Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1938, Page Six, Image 6

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From Where
I ([[IillUlfl[lHl![l!NI!llt!!!!li!![SIin|[!llltl!!!!lllllll[!!llll!nil]ll!lll!li!l!t!l!!!l!li!lll
You know, one of the thing’s I
regret the most about my four
years at college is that I didn't
find out sooner about what an
interesting place McClure hall
is. Here all this time I have
been spending my time at the
■shack, which is really rather a
dull place, full of typewriters
i and tables and would-be news
paper guys, none of which can
even begin to compare in mys
, f tery and excitement to the
nooks and crannies in McClure.
But this year I happened to
have a class there and since I
' have discovered the fascination
• of the place, 4 wander happily
around, gazing into cupboards
full of strange odds-^nd-ends, I
peer with interest into the chem
lab, upd sniff eagerly the hor
rible fumes that luing over the
place, j
t Particularly fascinating are
jj_: the long, slim glass tubes.
shelves and shelves of them, in
j •' all sizes and shapes, with
strange round bumps in their
middles. They remind me of the
J j cartoon about the glass blower
1 . with the hiccups. There they
: ' are, hundreds of them, all built
i • more or less along the same
lines, yet somehow achieving in
; finite variety and interest.
And then there, are the jars.
St one jars, with i\eat little round
j covers topped hy neat little
. handles. They range in sizes
| fro m b i g. unwieldy-looking
{ thnigs to little ones that look
j like the cold cream jars wo*
j men might have used in the
| Old Stone Age. Sometimes I
'f think they look tike spittoons.
However, they are all piled up
on top of a high cupboard, so
even if they were spittoons they
wouldn’t do anybody any good,
\ unless maybe a giraffe.
1 Equally fascinating, and much
| more incomprehensible, are the
j two things which sit on another
shelf—so high I don't see how
\ they could ever do anyone any
good, either. The Things are
round, with a long narrow
spout, sort of like a teapot.
However, even considering the
vagaries of people as queer as
f chemists aud the like, I can’t
quite imagine anyone serving
tea in them. They haven't any
Then there is the writing- on
the blackboard. What strange
stuff it is. Circles, and Xs aud
curlicues, and letters which look
very much like the phonetics we
used to study in the second
, grade. Proliatyly not. though.
It seems too silly to think of
people studying phonetics in a
, chemistry class. No, I've de
\ elded it must mean something
j else.
I wish I had taken chemistry
| or something1 like that, but that
I would have spoiled it all. and I
f should never have known the
j wonder of walking around Mc
i Clure peering unintelligently iri
* to cupboards full of weird-look
j mg things.
* Like a Pithecanthropus Krec
f tu> turned loose in a depart
ment store. ...
Phi Beta Reception
(Continued from Ojoc Uco)
toidy listed. The 12 active
inem’oers of Phi Beta will serve.
The student hostesses will bo
f.)i een Virginia and her royal court
consisting of Blanche McClellan.
Be ty Crawford, Marcia Stein
ha ser and Jacqueline McCord;
Anne Waha. Marjorie Bates, Elisa
l>'*r i Stetson. Kuth Ketchum, Bet
ty Eiesch. and Jean Ramsden.
jo '-ident of the active chapter of
I'm Beta.
LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor
Associate Editors: Paul Deutschmann, Clare Igoe._
Editorial Board: Darrel Ellis, Bill Peace, Margaret Ray, Edwin Robbins, A1 Dickhart, Kenneth Kirtley, Bernardine Bowman.
Elbert Hawkin3, Sports Editor Martha Stewart, Women’s Editor Alyce Rogers. Exchange Editor
Bill Pengra, City Editor Don Kennedy, Radio Editor Betty Jane Thompson, chorch editor
Lew Evans, Assistant Managing Editor Rita Wright, Society Editor_John Biggs, Chief Night Editor_
The Oregon Daily Emerald, oRrcial student publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year
except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods. Entered as second-class mail matter at the postffice, Eugene,
Oregon. ■__________
A Political Phoenix?
gVERYONE admires the ability of people
’ to learn. When they learn quickly we
visually admire them all the more. But when
they learn the wrong things the Opinion
The class of 1941 has been one of the
quickest learners the campus has ever ob
served. In its opening days at the University
it immediately embroiled itself in a political
mess. At that time discussions of voting
rights were brought up by a minority group
which questioned the validity of gelling class
cards with ballotting privileges befqre the
class had organized or taken any stand upon
the matter.
Lack of organization on the part of the
protestors resulted in their defeat and elec
tions were forced through, ahead of constitu
tional considerations.
«= *= *
^TTER the election The Emerald comment
ed favorably upon the attitude of the new
frosli proxy, his apparent interest in the
rights of the minorities and the prospect of a
well-organized year. The Emerald observed
with interest the possibility of unrepresented
groups being considered fairly, even went
so far as to envision a new deal in frosh
Throughout the year, however, little con
structive work was done by the class of 1941.
Controversial action, such as the decision in
regard to election supervision by the A&UO,
was handled without much reference to class
opinion. Meetings were held with slight at
tention being paid to parliamentary order.
Proceedings of the class were recorded in
sketchy minutes—oftentimes not written up
at all.
* *
'Y^HILE these items are but small con
siderations separately, the whole list
builds into weighty evidence. When the re
cent difficulty about the constitution is added,
the little bad things in the record of the frosh
administration are capped off by a bigger
error. Mislaying a constitution may be for
given, but the attitude expressed toward the
minority claiming that an error existed was
not constructive.
Reasons for the poor attitude of the pres
ent administration of the elgss of 1941 are not
difficult to find. Certainly the example set
by those who tutored the incoming politically -
minded students was not the best. And the
pressure to maintain an effective administra
tion has not been strong enough from within
the group itself to spur a slack governing
body into efficiency.
The past year is history, but the future lies
before the class of 1941. The new president
(and his election is certain, due to the “effi
cient v work of the politicos) lias a great op
portunity to improve conditions. If he can
only transfer his efficiency as a politician into
efficiency as an executive, the class of 1941
will have nothing to worry about.
In the Mail
To the Editor:
“Why is Billy Mozet playing
the Junior Prom?”
This seems to be the present
“gripe” on the campus and in
my capacity as general chair
man allow me to explain, not
Our committee* never forgot
its promise to select an orches
tra from those led by Jimmie
Lunceford, Ran Wilde, Phil Har
ris, and possibly Glen Gray. For
the past two months we have
been trying our darn best to en
gage one of these bands. Final
ly, two weeks ago Ran Wilde
was signed up through the Mu
sic Corporation of America.
Specified in all of MCA’s con
tracts is the option granting the
hand the legal right to break
their contract within 48 hours
of signing. This is exactly what
followed: just as we were pat
ting ourselves on the back, we
received notice from MCA that
Ran Wilde would not be avail
able for the Junior Prom as he
was “leaving immediately for
the east where he will be fea
tured at the Hotel New Yorker.”
We immediately got in direct
contact with the three largest
band booking agents on the
coast. The only two bands
available were Gus Arnheim’s
at $1500 and a three night stand
guaranteed, or Billy Mozet’s.
Refusing to leave a stone un
turned, we sent a representative
south to investigate further
hand possibilities. Booking
agents were only able to offer
him Harry Barris with a. three
night stand.
Feeling that the students
were not in the position to pay
admission prices necessary to
bring Barris or Arnheim to the
campus for a one night stand,
and being unable to engage
these bands in other spots, we
decided the sensible course
would be to sign Billy Mozet
and increase our expenditures
on decorations. I hope this cov
ers everything.
Mothers to Be Feted
(Continued from page three)
ders. general chairman for the af
The hall will be decorated for
the occasion with gay spring flow
ers. Arrangements are being made
to accommodate over five hundred
A program has been planned
consisting of an address by Presi
dent Donald Erb. greetings from
the president of the student body
and Elisabeth Stetson, president of
the Associated Women Students,
and comments by various Oregon
Mothers. A musical program has
also been arranged.
Miss Sanders is being assisted
by a committee consisting of Joan
Murphy and Don Richardson.
The tickets, which are now on
sale, have letters printed on them
to direct the bearers toward the
right entrance into Memorial hall.
* jj: >:=
Symphony Orchestra
Plans Serenade
In the sunken gardens behind
the music school, “Sunlight Sere
nade" will be played by the Uni
.versity symphony orchestra prior
.to the mothers’ banquet in John
Straub Memorial hall Saturday
* * * l
Plan Dinners
All living organizations will
honor mothers at luncheon on Sat
urday, Sunday dinners, and fire
sides after the Canoe Fete on Fri
day night.
* *
Told at Dinner
Mrs. Charles Behvmer, Alpha
Omicron Pi housemother, an
nounced the engagement of her
daughter. Mary Lou Behymer to
Charles Edward Gabler of Seattle
at a special dinner at the chapter
house Tuesday.
A huge cake containing rings,
a thimble and other articles fox
fortunes was brought in for the
dessert course when the an
nouncement was made.
The wedding will take place in
Seattle in July. Miss Beyhmer is
here from San Francisco for a
short visit with her mother. She is
a member of Alpha Omicron Pi,
graduate of the University of
Michigan, a member of Mortar
Board, and a Theta Sigma Phi.
* * *
Few Desserts
Held This Week
Desserts of the week include on
"Wednesday: Alpha Chi entertained
Beta Theta Pi; Gamma Phi B^ta,
Sigma Nu; Delta Upsilon, Kappa
Kappa Gamma: and Pi Beta Phi,
Alpha Tau Omega.
Tonight Chi Psi will entertain
Alpha Phi, and Sigma Phi Epsi
lon. Hendricks hall.
Bleventb hpur developments
in ASUO politics came thick
and fast last night, leaving the
candidate list thinned down to
a skeleton lineup of four per
sons seeking positions on the
executive council.
Clair Hoflich, dorm candidate,
dropped out at the last minute
in an effort to consolidate the
votes of the Kemler bloc, and
the result will be a ballot look
ing like this: Harry Weston and
Zane Kemler, running against
each other for president; Jean
Palmer, running for vice-presi
dent, secretary, or what-have
you; Wally Johansen, running
for president, but willing to
take anything he can get.
The results of this preferen
tial grab-bag are wholly unpre
dictable, but it will probably*
come out somebting like this:
Either Weston or Kemler will be
elected prexy, although Wally
Jo is said to stand a good chance
of getting the top post himself..
Jean Palmer should end up in
the position of secretary. If the
girls come through with an un
expectedly strong vote, how
ever,, we will find Jean in the
position of first or second Vice
president, and Wally Jo taking
shorthand lessons between .the
times he is juggling a basketball
for Hobson.
In the senior class elections,
we find your truly castnig his
hat in the ring gt the last min
ute to vie agau^st Theta Chi Bob
Bailey for the senior class presi
dency. (Incidentally, yours
truly can’t flip a coin, so he’s
trying a prayer sJhpt in politics
this time.) Barriet Sarazin is
running for vice-president, un
opposed; George Jackson for
treasurer, and Jean Holmes is
opposing Dorthy Magnuson for
Junior class officers have al
ready been picked, via the no
competition route, putting Scott
Corbett into office as president,
Rita Wright as vice-president,
Betty Cowan as secretary, and
Irvin Mann as treasure^. And
that’s that, except for the for- *
mality of calling a class meeting
tonight to officially recognize
the new officers.
Sophomore officers have like
wise been elected automatically,
although the freshmn will go
through with elections today
just to make things legal. It
looks like Stan Staiger is the
new soph prexy, with a support
ing cast of Barbara Pierce, vice
president; Jean Kneass, secre
tary, and Lloyd Sullivan, trea
surer. With their lost constitu
tion back safe and sound, and a
set of officers' already picked,
the frosh, at least, ought to be
1937 Member 193S
Associated Collegiate Press /
Bruce Curry, Natl. Adv, Mgr.
Assistant, Jean Kneass.
Dorthea Wray, Circulation, Mgr.
Maxine Clad, Thurs. Adv. Mgr.
Assistants: Vi Stillman, Jean Rawson,
Roma Theabald.
_ . _ emerald reporters
.Koa urange
Lyle Nelson
Elizabeth Jones
Bud Jermain
Sadie Mitchell
Betty Thompson
Bill Scott
Gene Snyder
Glenn Hasselrooth
Pat Erickson
Priscilla Marsh
Gordon Ridgeway
Bud Updike
Gathy Taylor
Bill Norene, George Pasero, Doug Parker,
Eva Erlandson, Dorothy Burke, Joan Jen
ness. Chuck Van Scoyoc, Lyle Nelson, Ehle
Reber, Larry Quinlan. Milton Levy, Bill
Phelps, Eugene Snyder.
c niei *\ignt Editor
Jack Farris
Lee Babcock
Priscilla Marsh
James Timmins
Edith Oglesby