After 26 Years of Achievement—Dean Rebec Retires JpOR the past ‘26 years the University catalog has carried an item on the list of faculty members —George Rebec, Ph.D. The titles which have fol lowed that name are many and varied. The ser vices rendered to the University by the owner of t that name have been continuous throughout the 26 years. : In June the services of Dean Rebec will be officially closed due to the University retirement rule. The possibility that the beloved professor way continue—at least to a limited extent—his ser vice to Oregon beyond the quarter century mark is not remote, and 'fortunately these remarks may not he a farewell, but a noting of valuable service. # # * y^EAN Rebec came to Oregon in 191*2 and settled near Medford with intentions of becoming a pear farmer, llis record at the University of Michi gan had preceded him, however, and in the same year, President Prince Lucies, Campbell persuaded him to serve as professor of philosophy for the Uni versity. After six years on the faculty a larger respon sibility for Dr. Rebec was provided in the Portland extension division of the University. Taking charge of it in 1918 he was instrumental in build ing up this branch of the University, integrating and constructing upon a basis which has made the center one of the most important phrts of the University. During the same period he served Reed college in Portland for a short time, finally in 1920 adding another responsibility to his growing list—that of dean of the graduate school. Twelve years in .this position followed with high standards the goal and achievement. . *= *■ * JNT 1933 with the consolidation of the graduate schools of the state system, Dean Rebec received the position of head of the entire graduate division. For five years he has served in this post, capably handling the intricate job of coordinating the work of the graduate departments of Oregon, Oregon State and the medical school in Portland. Through this entire period Dean Rebec was active in class work, teaching courses in philosophy that have made him known to many undergrad uates and alunnii of the University. Considered as a whole, the record of the dean is auspicious, and is in reality worthy of commen dation even though he were not retiring at the present. # # Friday a group of colleagues, friends and students will gather in Portland to honor the dean. There will be speeches, reviews of Dr. Rebec’s active service, comments upon his character and ability. They will undoubtedly say much more than we could attempt to say here. They will be able to tell stories of unusual service—the type which are not put down in catalogs. And they will re member everything that we have forgotten. However, we take this opportunity to ext ncl a small offer of thanks in return for 26 years of loyal work, and we feel certain that the entire campus joins with us. Thank you, Dean Rebec, for what you have given to the University as a whole and to those of us who have been fortunate enough to have personal contacts with you. The first quarter cen tury has been pleasant, and if you see fit to continue in some manner, we will be grateful. IJSIitOY MATTINGLY, Editor WALTER R. VERNSTROM, Manager LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor ' Associate Editors: Paul Deutschmatm, Clare Igoe. . JTditattal Board: Darrel Ellis, Bill Peace,'Margaret Ray, Edwin Robbins, A1 Die (chart, Kenneth Kirtley, Bernardine Bowman. <31b*rt Hawkins. Sports Editor fi'U Pengra, City Editor ■l-Siw Evans, Assistant Managing Editor UPPER NEWS STAFF Martha Stewart. Women’s Editor Don Kennedy, Radio Editor Rita Wright, Society Editor Alyee Roger#, Exchange Editor Betty Jane Thotnpson, chwch editor John Biggs, Chief Night Editor The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year eicert Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods. Entered as second-class mail matter at the poatffice, Eugene, O Mgon. Another Opportunity 'V’ESTERDAY’S forum sponsored by the campus peace committee marked a step forward in consideration of international problems, but left wide room for improve ment. Only a score of students turned out for the discussions, but those who came talked and listened on a variety of subjects for two hours, and few felt their time had been wasted. The discussions, considering informally ouch topics as propaganda, raw material, sup plies, and plans for peace, settled no ques tions. Ideas were exchanged by students and )> ofessoiN and to a certain extent positions of those attending were clarified. On the whole the forum showed a lack of .student participation, with only two or three •undergraduates relieving the professors of the burden of discussion. The cause for this situ ation is most probably to be found in the lack of student experience with such meetings. This resulted in a reticence to put forth ideas v.ldch would be overcome, perhaps, if the Jorums were held more often. * *.> «< y^ of these factors indicate a need for further discussions of this type—to give oh dents an opportunity to overcome the hesi 1 nicy and to further the exchange of ideas. * While apparent lack of interest on the part of the student body in the event might discourage those who sponsored it, they should not retire in defeat. The two-day ses sion was a breaking of the ground, and con tinuation of informal swapping of ideas on world problems still is worthy of considera tion. Today another attempt will be made. Lieutenant-commander Stewart Bryant will conduct a forum after his address in Ger linger hall. Those who attended yesterday’s session have been convinced that the navy man will have more pertinent remarks to offer. # # # ^JOMMANDER Bryant’s remarks on the Far Eastern situation and its relation ships to the United States will undoubtedly provoke considerable thought in the minds of those who attend the regular address. And as the author of the letter reproduced below suggests, “a splendid opportunity” is pre sented to those who desire “realistic, noil emotional consideration of these problems. The forum plan has been initiated by the faculty upon the request of students. Only active participation in it will assure its con tinuation. In the Mail JUST COMMENT *1' > the Editor: As one who helped to arrange ; the Strike Against War held ; on. this campus recently, I tee! | these remarks are just. Con 1 oiderable opposition to that f.trike was manifested in favor of a more educational approach , to the war problem in spite of | t he fact that the committee in charge made every effort to 4>Uy down the sensational and •oake the strike an expression of conviction and informative »u«jfar as the speeches gdven were concerned. At present the Campus Peace c >mmittee is sponsoring an ed ucational survey of the four problems most directly connect ed with the war and peace problem. This program is well planned and under capable lead ership: it should be right down the alley of those pundits who labeled the strike method as “the 'bunk" in the Emerald poll on that matter. And yet yes terday's meeting of this edu cational program on the war problem drew but 20 students, who. along with the half dozen faculty members and Lieuten ant-Commander Bryant, formed one discussion group, not four as were planned, and held forth. This meeting lasted over two hours: pertinent and construc tive comment was freely ex changed and there was a gen eral expression of opinion that it was of value. However, the significant fact is not that such a meeting was held but that less than one per cent of the students of this University will support an intellectual ap proach to this grave problem. I desire to point out two fac tors in this letter: First, that possibly there is some value in the strike method, even when it is tamed down as this last one was, if it can bring 150 students to face the war issue: second, the general apathy and indifference to this problem on this campus. Today Lieutenant-Command The BANDWAGON By BILL CUMMINGS By BILL CUMMINGS Yesterday’s news that How ward Hobson, popular baseball basketball head man, would stay at the University for at least one more year was greeted with relief by both students and fac ulty, after the announcement that he might quit his dual coaching post at Oregon and accept a position as director of physical education at Portland. Hobby’s departure would be a distinct blew to the University, and should be stalled off as long as possible. Stalling it off, however, is probably as far as the Univer sity can go, for no one expects Hobby to stick around Eugene permanently, while tempting of fers from Stanford and eastern schools are coming in annually. It is only a question of time, and if Hobson’s success con tinues, his sense of loyalty to Oregon will probably wear out, unless it is reinforced by salary increases. And unquestionably, Hobby is worth a huge salary boost. Just to keep him here, along with his ability to in crease gate receipts nearly 50 per cent, will mean a great deal to the University. j$i sjs sj: Tribute will be paid Dr. George Rebec, retiring head of the philosophy department, at a dinner Friday night at the Uni versity club in Portland. Al though the guest list will be re stricted to friends, co-workers, alumni, and a few students, everyone on the campus who knows him will be at the ban quet in spirit to honor Dr. Re bec. He is deeply respected by all those who have had connec tions with him, and especially those who have had the good fortune to take his courses. The University suffers a great loss with the retirement of this distinguished philosopher and dean of the graduate division, ❖ * Approaching commencement brings both feelings of relief and regret to the graduating seniors who leave the campus for good this spring. Gradua tion is a big step, an important one, and should be accompanied by all the traditional things that make such events effective. Tradition is a hard thing to “streamline,” and without tra dition, such events as gradua tion lose most of their meaning.' Somehow, graduation is the one thing in college that should be done much the same way now as in the past, barring entirely out moded parts of the ceremony. Remodeling this year’s com mencement, then, should be done with care. Modern cere monies are apt to be lacking in just the qualities which make graduation an always-to-be-re membered occasion. er Bryant will speak in assem bly on this matter. He is a ca pable, well-informed man who has much to offer and appar ently no axe to grind. For those who desire a realistic, non-emotional consideration of the war and international rela tions problem, here is a splen did opportunity. Mark Trumbo. Oregon Men Take (Continued from page three) institution of learning, to play bridge?”, said several of the fel lows. We feel like asking them when the rent will be due, every time we see those same girls,” they added. The Student Workers federation has been refused a meeting place on the University of California campus. National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative C20 Madison Ave., Xew York, N. Y. Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Represented for National Advertising by San Francisco 1937 _ Member 1938 Associated Collegiate Press Bruce Curry, Natl. Adv. Algr. " Assistant, Jean Kneasa. Dorthea \\ ray, Circulation Mgr. Maxine Clad, Thurs. Adv. Mgr. Assistants: Vi Stillman, Jean Rawson, Roma Theabald. „ , „ emerald reporters Lyle Nelson Elizabeth Jones Bud Jermain Sadie Mitchell Betty Thompson Bill Scott L»ene Snyder Glenn Hasselrooth Pat Erickson Priscilla Marsh Gordon Ridgeway Bud Updike Cathy Taylor EMERALD SPORTS STAFF Bill Norene, George Pasero, Doug Parker, r-va Erlandson, Dorothy Burke, Joan Jen ness, Chuck Van Scoyoc, Lyle Nelson, Ehle Keber, Larry Quinlan. Milton Levy, Bill , helps. Eugene Snyder. WEDNESDAY XIC.HT STAFF Chief Nieht Editor this issue: jiiM'iua luarsD Lee Babcock r-dith OgTiesby Harold Lomreaus