Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1938, Page Six, Image 6

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Editor, Bernadine Bowman
Associate Editor, Clare Igoe
Managing editor, Elizabeth A. Jones
Sports editor—Beulah Chapman
Literary editor, Anna Mae Halverson
Night editor. Church editor, Betty Jane Thompson
Copy desk heads, Cor line Antrim, Alice Nelson
Columnist, Alyce Rogers
Features, Betty Hamilton
Co-night editor, Barbara Stallcup
Proofreader. Adelaide Zweifel
Sports staff: Eva Erlandson, Dorothy Burke,
Joan Jenesse, Ruth Tustin
Reporters: Muriel Beckman, Peggy Robbins, Sadie
Mitchell, Marge Finnegan, Pat Erickson,
f)oris Murphy, Evelyn Kirchofer, Katherine
Taylor, Blanche McClellan.
yVe Women Journalists Take Over
IE' VEN women's editions have to have editorials,
even though we eau‘t find-any women who
are in favor of writing them. It seems that this
»,> one phase of journalism for whieli the women
hxvi- no aspirations.
la the other departments we find plenty of
eager workers—eager to try their hand at columns
and. beats that they have been crowded out of by
the men. But the editorial department remains
As a whole the women are an earnest and cap
able group. All year long they work without ever
expecting a reward. Has anyone,.ever heard of a
woman editor of the Kmerald? No. and they prob
ably won't, because public opinion is against it.
There have been women that could have done it
bur the odds have not been in their favor. In all
campus publications this is found to be true.
npi£F, men as a rule look with tolerance upon
1 newspaper women. Just enough tolerance to
beep them plugging away on their beats. And
vfbile they tolerate they think “There is another
ttQtdety editor.” Practically every woman revolts
at the idea of being a society editor, but she us
ually admits that she will take such a position,
because she loves the profession. It fascinates her
and there is always a chance she will get a break.
This same thing holds true in most fields where
Women are competing with men. Perhaps in a
fvw years women will be able to build up confi
dence in their work and be more generally accepted
ij» those position whieli their talents warrant.
And so we, the women in journalism, take pride
in presenting this edition, because this is our break.
Huiy a date for the house dance was abandoned,
because such a chance comes but once a year.
R New Goal for Women's Activities
fflpOti many years now, there has been a concerted
effort on the ])art of the dean of women, and
Various AWS presidents and women campus lead
ers, to get women on the campus, particularly
freshmen who need contacts, to take an interest
M “activities." Various programs have been of
f<?T*ed to attract and absorb the freshman girl, to
li dp her become oriented to campus ways, and ac
quainted with other girls of her class and upper
The need to give direction to the aimless search
helpful activity and the desire for service that
has always been evidenced in women on the campus
lr« - prompted the formation of many societies,
organizations, and hobby groups. These groups
love been sincere in their effort to open to the
.underclass woman who •wishes to meet others of
< wumon interests and ambitions a vista of service,
H'l ey have honestly tried to fulfill the ideals that
u.pted their formation—the ideals of fellow
ship and service and common endeavor.
j #■ #> #
rJT'llM fact that many of these groups who attempt
to otfor a full, well-rounded activity program
hi cracked up on the rocks is no indication that
\ were worthless, or that their ideals weren’t
commendable—it is more easily attributable to the
fa': that the freshman woman especially, and those
ol upperelass groups as well—have become “activ
ity conscious" not because they feel the activities
'll) y arc engaging in will help them or the group
\vi U which they work, but because they feel they
>n .>t have a long list of committee appointments
to their credit to he “in the swim."
[ And it is a tragic fact that many of the most
from where | SIT
Every year when we gals over here at the shack try to
put out a paper all by ourselves, we realize with greater
force and intensity just what fiice guys men are, after
all. Now usually we are very prone to malign and scoff
at the whole sex, and we feel very self-reliant and inde
pendent indeed when we sit down in a manless and un
profaned Shack to put out a whole paper by ourselves.
The woman usually gets it so cruelly in the neck
regarding her ability, or lack of the aforementioned
quality, in the newspaper field, that she is inclined to
feel right happy when she has a chance to prove, she
can put out as good a paper as any man. And so we
elect our editors, muster together a bewildered sports
staff and a more bewilderue night crew and try to
muddle through somehow. We remember working on
last year's women's edition until four o’clock m the
morning, and walking home through the grey of dawn
smudged with printer s ink, unutterably weary and
heavy-eyed—but happy!
Happy, that is, until the next day, when we looked at
the paper and discovered two captions under the wrong
pictures,’and mistakes in the headlines. Of course we
blamed it all on the makeup man, cursing him for a
stupid lout; but deep down in our heart we had the
sneaking feeling that if there had been a nice, competent
man in the night editor’s post it wouldn’t have happened.
Aw shucks, we’d worked so hard!
Even more puzzling to us poor gals is the problem
of the sports page. Now usually the sports room is a
sort ot no-women s land, on, occasionally a, Hardy
woman sneaks in to hear the brunt of the oppressively
masculine atmosphere, but she doesn’t stay long. The
conversation is unspeakably dull—all about basketball
and track and such. You’d think a bunch of boys as
smart as our sports staff could find something a little
more constructive to talk about, now wouldn’t you?;
But there they sit, stupid things, arguing for hours over
whether Hardy’s blow in the third inning should have
been an error instead of a hit—and so on, ad nauseaum.
Tonight, though, even their obnoxious presence would
be welcome. Women are such helpless things when it
comes to editing a sports page. And of course we' women
always hit the nights for our edition when the baseball
team’s out of town, and things are comparatively quiet.
Maybe it’s a good thing, though, because I imagine we’d
really make hash out of a varsity track meet .or baseball
game if we had our way!
Another thing, men are always very handy indeed
when it comes to taking copy from the Shack over to
the press, and getting their hands dirty setting up head
lines. They are nice, too, when it comes to such little
details as making up the front page, and writing cap
tions on the pictures.
There is no doubt about it—men are a fine institu
tion around a newspaper office! No matter what Betty
Hamilton reports the women say about their manners
and rowdy habits (with all of which we agree) we grant
them that, unconditionally.
God bless you, boys, we’ll be happy to see your bright
and shining faces around here Monday. With a graceful
curtsey we will turn over all the dirty jobs to you again,
and retire to our unimportant and secondary position
with a sigh of relief.
Maybe woman’s place IS in the home, after all!
worthwhile freshman women, who need help and
companionship and direction the most desperately,
are not drawn into the activity circle. They do not
know the rig-lit channels through which to enter
into the various groups, anl though women leaders
are glad and eager to help them, they remain lonely
and dissatisfied, and many drop out of school be
cause they feel the avenues of social contact have
been closed to them.
Equally tragic is the fact that many of the
most commendable activities, which have the most
in the way of inspiration to offer, have died out.
and been replaced by such dubiously “helpful”
services as the sale of karmel apples and mums,
ami doughnuts—activities which might be neces
sary to raise needed funds, but are of no traceable
worth in character-building and personality im
Among the praiseworthy projects which lost
their vitality and force were the hobby groups
offered by the Philomelete, under the sponsorship
of Phi Theta Epsilon. It is true their work has
been taken over largely by the various YWCA
groups and committees, but it seems sad that an
activity which grew out of a vision of service and
fellowship such as Phi Theta did should be per
mitted to languish, while others so doubtful ®
© # «=
J^EATjIZ 1XG the weaknesses of the present activ
ity system, new leaders of the AW8. with the
advice and help of Dean Hazel P. Sehwering, have
attempted to formulate a program for next year
(Please turn to {'age seven)
Skippin’ Around
POME ....
’Twas nearly dawn
He stopped the car
She was by his side
“Some dew,”
The gallant lad remarked,
“Some don’t,” the gal replied.
So says the “Silver and Gold” which makes one won
der how much of such went on last night—seventeen
house dances during one weekend really exhausts one
thinking of such a phenomena even tires us out. We’re
certainly pleased the Phi Delts w’ere given “One More
* * $
Never too late to complain, so it goes, and that in
cludes the Canoe Fete decisions. Too bad the “Buddha”
Theta Chi float had to glide to second place. It was
perfection in every etail, even with Queen Cleopatra
(or was it Catherine the Great) putting “all she had on
the horse,” to quote headlines.
A terrific struggle is herein represented considering
it’s Friday night and the women’s page has no sports
staff to offer inspiration to a group of ambitious women
journalists. Is there a reward for activity hounds?
* * *
The “Foo King” of the law school really took a beat
ing at the law school moot trial Thursday night. Such
a pity, with such hefty-muscle-bounders as “Button
Nose” Milligan and Johnny Thomas having left their
identification marks on his trousers. We notice students
responding loyally to these barrister-tryouts and it’s
plenty fine!
BITS: “Make it two biers,” said the undertaker’s
assistant as they drove the hearse up to the morgue.
* * *
New Waiter: How did you find your steak?
Diner: It was by~the merest accident. I just moved
that piece of potato and there it was.
—Los Angeles Collegian.
>;: >::
There seems to be a lot of worry as to whether the
salmon will be able to get over the Bonneville dam on the
Columbia river, but no one seems to be worrying whether
the taxpayers will get over it.
* * *
Which reminds us of the old joke about the service
station attendant wearing a Phi Beta Kappa key, but
now he uses the shield staff to clean his fingernails!
* *
“Pulse,” undergraduate magazine of the University
of Chicago recently complained that “there hasn’t been
a beautiful woman on Midway since Little Egypt reared
her skirts in 1893.”
According to Time magazine, Northwestern univer*
sity students guffawed at this admission. Therefore,
Chicago university students decided to proclaim their
prettiest girl and did so after three judges pondered at
length on a file of pictures. The winner was Joy Hawley
—a Northwestern girl, queen of that university’s Navy
Ball, whose picture had slipped into the files by mistake.
* $ *
Home is where you can scratch any place that itches.
—More deffy deffunishuns portraying nochalant humor.
Sally Rand, fan and bubble dancer, was the principal
speaker at the Harvard freshman smoker last week.
Her subject was “How to Be Intelligent Though Edu
cated.” No doubt there was very little smoke in the
eyes of those present that night.
Sounds odd to hear an ancient-sounding curfew an
nouncing the deadline again. Ought to be a louder one
at 10:30. Maybe by the time I’m a senior, and a spring
term one, I’ll understand how those ferns get in. Let’s
have 10 good reasons for an open window at the top
of a fire escape. But what puzzles me is the long step
from the ground to a griphold. Ah for a tall, strong
* * s»:
Many requests are around and persistent concerning
the unbelievable acts of University students in removing
lovely cut flowers from graves in the near vicinity, and
the whys and wherefores of such reproachable bits of
gift-giving. Of course, torture acts in Marco Polo would
be a bit severe but then again, maybe not.
* * *
Gossip has a bad-sounding name so I won’t say a
word, but Cushing reports such “hard batting in the
Shirley Shean league”—apparently the “love bug” has
leally bitten Hartley “Cowboy” Kneeland and maybe
Rosemary Geneste—in fact Cupid’s got his arrows in a
machine-gun and they’re really coming fast—according
to the “playboy.” Too bad Portland isn’t in Eugene, or
vice versa, so a certain Fiji wouldn’t have to spend five
days out of the week in Portland and the other two at
the Arc.
* * *
As all good things in this fine world,
This column finally ends;
And if we've stepped on any toes,
Hope something makes amends.