Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1938, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Homer Books to Be
On Display Map 27
F. W. Skiff, Portland,
Will Speak at AWS
Alumnae Silver Tea
The Pauline Potter Homer me
morial collection which is now in
the east end of the browsing
room will be displayed at a silver
tea to be held May 27. Members
of the Eugene branch of the
American Association of Women
Students, the University alumnae,
and the library staff are sponsor
ing the tea.
Speaker for the occasion will be
Frederick W. Skiff of Portland, a
collector of books, antiques, prints,
etchings, and firearms. He has
specialized in American first edi
tions. An author in his own right,
he has written two books, “Adven
tures in Americana” and “Land
marks and Literature.”
Books in the Pauline Potter Ho
mer collection may be read in the
browsing room only. Found on
these shelves are books illustrat
ed by Maxfield Parrish, many of
old and modern English verse,
“April Twilight” by Willa Cather,
which has caused considerable
comment, the complete works of
Francois Villon, and Thomas Har
dy’s and Joseph Conrad’s works.
In one group may be found nearly
every country represented by
some piece of literature, much of
it of the present day.
Lane County
(Continued from page one)
Sity and Eugene high schools.
Hear Pallett
Proceeding’s began at a 9:45
assembly where the visitors heard
Earl M. Pallett, executive secre
tary of the University and the Ore
gon State College secretary,
Charles Lemon. Miss Janet Smith,
employment secretary at the Uni
versity, told the students of the
part personality might play in
helping them win positions after
A tour of the University campus
revealed that the young visitors
found the new library building and
the modern men’s gymnasium the
most entertaining part of the cam
pus. They expressed great interest
in the John Henry Nash collection
of fine printing now on display in
the building, and in the museum of
natural history in Condon hall.
Houses Entertain
After lunch, when the prep stu
dents were guests of Oregon fra
ternities and sororities, the con
study a variety of vocational prob
lems. Discussions were led in the
field of liberal arts by Frank G.
Black; socal science, Dean Karl
W. Onthank; education, Dr. N. L.
Bossing; Oregon normal schools,
Miss Florence Beardsley; journal
ism, Cahrles M. Hulten; home eco
nomics, Mrs. Mary B. Farr; busi-.
ness administration, A. B. Still
man; music, Dean John L. Lands
bury; art, A. M. Vincent; physical
education and pre-nursing, War
rine Eastburn and H. B. Yocum;
vocations, for those undecided as to
their interests, Mrs. W. L. Van
Loan; and science, Dean O. F.
The conference finished for the
girls with a tea and style show in
the women’s lounge in Gerlinger'
hall, and for the men with the com
plete freedom of the new men’s
New Rushing
(Continued from page one)
Working; With Students
The faculty committee is work
ing' in conjunction with a student
committee appointed by Ron Husk,
president of the Interfraternity
council, at a Thursday meeting of
that group. Questioned as to the
action of his committee, Husk
stated that all further develop
Pershing, Bride Enjoy Waikiki
The beach at Waikiki is much frequented by Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Warren Pershing on their Hawaiian honeymoon. Pershing, the son of
America's war-tune army commanaer, and his bride, the lormer
Muriel Kache Kichards, were married in JNew ¥ork in a brilliant
society wedding.
Lottie Lizard's
Spring Outfit Is
Donned Again
Off with the old, and on with j
the new. And so Lottie, the liz- I
ard, who lives in a glass cage on !
the third floor of Deady hall,
wriggled out of her last year’s
skin, to don her new spring en
Lottie, who is an alligator liz
ard, was captured on the black
rocks of eastern Oregon by a
student of zoology, and was pre
sented to J. E. Herbertson, in
structor in zoology, as a speci- ;
men to be added to his collection. |
Living with Lottie are a couple
of the smaller variety of sand
lizards, and one fence lizard, who
because of their size, occasional
ly manage to squirm out through
a small crevice at the top of
the cage.
At the present time the lizards
eat flies and other insects, but
they will dine on frog legs when
the tadpoles that Mr. Herbert
son has placed in their cage
reach maturity.
ments must come through the fac- j
ulty committee, who will, in turn,
submit its plan to the president.
It will be impossible, however,
for any decision on the plan to be
reached before the first of the
week, pending the approval it
must receive.
• Decision Next Week
Other points of the new system
have included suggestions to help
the houses out with rush week ex
penses by turning back to them a
part of the fees rushees would be
required to pay when getting their
rush week dite cards.
Educational Money
(Continued from page one)
ROTC cadets is scheduled to take
place May 25 on the Lane county
fairgrounds. It will include a grand
review of cadet units and parades.
The “governor’s $250 trophy” will
be awarded upon the judgment of
regular army officers unattached
to the state system of higher edu
Relative to the $1250 appropria
tion of educational funds for trans
portation of Oregon State cadets
to Eugene, the Times claimed that
“a question of expense was raised
here today when it was revealed
that a bus line serving both Cor
vallis and Eugene had tentatively
offered to provide the transporta
tion for under $950.”
Libe Cases Feature
Four Unique Books
The new library bulletin boards
are featuring four topics of diver
sified interests. On the west side
of the hall is the jacket cover of
Erskine Caldwell’s new book on
the “Share Croppers in the South”
with excellent illustrations from
Margaret Bourke-White’s camera.
Miss Bourke-White has gained
fame through her pictures in
“Life” magazine. The next board
is showing L. H. Bailey’s “The
Garden of Pinks.”
On the east end of the hall are
books concerning the Japanese
problem including Haruko Ichi
kawa’s “Japanese Lady in Europe,”
“The Last Genro,” the statesman
who westernized Japan, by Bunji
Omura, and “Children of the Ris
ing Sun,” by Willard Price.
Europe’s present problem is dis
cussed by George Martelli in “Italy
Against the World” and Liddell
Hart in “Europe in Arms.” Hubert
Herring contributes “And So War”
and Stephen H. Roberts adds “The
House the Hitler Built.”
Seven-Day Books
Popular at Library
The seven-day hook shelf con
tains books of current interest
which are neither fiction, poetry,
nor drama. Yet since September
there have been nine taken out
more than fifty times. This shelf
is the one located just to the right
of the circulation desk as you ap
proach it.
The books and their authors are:
“American Doctor’s Odysey,” Hei
ser; “News Ways of Photography,”
Deschin; “Nine Old Men,” Pearson
and Allen: “The Nile,” Ludwig;
"Three Wheeling Through Africa,”
Wilson; “Inside Europe,” Gunthe;
"Denmark, the Cooperative Way,”
Howe; “Lincoln Steffens Speak
ing,” Steffens; and “The Art of
Conversation,” Wright.
Pi Delta Phi Initiates
Pledges at Banquet
Pledges of Pi Delta Phi, French
honorary, will be initiated at a for
mal banquet at the Anchorage,
Wednesday, May 18, at 6 o’clock.
A French government silver
medal prize and the Pi Delta Phi
book prize will be awarded to those
students who have stood highest in
their work in the advanced French
courses during the year.
Cramming Reduces Chances
In Final Exams, Doctor Says
If the question of what do you do the night before an “exam” were
to be asked of every student on this campus, fully 90 per cent of them
would probably answer, “cram.”
According to Dr. Hayes this is one of the worst things that you can
do. “Plenty of rest will help you more than staying up all night.”
Many professors advocate that you see a movie the night before an
exam so that you will be relaxed for the test the next day.
Calendar |
_ i
Cars are still needed for the
Emerald - Oregana staff picnic to
be held at 2 to 8 o’clock Sunday
afternoon at Swimmers’ Delight.
Everyone that has signed up and
paid his quarter, please be at the
shack at 2 o’clock.
The student’s local of the Ore
g o n Commonwealth federation
will meet Monday evening, 8:15
p.m., at Westminster House. Ev
eryone interested is invited to at
The last of Miss Ethel Sawyer’s
reading-out-loud hours will be giv
en by the browsing room librarian
at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon when
she will read Rachel Crothers’
play, “Susan and God,” a take-off
on the Oxford movement, in which
Gertrude Lawrence recently played
in New York.
Two Gentlemen
(Continued from page one)
20 and 21 beginning at 8:30 p.m.
The cast for this production in
Robert Horn, the Duke of Mi
lan; Gerry Smith, Valentine and
Jack Lewis, Proteus,—the two
gentlemen; Bill Tugman, Antonio;
Gene Edwards, Thurio; Bob Christ
ner, Eglamour; Wilfred Roadman,
Speed; Eddie Hearn, Launce; Shy
Huntington, Panthino; Archie
Holman, Host; Phil Ackerman,
Millard Pettigoe, Stanley John
son, Don Kennedy, Gayle Buchan
an, Julia, beloved of Proteus; Al
ice May Sieling, Silvia, beloved of
Valentine, Iris Franzen, Lucetta;
Helene Parsons, Lois Masters,
Betty Fiksdal, and Derwent Ban
ta , and John Devereaux.
Art Shop.
Send the Emerald home. Your
folks will enjoy reading it.
university ot Florida processors
recommend that the student eat
lightly of salads, easily digested
foods, and sugar, candy or some
other quick burning energy food
just before being tested. They con
tend that light foods take away
that sluggish feeling and aid in
making your mind more alert.
It is known that during, exam
week many students use benze
drine tablets and “No-Doz” tablets
to help keep them awake for their
cramming. These tablets, which
tend to sharpen the wits for a
while are described in various
magazines as being dangerous for
people with heart trouble or high
blood pressure. Dr. Hayes says
that many students have come to
her after taking the tablets and
complained of a sluggish feeling. A
Northern professor labels their use
as “burning the candle at both
What is true of drugs such as
benzedrine is also true of over-dos
ing with coffee and stimulants.
The effects are hard on the sys
tem and do not really help yop in
your exam, it has been determined.
A good night’s sleep is better than
anything else.
The following rules might well
be followed in preparing for exams:
1. Know your subject so well that
cramming isn’t necessary, 2. Eat
lightly of energy giving foods, re
tire early and get plenty of sleep,
3, Let the drugs alone.
Extension Division
(Continued from page one)
per cent. The major cause for this
surprising rate of increase is that,
more 16-milimeter projectors are
to be found in the state. In the
last two years, the number of pro
jectors in Oregon schools has
jumped from 4 to 100.
All visual aid materials are
available for school, community,
and individual use. Clinics for the
purpose of acquainting Oregon ed
ucators with the latest classroom
films, projection equipment, and
visual instruction methods, have
been held' in the last week at the
three state normal schools, at the
Portland extension center, and at
the University. The visual educa
tion department is located on the
Oregon state college campus.
We Have Caps and Gowns
Available for Pictures
Romaine Studio
Change Over for
Spring Driving
^ ash, lubrication, oil change, wheel repack, change
transmission and differential
Regular $7.45 Special $4.95
11th and Pearl STORE Phone 407 J