Erb to Speak At UO Banquet For Mothers Program to Include Lorraine Hixson, Male Quartet Highlighted by a speech by Dr. Donald M. Erb will be the banquet for the Oregon mothers to be given in John Straub memorial hall Sat urday at 5:30 p.m. Toastmistress for the affair will be Mrs. A. C. Greenwood, presi dent of the Oregon Mothers’ club, introducing Dr. Norman K. Tully who will give the invocation. New officers of the Oregon Mothers will be presented. Greetings will be brought from the Oregon Dads by Judge Loyal M. McCarthy, president of the or ganizatino; from the state system of higher education by Chancellor F. M. Hunter; from the Associated Students by the student body presi dent-elect; and from the Associat ed Women Students by President Elisabeth Stetson. In the musical section of the pro gram will be Lorraine Hixson, sing ing the “Morning Song” from Grieg’s “Peer Gynt.” A student male quartet will offer the Oregon pledge song at the opening of the banquet, and “Mighty Oregon” at the close, with the mothers join ing in on the chorus. Incidental music during the banquet will be furnished by an instrumental trio. Tentative plans are to broadcast the last half of the program over KOAC, Corvallis, starting at 7 p.m. Junior Fete (Continued from page one) Tau Delta quartet, and “Smoky” Whitfield. Tho show is being produced by Bob Bailey, assistant chairman of junior weekend, and Day Foster, production manager of KORE. Three KORE announcers instead of the usual one will be used in the broadcast. Why GirlsGoto College? To Get a Man, Say Males With, the politicians in the limelight for the coming elections, their opinions on Why Girls Come to College were gathered for the sake of their feminine public. Out of the sixteen boys interviewed, % five expressed their opinion with the emphatically uttered words, “for a husband,” while the rest hinted at such. The word education was not mentioned favorably. Beta John McGowan—“They come to school for a husband na turally.” Chi Psi Bob Winslow—“Some for education, some for anything.” Delt Clayton Ellis—“Because the ‘other’ girls go to school.” Kappa Sig Burt Thurston—“To get away from the home atmos phere.” Phi Delt Gordon Benson—“For a husband—the sucker.” Fiji Jack Lochridge—“For fun and a social career.” Sigma Alpha Mu Burton Barr—“To get a husband.” Sig Ep A1 Krietz—“To find a man.” ATO Wally Rossman—“To grab a sorority pin and a few fra ternity pins on the side.” Theta Chi Lee Terry—“For fun and a social career.” Sigma Nu Tiger Paine—“To make good social connections.” Phi Psi Fred Carlson—“To get a husband undoubtedly.” Pi Kap Bob Emerson—“They don’t come for an education.” SAE Dick Litfin—‘.‘Because their pappy sends them.” Sigma Chi Art Hanifin—“Culture and breeding.” The DU politicians were too busy with politics to be reached. Recreational Head Will Give Second Exhibition Tonight Returning to tne campus for his second demonstration this year, Glen C. Grant, western represen tative of the national recreational association, will meet with Univer sity students, faculty members and townspeople tonight at 7:30 in the men’s gym. Warren Threatens (Continued from page five) Hills Creek state league team was postponed indefinitely because of wet grounds. LeRoy Mattingly, varsity hurler, was brought in to give the yearling hitters batting practice. Meanwhile in Corvallis the Ore gon State rook team has been drill ing daily, and „with one of the strongest clubs in OSC freshman history Coach Bud Forrester’s boys are highly favored to sweep the four-game series with the Duckling team. MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY, Do you have your White i Suit i For the Junior Prom? { See them at the ) Dudley Field Shop $1095 Single or double breasted— gabardine or other tine fa brics — washable — comfort able—smart. Washburne's for MOTHERS’ DAY GIFTS 3 pi\s. Silk Hose, boxed, $2.85 Fine Perfumes . . . Colognes Novelty Soaps New Jewelry . . . Flowers Neckwear . . . Scarfs Books . . . Candy . . . Gloves Lingerie . . . House Coats Campus Calendar | The Christian Science organiza tion meets tonight at 8 o’clock in Gerlinger hall. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Phi Thetas will serve at 3 o’clock tea Friday. Please wear long dresses. The Condon club will meet to day at 4 o’clock in the seminar room. Canoe Fete entertainers &nd those who will sing for the floats are to meet with the orchestra at 7:30 in the Gerlinger gym tonight. Please use sun porch door. Amphibians meet tonight at 7:30 in Gerlinger. The sophomore class will meet in Villard hall tonight at 7:30, to make the election of class officers unanimous. The constitution and the class will be discussed. All house representatives sell | injg’Junior Prom tickets must turn | in all unsold tickets to the ASUO ; office by 1 p.m. Friday. Libe Terrace (Continued from page one) eryone. The prize dance will be at 4 o'clock, with two prizes to be awarded. Judging will be by Hal Young, D. D. Gage, and Miss Pirk ko Paasikivi. The terrace dance will follow the water carnival and burlesque fete, which will offer floats in di ! rect contrast with the beauty of I those in the Saturday fete. * ; Commentator for the water car nival and burlesque fete, which is | scheduled to begin at 1:30 Friday afternoon, will be Don Kennedy, Emerald of the air master of cere monies, it was announced yester day. Prizes will be awarded bur lesque fete winners this year, ac cording to Hal Adams, water car nival chairman, who announced j that floats placing first, second, and third, will win plaques. The water carnival is also free. Duck Tracks (Continued from page four) for Saturday at 4 o’clock and will stay there . . . don’t forget, it’s purely an exhibition affair for “friends” of the University . . . George Nethercutt, Washington State’s snappy little shortstop of last year, was slated for duty with the Spokane Hawks in the West ern International but decided to enter Gonzaga's law school. Dr. LuellaC. Carson Dies in California Was Second Woman On Faculty; First Dean of Women Dr. Luella Clay Carson, first University of Oregon dean of wo men on the campus, died Tuesday in Pomona, Calif., it was learned yesterday. Miss Carson first came to the campus in 1888 and served as pro fessor of rhetoric, acting as un official dean before receiving her official title. She was the first woman faculty member after the retirement of Mary Spiller several years before she came to the campus. She left Oregon in 1909 to be come president of Mills college. Dr. Carson was - the originator of two of Oregon’s traditions, the Fern and Flower procession and Junior weekend. As a memorial to her work at the University, one of the engrav ings made by Prof. N. B. Zane for the stairway of the Library was dedicated to her. Born in Portland in 1855, she was the daughter of Oregon pio neers, John W. and Elizabeth Tal bot Carson. She was graduated from St. Helen’s hall and Mills college. Her graduate work was done at Colum bia university. She also served as president and dean of several other colleges and universities. Surviving her is a half-sister, Mrs. Frances Carson Platt of New York City. CLASSIFIED PICTURE FRAMING — Oriental Art Shop. The Petite Shop, Dressmaking and Altering; 573 E. 13, ph. 3208. FOR SALE — ’29 DeSoto roadster $60 cash; must sell by Sat. Ph. Mr. Norville, 1768-W; or see at 659 Brdy. LOST—9 keys on chain. Reward. Notify M. A. Hutchins, 2082. Shorthand - Typewriting Complete Business Course University Business College Edward L. Ryan, B.S., LL.B., Mgr. I.O.O.F. Bldg., Eugene Ph. 2973J Juniors May Get Cuts on Prom, Fete By Showing Cards Junior weekend ticket reductions for junior class card holders were announced on two events last night by Zane Kemler, junior class presi dent. Holders of junior cards who buy both fete and prom tickets will get a 40-cent reduction. Those buy ing prom tickets alone get a 25 cent reduction. There will be no reduction on fete tickets alone, Kemler said. The reduction on the prom tic ket should be arranged at the door Friday night, while the combina tion fete and prom reduction can be taken care of at the ASUO tic ket offices any time before Friday. Steed Rollins, Vanderbilt univer sity’s southern conference fencing champion, never studied the sport before he came to college. —a lasting MOTHERS’ DAY gift They will be on hand as a remembrance after all the candy and flowers are gone. A wise and appropriate gift. • Garden Books • Art Books • Best Sellers —also • Stationery • Cards • Prints of famous Pictures The UNIVERSITY "CO-OP’ Flowers for Mother on her day Make this her best day of the year. Express your sentiment in the way she will like it most . . . with flow ers. For this occasion we have a large selection of potted plants, bouquets and cut flowers. Call now for delivery on Mothers’ Day. Member FTDA CHASE GARDEN S