Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1938, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Committee Calls for
Broadcast Outlines
For KOA C Hookup
Still campaigning for program ideas for next year’s KOAC broad
casting from the campus, the recently appointed radio sub-committee
on program building yesterday sent out another call to students and
faculty members for suggestions.
With the start of daily broadcasting from the campus set ten
tatively for not later than next October 1, the committee is making
a last spurt to gather all possible suggestions before it goes about
making up next year’s program, according to Paul Kiepe, chairman.
The committee has held a number of meetings to discuss pro
grams, ana aitnougn a numoer oi
faculty programs for next year
have been worked out there is still
need for student programs, Kiepe
said. A number of faculty mem
bers are planning to write pro
grams during the summer, accord
ing to Kiepe.
Serial Broadcasts Sought
The type of suggestions sought
by the committee as outlined by
Kiepe are serial broadcasts rather
than individual ones, programs on
a single subject which may be
broken down easily into 15 or 30
minute programs for presentation
once each week over a period of
two or three months. The fore
going are the specifications sent
out by Luke L. Roberts, manager
of KOAC.
Programs should be something
within possibility of production
here, was Kiepe’s request. The
suggestions should be written up
in “a brief statement of whaj
they think a program series
should contain” and brought either
to George Root, educational activi
ties manager, or to Paul Kiepe of
the speech division.
Large Response Hoped
Kiepe expressed the hope that
many students and faculty mem
bers would respond to the oppor
tunity to write radio program
ideas. “The more people we can
get interested in this type of
thing the more educational value
can be derived from educational
activities,” was his expreession of
the feeling of the committee. “We
want it to interest the many,” he
Kiepe stressed the fact that
writing talent is what is needed
rather than microphone talent.
Microphone talent, he said, offers
no problem to the committee.
The committee will meet again
Tuesday at 4 o’clock in the speech
division to report its findings to
Luke Roberts, KOAC manager.
The committee can only make rec
ommendations, with Roberts hav
ing the final say as to what can
be used.
As programs for the station are
Horse Show Will
[Be Held May 22
On Fairgrounds
Featured in the Eugene Hunt
club’s annual show, May 22, will
be horses owned by Dean C. V.j
Boyer, law professor O. J. Hollis,
Wayne L. Morse, dean of law
school, and Paul R. Washke and
[ Miss Florence Alden, professors
' of physical education.
^ The show will be held this year
on the Lane County fairgrounds.
Tickets for the show will be 25
cents and can be bought from
Elaine Goodell, Jane Weston or
Bill McIntosh, University students.
made up long in advance of their
presentation it is asked that pro
gram suggestions be in as soon as
Members of the program com
mittee, who may be consulted for
program guidance, are Paul Kiepe,
Dr. L. F. Beck, Dr. F. G. Macom
ber, Dr. R. W. Leighton, Horace
W. Robinson, George Root, W. A.
Dahlberg, and Herman Kehrli.
A visual-education clinic will
be held and a demonstration given
tonight at 7:30 in Villard hall by
U. S. Burt, head of vFsual instruc
tion department of the general ex
tension division.
Students and faculty members
are invited to attend.
Optometrist Optician
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874 Will. St. Phone 419
SAVE on your
Drug Needs
Values for
Thrifty Student
Buyers . . .
Pipes and Tobacco
Compacts and Cosmetics
All at lowest prices
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Choral Group
Triumphs at
Spring Meet
'St. Paul' Presentation
Shows Talents of
Polyphonic Choir;
Petri Directs
The Biblical story of “St. Paul”
was told last night in the blend of
100 voices of the University poly
phonic choir, in their annual spring
concert at the music auditorium.
The choral group, under direc
tion of Paul Petri, professor of mu
sic, was accompanied by William
McKinney, student of John Stark
Evans, at the organ in the presen
tation of the oratorio by Felix
How the wicked Saul, in his per
secution of Stephen and the Chris
tians, repented his sins, and be
came an apostle of Christ, taking
the name of Saint Paul, was told in
the dramatic musical masterpieces,
noted for its choruses and solo
“Saint Paul” opened with the
joyful note in the chorus “Lord,
Thou Alone Art God,” contrasted
by the following choral.
One of the most famous chor
uses, “To Thee, O Lord” was in
dicative of the characteristic of the
martyr, when Saint Stephen, who
had been stoned, cried out for the
forgiveness of those who stoned
Among other famous choruses
were “Happy and Blest Are They,”
the beautiful, choral-like “See
What Love Hath the Father,” and
“How Lovely Are the Messengers,”
Horace Greeley Letter in Nash
Library Discusses Patronage
President Roosevelt’s recent proposal to reform the civil service
and' eliminate patronage probably would have found a strong sup
porter in George Wolbridge, back in 1861. Or so one might believe
from a recent “find” in the Nash collection in the University library.
Horace Greeley, famed American journalist, wrote a letter of
introduction for Wolbridge to Gideon Welles, then secretary of the
navy under President Lincoln. Wolbridge is unidentified at present.
The letter was found in the pages of “Broughton’s Epistolae,”
Sigma Xi Will Hold
Joint Meeting With
Pre-Med Students
Starting with a dinner at the
Osburn hotel at 6 p.m. on Satur
day, members of Sigma Xi, scien
tific honorary, will hold a joint
meeting with students of the pre
medical department.
After the dinner the group will
adjourn to Condon hall, where Dr.
H. J. Sears of the University of
'Oregon medical school in Portland
will speak on “Some Practical As
spects of the Antigenic Constitu
tion of the Bacillus of Typhoid
Fever,” and Dr. Ralph A. Fenton,
also of the medical school, will de
liver an address on “Defense Mech
anisms of the Respiratory Tract.”
The meeting in Condon hall is
open to the public.
for which the oratorio is most
Solo parts were taken by Mrs.
L. J. Murdock, soprano, who is a
soloist in the Congregational
church, Kay Daugherty, alto, Lor
ance Dossett and Robert Mack,
tenors, and William Sutherland and
George Skipworth, bassos.
Time, Inc.’s financial statement
just released showed a loss for Life
during the year of $3,424,000, but
Time’s fat earnings enabled those
smart publishers to show a net in
come of $168,430. •
which was bought by Dr. Nash in.
London for $8 from the collection
of the famous English bibliophile
Richard Hoe. It is spotted brown
with age, and is obviously written
in a hurry. The writing is stilted,
and parts are undecipherable. The
text of the letter is as follows:
(blanks indicate unreadable por
tions) :
New York,
June 13, 1801.
Dear Gideon:
Geo. Wo'lbridge of our city, who
is doing what he can to help in the
war for the Union, visits Washing
ton on that business. Being a
Democrat he expects no office or
- but I beg you to receive him
as one who is doing his utmost to
strengthen the - that strike at
the union.
Horace Greeley.
Hon. G. Welles,
Washington, D. C.
Greeley at this time was editor
of the Weekly Tribune, one of the
largest papers in the United
States, and it was also during
these years that he sounded the
now famous, much-changed New'
Yorker magazine.
The letter is written in brown
ink on laid paper, with thin blue
lines running across.
Arnaud C. Marts, head of a firm
that acts as financial counselors
for philanthropic institutions, is
the new president of Bucknell uni
by ROGER F. WURTZ ’41, Wisconsin Octopus