< VOLUME XXXIX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1938 — NUMBER 121 Bryant Urges Planning for Future Years America Must Build Up InternalDef ense Against Old Ideas, Speaker Says The strongest defense that Am ■ericans can have at the present time in their desire to prevent war is a resistance against outworn ideas and attitudes which would destroy our country, said Stewart F. Bryant, retired lieutenant-com mander of the United States navy, who spoke before an assembly of students, faculty, and Eugene resi dents Thursday morning. Declaring that there are two types of defense, military and in ternal, the speaker advised Ameri cans to wholeheartedly support the latter, through social, economic, and peaceful means. They should look ahead, and try to promote a sense of loyalty to future genera tions, he said. Present-day scien tific and educational facilities could do much in this direction, is his belief. Students Need Training The student, who will play an important part in future world af fairs, must do his part, Mr. Stew art said. The student needs a worthwhile vocation, for which he will work for more people and less money than the average person wants to; he needs to fortify him self against adversity; he should study great men and boundless subjects to increase his sense of time and space and see the rela tion of his own existence to the rest of humanity; and he must know about evils if he is to keep other evils out, Mr. Stewart de clared. World Has Enough Brains Although there is enough educa tional power in the world to solve any problem on the face of the globe, he said, the “ways out” that have been tried—disarmament, economic conferences, and isolation—will not work. Grievances nf nations have been perpetuated by their attempts to solve them, he said. He pointed to the League of Nations as a “good idea,” that has not been worked out suitably. “I do not see any manifestation of peace in all nature, and I don’t think we will ever have it,” the speaker said. The nations of the world are not ready for the sacri fices that they sometimes have to make to promote peace, he be lieves. Additional details, page 3. Phi Chi Theta Will Give Award Soon The annual key award to the most outstanding women in the senior class of the business ad ministration school will be an nounced soon, according to Jean Palmer, president of Phi Chi Theta, women’s business administration honorary. Last year the key was presented to Elaine Cornish, daughter of N. H. Cornish, professor of busi ness administration, who is at pres ent attending New York univer sity’s retail school on a scholar ship. v * V V V w w Friday the 13th And No Moon - - Piggers Arise! First good luck that will be fall Oregon students today (Fri day the thirteenth) was forecast yesterday by J. Hugh Pruett, University astronomer. Piggers, the kind who enjoy looking at the moon, will face a ! moonless night tonight when a total eclipse of that heavenly body occurs late in the evening. Weather permitting, Mr. Pruett said, the move-by-move action of the shadow over the moon’s face may be watched here in Eugene. Ideal conditions for sneak dates will occur when the total eclipse starts at 12:18 a.m. and lasts until 1:09 a.m. QreganaStaff Asked To Emerald Picnic Workers Requested To Sign Up Today For Annual Fete Members of the Oregana busi ness and editorial staff have been invited to the annual Emerald picnic Sunday afternoon on the „west bank of Swimmers Delight. The staff is requested to contact Howard Overback at the educa tional activities shack today, in order to make completion of ar rangements possible. Highlight of the picnic will be the traditional softball battle be tween the Oregana and Emerald staffs, with the possibility of a news-sports staff contest as pre liminary. All Emerald workers, including advertising members, who have not yet indicated their intention of attending the frolic are requested to contact either Dorothy Burke or Bill Rentz, picnic chairmen. Advertising men should see Hal Haener^ or Howard Overback. Student Travelers Get Identity Cards Students interested in traveling abroad may secure application rblanks for a student identity card from the office of the registrar. These identification cards are issued by the National Student Federation of America, to regular ly enrolled graduate or undergrad uate college students with the ap proval of the registrar of their school. Identification cards grant traveling students reduction on vi sas, and grant them other favors, a letter from the president of the . NSFA to the registrar stated re cently. , Listed among the privileges to be gained from the cards are a 10 per cent reduction at recommend ed New York hotels, a 50 per cent reduction on a French visa, a $17.37 reduction on a Roumanian visa, a group British visa gratis, reductions on theater and concert .charges, free admissions to mu seums and galleries, and reduc tions at many hotels, steamships, airlines, bus lines, railways, res taurants, and swimming places. The cards have the sanction and (Please turn to page seven) Lane County Seniors Will Visit Campus Over Four Hundred Guests to Arrive Today From Fifteen High Schools The University will play host (today to approximately four hun dred boys and girls, seniors in Lane county high schools,\Who will gather here as guests of Eugene Hi-Y clubs and Girl Reserves for a one-day conference to get ac quainted with the University of Oregon campus and with Univer sity and State College courses. At least 15 high schools of Lane county will be represented, accord ing to local YMCA officials, with the representation to be divided equally between boys and girls. Groups from as far as Florence and Oakridge are expected. Program Filled ,A full program has been ar ranged for the. visitors, beginning at 9 o’clock this morning and ex fending until 4 o’clock this after noon, when the groups will start for home. The program will be found on another page. Included on the program will be a brief address of welcome by Dr. Donald M. Erb, president of the University, tours of the campus, introduction of campus personal ities to the visitors, and recrea tional features in the late after , noon. Profs Will Explain The preppers will have a chance to learn about college courses in , their fields of vocational interest .when they meet with University professors to discuss different specialized vocations. They will also meet with Miss Janet Smith, YMCA employment secretary, who will discuss opportunities for working their way through col lege. Additional details, page 3. Field Trip Planned For Botany Classes A field trip for the purpose of studying various shrubs and trees has been planned for tomorrow by P. P. Sipe of the botany depart ment for members of his classes. The group expects to find speci mens for study around Oakridge and along the upper Willamette river. I Interfraternity Council Appoints Students to Discuss Changes in Procedure with Dean Earl; Koch, Lasselle, Long Named A request by the house managers’ council that some means b