Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1938, Page Three, Image 3

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    Junior Weekend — Oregon fs Age-old
Tradition to Celebrate 47th Anniversary
flie Oregon campus at the turn of the century ... an athletic field, Villard, Deady were the nucleus. Note the size of the now giant fir
trees in the center.
Junior weekend, Oregon's oldest
and most colorful tradition, has
seen several steps in its develop
ment into the spectacle that it is
It was in 1890 that the spark
of the present festival was set off.
Junior day was the original ide^,
a holiday set aside for the juniors
to be climaxed by an oratorical
exhibition by all members of the
class at an evening assembly. Dur
ing he time this event prevailed,
the sUeirpts by the underclassmen
isnd seniors to keep the junior
pent Ant from its respective perch
on top the flagpole that was lo
cated north of Villard hall resulted
in many literally bloody civil wars.
Dr. Strong, president of the Uni
versity at this time remarked as
he addressed the board of regents
at the end of one of the hectic
days, "So this is junior day! At
least I have been told that it is.
The smoke of battle having cleared
away I take the occasion to con
gratulate the regents that the
buildings on the campus are still
No Sissies
Yes, the knicker-clad, woolly
haired eollegiates of those days
were no sissies; far from it. On
one of these days of old, two
faithful junior boys were hoisted
in a dry goods box half way up
the pole to guard invading seniors
and underclassmen from captur
, ing and taking down their flag.
The aggressors had a different
idea about the method used by the
juniors in keeping possession of
the pole, yes indeed.
A fire hose with a steady and
overpowering stream of water is
sued forth from a window in Vil
lard hall above the sentinel jun
iors. It proved an incentive for
the defenders to lower away and
be taken captives by the jealous
seniors. The melee that continued
these customary rushes was a sight
for sore eyes and probably the
cause for a great many more.
Great fun.
Such “gallant" attacks as these,
with all the black eyes, torn
clothes, and bloodshed necessitat
ed the faculties changing the
event to the more civilized caption
of Campus day or University day.
Work Parties Held
The pictures above show the na
ture of the newly calendared pro
gram and it became a prominent
feature of the college year. Rising
early in the morning all students
would don their old clothes and
assemble prepared to work. Girls
would play Lheir part by serving
lunch to the “crew." At the end
of the day new walks had been
built, old fences torn down, the
athletic field and campus thorough
ly cleaned and at one of these
events the boys even constructed
bleachers and grandstands as pic
tured here. *
First Oregon Candid Camera
Junior day . . . the boys worked on campus buildings. Dean Janies I
Gilbert is somewhere in the above picture.
'Play Game for All It
Is Worth, 'Says Rebec
“Play the game with all the
spirit that's in you.”
Students who intend to qualify
for honors reading with their jun
ior certificates are cited this max
im from the sports page by Dr.
George Rebec, dean of the grad
uate division, who urges them to
follow the example set by the
members of any championship
team—“play the game for all it's
“How long.” asked Dr. Rebec,
f “would it take Oregon to get a
champion football or basketball
Here's your chance
You Pipe Smokers
Regular $1.00 Grabow Pipe
(as nationally advertised)
and a package of Heine's
Blend Tobacco.
Across from Kngcne Hospital
1103 Willamette
team, if all the players went out
for the team just for the credit?
How long would it take if they
went out to play the game because ;
they wanted to ?”
Faculty Interviewed
It is much the same situation]
with students who read for honors j
after they have secured their jun
ior certificates, believes the dean. I
Students must be really interested
in their field of special work if
they are able to make a success of
Most members of the faculty, in- |
eluding Eric W. Allen, dean of the 1
.school of journalism, Dr. Ray Bow- !
cn, head of the department of Ro- !
mance languages and president of |
the honors council, and Dr. Rebec.1
who were interviewed, believe that !
one who reads for honors so de
velops his own judgment that peo
ple who meet him have confidence !
in his ability to work independent
ly and to show initiative in all
problems that he has beeu assigned
to attack.
5J.75 GFA Required
Application for honors reading
usually has two requirements. The
first is that the student have a
grade point average of 2.75 and
the second, that he have some spec
ial inlere.-t in which he desires to
study. There are two classifica
tions, the first of which is general
Up Goes the Grandstand
Junior day about 1900 . . . the grandstand gets a roof.
This day held the eye of the stu
dents and substituted for the jun
ior day until 1908 when again the
aggressive juniors took over the
day for themselves. Here the ac
tual development began for the
present annual weekend festivities.
Skinner’s “O” Built
Building of the “O” high on the
side of Skinner’s butte was the
first undertaking of the juniors
after reclaiming their holiday.
The “days of old” were rapidly
being replaced. Students and fac
ulty alike became weary of the
long, boring orations that had been
the exhibition day of the past. The
fete of. building walks, fences and
the like had become an overbear
ing task on the students who
wished for a more gala event with
which to honor their class. An
urge to start something new was
After this progress swept over
the campus new ideas were rapid
ly added to the program that final
ly became junior weekend. It was
at this time that the junior prom
was added to the increasing list of
social events. In 1915 the canoe
fete, that part of the present pro
gram which has really made the
festivities famous, was originated.
Closely following this attraction
the frosh-soph tug of war sugges
tion was.added to the tradition of
junior day annals. It had now be
come an event of the campus cal
endar that was looked forward to
by students and parents alike. An
other use had been found for the
“historic” mill race.
Green Lids Burned
During this progress of the jun
ior day, with its unforgettable and
much-dreaded speeches, to the
weekend festivities we have now,
with its water spectacle and' fun
frolic, other traditions had been
formed. The burning of the green
lids began in 1910 and has just re
cently dwindled out. In 1909 Ore
gon witnessed its first athletic
events. And in 1914 it became the
duty of the freshmen to apply a
new coat of yellow to the “O" an
In January, 1935, the traditions
committee submitted a list of tra
ditions which they believed should
be enforced and esteemed by the
students. Three years later, in
1938, reminiscences of only two out
of the eight suggestions handed
by the committee are seen to pre
vail; freshmen and sophomores not
being permitted to wear cord pants
and no “pigging” at athletic con
From the embryonic stage of
junior exhibition day to the pres
ent entertainment fest that is feat
ured annually, this tradition seems
to stand almost singly as the most
relished of “Old Oregon” surviving
lonors, and the second, honors with
Both kinds of honors now require
a Vhesis, although formerly general
honors did not. In addition, gen-!
eral honors now requires work in
at least two different departments.
It is expected that the student take
from 3 to 12 hours in courses, en
titled “Heading and Conference.”
If he is taking honors with thesis,
le will be granted from 3 to 9 hours
of credit for his honors thesis.
The importance of an honors;
program in a university curricu- j
lum was emphasized by Dr. Rebec
when he stated it is a ncccsssity I
if an institution is to become a
real university.
“The honors program brings
about self-initiative with high
standards of achievement. There
can be no genuine intellectual life
until this system is widely used,"
commented Dr. Rebec.
“The University meets the stu- ■
dents half way in honors l eading,”
said Dean Allen, “and wc members
of the faculty regard it as a supc
rior kind of education. It must
follow the interest of the student,
satisfy special needs, and pull to
gether all the tangled ends of his
education." •
University Recommends Students
“The system works well in prac
tice. Students get their training
in independent thinking and, in
training their judgments, they de
velop and come to correct conclu- ;
sions when they have conflicting
evidence before them. The result
is that the student becomes confi
dent of Uis own judgment after
having thoroughly tested it,” said
Dr. Bowen.
“Those persons who have read
for honors have persisted in then
efforts and that is evidence that
they are the best students in the
University, in that they have
proved their worth and ability.
They have a strong recommenda
tion of the University which it is
willing to bach,” continued Dr.
Application for candidacy for
honors should be made not later
than the first term of the junior
year. Information may be received
from the registrar’s office in John
Douglass Writes on
Libe for Magazine
Included among a list of four
new libraries in the United States,
is the library of the University of
Oregon, as it is described in an ar
ticle for the "Library Journal” by
M. H. Douglass, librarian.
Mr, Douglass’ article gives a de
scription of the library and some
of the plans of the building. Sev
eral letters inquiring abbut the li
brary have been received by Mr.
Douglass since the publication of
the article.
The Wesley foundation will hear
the University men’s debate team
in a symposium on “How can wt
have industrial peace?” Sunda>
night. The team will be made up
of: Dani<d Bergman, Richard lio
mane, Donald Marshall.
Tornado Kills
25; Arkansas
Floods Rising
New Aaerial Torpedo
Can Hit Chicago
From Washington
50 a Minute
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 18.—
Floods and' a tornado, sweeping
across Arkansas and northern Lou
isiana today, resulted in 25 dead,
100 injured, and many homeless.
Center of the tornado, where all
the deaths occurred, was Rodessa,
La., which was left a splintered,
mud-covered wreck.
The flood, centered on the Ar
kansas river, was described by en
gineers as potentially worse than
1935's disaster. The national guard
was held ready for instant mobili
* * *
1000-Mile Bomb
vention of an aerial torpedo which
can hit Chicago from Washington
50 times a minute was announced
to the house naval committee by
Lester Barlow of Stamford, Conn
Taking 12 years in its development,
the bomb, he said, could effective
ly cover a 10 mile square in three
minutes. Mr. Barlow said the in
vention would necessitate revision
of the administration's $1,050,000,
000 naval expansion plan. He was
a flyer during the world war.
* $ *
New 'Boss' Slated
SHANGHAI, Feb. 10.—Mobili
zation of 100,000 reserves and ap
pointment of a new Yangtze val
ley commander was announced to
day by Emperor Hirohito of Japan,
dismayed because of his army’s
failure to advance on Hankow.
General Shunroku Hata will re
place Commander Mitsui imme
diately, a report said. The reor
ganization precedes a strategic
battle developing for control of the
Hankow area, the military heart
of China.
* * *
Freddie Can't Pay
| HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 18.—Fred
1 die Bartholomew's plea that, he
could not pay his father $20,000 a
year was upheld in court today and
: the payments suspended, for this
j year only. The boy actor’s peti
tion said that out of his $100,000
annual salary, he paid his father
$20,000, the government, $67,000;
his lawyer, $10,000. Custody of
the boy was awarded to his aunt,
Miss Myllicent Bartholomew, in a
court decision two years ago
against the boy’s parents.
Cougars, Idaho
(Continual from patjc hoc)
Johnson, captain, 9 points, and
Kramer with 9. Stidham was high
for the losers with 8.
WSC 53, Montana 46
Washington State took an early
lead in last night's game between
the Cougars and Montana to win,
53 to 46. The Grizzlies were right
behind the Cougars up until the
last few minutes.
Half-time score stood 28 to 24
I for the winner, but was soon tied
' after the start of the second pe
riod. The State team pulled out in
front hy a small margin and stayed
that way till the end.
Montana’s hopes were darkened
late in the second period when Bill
Lazetich, Grizzlies' ace scorer, went
out in personals. High scorers for
the evening were Carlson with 16,
I Kosich 12, Hooper *0, all Washing
i ton Staters while Miller of Mon
tana looped in 15.
Varoff to Leave
(Continued from puijc two)
\ for a full season, finally managed
j to break his record by hitting a
new high of 14 feet 11 inches.
The big Russian established his
I outdoor record of 14 feet 6 7-8
i inches in 1936 and his indoor mark
j of 14 feet four inches in the win
I ter of 1937.
The hot rivalry of the triumvir
ate of Meadows, Sefton, and Var
off is expected to be resumed at
Madison Square if both of the
Southern California "twins” enter.
Although still slightly bothered
by a sore ankle, Varoff has been
training all winter in the track
and field enclosure of the men's
gym. Karlier in the week he al
' tempted 14 feet, but missed it when
his pole broke. This pole was his
favorite, and the one he has used
: for many of his best jumps.
The broken pole was shipped to
the factory where an exact dupli
cate will lie made and shipped to
New York in time for the meet.
One of tile reasons Varoff is
leaving Tuesday for the meet is
his desire to "break in" the pole
i before he jumps with it m the
1 meet.
Coeds Belong
To Fraternity
Say Linguists
Do you belong to a sorority?
Be careful! Don't answer this
until you finish the story.
“Fraternity” originated from
the Greek word “phrater” mean
ing group of blood relatives
which could be composed of
either men or women. “Phrater”
is confused with the Latin "fra
ter” which means brother.
The word “sorority” is de
rived from a Latin word mean
ing sister. It was initiated by a
Syracuse professor for the Gam
ma Phi Beta women's organiza
tion, and later adopted by other
The sororities were supposedly
originated as sister organiza
tions to a men s fraternity, but
the earlier women’s groups re
mained fraternities. One of
these women's groups that is a
fraternity is the Zeta Tau Al
Bryn Mawr Contest
Will Close March 1
March 1 is the last date that
many scholarships and fellowships
offered by Bryn Mawr college, rang
ing in value from $1,200 to $200,
may be applied for, a notice from
the dean of women's office stated
Included in these fellowships are
twenty resident fellowships valued
at $860, six non-resident graduate
scholarships for $250, and many
other scholarships.
Students wishing to apply for
these fellowships may get further
information from the dean of wo
men's office before March 1.
Reed College Uses
Ordinance Manual
Of UO City Bureau
The ordinance codification man
ual of small Oregon cities, recent
ly prepared by Herman Kehrli and'
staff members of the University
bureau of municipal research and
service, is being put to practical
use by the student government at
Reed college, it was revealed in a
letter written to Mr. Kehrli by
Donnell Read, retiring student
body president.
There will be a special board of
army air corps officers in Eugene
March 7, 8, 9 to interview and ex
amine prospective applicants for
the flying cadet training.
All students interested are asked
to leave their name in the office
of the ROTC building.
Ten Semi-Finalists
(Continued from page our)
alternate weeks of broadcasting
and will receive $40 per month.
Record Supply Gives Out
An unexpected event of the
week’s auditioning occurred last
night when the supply of small
metal records gave out and it was
necessary to make recordings of
several people’s voices on large 12
inch disks.
Technicians who handled the
contest will make the transposi
tions to individuals records as soon
as additional discs arrive from
their manufacturers in New York
city. The re-recorded discs will be
ready for their owners Tuesday or
Wednesday. No difference in the
naming of finalists resulted from
the change.
Originally scheduled for three
hour periods of auditions each af
ternoon in the educational activi
ties building, the test periods were
extended to longer afternoon hours
and special evening sessions to
handle the large crowd of "hope
Audition Records Set
Audition records were being set
each day this week compared with
the number of students who have
made the voice tests at other
schools. Tuesday’s list of 238 ap
plicants outnumbered that of any
of the four other colleges which arc
getting the. Lucky Strike "news
casts.” With 301 intrants signed
Thursday and auditions lagging
,200 behind that figure, Oregon still
led in the competition.
Gene Sheridan, conducting the
auditions, has been keeping a
check on the University of Texas,
the only other school having the
tests at present. Results from that
school will be announced before
Mr. Sheridan returns to his office
/a San Francisco today.
Oregon State
(Continued from page twoj
Star buck; OSC—Krugger, Vog
, land.
Breaststroke; Ore. Lafferty,
Stewart; OSC -Rea, Hartley.
Free style relay: Ore.—Levy,
Mallory, Starbuck, Smith i; OSO
; (Koski, liilhiou, IS rugger, Lrowa
Unitarian Minister
To Be Lunch Guest
Students and Faculty Members Will Honor
Noted Theologian at Luncheon Tuesday;
UO Speakers to Appear Tomorrow
Originally planned Us a faculty luncheon, the luncheon for Dr.
Frederick M. Eliot, president of the American Unitarian association,
who will be on the campus Tuesday, will be a faculty-student Christian
council luncheon at Westminster house. Faculty members and students
alike are invited to attend. Reservations should be made Monday.
Dr. Eliot is a graduate of the university and of the divinity school
at Harvard. He received his master's degree from Harvard and hold3
an Honorary doctorate ot divinity
from Carleton college, Northfield,
Minn. He was recently chosen to
receive the Distinguished Service
medal awarded annually by the St.
Paul club of Cosmopolitan Inter- ,
national to the citizen of that city '
who has done the most unselfish
and voluntary service for the city
during the year.
Is Noted Author
Dr. Eliot is author of "The Un
wrought Iron,” “Fundamentals of
the Unitarian Faith," “Toward Be
lief in God,” and other books and
is editor of the Quarterly of the
American Interprofessional Insti
He will also speak at the Uni
tarian church Tuesday evening at
7:30 following a church dinner at
6 o’clock.
Rev. Joe Boyd of Tacoma will be j
guest speaker at the Unitarian
church Sunday. Released from his
pastorate two years ago, he has
since that time done educational
work in the labor movement.
At the forum at 10 Rev. Boyd
will speak on “What Labor
Wants,” and on "The Church and
the Industrial Crisis" at the morn
ing service.
Rev. Boyd is a graduate of the
Northwest Christian college and
received his B.A. and M.A. de
grees from the University.
Students to Talk
Members of the University
speech division will discuss the
question “How Can We Have In
dustrial Peace?” at a joint meet
ing of the Epworth league and
Wesley foundation at the Method
ist church Sunday evening at 7 o’
clock. Sunday morning a deputa
tion team consisting of Ruth
Chambers, Margaret Schoonover,
and Frank Tubban will speak in
the Creswell Mwthodist church.
Dr. Norman K Tully, Central
Presbyterian church, and Dr. Gro
ver C. Birtchet of Salem will ex
change pulpits tomorrow morn
ing. This is a part of a Presby
tery-wide program.
First Baptist
Broadway at High. Dr. A. J.
9:45, University class.
11, “Wells of Salvation."
6:30, BYPU.
7:30, “How God Makes Leaders."
First MeiiioUist Ep.sc.-pa.
V*illameUe at r2,.n lj. u _
9:45, Forum.
11, “ihy Inner chamber.
7, Wesley ciub. ±*o« e»ii
Lave Industrial r^ea^e . uu.to
sity speech division. Dan Berg
man, chairman.
Westminster House
Kincaid at 14 th. Mrs. J. D. Bry
ant, hostess.
9:45, “ Youth Faces Life,’’ Prof.
Ernest Moll.
Worship service, Margaret Reid
6, Social tea.
6:30, “Modern Life Disturbanc
es,” Robin Drews, leader.
Monday, 9:45 p.m., Fireside sing
Tuesday. 12, Faculty - Student
Christian council luncheon for Dr.
Frederick Eliot.
11th at Ferry. Rev. Herbert
Wants,” Rev. Joe Boyd of Tacoma.
11, "The Church and the Indus
trial Crisis,” Rev. Boyd.
Tuesday, 6 p.m., Congregational
dinner followed by address by Dr.
Frederick M. Sliot.
Central Presbyterian
Pearl at 10th. Dr. Norman K.
9:45, Bible school.
11, Sermon by Dr. Grover Birt
chet of Salem.
7:30, “Our Church in the Na
tional Era,” Mrs. Genevieve Tur
nipseed. Worship service conduct
ed by the Turnlpseed Sunday
school class.
First Congregational
13th at Ferry. Rev. Williston
9:45, Sunday school.
11, “The Armor of God.”
7, Plymouth club. Prof. Warren
D. Smith, speaker.
First Christian
Oak at 11th. Dr. S. Earl Child
9:45, Bible school.
11, “Christ and the Unfortunate.”
6:15, Christian Endeavor.
7:30, “Handling Aright the
Word.” This meeting will be a
Walter Scott memorial evangelis
tic service with a song service led
by Hal Young.
Gift Scholarship
To Be Provided by
Cookbook Sales
Mrs. C. C. Wintermute, chair
man of the cookbook committee of
the Portland chapter of the Ore
gon Mothers club, arrived in Eu
gene on Thursday with additional
copies of the new cookbook, the
sale of which is to provide a gift
scholarship to Oregon freshmen.
The pages of the cookbook,
which are arranged on a conven
ient spiral loose-leaf holder of
green composition, are well assem
bled and contain recipes tested by
the mothers of Oregon students
for canapes, cocktails, soup, fish
dishes, salads, and refrigerator and
frozen desserts as well as for
cakes, pastry, jelly, and candy. The
cover depicts the green and yel
low Oregon duck, as done by Jean
Kendall of the University art
school. Price of the book is $1.
Mrs. C. H. Weston is president of
the Portland chapter of Oregon
Nationally Famous
(Continued from fajc ear)
full program with lunches and din
ners at the living organizations
has been planned. Her conferences
will be held between 10 and 12 in
the morning and 1:30 and 4:30 in
the afternoon. All those wishing
j to have a consultation with her
■ may schedule an appointment at
' the dean of women’s office for
; these, hours.
These conferences arc for a pe
riod of a half-hour consisting of
: four to eight students in which
| each receives a personal check-up.
At the conclusion of Miss Os
bourne's work on the campus, an
AWH assembly will be held Thuro
. day at 4 o'clock
George Hopkins
(Continued from putje one)
will be given by the symphony or
chestra. Ucx Underwood, director
I of the group, will announce tile
other selections later.
IS made
by the
Consequently they deservo
your support!
Domestic Laundry
Magazine Exchange