POLLOCK'S FOLLY IT HAS BEEN a long time t since this department took type writer in hand and went away ; to the journalistic wars but the smell of printer's ink is a trifle strong, so here we are again . . . Thoughts come slowly and i painfully after so long a lay-off \ but one item occurs to me which ; might be worth retelling ... it concerns, briefly, a summer spent with an oiling crew and it concerns, more specifically, an t old gentleman whose Christian l name I never learned. In more formal moments we called him “Dad" but when in a j hurry he was likely to be called most anything. Dad was a typ 1 ical oiling crew camp follower. ■, He got from place to place in an * aegd Model T with which, he • towed an enormous house trail ) er. Both the Ford and the trail ‘ er were his pride and joy. ? I I •/ i i i \ • i I t I i i j ) i l i t i I i ( •j s i BEING GOOD-NATURED and old — hence comparatively harmless—he came in for a good deal of practical joking ... he seldom objected, even when the boys welded a bucket over his stovepipe and he nearly asphyx iated himself with a pitch and kerosene fire . . . Only once did I see him mad and then all of us from the lowliest banjo strummer to the Push himself looked for cover. The incident occurred one night when he mounted his an cient Henry to return to camp. The car had been backed up against a tree and was pointed down a fairly steep hill —which saved cranking it. It was his custom to get under way as rapidly as possible in order to be able to make the next rise in high gear ... as a conse quence he was making a rattl ing fifteen miles an hour when his jalopy came to the end of the 150 foot chain someone had fastened to the rear axle and to tiie tree. t>: t- * THE IMPACT failed to pull the old crate apart - as had been anticipated but it did project a considerable portion of Dad through the windshield which hadn't been anticipated. Fortu nately his head, guiltless of hair, was crowned with a heavy felt hat and the only result of the collision with the glass was the complete destruction of the hat — which was pretty well gone anyway. The old man got out. sur veyed his car. the shattered re mains of his windshield and finally his hat. He said not a word but strode to the side of the road, picked up an 18-inch Crescent wrench which hap pened to be lying near a dis abled grader and started in my general direction because I hap pened to be nearest. I suppose. As a matter of fact my part in the entire gag was confined to watching ... I hadn’t conceived the idea at all. ; TUKKF. W AS a look in the 1 eye of the old gent that told me *‘i about what he intended to do if and when he got hold of me or ) anyone else ... it was written ; tl’.ere in 48-point type - he in * tended to wrap a perfectly good 4, Crescent wrench around as many skulls as possible. In bri&f, he was running amok. i \Ve wanted to save the com pany money and we figured the *, best and easiest way of doing * this was to keep that wrench | unbent. So we left, in a digni fied fashion, but at top speed . . . 4 LEROY MATTINGLY, Editor WALTER R. VERNSTROM, Manager LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor Associate Editors: Paul Deutschmann, Clare Igoe. Elbert Hawkins, Sports Editor Bill Pengra, City Editor Lew Evans, Assistant Managing Editor UPPER NEWS STAFF Martha Stewart. Women’s Editor lJon Kennedy, Radio Editor Rita Wright, Society Editor Alyce Rogers, Exchange Editor Betty Jane Thompson, chi'rch editor John Biggs, Chief Night Editor The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year erceit Sundays, Mondays, holiday# and final examination periods. Entered as second-class mail matter at the wostmce, Eugene, Oregon. _ __ ''With All Thy Getting.. j^XOWLEDGL is a valuable thing. The Bible phrases it thus: “Get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding.'; In these days of propaganda, publicity, ballyhoo, and worse, dependable information is dear, and the Bible expostulation comes into greater timeliness. The question is Where can one get dependable, honest, and impartial information ? " During the two-day forum on peace and other problems the subject of propagandizing for peace was suggested. Those attending the discussion were for the most part, however, unwilling to consent to such a course (con sidering propaganda in the derogatory sense) even though they agreed that the ends reached might be valuable. # # # better system of disseminating correct information was desired by the group, and a suggestion from Lieutenant-Commander Bryant upon the matter met with approval. Commander Bryant told about an organiza tion of which he is a member, that has pre pared a list of the most dependable, impartial, and honest publications of the day. This or ganization makes a point to read these news papers, magazines and pamphlets and in addi tion to distribute them as widely as possible. In his speech yesterday the ex-navy man suggested the need for a similar step here, lie proposed briefly that perhaps the faculty select a group of the 20 or 30 most dependable news dispensers in the world, publicize them, interest students in reading them, and build up a body of impartial, well-informed ob servers of national and world affairs. # $£ rJ"'HE need for such an action is obvious. On every band one can find evidence of dis trust in news sources. Those who do read make it a point to be unconvinced, and many dismiss their lack of information with the statement that they cannot believe what they ready anyway. Sadly, this skeptical attitude is necessary in reading many of the popular publications. The expostulations to take what one reads with a grain of salt is based upon a real situation. Students may inquire as to what can be done about the situation. The answer is that there are, even in today’s high-pressure times, a considerable number of publications without “axes to grind.” Newspapers such as the New York Times, the Christian Science Moni tor; magazines like Amerasia, Institute of Pa cific Relations, Events; bulletins such as the Fortnightly League of Nations reports. TIESE are just a few of the dependable sources available for those who really want information. These periodicals and pa pers are in the library, they are well-estab lished as authorities, and they await only student use to spread their messages, the most accurate in the world today. Perhaps it may not be necessary to go as far as Commander Bryant suggested in the compiling of the best sources of information of the world. But on the other hand it would not be too difficult to do so. and the potential improvement of misinformed minds seems to make the service of value. The suggestion deserves further considera tion. For Posterity ^^UTIOX of the .senior class in voting' down the endowment idea presumptorily was not exactly unexpected. However, it had been hoped that the class would give the idea more consideration. flic value of an endowment, the Univer sity's need for such a monetary aid. and the other arguments in favor of a move in this direction were recently expostulated in these columns. The realization that little would actually be accomplished was not absent from tin' mind of the writer. But even so the lack oi sig-niheant discussion or consideration of the problem by the senior class is discourag ing’. following' the precedent set by nations at disarmament conferences, the seniors agreed that an endowment would be a splendid idea but saw no possibility of their taking action. l’>y pursuing such a course the class is indeed blocking the way to future progress. The altitude Oi its a good idea, but let someone els.- start it " is characteristic of many groups I -- and many situations in need of advancement or improvement. # # # CONSTRUCTIVE action will be delayed until a groundwork for the future is laid. The class of 1938 had an opportunity to begin the work at least, with the consideration of types of endowment, and recommendation—• if nothing better could be done—that future seniors consider the subject. As it is the question of endowment remains at the impasse from which the seniors picked it. Nothing for the future has been acconi- > piished ; if the matter is revived by another group of graduating students they will have to start from scratch. However, it is not too late for some retri bution. Granted that the class of 1938 has disposed of the question, they could yet ren der a service to the campus if they would leave for posterity their consideration of the topie. their reasons for stopping action on the subject, and possibly their recommenda tions for future plans. In the Mail o QUIET PLEASE! To the Editor: The Pacific northwest leads the rest of the country with a literacy rate of one per cent illiterate: but in the matter of literacy in musical appreciation there seems to be something of a lag'. This is unfortunate be cause we get treated to some wonderful music, especially here on the campus. Tonight’s ora torio, •‘Saint Paul,” by the poly phonic choir and conductor Paul Petri, was no exception. But there was much to much noise in the gallery. There is nothing mystical about appreciation. Anyone cap able of a degree of mental and ^muscular relaxation and atten tion can enjoy it (and so can those around him.) But it is difficult to lose oneself in a musical experience and sway to the varying moods if others in I the audience are unaware of some of the basic proprieties. It isn’t necessary to go into a trance and is equally unneces sary to make overt noises. It is no trick to hold off a cough until a pause or an inter lude. The ideal is absolute si lence and it can be approximat ed only in the degree that each individual present is aware of tiiis as a personal goal for his own enjoyment and that of his By JIM BRINTON The way things look now Germany’s new lighter-than-air ship will have to be floated by some other lighter-than-air gas than U. S. helium. The first part of the week Secretary of Interior Ickes said “nix” to a big order from Germany for enough helium gas to inflate the German queen of the skies, the LZ-130. He stated that the gas could not be shipped because of the existing law prohibiting the ex portation of helium in quanti ties great enough to be of mili tary importance. Wednesday President Roose velt upheld Ickes’ ruling and stated that a decision as to whether or not the gas could be sold was in the hands of a six-man munitions control board of which Ickes is a mem ber. Dr. Hugo Eckener, German dirigible expert now in Amer ica to plead the case for the LZ-130, stated that the decision not to sell the gas to Germany would deal “a death sentence for commercial lighter-than-air craft.” He said that he would not fly a passenger dirigible without helium. His opinion is probably true, as nearly all major develop ments in dirigible building have come from Germany. ’Twould be too bad to see further developments in iight er-than-air ships fall by the way-side, together with all that they mean to fast trans-ocean travel. But ’twould also be a sad thing, think Ickes and Roosevelt, to have European cities bombed by one of the huge floating silver cigars. Now I wonder if their action was wise. Here’s a couple of reasons why it might not be: (1) Had the party wanting the helium been England or France what would Ickes’ an swer have been? I’m inclined to think that right now the Fort Worth, Tex., government controlled helium extracting plant would be filling the order, and that in a week or two Eng land or France would have their helium. (2) Lighter-than-air ships have outlived their usefulness as modern engines of war. Re cent developments in anti-air craft guns and pursuit planes make a bomb-toting dirigible mighty vulnerable—even with helium replacing hydrogen as the supporting gas. ; By their 'actions the men have set a precedent that will be hard to break down. The United States, with a virtual monopoly on the gas, will not be able to sell it to any other nation without being slightly hypocritical. To do so would be the same as saying to that nation: “We don’t think that you’ll use the gas for military purposes, but we are quite sure that Germany would have used it to float air ships to bomb London and Par is.’’ fellow listeners and tries to lis ten quietly. I am only an ama teur and play no instruments but enjoy good music and feel that those who render it deserve good audiences. W.W.