Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1938, Page Two, Image 2

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    Pierre de Lanux
Speaks Tuesday
On Europe Crisis
War Correspondent
Assembly Speaker;
Classes Postponed
Pierre de Lanux, internationally
famed French author and journal
ist, will speak at the third assem
bly of the spring term to be held
in Gerlinger hall Tuesday morning
at 11 o’clock.
His address will be concerned
with the present European situa
tion. It will be highlighted by per
sonality glimpses into the lives of
eminent men of politics whom he
has known during his years in
newspaper and government work.
War Record
M. de Lanux, who served as war
correspondent in the Balkans in
1912 and 1913 and has a distin
guished record of service in the
war, was appointed a member of
the French high commission to the
United States in 1918.
During the Paris peace confer
ence he was on the staff of Andre
Tardieu. From 1924 to 1936 he
served as director of the Paris of
fice of the League of Nations.
Morris Audience
In the Northwest a few years
ago on a lecture tour, he was heard
in Portland by Victor P. Morris.
Dean Morris comments on M. de
Lanux: “He was a very excellent
• speaker and had a most construc
tive point of view.”
Other occasions which the speak
er will attend are a 12-o’clock
luncheon at which Dr. Donald M.
Erb will be host, a meeting with
the University French club at 4
p.m.^ and an intercity meeting of
the Rotary club to be held at the
Osburn hotel at 6:30.
Regular Tuesday 11 o’clock
classes will be postponed until the
same hour on Thursday.
Geology Head Joins
Engineering Party
Warren D. Smith, head of the
geography and geology depart
ments of the University has gone
President Erb Says Harvard
Plan Would Not Work Here
Impractical for Oregon, was the comment made by President Don
ald M. Erb on a new plan started at Harvard giving undergraduates
control in hiring and firing their teachers.
Asked unexpectedly what he thought of the Harvard plan, the
University’s new prexy thought there were a “lot of jokers” in the
Harvard students are endeavoring to give undergraduates real
Pomona College
Glee Club Offers
Concert Tonight
Singers Directed by
Ralph H. Lyman,
Ex-Music Dean
With one of the opening pro
grams of their 46th season, the
Pomona college glee club will pre
sent a concert to an audience at
the school of music auditorium at
8 o’clock Saturday night.
The 32-member group will pre
sent a series of numbers among
which will be the famous “Torch
bearers,” more popularly known as
“The Ghost Dance.” The dance is
one of the most famous college
songs ever written, and is an adap
tation of a weird Indian war dance
obtained in the early days of the
college by a Pomona student and
two professors who watched the
Indian ceremonial from a hiding
place on the slopes of San Jacinto
Lyman to Direct
The men will be directed by
Ralph H. Lyman, formerly dean
i of the University of Oregon music
I school, and for 21 years in the ser
vice of Pomona college.
The Eugene concert will be one
of the most important of a series
of 35 concerts to be given in Cali
fornia and Oregon by the group.
to Grants Pass for the weekend to
join a party of engineers who will
make a geological study of the
mountains in southern Oregon.
Mr. E. K. Nixon, state director
of the department of geology, will
also be in the party who will work
through the mountains and on up
the coast.
He's Hard at Work
.v v v/..,.. . i v.k nis lirsl muiuji un ».Ju‘ Oregon campus
limls him. prop uinj; ne\t- year's Webi'oot» grid s^uad. (Cut courtesy
thfi ....
coutrui Liiruugn <x puwcuui
dent committee representing eacl
department in the school. Th<
committee would have voting
power in the advancement or dis
missal of faculty members.
Saying, with reservations, thal
a student committee, if it wer<
non-voting, might be a feasible
plan for the University, Presidenl
Erb looks at the general idea o1
the Harvard committee as “ghast
A university, believes President
Erb, should attract students main
ly by the established advantages
it has there to offer. They are not
“shanghaider,” as he put it, into
attending college, and considering
that, they should come with the
idea of getting the best from what
is there, not trying to make the
school over for each individual.
“I shudder to think what such
a plan might lead to,” the presi
dent said. “For instance, differ
ences in opinions among students
themselves would be confusing.”
Most generally opinions are upt at
all unanimous. This lack of unity
among the students themselves
| would be a serious drawback, then,
i to the establishment of such a
plan as the Harvard committee.”
Seniors May Try
For Army Posts
After Graduation
An opportunity for three or four
graduates in military science to
secure one year’s active duty in the
U. S. army was revealed yesterday
by Colonel E. V. D. Murphy, in
command of the Oregon ROTC di
Twelve seniors in military have
filed applications for the positions,
Colonel Murphy said. All appli
cants must be 28 years of age,
physically fit, and unmarried.
Colonel Craft of the University
medical school will give the phy
sical test to applicants today at
9 o’clock.
Books on Jewry
Available in Libe
A group of books have been re
ceived from the American Jewish
congress, New York City, and are
obtainable in the University li
brary, according to Corwin Seitz,
order clerk.
Included in the group are “The
History of the Jews,” by Abram
Leon Sacha r; “The Making of the
Modern Jew," Milton Steinberg;
“How to Combat Anti-Semitism,”
a symposium; “The Jews of Ger
many,” Marvin Lowenthal; “Jews
in Palestine,” A. Revusky; and
“Anti-Semitism,” Hugo Valentin,
as well a§ pamphlet material on
the Jewish situation in Germany
and Poland.
A recent news item from Har
vard university placed that school’s
income from gifts for two months
at one and a quarter million dol
Nations, Partners
In Canoe Fete to
Be Chosen Today
18 Houses Will Draw
Selections at Meet
In College Side
Representatives from nine men’s
and nine women’s houses will be on
hand this morning at the College
Side to see what the grab bag
holds for their organizations as
they draw for partners and nations
to be depicted in floats at Junior
week-end’s canoe fete.
The men will draw for partners,
while the women will find out what
nations their floats will represent
at the canoe fete. Nations must
be kept as drawn unless changed
within three days after the draw
ing with the consent of the canoe
fete chairman, Ed Thomas.
Rules Prepared
Rules governing the floats will
be issued at the drawing, with pro
visions having been made for some
elasticity, according to Chairman
First right to enter the canoe
fete was given to organizations
which did not compete last year,
with second choice going to those
not entering two years ago but en
tering last year.
Houses Listed
Women’s houses listed are Alpha
Chi Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi, Al
pha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta
Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Gamma
Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, and
Zeta Tau Alpha.
Men’s houses which will draw
are Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon,
Last Chance for
Added, Dropping
Courses Today
Last date for additions to
courses is noon on April 2, an
nounced Clifford L. Constance,
assistant registrar.
It is also the latest date for
withdrawals from classes unless
withdrawal is made with pass
ing grades later in the term.
Later withdrawals must be
made by a special petition to
the academic requirements com
Second installments on regis
tration fees and non-resident
fees are due on April 11, Mr.
Constance said.
Plans in Progress
To Dedicate Gates
Plans to dedicate the new gates
at the entrance to Howe field on
April 22, the day of the baseball
league opener, were revealed last
night by Anse Cornell, athletic di
The plans are tentative as yet,
Cornell said, but several prominent
state officials and business men
will be asked to take part. Dr.
Erb will be asked to “chuck” the
first ball across the plate with
Chancellor Hunter receiving.
Professor Howe, whose name the
field bears, will probably be on
hand to take part, Cornell said.
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Sigma Kappa,
, Sigma Alpha Mu, Theta Chi, Beta
Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, and Pi
Kappa Alpha.
The drawing will be at 10 o’
clock in the back room of the
College Side.
Gov. Martin
The allocation by the President of funds for the
construction of the Bonneville project was, in a
large measure, due to the activities of General Mar
tin while serving this State as a member of Congress.
Declaring that the project should be adminis
tered for the best interests of all the people in the
State, the Governor has, to this end, pledged himself
to co-operate with the President and Administrator
Ross in every way possible.
It was largely through his efforts that ship locks
were included in the Bonneville project—thus mak
ing it possible for sea-going* vessels to take on and
deliver cargoes as far up stream as The Dalles. lie
has never ceased his fight for the canalization of the
Upper Columbia in order that the grain growers and
shippers of the Inland Empire may enjoy such
favorable rates as are obtained through water com
Pd. Adv., Re-Elect-Governor-Martin Club
612 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Ore. ,
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