Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1938, Page Three, Image 3

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    Mothers to Be Feted
At All Social Events
All Campus Luncheon, Reserved Section at
Junior Prom, Dinner in Memorial Hall
Canoe Festival Are Main Attractions
Mother becomes the center of all social activity this weekend,
with every living organization and honorary on the campus paying
tribute to her. Events are scheduled to begin with the campus lunch
eon at 12 o’clock Friday and end with a reception in honor of Helen
Jepson in alumni hall, Sunday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
All Students
Attend Luncheon
The student body en masse will
attend the campus luncheon with
mothers and other special guests
Friday noon. A special feature of
the luncheon will be the arrival
and coronation of Queen Virginia
and her court at 12:30. The in
auguration of the new ASUO pres
ident will be made by Dr. Dopald
Erb, president of the University,
at this time. Two hundred chairs
wijl be set up in front of the
queen’s stand for mothers to
watch the proceedings.
At 12:45, Friars, the highest
men’s honorary on the campus,
will pick their new members as
will Mortar Board, the correspond
ing honorary for women. Asklepi
ads, science honorary, will also
pick their members at this time.
* * *
Canoe Fete
Next on the program is the wa
ter carnival, which is a take-off in
a burlesque manner of the canoe
fete and will be held at 1:30. Ad
mission is free.
Registration for mothers will be
held from 10 to 12 and from 1 un
til 4 on both Friday and Saturday.
This will take place in Johnson
hall Friday and the new library
on Saturday.
* $ #
Hold Annual Tea
AWS and YWCA will sponsor
their annual tea on Friday for the
mothers in alumni hall at Gerlin
ger. Co-chairmen are Peggy Jane
Peebler, AWS, and Betty Lou
Swart, YWCA. It will be held from
3 until 5 p.m.
Many lovely gifts have
been assembled in our newly
renovated store — ready for
your choosing—now.
Hankerchiefs, pure linens,
hand embroidered and
drawn work, lace trims
or hand blocked colors,
. 25c, 35c, 5Qc
Gloves .$1.95 to $2.95
Kayser Hosiery in new col
ors ..$1.00
Costume Jewelry
..50c and $1.00
Laros Undies, lovely be
yond compare 59c to $1.95
Handbags, new and novel
..'.... $1.00, $1.95, $2.95
20 & 30 East Broadway
Mrs. Donald M. Erb will be the
guest of honor.
In the receiving line will be
Elisabeth Stetson, Mrs. Hazel P.
Schwering, Mrs. Donald M. Erb,
Mrs. Frederick M. Hunter, Mrs.
Jane Greenwood, Mrs. Alice Mac
duff, Mrs. John Stark Evans, and
Ruth Ketchum.
Pouring will be Mrs. Virgil Earl,
Mrs. Karl W. Onthank, Mrs.
Charles Weston, Mrs. C. Valentine
Boyer, Mrs. Raymond Walsh, Mrs.
W. E. Buchanan, and Mrs. Dan E.
Mortar Board will be in the re
ceiving line, heads of houses and
Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s
service honorary, will be hostesses.
Kwama, newly-elected Phi Thetas,
and the frosh commission of the
YWCA yyiH serve.
In charge of the musical enter
tainment is Johanna Lieuallen;
flowers and corsages, Helen
Hutchison; arrangements, Jean
* * <s
Mothers Given
Special Section
Willie Frager, general chair
man of Junior weekend, announced
that there will be a special section
reserved for all visiting mothers
at the Junior Prom. There will be
no admission charge.
* * *
Mothers’ Banquet
To Be Highlight
Visiting mothers will attend
the annual Junior weekend Moth
ers’ day banquet Saturday evening
accompanied by their University
sons and daughters. The banquet
Will be held in John Straub Me
morial hall and will begin at 5:30
p.m., according to Florence San
(Please turn to page six)
Picnic Dress
Th<? ideal costume for the Ore
gon coed to wear on spiring pic
nips pr for sunnncr gardening is
tfcds Simple gingham jumper freefe.
It is styled to ftatter the figure,
and is adorable in plaid) cotton
with cool, carefree shirtwaist ip
white synthetic Jersey.
(Campus Social Chairman)
Friday, May 6—
Campus luncheon.
Junior prom.
(Semi-formal, long dresses
and tuxes or light suits. Cor
sages in order.)
Saturday, May 7—
Mothers’ banquet.
Canoe fete, “Vagabond Melody.”
Sunday, May 8— ,
Helen Jepson concert.
(Short silk dresses.)
The Coed of the Week
“For manners are not idle but the fruit of loyal nature and
j noble mind.”
This is the inscription on the Gerlinger cup which was awarded
i to Clare Igoe just a year ago last Friday. On that same day she was
j taken into Mortar Board—all in all making it one of the most event
) ful days in her life.
Clare was practically put out of her happy home the other day
when her two brothers returned home to find the Gerlinger cup gone.
They demanded to know where the prized “jug” was, but they were
| appeased when they learned she had relinquished it since it is to be
I awarded for the twenty-first time
I to the most typical, all-around
! junior girl on the canipus. The cup
I is annually awarded at the junior
[ prom.
The four years that Clare has
I been in college have not been easy
| ones. She has been entirely self
I supporting and has overQome ob
I stacles that would have stopped
[ the average girl.
Has Philosophy
i Her philosophy in college has
I been the same one she will apply
| to life afterwards and that is
| —to do a thing well one has to
| go at it with everything he has.
| In other words, unless you care a
I great deal for the thing you are
| doing it will not be a success.
Clare’s sparkling wit has won
| her recognition as a columnist. To
I know Clare is to know that any
I thing she says in her column is
not intended to hurt anyone’s feel
ings but that it is all in fun.
Earns Own Way
In order to put herself through
school she has done s.everal kinds
of work. Hjer most interesting job
was writing publicity last summer
for the Oregon Trail pageant. She
, has also worked in the cannery,
done office work, and sung at the
When Clare entered school, she
intended to take drama and mu
sic, but soon found her main in
terests to be in writing. She is
still interested in them and would
like to be a drama or music critic.
She likes to. read anything but
detective stories. One of her fa
vorite magazines is the new one
called “You.” Her main ambition
now is to get on the staff of a
(Please turn to page seven)
Oregon Qoeds Rebel Against
Some Unforgivable Sins of Men
Unforgivable sins a man commits, according to University of
Oregon coeds, range from smoking cigars and ogling girls in the
street to talking about a shady past and forgetting the little cour
tesies in life that count.
Rising up in response to the question, “What do you think are
five unforgivable sins in a man?’’, the girls were almost unanimous
in their disapproval of the “Joe College’’ type, petting on first dates,
and drinking excessively. However, surprisingly enough, only three
had any serious objections to dirty . —______
i;uius, uie rest euner naving no
strong objections, or actually pre
ferring them.
Some girls had a difficult time
to see many unforgivable sins in
a man, while others named five
readily and went on from there.
Betty Riesch, blond, blue-eyed
Pi Phi president, declared readily:
“I don’t like chewing tobacco and
I hate cigars. I resent fresh re
marks and actions directed toward
any woman. I also dislike heartily
Joe Colleges and bad English.”
Blanche McClellan, one of the
princesses in Queen Virginia’s
court for Junior weekend, admit
ted reluctantly she couldn’t see
many things wrong with men.
(Perhaps it was because Dick Lit
fin was around): “That’s a hard
question to answer, I think. I
don’t like men to talk too much,
and I don’t like the self-centered
type. I think it’s awful when a
boy thinks he can dance when he
can’t and tries out a lot of fancy
steps for you. As for dirty cords,
I really prefer them, that is, if
they aren’t too dirty.”
Lorraine Larson, sophomore in
arts and letters offered: I don’t
like men who forget courtesies to
elderly people. I hate the gaudy,
noisy, Joe College type, because
there’s nothing to them. I don’t
like the self-centered men or those
that try to show off. I hate chew
ing tobacco. I also dislike boy
to insist upon a girl to smoke or
drink when she doesn’t care to.
Margery Bates, dark- haired
Kappa junior, chosen this year as
the feminine half of the ideal stu
dent couple, contributed: I don’t
like conceit. If .there’s anything I
can’t stand it’s a conceited man. I
don’t like excessive drinking when
on a date and I don’t like over
egotists who are always talking
about the wonderful things they
can do. Furthermore, I don’t care
for the rah rah college type with
a lack of ambition.
Patsy Warren, recent pledge to
Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s
advisory board, also had a ready
reply: I think it's a sin when boys
forget that it’s the little things
and courtesies in life that count
The second sinner is the smarty,
and third, I don’t like boys that
make slurring remarks about
girls. Fourth, I dislike boys who
think they are giving you the
break in your life by taking you
out, and fifth, I hate men that
PRETEND they are Hard To Get!
Elisabeth Stetson, AWS presi
dent, said: I don’t like men to, call
up and ask what kind of flowers
you want and then send gardenias,
anyway. I don’t like black cigars
nor dirty cords. I hate men to call
up about 8 o’clock Saturday or
Sunday morning, and I hate men
to spend half the evening talking
to the house mother when you are in.
a hurry to get to the dance. Anoth
er thing I hate is after the dance*
when you try to be economical
and order a 5-cent coke, and he
goes ahead and orders an expen
sive sundae.
A ppll of 20 Upiversity women
brought the following table of an
swers on the unforgivable sins of
men as the women see them. All
questions began with: “Can you
stand a man who—”
Yes No
Talks about a shady past.... 0 2Q
Ogles girls in the street. 4 1$
Drinks excessively . 1 19.
Hands out a fast line (that
i you know he uses on ev
ery girl he meets) . 4 18
Is careless in personal ap
pearance . 2 181
Talks about drunks he’s
been on . 2 1$
Raves about previous dates 5 15.
Uses poor table manners....v. 3 17
Insists on petting on the
first date . 2 18
Wears dirty cords .17 3
The University of Wisconsin has
a new department for the study
and teaching of Gaelic.
Dear Coed and Ed:
Friday I’ll com© out in my new
rainaent. You should see me in my
“natural color” finery. My clothes
are a combination of the latest in
local and foreign creations. My
underclothes were designed by that
ace creator, Shelton-Tumbull-Ful
ler. My new coat was planned, by
those outstanding artists, Bushong
& Co.
I am a wealth of personality be- '
cause I reflect you; and I can tell
you of interesting things I’ve seen
and done last year.
P. S. I haven’t a da,te for Friday
—but not for long. See me at the