Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1938, Image 1

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Hits Record
Spring High
Registration of 2829
Brings 10 Per Cent
Increase Over Last
Spring Total
An all time high in spring term
registration, a total increase of
10 per cent over the same period
in 1937, was reached Monday with
a total of 2829 students enrolled at
the University, it was announced
yesterday toy C. L. Constance, as
sistant registrar. There were 2563
registered for the same period
last year.
There are 281 men, or an in
crease of 18 per cent, over spring
term for last year. Only five more j
women are registered, however.
The largest class, as usual, is the
sophomore, which shows an in
crease of 14 per cent; the seniors
show an increase of 19 per cent,
freshmen, 7 per cent, while the
juniors show a decrease of 3 per
Grads Increase
Graduate students have in-!
creased 20 per cent, professional
students show a decrease of 13 per
cent, while special students have
increased 15 per cent.
The business administration is
the largest school on the campus,
boasting of an enrollment of 777
students, a gain of 21 per cent
over last year. The physical edu
cation department shows a larger
(Please turn to page two)
;V w ▼ t Vr'r'T -vw ^ w *
Students Should
Study for Work
In a Democracy
U. S. college and university stu
dents should be given a broad
training for active participating
in a democracy, and not a special- j
ized training for work in govern
mental agencies.
This was the conclusion reached
by more than twro-score college
and university presidents after a
symposium on civic education at
the University of Cincinnati re
13 !3 9
Novel Pins ...
College men need no longer hes
itate to ask a coed for a date for
fear that she is “going steady” if
a recent fad for novel wooden
“yes” and “no” pins continues.
A University coed, wearer of
one of the laconic emblems, ex
plained the significance of the
pin-wearing fad which has swept
the University of Missouri cam
It seems that a coed wearing a
“no” pin is a one-man woman
while she who wrears the wooden
“yes” is not limiting her dates to
a single admirer. 0
S3 ?-*
Our 1938
1. Legs by Barclay.
2. Body by Fisher.
3. Complexion by Lux.
4. Necks by the hour.
—Detroit Tech. <
Peace Speaker
Kirby Page ... to speak at
second assembly Thursday at 10,
On world affairs.
Kemler Announces
Novel Queen Contest
Selection Committee
To Name Weekend
Royalist Is New
Queen-picking, 1938 style, is
the system detailed yesterday by
Zane Kemler, junior class presi
dent, for choosing the girl who for
three days will rule the campus
as queen of Junior weekend, May
6, 7, and 8.
Under the new system a selec
tion committee plays an important
part. The committee is composed
of five boys and five girls, picked
at random, and three members of
the art school faculty.
Each house will put up a girl
candidate, and this list, together
with any girls which the commit
tee feels ought to be added, will
appear before the committee this
Friday. Out of the total number,
five girls will be selected by the
committee to be put up to a pop
ular vote at the first of next week,
probably on Tuesday. ASUO mem
bership will constitute eligibility
to vote for the queen.
“The aim of this system, pat
terned somewhat after the one by
which Miss Oregon was selected
last year, is to find the girl who
has the poise as well as popularity
to best exemplify the office,”
Kemler said.
Publication Petitions
Due Saturday Noon
Applications are now in order for
the positions of Emerald editor,
Emerald business manager, Ore
gana editor, and Oregana manager,
according to an announcement re
leased yesterday from the educa
tional activities office.
Applications must be filed in the
educational activities office by
noon on Saturday, April 2.
Information on the applications
should include the name of the
applicant, the position petitioned
for, previous experience, including
high school or other experience,
and what the applicant would do
if given the appointment.
Although petitions will be re
ceived this weekend for the posi
tion of Emerald business manager,
the appointment will not be made
until May to give the committee an
opportunity to view the work.
Plans Formed
To Broadcast
Committee Headed
By Dahlberg Will
Study Local Angles
The scheduled reestablishment of
broadcasting from the University
campus through KOAC, provided
for by the state board at its last
meeting, brings renewed and in
tensified1 activity here as plans
take for the development of this
new phase of university activity.
A new committee headed by
W. A. Dahlberg of the speech de
partment last week began func
tioning as a general radio commit
tee to study the various angles of
j campus radio broadcasting and to
formulate some kind of policy for
University radio contributions.
Public Relations Subcommittee
Other members of the committee
are Dr. Dan E. Clark, Karl W. On
: thank, Dean Eric W. Allen, Dean
! J. J. Landsbury, and Dean Victor
j P. Morris. Dahlberg’s committee
j is a subcommittee of the larger
public relations committee.
Additional details on campus
broadcasting on page 8.
Yeomen Nominate
Officers at Meeting
Four men were nominated for the
presidency of the Oregon Yeomen,
i independent men's campus organ
i ization, at a meeting in alumni hall
i last night. Elections will be con
ducted next Monday evening at 7:30
in the alumni hall in Gerlinger.
The presidential nominees are
Harold Draper, John Luvaas, Gor
don Link, and Hubard Kuokka.
Other nominations were as fol
Vice president — Ken Pickens,
Charles Carpenter, Phil Heid, and
George Luoma; secretary — Max
well Doty and John W. Pease; trea
surer—Don McAfee.
The Yeomen and Orides are plan
ning a Swedish dinner in the Ger
linger sun porch April 8. Special
entertainment and dancing will fol
Eats Free Tonight
Tex Oliver . . . honored guest at
alumni banquet in Portland to
Fees Income $1000
Over Year's Budget,
Prexy Hall Reports
Surplus Is Due to Increase in Ticket Sales;
Graduated Card Setup Is Satisfactory to
Educational Activities Board
The Associated Students are almost $1000 over the budgeted fee?*
income for the year, President Barney Hall revealed in his report os
the spring term card sales drive made to the educational activities
board last night.
Spring term’s drive netted 1453 members or 56.7 per cent of tho
undergraduate student body. The $1000 surplus, 3 per cent over the
budget for the year, means nearly $400 additional income for the edu
cational activities board and about $600 for the athletic activities
v-v.v-rr i board.
Legal Civil War
Scheduled for
Court 40 Field
The second year class in the
law school is at it—at the throat
of the third year students. A
challenge, placed by the second
year students on the third-floor
bulletin board, was issued yester
day defying- the elder class to
take a beating in basketball from
the younger legal aspirants.
Terms of the proposed annual
classic included: time, Thursday
afternoon; place,-west court of
the men’s gym; referee — the
third year class can have its
The challenge was closed with
the admonition that acceptance
must be made by dawn today.
The press was assured that it
would be accepted before the
5 Pledges Named
| By Alpha Kappa Psi
The local chapter of Alpha Kap
pa Psi, national commerce honor
; ary for men, announced recently
| its pledge list for spring term. The
new pledges are: Bcy'o Chilcote,
| Ralph M. Severson, James Selder,
| Arthur William Lamka, Jr., Louis
J. Healy.
The new officers of the honor
ary for spring term are as fol
jlows: President, Luther R. Sei
bert; vice-president, Bill Blacka
by; secretary, Henry Spivak;
treasurer, Ken Marple.
roe Setup Approved
The present fees setup of $7, $5*
and $3 for fall, winter, and spring
term has been satisfactory, the
board indicated. It will be retained
if the athletic activities board
agrees and the student executive
committee ratifies the boaicFsi
The board extended a vote of
appreciation to President Hall and
the ASUO drive committee, head
ed! by Kirk Eldridge, which lifted
the membership total for spring
ter mbeyond the figure expected#
(See additional details on page
House Managers
Make Koch President
Karl Koch was elected pres!-*
dent of the house managers’ coun
cil at the dinner meeting of that*
group last night at the Del R.ey;
cafe. The meeting, the first of
the term, was attended by newly;
elected and old members of tho
Other officers named are
Dunn, vice-president, and Ivan.
Clark, secretary-treasurer.
The council will change mem
bers at the next meeting. It if*
believed that one of the first ac
tions of the new council will be to
study a! cooperative buying plan
for all the living groups which was*
suggested several meetings ago.
Koch has served as manager of
Beta Theta Pi for the past year.
,Bob Goodfellow is the retiring
president of the group.
Library Browsing Room
Will Be Furnished Soon
In just six more weeks the much heralded University of Ovegan
browsing room in the new library will be finished down to the most
complete details of furnishings and decoration, according to informa
tion released yesterday by Miss Ethyl R. Sawyer, browsing room Ji
Part of the ojective in finishing the room in record time is to
make it available as the scene of traditional senior commencement
activities, Miss Sawyer pointed out.
The tomato colored leather chairs, which were returned to the fac
tory last week to be restuffed, will be restored to their places and th.a
suite completed with more chairs, davenports and lamps. Additional
tables are also a part of the finished scheme of furnishing.
Wall decorations have not yet been determined, but the decora
tion committee of the art department of the University under the di
rection of Miss Brownell Frasier, professor of interior design, are con
sidering woodcarvings to hang over the fireplaces at each end of tho
room, as a tentative part of the plan it was understood.
Only the imported Oriental rugs will fail to complement the har
mony of the room. The rugs are being made in China, and aside frorni
the long process of their manufacture, the national distress of t.o.€>
Chinese will probably delay delivery.