Men Seek Dates To Gamma Alpha Chi Formal Ball Portland Models Will Display New Styles At Spring Dance With plenty of men about the campus still dateless and unasked for Saturday night’s “little Mor tar Board,” the Gamma Alpha Chi spring formal today neared its semi-final stages of preparation as -details concerning decorating, programs, and fashion showings occupied the attention of the dance committee. As the deadline drew near des perate males threw frantic hints at prospective dates and tried last resort measures to get coy coeds to pop the question. One group of hopeless ones last night declared they would stage a “brawl of their own” in the event they were not escorted onto the maple floor of the Igloo Saturday night. Newspaper Programs Meanwhile the committee went on with its groundwork, announc ing that programs would be in the form of newspapers, in keep ing with the character of Gamma Alpha Chi, which is a women’s advertising honorary. The fashion showing was anoth er concern of the committee, which was hard at work arranging for the showing of spring fashions by six regular models from Berg’s of Portland and four, campus models, to be announced at the dance. Varoff Defends Title Tonight at Hill Meet George Varoff’s duel with Earle Meadows and Cornelius Warmer dam for pole-vault supremacy at the seventh annual Hill Military Relay Carnival in the Pacific In ternational livestock pavilion in Portland will go on the air to night at 10 p.m. Broadcast over the Blue network of the National Broadcasting sys tem through KEX of Portland -along with the George Varoff pole vaidt will be the classic Cunning ham mile. Oregon’s entrants in this event are Don Barker and Bob Mitchell. KEX will also broadcast from 9 p.m. to 9:15 p.m., with a sum mary of early events at the re lays. Additional details of Oregon’s entries in the Hill “Carnival of Champions” will be found on the sports page. Company A Ranks Tops for Perfect Inspection Record Company A, or the nine o’clock section of the first-year ROTC students was today designated as the honor company of the week. Each week, on Wednesday, inspec tion is held and the companies are judged for their neatness and gen eral appearance. Company A scored a perfect record this week. Company commander is Joe B. Sallee. First Sergeant is Charles A. Hillway and platoon leaders ate: Kenneth Kirtley, Sam Kro chel, and Dale Lassalle. WESTMINS l’EKITES TO PLAY Zona Gale’s play, "Neighbors,” will be given at Westminster house Friday evening after a covered dish dinner to which the faculty committee, students and parents are invited. The dinner will be at 6 p.m. followed by regular open house. Campus Bookies List Odds as Spring Horse-Play i Fervor Rises; Long Shots, Also-Rans Numerous (Taking an idea from the Texas Christian University Skiff, the Emerald pari-mutuel “handicapper” has"“”listed odds on the chances of various campus romances to last through spring term. Although the “handicapper” will not “make any books” on these dog-races, a few bets on various piggers will probably be made at campus pool-halls.) Name Molly White, Laddie Gale Pat Brugman, Bob DeArmond.... Phyllis Atwater, Bob Bailey. Betty Wagner, Steve Crosley. Jane Weston, A1 Davis. Ruth Hingley, Bob Haines. Nancy Ogden, Kenny Schramm .. Jane Slatky, Bunny Butler. Mary Price, Orville Varty . Dorothy Good, Ralph Cathey. Prudy Price, Walt Miller ... Peg Guilmet, Jim Hubbard Louise Good, George Corey. Barbara Espy, John Quinn . Elizabeth Stetson, Jack Stafford Jean Broughten, Don Thomas .../No Patsey Warren, Kirk Eldridge... Betty Crawford, Harry Adams. .. Betty Crawford, Harold W7eston.. Virginia Moore, Frank Drew. Jane Shepard, Bill Mortimer. Lillian Scott, Don Kennedy . Rita Wright, Bill Cummings. Molly Cunningham, Bill Harrow.. Eilleen Carroll, Bob Watkins Kay Pasquille, Vern Moore.... Peg Sanford, Glendon Kelty.. Gerry Hartwick, John Keyes... Kay Miller, Bob Smith. Sue Pel, Junior Swanson. Betty Jane Casey, Bob Beard Barbara Thompson, Steve Anderson .... Jeanne IWagy, Jim Hague. Marion Everaert, Denny Breaid'.. Kay Bossinger, Ed Strohecker ... Jeannette Hafner, Jim Schriver.. Dorothy Bates, Lloyd Magill. Janet Calavan, Bob Cutler . Margery Churchill, Ted Fisher.... Mary Thacher, Bill Chambreau.. Phyllis Elder, Clare Francis... Ann McCrae, Ivan Clark . June Lagassee, Chuck French Laura Edmonds, Sam Mack . Eleanor Francis, Rudy Kappel. Virginia Regan, Don Anderson.. ,Odds Tips 8-1 (old time stuff) 2- 2 (this year’s love) 6-4 (dog house for Bob) 1- 8 (will it last) 100-1 (the real thing) 4-1 (good deal) 8- 1 (best in sun porch) 3- 1 (star gazers) 9- 3 (produced by OSC) 3- 2 (“good” catch) 8- 2 (running neck to neck) No odds (can be scratched) 4- 5 (competition—law school) i 9-1 (lost—one pin) 9- 1 (from grade school up) odds (ready for the ring) 4-6 (golf widow) 10-1 (good deal) 1-10 (quiniela) 21-1 (ring me, please) 10-5 (there’s a limit) 6- 2 (not a neck in a carload) 7- 2 (no statement) d0-l (the mother touch) 10-40 (what again?) 4-3 (she’s strong grid-getter) 3- 6 (activity for plenty) No odds (may be scratched) 2- 6 (what a car) 1-100 (good opportunity) 9-1 (good combination) 4- 2 (shall we park here?) 8- 1 (love in bloom) 4-2 (not a toothpaste ad, but) 1-50 (Ed—the great lover) 50-1 (constant companions) 2-1 (what a man!) (each on second lap) (sleeps on her picture) (love in the raw) (V-8 to talk) (winter love) (Sheldon still out) (competition with car) (Kow Kollitch Kutie) (activity for plenty) 6-4 10-1 4-33 6-10 29-100 15V2-7 6-10 60-20 10-1 Kay Taylor, Bob Lee . 1-10 Dorothy Ash, Jack Davidson. 100-1 Pat McCarthy, Bill Regan. 6-5 Casey Cannon, Paul Christenson 4-2 Betty Hamilton, Jim Wilkinson.. 60-40 Margaret Finnegan, Jim Woods.. 1-2 Mary Richardson, Morey Anderson . 10-1 Alice Henderson, Doc Near. 5-6 Jeanne Nasser, Ed Averill . 1-4 Willa Macintosh, Dick Litfin. 10-1 Florence Haydon, Bob Pollock.-.S’i-lO (has competition) (best in parlor) (much endurance) (blushing boy) (fatherly touch) (what’s to lose?) (beautiful buggy) (what? a man) (she has the car) (censored) (mamma, there’s that mouse) 1-10 4-3 8-7 6-4 3-1 Winona Weslow, George Hall. 3-4 (looks good) Barbara McBreen, A1 Runde.No odds (may be scratched) Helen Donavan, Morey Clark. 6-4 (another good car) Alice Clevinger, Kenneth Philips 100-1 (longest shot) Genevieve McNiece, Kenneth Kirtley . 7-2 Alice Hoffman, Max Frye . 2-1 Fairy Henderson, Chuck Phipps.. Margaret Carlton, Bill Watson.. Rennee Mattingly, Neil Povey .. Sally McGrew, Clyde Engerman.. Mary Cochlin, Paul Rowe . Jean Farrens, Bill Pengra ., 15-2 Jean Rawson, Don Johnson . 2-1 Betty Cowan, Elmer Hansen . 3-10 Mildred Landreth, Ned Gee. 100-1 Kay Duffy, Dave Silvan .500-10 Maxine Cramer, Avery Cloniger.. 24-2 Libby Ann Jones, Dick Halley ... 100-1 Alice Lyle, Romy de Pittard. 10-9 Venita Brous, Hal Shearer . 6 2 Virginia Bird, Ed Fronk.No odds (constant companions) Isabelle Stanley, Vic Reginato ... 2-1 (fair but not warmer) Mary Scurvey, Fred Miller . 5-4 Jean Billings, Allen Rogers. 8-3 Happy Battleson, Scoops Tupling 100-1 Helen Mitchell, Glen Rickard. 20-1 Harriet Sarazen, Clare Peterson.. Ann Herrenkohl, George • Stevenson . 2-3 (oboe, oboe) (it’s lasted' this long) (fast on inside) (won by a neck) (Stater stuff) (horse crazy, not u Clyde) (near finish) I (good for a month) (it’s about time) (oh Elmer) (cinch) (best in parlour) (24 hour love) (another long shot) (can U “count”?) (men prefer bottle blonds) (Good for arguments) (bears watching) (Emerald widow) (parlor parking) (burning out) 1-2 (medical pin) Billy Savage, Jay Langston . Marilyn Ebi, Jerry Smith. Kay Staples, Vern Terjeson. Cherry Brown, Ken Eli . Margery Johnson, George ■Skipworth . Maxine Gahlsdorf, Bud Robinson Bobby Swinson, Hugh Styles .... Iris Franzen, Jimmy Smith. Margaret Burnett, John Espy .... Carman Curry, Bob Goodfellow.. Hally Dudrey, Bob Goodfellow.... 3- 1 (swell gal) 1- 2 (fresh love for sale) 4- 2 (good deal) 3- 1 (back and going strong) 7-2 (save for rainy day) 9-1 (I knew her when) 2- 4 (pinhead to you) 4- 2 (love me forever) 6-2 (sees her every morning) 10-1 (while the cat’s away) 1-10 (the mouse wit: play) Emerald of the Air Starts Interviews An attempt to determine the likes and dislikes of students on the various features of the “Em erald of the Air’’ will be made this week, Roy Vernstrom, assistant editor, announced last night. All students are asked to bring or send in their criticisms or sug gestions for the program, he said. The inauguration of a new fea ture in the program, that of in terviewing some prominent cam pus personality, will be continued on future broadcasts, he said. Those students on the program to date have been Gordon Connelly, known for his fight to be exempt ed from ROTC and “Smoky” Whitfield, dusky boxer and ath lete. Starting Monday three stu dents a week will be interviewed, Vernstrom said. The announcer tonight wfill be Dolph Janes, freshman in law. ADDITIONAL PLEDGES Additional pledges to Oregon fraternities were announced yes terday by Dean Earl. They are: William Cardinal and Harry Lowe, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Gib Wiley, Sigma Nu; Dick Gifford, Kappa Sigma. _ ✓ CALENDAR NEARLY READY Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean of women, announced today that any additions to be made to the social calendar must be done before Saturday as the complete calendar will be published next week. Send the Emerald to your par ents and let them read UO news. DG#s Celebrate 25th Anniversary Of Local Chapter Alpha Delta chapter of Delta Gamma will celebrate the 25th an niversary of its founding with a reunion of alumni on April 2 and 3 at the local chapter house. About 150 alumni are expected for the event, which will open with registration at the Eugene hotel Friday evening. All alumni will be housed at the hotel, where an entire floor has been rented. In informal luncheon will be held Saturday at the chapter house, fol lowed by a campus tour. Mrs. J. Walter Bingham, Palo Alto, first vice-president of the fraternity, will speak at a banquet Saturday evening at the Osburn hotel. A memorial service Sunday morning at 11 in Gerlinger and a dinner at the house Sunday after noon will conclude the events of the silver jubilee reunion. 'Snowballs' to Pay Passage to Reno Instituting a drive for funds to send the University to the coast speech contest at Reno, the speech division and the Order of the Mace, speech honorary, yesterday appointed George Hall to head the drive. Approximately $50 more is needed to send the debaters to Reno, where colleges in the west ern states will be represented, some funds are already on hand, Chairman Hall said last night, the $50 being the amount still needed. The main impetus of the drive will be behind a campus sale of “snowballs,” a confection, on Wed nesday, April 6. Sales will be handled directly by Kwama, soph omore women's service honorary. Pat Brugman, Kwama president, will head the committee in charge. Spring is the Ideal Picture Time The 1938 ARGUS IS THE IDEAL CANDID CAMERA FOR BETTER PICTURES Avail yourself of the new lvoda-printer equipment exclusive, in Eugene, at Baker's Film Shop. It assures you of better developing, and makes 3*i by -P2 en largements from miniature negatives for 7c each. Carl Baker Film Shop (!98 Willamette Phone 538 EiajaiSI2iSf2ISfSMSJ3MI5f31313JSI3JSISI3I3I313J3l3MSJSJSMSMSMSIB13MSfSMSISJSJSJSli? Phi Sigs Entertain Winston and .Band Jack Winston and several mem bers of his hand were guests at the Phi Sigma Kappa house during their recent stay on the campus. Several of the musicians were also quartered at Theta Chi. Taking advantage of their Ore gon trip to obtain some much needed relaxation after their long engagement at the Bal Tabarin in San Francisco, Winston and his colleagues temporarily abandoned their instruments except for t^vo “jam sessions” staged at the Phi Sig house. Following his Friday night ses sion at Corvallis, Winston will re turn to California, thence to Cleve land.