DUCK TRACKS By ELBERT HAWKINS Fumiors are beginning to buzz ■ about the campus that Oregon’s gifted swimming coach, Mike Hoy nian, may have coached his last season here. 'Jo the swimmers themselves, iand close followers of the sport, it's a panicky thought. Mike Hoy man started tutoring swimming at Oregon just six years ago, and in that short period built teams of nation-wide reputation. Three northern division cham pionships, one coast title, and an tiadefeated dual record up to this year tell only part of the story. Mis men have held world, national, coast, northwest, and state records. Mike Hoyman did this practical ly alone. His athletes will verify that. Swimmers come to Oregon because of Hoyman’s reputation as u louilder of champions, not be cause they’re lured by financial rewards. I ' The facts are this. Whereas the evunming tutor at Oregon State gets in the neighborhood of $300 ju t for the time he devotes to that sport, Mike Hoyman does it here purely gratis. These persistent rumors—which shouldn’t be ignored — are that Coach Hoyman has applied for a year's leave of absence to attend Columbia university where he could finish his doctorate work. It’s no secret that Mike has had that in in end. He publicly stated last year that swimming was only a sideline, that h > chief interest is on the frontier of school health education. Phi Beta Kappa Mike Hoyman might profitably devote his “gratis swimming time” to the field of health education he has chosen to fodow. If Hoyman were to get a year's leave of absence to Columbia he would probably be gone from .Oregon forever. There would be no financial lure for him to return. Mike's swimmers are worried, ami these rumors are worthy of further research. They’ll get it. •JliHlay Oregon’s coaching staff treks to Portland as guests at an tiUimni banquet in honor of Coach 'lev Oliver, new football headman, jjae’ll be interviewed over KOIN this afternoon at 2:15 if you’re in ten's! ed. Contrary to the head on an Ore gonian sports story last week, Ore gon’s gridders are not drilling to music. Coach Oliver is using a metronome—the affair which beats time for musicians—but there’s no music to it. The metronome’s click, click is used on baekfield men so they’ll get the rhythm of Oliver’s fchift. Joe Huston’s signing- a contract with the Chicago Bears of the Na tional Professional league makes JiLn the second Webfoot to join th nu. Blond Del Bjork. Oregon's ill -coast tackle and captain of If.>6, belongs to the same club. B.ork is now aiding Line Coach J3.*l Cole in spring football. Sweetest looking ball player on Join Warren’s frosh baseball tad is Elmer Mallory, the hard jutting infielder from Junction City . . . Mallory is of college cali ber now . . . For the varsity Wimpy inn appears to be in mid-season form , . . Oregon’s infield should be a treat to watch this season. Honest John Warren is expected back on the campus today or to morrow after a week’s absence . . . L>le Goods, regular outfielder on last year’s frosh squad, has quit I school . . . Looks like Larry Lance, I varsity end prospect, isn’t going to! jreturn for spring practice. I 9 Four Hurlers in Shape for Opener Linde, Hardy, Mattingly, Bob Creigton Selected; Play Portland Tomorrow Changes Colors Rollie Hemsley, veteran catcher, recently acquired by the Cleveland Indians from the St. Louis Browns, is shown smiling- about the deal. Freshmen Golfers Slate Varsity Match Clifton Smith Grabs First Niche; Fred Davis Is Second The freshman golf team is busy swinging woods and irons in pre paration for their first match of the season Saturday when they meet the varsity in a 36-hole match played at Laurelwood and the Eu gene Country club. Cliff Smith has secured the posi tion of number one man on the frosh gang. Fred Davis is number two man. The third berth was nabbed by Jim Hickey. George Smith will be number four man, with Chet Keller and Kneeland Stone tied for the fifth and sixth positions. The frosh will meet the Oregon State rook team there for a 36 hole match on April 30. A 36-hole match will be held here between the two teams on May 14. The last four positions, the subs, are filled by' Ruth Tustin. Pete Klwsterman, Rod McMillan, and Milton Levy'. Spring term is here and weather fair, Pomeroy’s Service will get you there.—Pomeroy’s Associated. THE MAN’S SHOP BYROM & KNEELAND 32 E. l«th St. Assistant Coach Bill Marshall, in the absence of Coach Howard Hobson, who was in Portland yes terday, indicated that four hurl ers, Bob Creighton, LeRoy Mat tingly, John Linde, and’ Bob Hardy, have a chance to work in Thurs day’s opening ball game with Portland university here. Creighton and Linde have been coming along fast, but the'other two have been a little slow get ting their arms into condition. Hardy has been bothered by the leg fracture received playing bas ketball, but appears now to be rapidly rounding into form. Mattingly was a little slow in getting started because of other activities, but his fire ball is be ginning to hop like it did in the middle of last season. Lineup Fairly Definite The rest of the lineup is fairly definite, although the problem of Where to put Wimpy Quinn has yet to be definitely decided. Quinn has had plenty of experi ence in independent baseball, hav ing played with the state semi-pro champs last summer, then going up to Vancouver, B. C. where he played with Bill Sayles in the Vancouver city league. Wimpy is too hard a hitter to be put on the bench, but by trade is an infielder. The Oregon in field, however, is a veteran com bination with Gale Smith on first, Jack Coleman on second, Jack Gordon at shortstop, and Captain Ford Mullen on third. All are re ; turning lettermen. For the present, Quinn will probably be used in right field, along with Masa Kato and Ken Battleson, returning reserves, who have shown best of the outfieldei’S in practice to date. Bob Beard, another returning I ; ___ M£ piet-DED PgRFecTUV I/O ?.&i GAMErS UAST VeAR., \ sCoMidGr "To "fMgj lAmueTics yUS-f VBAR FB«Vt ■VJiU-IAMSPoKt; wq 0£o£g /Ajfo -rM£.C 'AMgKlCAAj iZhGOi „ Vtftf'A A Moms RJaJ ft ’Mis fiesffiMg aiT resei’ve, has the inside track on the catching job, while Maury Kelly, showing vast improvement over his last year’s performance with the frosh, is the reserve catcher. For the second day, no regular practice was held for infielders and outfielders, except those who were ambitious enough to indulge in a game of “pepper” in the Ig loo. The pitchers and catchers came in for more than their share of work, putting time in on control and other intricacies mound ,work. A couple of laps around the board hallways of the Igloo topped off their workouts. Warren Wins Top Honors in Hearst Gun Competition Recent announcement of the winner of the annual Hearst Na tional ROTC trophy competition placed Stanley Warren of the Ore gon rifle corps in the top position. Although the Oregon team, winners of the trophy in 1935 and 1937, lost the title this year, Wai’ ren scored' 199 hits out of a pos sible 200 to take first place. This is one of the best showings made by an individual shooter in his competition in many years, Colonel E. V. D. Murphy said. —- Ae is la066-' A-f PAR I/O "fM& v\i/\ifeR loUR^AweAL-rs im—■ iVu AjevgR BREAK 30 Sy Mit'1'1^6' /aK"0 PitCMgS / O/0fc OF -TM6 tfU-r MOAJC'f 'AJIaI/OSRS Of IQ37, SAM HA'S A fL'jn^O START- For. 1op Reruns im rue prk&ot vMiMfes seAsoAi iai mmamg- -fAe eec^Jf MlAAl OP^aI WifM 24)7 M& S4ot -tae uAsr /Nii/oe Moles >m ?