who recently loaned his library of
fine printing to the University, was
an adviser for the annual project.
The magazine stated that the
edition “distinctly and most em
phatically is a credit to those stu
dents who engaged in its produc
tion . . . .”
Students working on the produc
tion were: Mary Graham, Thomas
Binford, Barbara McBreen, Bill
Pease, Margaret Ray, Bill Sanford,
and Fulton Travis.
Senior ROTC men will meet
at the military shack at 12:30
and sophomores and freshmen |
will meet at 12:45 p.m. today for
instructions in the Governor’s
Day activities, Colonel E. V. D.
Murphy announced yesterday.
ROTC Units Meet on
Fairgrounds Today
All Afternoon Classes Are Excused for First
Annual Governor's Day Competition; Over
Over 2000 Students Will March
Over two thousand uniformed ROTC students will march to tho
music of the combined Oregon and Oregon State bands today at 3:25
in the first annual Governor’s Day competition on the Eugene fair-#
grounds. All afternoon classes will be excused today.
The competition will include demonstrations by the Oregon State*
artillery and engineers, and also bv the Orpp*nn infantmr anH
Zane Kemler . . . reports Seattle
conference of student executives
passes many resolutions. (Story
page 4.)
Emerald Workers
To Banquet Tonight
Celebrating their 40th anniver
sary Emerald workers will meet in
the Cafe Del Rey at 6 o’clock to
night for their annual banquet
where awards will be made and
staff positions announced for next
Over 90 advertising and editor
ial staff members, faculty members
and guests are expected for the
event. William Tugman, managing
editor of the' Eugene Register
Guard', will be the main speaker.
Highlight of the evening will be
the awarding of the Turnbull-Hall
plaque for the graduating senior
who has contributed most to the
paper during the last four years, j
Committee Meets to
Discuss Photo tone
Enterprise Must Have
University Sanction
Before Beginning
A sub-committee meeting of the |
publicity and press relations board I
was held yesterday afternoon to [
study the feasibility of the pro
posed campus newsreel.
Two college students, Bruce Ni
dever and Don Hunter, recently an
nounced their intentions of such a
production titled, Oregon Photo-'
tone. Before actual operations be
gin, however, the enterprise must
have the sanction of the University.
w " - -S*
formed machine gun unit.
Governor Martin of Oregon id
scheduled to arrive at 2:30 whei*
the guard of honor, comprising thoj
consolidated bands, the colors, arul
the competing companies of the*
two state schools will form to re*
ceive him. The combined bands
will play the State of Oregon song,,
followed by the national anther^
and the raising of the flag.
Only the two special companion,,
the Oregon honor company and the*
Oregon State company will com
pete for the trophy. This competi
tion will start at 3:15 and at 3:55
the governor will make the awards*
to the winners.
Special feature of the program/
will be the demonstration by tho
Oregon State artillery who will sjeft
up their guns and pick off targets*
placed on Skinner’s butte. Of
course the shells will be blanks, but
a special detachment will set off
powder bombs on the butte to add
a realistic touch to the demonstta*
(Additional details page 9.)
Underwood's to Hold
Last Recital May 26
The concluding musicale of a ae*
ries of recitals to be presented by;
students of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Uiw
derwood, at the Underwood home,,
will be given Thursday evening,;
May 26, at 8 o’clock p.m.
The musicale will feature violin’
and piano selections. One the pro
gram will be Dorothy Davis, Alice*
Holmback, and Margaret Mills, pi
anists, and violinists Mollie Bob
Small who will be accompanied by,
Miss Davis, and Audrey Aasen,
whose accompanist will be Edith
Selections will be those of famous
and popular composers, including
Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Vieira
temps, and the more modern De*
bussy and MacDowell.
Mr. Underwood is professor of
music at the University and direct
tor of the University symphony or*
chestra. Mrs. Underwood is assist*
ant professor of music at the Uni*
versity. '
Mrs. Hazel Howe, graduate
assistant in languages, has accept*
ed a position as instructor ini
French and Spanish at Alfred uni*
versity, in Alfred, New York, foil
the coming year, it was learned!