Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1938, Page Five, Image 5

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    Web foot Trackmen
Vie with Beavers
In Corvallis Today
Ducklings Will Attempt to Win Their Fifth
Successive Victory Over the Oregon State
Sprinters; Robinson Enters Three Events
Colonel Bill Hayward, Oregon’s track mentor, will send his track
sters out after the laurels of the dual track meet to be held in Corvallis
today. If the Webfoots emerge victorious in this meet it will be their
fifth successive win over the Oregon State Beavers.
Mack Robinson will participate in three events, the 100-yard dash,
broad jump, and 220-yard dash. Hayward is counting on Robinson to
win all of them.
Jim Schriver, who finished second to his teammate, Kirman Storli,
in the meet with Washington State
last Saturday, has been given a
good chance to win the half-mile.
George Varoff, Oregon’s top pole
vaulter, is still having trouble with
an old leg injury so he will not
be attempting to jump higher than
is necessary.
Tough Competition
Frank Mandic, Beaver high hurd
ler will undoubtedly prove to be
tough competition for the Oregon
men Harold Weston and Bob Good
fellow. Bob Leslie, who has run
the 110-yard dash in 9.8 seconds,!
will be one of the chief barriers forj
the Oregon men.
Jim Schriver, Bill Harrow and,
Kirman Storli are running the mile!
relay for the Webfoots, a fourth
runner will be decided upon accord- j
ing to the progress of the meet, j
Possibilities for this position are:';
Jim Buck, Bob Goodfellow, Bob
Mitchell, or Mack Robinson.
No lineup has been received from
Oregon State.
Oregon entries:
100-yard dash—Mack Robinson,
Jim Buck, Dean Ellis.
220-yard dash—Mack Robinson,
Dean Ellis, Frank Van Vliet.
440-yard dash — Bill Harrow,
Frank Van Vliet.
880-yard dash — Kirman Storli, j
Jim Schriver, Don Tower.
Mile run—Bob Mitchell, Wayne j
Two-mile run — Crawford Lyle,
Don Barker.
High hurdles — Harold Weston,
Bob Goodfellow.
Low hurdles—Jim Buck, Harold
Pole vault—George Varoff, Rod
High jump — Rod Hansen, Ken
■ Shipley. :*
- Shot put—Leonard Holland, Bill
Rach. ••■••vv:; >.:■ \
Javelin — Boyd Brown, Harry
• Adams. •
Broad jump—Mack Robinson.
c Discus— Leonard Holland, Bill
Mile relay — Jim Schriver, Bill
Harrow, Kirman Storli, (Jim Buck,
Bob Goodfellow, Bob Mitchell, or
Mack Robinson will run fourth.)
Frosh Golf Team to
Play Oregon State
The Oregon frosh golf team j
plays their second match with the
Oregon State rooks toay on the
Laurelwood golf course. The Duck
lings had little trouble in winning
a decisive victory over the rooks
*at Corvallis two weeks ago and it
is expected they will encounter still j
less difficulty in playing on their
(home course. T^e trucky greens
of the Laurelwood course will un
doubtedly cause the staters some
Cliff Smith, frosh number one
man, has been playing sub par golf
on the Laurelwood course and his
teammates follow close behind him.
Fred Davis, Chet Keller, Neland
Stone, Pete Klosterman and Ruth
Tustin will follow Smith in this |
order for the 36-hole game.
Lemons Chalk Up
Win Over Greens
In Frosh Track
The Lemon tracksters scored a
23 to 48 victory over the Greens
in the frosh intersquad meet on
Hayward field yesteray.
Ward Wilson from Glendale, Cal.,
took two first places, the quarter
mile and the low hurdles, and tied
with Ehle Reber and Bill Moore
for first place in the high jump.
The Lemons, co-captained by 11
men took a clean sweep in the
high hurdles by placing Nott,
Reber and Keen.
Mile—Morey (g), Simpson (1),
Hall (1). Time, 4:46.
Quarter-mile—Wilson (1), Hans
com (g), Green (g). Time, 54 sec
High hurdles—Nott (1), Reber
(y), Keen (y). Time, 11 seconds.
Low hurdles—Wilson (1), Belloni
(g), Tripp (1). Time, 17 seconds.
120 hurdles — Nott (1), Belloni
(g), Hanscom (g). Time, 14 sec
High jump—Moore, Reber, Wil
son (1) tie for first. Height, 5 feet
4 inches.
Broad jump — Reber (1), 22.7,
Nott (1) 21.75, Lewis (g) 21.45.
Shot put—Sichel (g) 41.7, Reber
(1) 34.5, Caufield (g) 30.
Lyle Small will take his final
examination for his master’s de
gree in education, Tuesday at 1
Varsity Spad
Clashes with
Salem Today
Willamette Netmen
Headed by Talbot,
Crane No. 1 lor UO
Paul Washke’s second league
place varsity tennis team will vie
against Willamette’s five-man
squad at Salem today in a return
(match to complete their third from
the last match of the season.
The Oregon team is now' sharing
honors with Oregon State for sec
ond place in the conference league
‘with the University of Washington
holding top honors, having no de
feats chalked against them.
The match today promises stiff
competition for Oregon with Talbot
Bennet, Willamette’s number one
man, holding a past conference
champion title as well as being
noted for one of the outstanding
single racqueteers in the league.
Number one .man for Oregon, Lar
ry Crane, however, is expected to
qualify for the victories having
beaten Talbot with a score of 6-2,
6-3, in the match with the Salem
team here last month.
Slight Edge Expected
Les Werschkul and Ellsworth
Ellis will hold number two and
,three positions of the travelling
team while number four and five
men will be Don Zimmerman and
Jack Crawford.
Crane and Zimmerman will play
the number one doubles match with
Ellis and Werschkul holding down
the second doubles team positions.
A slight edge in today’s return
match with Willamette is expected
for the Oregon squad due to the
Result of their 6-1 victory over Wil
lamette on the University courts
,earlier in the season. The match is
scheduled for 2 p.m.
The Oregon squad will play two
gravelling matches before the final
conference match May 28 and 29
at Seattle. Both matches will be
played next weekend with the Ore
gon team playing at Linfield on
May 21 and travelling to Se
attle the next day for a penant
The track meet between Ore
gon and Oregon State college
at Corvallis this afternoon will
be broadcast over station
KORE, beginning at 2 o’clock.
Coeds Add Doubles
Matches to Series
Coed doubles matches got under
way this week with several first
round tennis matches being played
,off and one second round match
completed with a default.
Pat Wethered and Louise Plum
mer are the only oubles team mem
bers ready for the third round
matches, having defeated Barbara
Jones and Thelma Bouchet who de
The all-campus singles have
reached the third round stage with
quarter finals expected to begin
next week.
Second round all-campus singles:
Kay Bossinger defeated Pat
Wethered, 6-0, 6-0.
Betty Lou Kurtz defeated Billie
Richardson, 6-4, 1-6, 6-4.
Anne Frederickson defeated
Marge Churchill, default.
Delphine Olson defeated Erma
Huston, 6-1, 6-2.
Jane Burkett defeated Irma
Helickson, 6-4, 6-1.
Beverly Steel defeated Janet
Eames, default.
Annual Playday for
Grade School Girls
The annual play day for the 6th,
7th and 8th grades girls of Lane
county’s elementary schools, spon
sored by the physical education
majors of the University of Oregon
and the Lane county 4-H club will
be held today from 9:45 to 12 o’
clock on Gerlinger field. .Janet
Woodruff, associate professor of
physical education, is supervisor in
The theme for the playday is
“Westward Ho!” Included on the
program will be group games, an
Indian dance, horseshoes, and team
sports such as baseball, volleyball
and relay races.
eciding match with the University
of Washington top leaguers.
These Gals Have Strings on Their Bows!
Women do a William Tell tor Sportsman show.
Frosh Nine
t . 1
Meets Rooks
Today at 2:30
Pete Igoe, speedy Eugene hurler,
will take the mound for the frosh
baseball nine today in their game
against the Oregon State rooks at
2:30 on Howe field. Last Saturday
the Ducklings won a 9-1 kick-over
from the rooks at Corvallis, but
the rooks are expected to put up
quite a battle today with OSC pit
cher Clayton Shaw in the pitcher’s
The lineup for Oregon is expec
ted to start with Igoe, pitcher;
Jim Rathbun, tacher; Jack Haem
er, first; Jack Shimshak, second;
Warren Smith, third; Elmer Mal
lory, short; Bill White, center field;
Tom Taylor, right field; and either
Red McNeeley or Quentin Earl at
left field.
Reserve pitchers for Coach War
ren’s frosh are A1 Reider and Lan
ny Allegretto, right handers and
Alvin Anderson, a southpaw.
Two more games are scheduled
with the rooks, the next May 21 at
Corvallis, and the last one on the
home field May 28.
Duck Quacks
(Continued from page four)
tleson and Smith. The coin decid
ed in favor of Battleson.
Tiie most ardent supporters of
Mack Robinson, sprint champ of
the Webfoot track team, are his
wife and son, Ronny, about three
years old. They are out to watch
Mack practice nearly every night.
Ronny Robinson will be remem
bered by basketball fans as the
tiny negro lad who came to'most
of last winter’s games and, stand
ing down on the floor, beat time
with the band.
It is customary for a coed sports
columnist, when she has the job
thrust upon her, to run a little
apologia for her efforts at the top
of her column. This year the writ
er is omitting this, not because
she feels her masculine readers
might not be deserving of an apol
ogy, but only because she feels
entirely inadequate to the task of
even attempting to make excuses.
She admits, however, that since
the day she was told that sports
would be her job on the coed edi
tion, she has been feeling rather
like a balloon with the peeling
taken off.
Send the Emerald home. Your
folks will enjoy reading it.
32 E. 10th St.
From Any Angle
No matter how
you look at it, the
Oregana “Stream
liner” is a sure
fire hit. Get in on
the hitting par
ade — ORDER
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