Editor: Martha Stewart Society Editor: Rita Wright Staff: Bernadine Bowman and Marge Finnegan Page Two OREGON DAILY EMERALD Easter Fashions Take Week’s Spotlight Center Thursday, April 14, 1938 I hope it rains torrents on Eas ter morning! I hope that it is so wintry that no normal human be ing would venture forth in any thing but galoshes, umbrellas and dull, drab clothes. But wait . . . before I go any farther I must get rid of the men! * * * Today I’m going to talk girl talk . . . about new Easter bon nets and veils and flowers and . . . oh . . . just stuff. The sort of talk that men sniff at audibly and re mark with supercilious expres sions on their smug men faces that “That's just like a woman. Not interested in anything but clothes and . . they add to themselves, “US.” And so lest some stray male should happen to fall in between the pages on his way to the sport news and be tempted to steal a furtive glance in this direction I shall head today’s backseat driv ing “For Women Only!” All men who venture past this paragraph do so at their own risk. si: :H * And now, what was I saying? Oh, yes . . . about rain on Easter. Yesterday I decided to meet spring more than half way, and donning my ancient raincoat (aged four years this term) and my very best optimistic smile I trudged forth with Alice Toots to buy a new Easter hat. Now to Alice Toots and me there is no pastime quite so pleas urable, no entertainment so charm ing, no funny paper so excruciat ing as is the simple task of trying on the season’s latest styles in hats. May I suggest that if you are •feeling a bit on the jaded side of life you really should go down some afternoon and spend an hour or two at it. For a pick-me-up I can think of nothing- better. The first couple of hours we just wandered about enjoying our selves, trying on inverted tea-cups made gay with spashing crimson roses and black straw soup bowls that were designed to sit at an angle over one eye, going into hi larious gales of girlish giggles over each new find until we were stared out of the store by sales ladies’ haughty glares. Then we got down to the busi ness of picking and choosing in earnest, and that's where our trou ble began. You s