Retailers to Meet Mag 2-3 For Institute McArthur Court to Be Scene of Meetings, Displays, Speeches, Says Cornish Retail merchants from every section of Oregon will find their interest divided between actual ex periences and real money-making ideas, presented by Oregon mer chants, and expert’s opinions on retail topics, when they meet on the University campus May 2 and 3. The program for the session, known as the second annual meet ing of the Oregon Retail Distribu tors’ Institute, is expected to at tract a record attendance, it is de clared by Dr. N. H. Cornish, pro fessor of business administration, and secretary of the organization. The very latest in office equip ment will be on display during the session, along with charts, graphs ahd tables on various phases of re tailing, and part of the afternoon of the first day has been set aside for viewing the exhibit for which spacious quarters in McArthur court have been provided. Banquet Will Be Highlight High light of the session will be the annual banquet Tuesday eve ning, at which the Oregon Com mercial Secretaries’ organization will join with members of the in stitute. Three widely varied top ics, each presented by outstanding speakers, will be on the program. Dr. Donald M. Erb, University president; John Moriarity, of the ,U. S. Department of Commerce; and W. B. D. Dodson, manager of the Portland chamber of com merce, will deliver addresses. Prominent retailers in the state Who will take part in the event include Harold Wendel, manager of Lipman, Wolfe, and company, of Portland, and president of the Re tail Institute; Paul D. Green, T. W. Hickson, Ronald W. Blanton, H. R. Stroud, Arthur Hendershott, all of Eugene; Eric M. Stanford, Will Knight, A1 Herndabler, E. N. Weinbaum, James Baker, G. R. II Save Your ‘Looks’ AVe observe a double re sponsibility to our pat rons. First, we specify and provide glasses optic ally meeting your vision’s needs. And then — we fashion the Glasses in Frames that augment the patron’s appearance. And that is very important these days when appear ance does mean so very much. ELLA C. MEADE OPTOMETRIST 14 W. Eighth St. De Molays Will Make Tour of UO Library De Molay convention delegates will make a tour of the new Uni versity of Oregon library on Sat urday afternoon before attending the track meet. Arrangements were made yes terday with M. H. Douglass, li brarian, and Willis Warren, re serve librarian, for the group to see each department of the new structure with the exception of the Nash collection, which will not be opened to the public until May 3. Walker, S. D. Buell, all of Port land; Deo McClain, Albany; Ed ward Bissell, Salem; and C. C. Farr, of Coquille. Election of officers and other business will also be transacted by institute members during the ses sion. New Appointments For UO Employees Passed by Board Four new appointments and ad vancements in positions among the faculty of the University were made Wednesday at the meeting of the state board of higher edu cation. Among the 81 new appointments in the state system of higher edu cation, the following were given positions at the University of Ore gon: Vera Powers, chief records clerk of the alumni association; Ruth Orrick, assistant records clerk in the alumni association; Robert M. Lyon, professor of mili tary science and tactics; Russel W. Barthell, assistant director in the bureau of municipal research. SELLING JOBS TO OPEN All college men interested in selling Realsilk hosiery during the summer, will be interviewed by appointment by Mr. Clem Brice, national college sales manager, at the employment office May 3. ,A "war and peace” library num bering approximately 1,000 vol-, umes has been given to Iowa State college by Carrie Chapman Catt, world famous woman suffragist. Tonight’s *he NITE Class of ’41 Presents Frosh Glee with DICK JURGEN’S and his ORCHESTRA Chesterfield and Paul Whiteman bring you preview coast-to-coast broadcast from New York 39 World’s Fair “Rhapsody in Blue”... thousands of happy dancers... a blaze of color . . . flags and costumes of every nation . . . Light tip your Chesterfield and join us in the preview of the New York 1939 World9s Fair. When it’s Swing time at this great opening ball it’ll be Chesterfield Time all over the country. for more smoking pleasure everywhere Chesterfield is the right cigarette... Copyright 1938, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.