EDITORIAL—Continued from page six that will otter the most in the field of construc tive work, and the least of unconstructive and really “time-wasting” activities. Goal of next year’s program, under the direc tion of President Elisabeth Stetson, will be to give every freshman woman the feeling that she is a part of the University, and a vital part of her class. Sophomores and upperelass women will not be encouraged to go into activities so heavily they endanger their scholastic standing. The whole em phasis, in fact, will be on scholarship, and the raising of the scholastic average among University women. Instead of filling the leisure time of freshman women with committee meetings and time-consum ing activities that have little connection with her other school interests, the attempt will be to direct leisure-time activities to the development of hobbies cultural interests, and the formation of friend ships. Freshman women will be urged to enter into activity groups which coincide with their voca tional interests, so that they will develop and aid them not only during their college career, but will have an interest that will carry over later into their business life. "\\ omen leaders hope to instill in the freshman girl a feeling of unity and cooperation, so that she will not only feel the ties of her special living organization, but will regard herself a part of her elass and the University. Special efforts will be made to provide girls living in Eugene, girls who are working for room and board, and independent women with social contacts and interests to cor respond with their free time. To tie together wo men of the University into a bond of fellowship and common interest is the goal. # =* # of the most interesting schemes advanced by AWS officers is the proposal that all wo men's honoraries and groups meet just once a month, and schedule all these meetings in some central place. They feel that much time is wasted in frequent and pointless gatherings of these societies that might be expended better otherwise. The aim is to have the meetings so well-planned (and if they are less frequent group leaders may plah lor thorn more carefully) that they will bo full of interest, and will not be looked upon merely as a burden to members. 1 he officers feel that there is so much of in terest that the various groups might study and discuss, so many vistas of new discovery to bo opened when the.old trite meeting forms are done away with, that such a schedule would vastly in ciease the appeal and usefulness of groups already in existence—and fighting to justify that existence. Further plans are for meetings of the AAVS, Heads of Houses, and Panheltenic to include not only business, but reports on topics of general interest, current aifairs, book reviews—topics to provide stimulation and education to the members who otherwise might have looked upon the meet ings as something of a bore. AVitli these ideas before it, it seems highly prob able that the women s activity program will emerge from tho state of lethargy and stereotyped non entity into which it has. to a great extent, fallen; and will breathe into its lungs the fresh air of new hope and new vitality. Underwoods Hold 2 Musicals at Home Two musicals will be presented at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Underwood, of the University school of music next week, featur ing students of the professors of music. The first will be given May 17 at 8 p.m., and will feature Phyllis Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Gray of Eugene, and Helen Horner, daughter of Mr“. and Mrs. L. Horner of Triangle Lake. The program will include selec tions by Bach, Chopin, Mendels sohn, Debussy, and other popular composers. Both musicians are sophomores in high school. Ruthalbert Wolfenden, violinist, University senior, and Emile Chan, freshman, pianist, will be featured in a musical to be given May 20. Miss Wolfenden, a student of Mr. Underwood, will play the first and second movements of a Vieux temps concerto, and Miss Chan, student of Mrs. Underwood, will present selections by Brahms, Saint-Saens, and Bach. Accompanists for both pro grams will be Mrs. Horner, Mrs. Underwood, and Edith Farr. We Done 'im Wrong j (Continued from page three) “Boys,” he used t’ tell us in that God-fearin’ way o’ his, “I’m talk- i in’ for your own good. He who has sinned is damned. Repent and j be saved.” It purt’ nigh made us sick. “If that preacher, Kirkwood, is ?onna be in Heaven,” Joe used to say after th’ Rev’run had got through talkin’ to us, “I’m glad t’m a sinner.” We all felt that if jest once th’ Rev’run’d cut loose and get drunk as hell, ’er give somebody a good cussin’ we wouldn’t mind his righteous ways so much, but as he was he galled us till we could lardly stomach him. Then one day th’ revelation come. Shorty ’n me was settin’ on the pastime steps that mornin’ i-smokin’ ’ar pipes an’ a-wonder in’ as usual what we was gonna 3o about th’ Rev’rund. We’d just = ot our copies of th’ Globe ’nd we tvas readin’ ’em an’ cussin’ th’ preacher a’tween every line. Could Quit Buyin’ “Reckon we could quit buyin’ .h’ Globe,” Shorty said as he :urned a page, "but yer kinda hate .’ do that when it’s th’ on’y paper h’ county’s got.” “Yeah,” I agreed. “But it ain’t nuch good as it is. Listen t’ this: Th’ Merry Sunbeam Sunday chool class are having a picnic in Kennedy’s meadows Friday, May !7. Grown-ups and child’uhn are At 40, and a Grandmother, She Welcomes Triplets Until a few days ago, the Peter Romero family of Oakley, Cal., comprised mother, father, and six childT ! ren, but it started increasing on a mass scale when triplets, Richard, Ronald, and Raymond arrived. Mrs. Romero, 40, is a grandmother. The babies at birth weighed in at 5, 6, and “ f2 pounds, respectively, a total of 18 /i pounds. Students Study This Spring Term Spring has not affected the stu dents in 1938 for the first part of May as strongly as it did last year, according to statistics com piled' by Willis Warren. The total number of books used this year showed a gain of over 11 per cent or of 1397 over the circulation from last year. This does not in clude either the BA or the law li braries. Books drawn from the open shelf this year were 3597 and from reserve were 9895 giving a total of 13,474. Last year those from Condon and English reserve were 11,156 and room 30 gave 918 for invited t’ come an’ spend th’ day.” “Yeah,” Shorty grunted. “ ‘Nd this: ‘Th’ Ladies Aid Sassiety is plannin’ a benefit supper to be given some time next month. Chairmen of committees in charge of the affair are, Mrs. Carl Win ters, decorations; Mrs. John Camp bell, entertainment; Mrs. Orin—,” Shorty stopped1 suddenly, and when I looked up his face was purple and his eyes bulging. “My God!” he gasped, staring at the paper in front of him. And then I looked over his shoulder and saw the words in black and white, and I knowed we’d done th’ Rev’rund a great wrong. There after Mrs. Orin Cummings’ name was printed as plain as could be: “For Gods sake, get all these names in. They’re members of my congregation, and they’ll blast me to hell if you don’t.” By M. S. Film Star Freed Weeping, Esther Ralston, star of the silent film era, leaves a Los Angeles courtroom after getting a divorce from Will Morgan, actor. New Evergreens Planted by Door Of New Law Libe Two fine ornamental evergreen trees, of the variety Chamaecypar isSquarrosa were recently added to the landscape of the old cam pus, according to F. A. Cuthbert, professor of landscape architec ture at the University. The trees were donated by Mrs. J. P. Christie, Twentieth avenue, Eugene, and have been placed at either side of the entrance to the new' law school library. Cuthbert also called attention to havoc wrought on University shrubbery by careless students when someone tossed a burning match into one of the four irre placeable Oriental evergreens at the entrance, to the hew library, burning off about five feet of fo liage. Cuban Government Conducts Contest In its search for a monument design to be erected in honor of Jose Marti, “Cuba's greatest pa triot,’’ the Cuban government is conducting a contest for all archi tects and sculptors. Students, pro fessors, graduates, and practicing architects and sculptors may en ter the competition. The contest will close October 8. Further information may be ob tained from the Cuban consulates, legations, embassy, or directly from the central committee. Dr. Roberto A. Netto, Havana, Cuba, is secretary of the committee. Music Lovers Mag Hear Organ Recital Janet Felt and William McKin ney, students of John Stark Evans, professor of music, will be featured in a joint organ recital, to be pre sented in the music auditorium at 8 p.m., May 19. The students, both seniors in the University, will play selections from favorite composers. The program will be opened with a Guilmont concerto, by Mc Kinney. A group of selections by Boellman, Weaver. Builmont, an^l a “Fuge in G-minor” by Miss Felt will follow, • Closing selections of the con cert will be by McKinney, who will give Franck's "Chorale, A minor," and the Andante and Fi nale from Widor’s fifth symphony. The public is invited to attend the concert. Book Review (Continued from /age three) from prominent citizens, but the convention was saved by Lucre tia's reminding them from the bal cony that “light principles aro stronger than great names.” The Civil war, when it came, was upheld by Phillips and Garri son, but Lucretia. held to her be lief in non-resistance. She saw the root of most of the evils from which society suffered in the desire for more power. With regard to the position of manual labors, she said, “There is need of preachers against existing monop olies and banking institutions by’ which the rich are made richer and the poor, poorer. It is not enough to give alms—the true philanthropist is compelled to con sider causes and sources of pov erty. We must consider how much we have done toward causing it.’* Raises Five Children People who expected to see in> Lucretia a fanatic, an embittered spinster or a wife who neglected her home were surprised to find" her a mother who successfully brought up five children arid whose perfectly managed home was the center of wide hospitality, Her power as a speaker lay in the quiet force of her personality and so persuasive was her manner that opinions received with hisses from another speaker were applauded when she said them. Her crusad-. ing force was not that of a neu rotic but had its source in the love of freedom of her seafaring ancestry, and she feared opposi tion or the exploration of unchart ed regions of the mind no more than they feared to venture into unknown seas. The book is a record of a per sonality which has left a far reaching influence, not only upon her time, but upon our own.