Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1938, Image 1

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Oregon Whips Cougars, 12 to 0
Campus Events to Be
! Shown in News Reel
At Local Theaters
Phototone Will Be Presented Monthly in
Color Film; Emerald Will Collaborate in
News Coverage
Oregon campus events will be brought to students and towns
people alike next year with the University of Oregon Phototone,
a student enterprise, showing a full-length, natural color news
reel with sound at Eugene theaters one week of each month.
Phototone has been organized by Bruce Nidever and Don Hun
ter, students.
The news reel will work in collaboration with the Daily
Emerald news service in arraneinff event nreviews.
A complete coverage of campus
news events will be made includ
ing athletic contests, dances, as
semblies, carnivals, campus fash
ions and social life, dramatic pro
ductions, and general news events.
The first production will appear
shortly after Oregon’s first foot
ball game. The Ducks will clash
with the Bruins of UCLA on Octo
ber 1.
Commentators Selected
Two campus commentators have
been selected for work in the news
reel. Freeman K, Patton will han
dle the general news and sports,
while Laura Bryant is social and
fashion editor. Patton was select
ed as one of the ten finalists in
the Lucky Strike announcing con
test. He has worked in campus
broadcasts during the past two
years both over KORE and KOAC.
Miss Bryant, a student in journal
ism, has had both speech and
drama work.
The monthly color film will be
15 minutes in length and will be
shown at the Heilig theater the
first four days of the week and at
the Mayflower theater for the re
maining three days.
According to Nidever there are
no connections with commercial
news reel concerns, but the Photo
tone service wi^ be owned and op
erated solely under student enter
Additional details, page 3.
Pledges D. U.
At Kansas U.
Charlie McCarthy, the demon
stage and screen star who has been
using Edgar Bergen and W. C.
Fields as his stooges all winter,
has pledged Delta Upsilon frater
nity at the University of Kansas.
While rushing the cantankerous
Charlie, the Stanford DU chapter
sent two telegrams; various trips
were made to Kansas City where
McCarthy was showing; an air
plane was chartered; and innumer
able long distance phone calls were
According to one member of
(Please turn to page seven)
Rally Positions
Will Be Filled
By Next Week
Anyone interested in applying
t for a position on the rally com
mittee or for yell leader may do
so this week at the ASUO activi
ties office.* The application must
be given to the secretary in writ
' ing.
The executive committee will
make the appointments next
Six Oregon students were recent
ly initiated into Delta Sigma Rho,
national forensic honorary. They
are Edwin Robbins, Kessler Can
non, John Luvaas, Zane Kemler,
Howard Kessler, and Marshall Nel
Kemler Will
Represent DO
At Convention
ASUO Vice-President
Leaves Thursday
For Student Body
Meet of Prexies
Leaving Thursday for Seattle to
spend three days in conference
with student body presidents from
11 western states, Hawaii* and
British Columbia will be Zane
Kemler, ASUO first vice-presi
dent, who will be official Univer
sity of Oregon spokesman ^at the
Kemler will represent newly
installed ASUO Prexy Harry
Weston, unable to attend because
of his membership on Bill Hay
ward’s Duck track squad, which
this weekend faces the crucial
northwest conference meet.
Conference on Husky Campus
Meeting on the University of!
Washington campus, student lead
ers from schools in Arizona, Cali- j
fornia, British Columbia, Hawaii, j
Idaho, Montana, Mexico, Nevada,:
New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wash- j
ington, and Wyoming will spend j
the three days exchanging ideas
and working on problems common
to all college student bodies.
The meet is the annual confer
ence of the Pacific Student Presi
dents’ association, headed by Wil
liam J. Smith of San Francisco
State College. Sixty delegates at
tended last year’s meeting at
UO Participation New
This will be the first time in
several years that the University
(Please turn to page seven)
Two Girls From Verona'
Iris Franzen and Gayle Buchanan . . . cast as Lucetta and Julia,
two of the feminine players in “Two Gentlemen from Verona” to be
produced in the Garden theater behind the music school building for
three days starting Thursday.
Oregana Boys
Win 7-6 Despite
Emerald 'Beef
A traditional encounter of
spring term was won Sunday
afternoon by the Oregana staff
in a “closely” played softball en
counter at Swimmers’ Delight.
The Oregana nosed out the news
men, 7-6.
Although the game was called
off at the end of the fifth be
cause the umpire, George Turn
bull, professor of journalism, had
to leave, the Oregana staff
maintained a clear-cut victory,
despite Emerald cries of “no con
test.” '
Batteries were Overbade and
Whitfield for the yearbook men,
and Biggs and Timmins for The
Emerald. Substitutions were fre
quet, with Emerald workers fill
ing out the understaffed Oregana
Oregon Coeds to Pag
At Mortar Board Ball
Annual tribute will be paid Sat
urday night by University coeds
to that slogan, often sounded by
female propagandists but seldom
practised, “It’s the woman who
pays, and pays.” On that evening
coeds will "squire” their “deserv
ing” male companions to the Mor
tar Board ball in McArthur court,
the last big dance of the school
When formally-attired couples
saunter up to the ticket window,
it will be the woman who digs
deep to “cough up” the $1 admit
tance price. And a good idea it is,
too, men believe.
John Callahan’s Portland orches
tra has been signed to play for the
“pay-off” event of the spring so
cial calendar, Chairman Gayle Bu
chanan announced yesterday.
Oregon Wins
Sixth Straight
League Game
Gordon Leads Attack
With Two Homers;
Linde Also Clouts
W L F;t,
Oregon State .7 1 .875
| Oregon .7 4 .63®
I Idaho .>.3 7 .300
j Washington .1 7 .325
Yesterday—Oregon 12, WSC 0.
PULLMAN, May 16, (Special io
Oregon Emerald—
Oregon’s fighting Ducks climbed
back into second place yesterday;
with their sixth straight win of
the season when they clubbed two
Cougar pitchers into submission*
12 to 0, in the third game of their
road trip.
Gordon Gets 4 Singles
Jack Gordon paced the 14-hit at
tack with two home runs, a triple
and a single. John Linde, shifted
to the outfield from the mound,,
hit a home run, his second on the
road trip, and a triple. Captain
Ford Mullen also tripled.
The Ducks started out in 1»ho
first inning with five runs, three
of the men scoring on Gordon’s
homer. They scored again in the
third, sixth, seventh, and eighth,
while Bob Creighton held the Coo
gars to three hits in six innings.
LeRoy Mattingly allowed two hits
in the last three innings.
(Additional details on page 4 )!
The University of New Hamp
shirt next fall will inaugurate a.
new four-year school of hotel ad
Fewer Withdrawals From
University Seen This Year
• _
A pick-up in enrollment and a new low in withdrawals was noted
in a recent statistical check-up received from Clifford Constance,
assistant registrar, comparing the present school enrollment with that,
of last year.
Spring term all school total at the University for this year is 3U.! 0.
Fall term was 3120, and winter 3027, not counting withdrawals, whicix
two terms and up to May 5 of
spring term, amount to 169.
Last year’s all school enrollment
peak was 2904, reached at the be
ginning of fall term, and steadily
decreasing from then on. Total
withdrawals for the year were 216.
In a special study of withdrawals
it was noted that the greatest num
ber generally occur fall term, and'
decrease proportionately through
out the year. o
Withdrawals are not easily ef
fected, especially after two weeks
of school in each term, when it be
comes necessary to have the state
ment of the student’s advisor and
professors, saying he is receiving
passing grades, or a special grant
from the dean of men or women.
(Please turn to page seven)
Kramer Makes High
Score in Time Quiiz
Grades in the semi-annual edi
tion of the Time magazine quiz Oil
current events ranged from a top
of 91 to a low of 77.
Matt Kramer of the editing
class had the highest score out of
a possible 105 points.
Journalism students and' faculty
taking the quiz pronounced it
“hardest” of the year.
The editing class led as usual
followed oy the 8 o’clock reporting1
class. Next in order came:
o’clock elementary journalism, I*
o’clock publishing, 9 o’clock jour
nalism, 11 o’clock publishing, a.il
8 o’clock journalism.