Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1938, Page Two, Image 2

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Wednesday morning we came
out saying that we were in favor of
doing away with fall term volley
ball for another term of donut
Since then we learn from a
couple of the members of the intra
mural board that volleyball is a
very necessary part of one’s edu
cation, indicating that that is the
reason that volleyball is on the
intramural slate.
Now this was not our Impres
sion. The intramural program, ac
cording to our interpretation, was
for the recreation of the students,
with the I*E classes being for the
students’ education.
* * *
For a ruling on this disagree
ment, we dug up an intramural
handbook, which in article one of
the regulations listed says:
Intramural sports at tile Univer
sity of Oregon are organized as
one of the functions of the depart
ment for men in the school of
physical education. It is recognized
as one of the duties of this depart
ment to encourage the men of the
student body to participate in or
ganized athletic sports and intra
mural competitive games.
Nothing in it about education as 1
far as I can see.
Besides if volleyball is a neces
sary part of one’s education, why
not make it compulsory like Eng
lish composition ?
* * *
It is granted that volleyball is
one of the better sports for busi
ness men to relax with after the
years have added their toll around ,
the waistline.
However, will the group of tired
business men that our man X is '
trying to break in with play such
a fast or superior brand of volley
ball as to prohibit its learning?
Still another thought is to put
vollcylmll on the spring donut pro
gram when softball, the other
sport, is played outside, thus leav
ing the inside courts free.
The most logical objection to
having two successive terms of
basketball is that the participants
will be ovcr-baskctballed. This ob
jection, however, holds no water
when one remembers that fall
term basketball would be over by
the first of December, and not
start until five weeks later.
Under the two-term plan, donut
basketball interest could be in
creased by grading the different
leagues, making each league more
closely contested.
The first term would be played
just as it is now.
Tnen for the second term the
top five teams would then be put
in the same league. The winner
of this league would then win the
school championship.
For example, (his term, under
the proposed setup, would see the
ATOs, Sammies, riii Dells, jphi
Sigs, and Stgnia Chis all in one
league. These teams were all
ehanips In their respective leagues.
In the same way all the second
place clubs would be put in a sec
ond league. All the third place
clubs would be put in a third
league, and so on.
It seems to us tfiat this method
of handling the play would make
for more interest competition with
no overwhelming scores being run
up as under the present system.
Jack D. Allard, ex- 3-1, married
Miss Gerry Prehn February 0.
They will live in Portland.
Mikulak Resigns as Duck Backfield Coach
Duck Swimmers
Take to Road for
Match With DSC
Ten Men Will Make
Journey to Corvallis
In Return Meet
Coach “Mike” Hoyman’s sopho
more Ducks take to the road this
Saturday for a renewal of hostil
ities with the Oregon State Beav
ers. The ten-man team will seek
vengeance at Corvallis for their
defeat here last week at the hands
of the Beavers.
Last Saturday the Webfoot out
fit took a 48-to-27 ducking. Only
Cathey in the diving and Lafferty
in the breaststroke were able to
come through with first places.
Decidedly the superior team,
Coach Herb Eisensnhmidt’s swim
mers will enter the meet odds-on
favorites. Brownell, Brugger, and
Burns will lead the Beaver attack.
Brownell Sprinter
Brownell swims the 100 and 220
yard free style events and takes his
turn as anchor man of the 440
free-style relay team. Brugger is
the most versatile man on, thp
team. He swims sprints, the back
stroke and also the relay.
Burns swims the distance
events. Vogland, Koski, and Ed
wards are other regulars on the
Beaver varsity. Fisch and Hart
ley, two other varsity tankmen,
were sick when the Beavers and
Ducks tangled. It is expected
that they will be back in uniform
for Saturday’s meet.
The Ducks will taper off prac
tice tonight with a few warm-ups.
Slated to see action in Saturday’s
splash meet are: Cathey, Myers,
Lafferty, Stewart, Levy, Smith,
Mallory, Starbuck, Coleman, and
Mural Wresiling
Meet Next Week
R. Dickie Announces
Annual Tourney to
Start Tuesday
The annual winter intramural
wrestling tournament will be held
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
February 23 to 25 inclusive.
The following rules were an
nounced by Holland Dickie, who is
in charge of intramural wrestling.
To be eligible for entrance points
an organization must enter at least
two men. Weight classes will be
118, 126, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
pounds, and heavyweight. Each en
trant is allowed to weigh in three
pounds over the specified limit the
Tuesday before.
Each entrant must work out at
least nine times before he wrestles,
or he must have the consent of
the coach, A1 Bogue, or a qualified
A1 Bogue will have charge of
the weighing in and all men must
be registered Tuesday afternoon.
This is the only time that weights
will be checked.
AH men are eligible except those
on the freshman or varsity teams
who have competed in meets or
Ducks Return
From Voyage
Into Palouse
Hobson Says Team Is
Undiscouraged b y
Road Trip Defeats;
Idaho Next Week
University of Oregon’s Ducks,
beaten in three of four starts
against Washington State and Ida
ho, returned home yesterday to
prepare for their "last ditch" stand
against Idaho’s powerful Vandals
next Tuesday and Wednesday
night at McArthur court.
In the phrasing of Coach Hobby
Hobson, the Webfoots were "de
feated but not beaten. We’re put
ting the trip behind us, and we'll
play the remainder of our games
one by one when we come to
Ul WlM'llllI .IK' »
To this the genial Duck mentor
added that his boys played good
ball the whole trip, and were not
a whit discouraged over their set
backs. “We had hoped for an even
break on this trip, but considering
that the kids played 10 games in
18 days and traveled 3000 miles,
they turned in a fairly creditable
“We ran into a lot of tough
breaks, but X think we are in the
best position of the three top
Oregon rests in third place in
the conference standings with 10
win3 and six defeats, a notch be
hind Idaho and WSC, who are tied
for first place with nine victories
and five setbacks. But Oregon is
fa voted by the remainder of the j
Hobby's boys have only four j
games left to play and tnree of
these are booked for the Igioo. |
After the Idaho series, the Web
foots wind up the season with a
home-and-home series with Oregon
Cougars Away
Washington State, on the other
hang, plays most of her games
away from the home maple. The
Cougars attempt to beat both the
high altitude and Montana tonight
I and tomorrow nights at Missoula,
then drop back to battle it out with
Idaho one game at Pullman and
one at Moscow—the next weekend,
and finish up against the driving
(Please htni lo page three)
Hendricks Downed
By ADPi floopsteis
Alpha Delta PI defeated Hen
dricks hall 19 to 13 in women's
basketball Thursday afternoon.
The Alpha Delta Pi forwards were
very good in passing and team
work, but were a little off on their
shots. The Hendricks guards were
unable to cope with the ADPi for
wards, and the teamwork as a
whole was quite poor.
Hendricks ADPi
Guthrie, 3 .F.8, Smith
Tomlinson, 7 F 8, Thomas
Montgomery, 2 F 3, Heisler
Cox.G Overstreet
Turner.G Van Dellen
Smith. G. Plummer
News Staff Hopes to Win;
Ha Ha, Some Joke Eh What
Coach Howard Hobson of the Oregon Webfoots denied last night
that the winner of the sports staff-news staff game Saturday would
be chosen to defend Oregon against the Idaho Vandals next week.
Hobson said the reports to that effect were "idle rumors."
With the addition of several stars to their roster, the Emerald
news staff today prepared to build a defense to stop the sports staff
uti^ivvri uam wwvu ixir^v mivi
Saturday morning in the Igloo.
Tripling Hood
Coach l.loyd (Brt/.zbano) Tup
ling told the press he has secured
the services of Morris (Monster)
Henderson, Harry (Ballotbox)
Clifford, Bill (General) Grant, and!
Bill (Sir Waiter) Scott, a transfer
from Corvallis.
Tupling said Scott would be sent [
in to stall a la Beaver system in
case they scored a basket thus af
fording a ehance to win the game
The sports staff was equally a#
optimistic with the complete Jmeup
compiled with several imported
s-tars to bolster the team. Tat
Frizzell from the Morning News
teas named to start at a forward'
post to argue with the news staff'
reporter, Mattingly.
Dick Strife of the Guard aiay bej
sent into the game in the second
quarter in case his refereeing is
detrimental to the sports five.
Coach George i Brack t Pasero de
nied that Johnny Warren, coach
of the frosh, would be allowed to
“Me takes up too much room
with his avoirdupois," Pasero said
“Anyhow, we got John Pink, and
one guy from Astoria is plenty."
E. K. Sebircs, Oklohoman, will
start it center, with the following
help toiv. irds and guard: Lyle
Nelson Rusty Gate: Bill Nor sue
Slid Doug Parker
“It's in tfc« big, ’ said Far ere
“The editorial ’we’ will be used
to fullest advantage to cope with
the problem ol' scoring basket..
Uld pievenlmg the opposition from
scoring similarly." said Mattingly
“Nuts," said Arise Cornell.
Hotelmen Batter Phi Delts
With Second Half Spree;
Sigma Nus Mangle Fijis
ATOs Dump Barnmen, 33 to 17, With Miller,
Karstens, Stafford Leading Way; Clifford
J. Hodgen, Van Dusen Aid Boys From Race
Phi Delta Theta gave the Alpha
Tau Omega A team a bad first
quarter yesterday, but the “azure
blue and gold" turned on the pres
sure to crush the boys from the
barn, 33 to 17 in a playoff game.
Morgan, Phi Delt, took the ball
from the center tip-off, romped up
the floor and dumped it in to start
things off. Karstens promptly re
peated for ATO, and it was two-all
with five seconds gone.
Shipley dumped in two to send
the Phi Delts into the lead, but
Morgan, Stafford and Dunn all
counted for ATO. Holmes dropped
in a long howitzer to tie the score
at the end of the quarter, eight-all.
At the half it was 16 to 11 for
the ATOs.
ATOs Turn On Heat
In the third quarter the ATOs
turned on the heat, and ran away
from the barn boys. They swished
the net for 11 points, meanwhile
holding the Phi Delts to one lone
some tally, a free throw by Ship
With the game in the bag, ATO
eased off in the fourth quarter.
Morgan dropped in a pair of field
goals, but Holmes followed with a
setup for the Phi Delts. Shipley
looped a howitzer, and sank a free
throw to end the Phi Delt scoring,
and Karstens finished it off with
a setup at the end of the game.
ATO (A) 33 17, Phi Delt (A)
Dunn, 6 F. 8, Shipley
Stafford, 8.F. 4, Morgan
Miller, 10 C. 1, Strobecker
Karsten, 8 .G.Regan
Scott, 1 . .G. 4, Holmes
Fort .S. Lewman
Erwin.S. Feasley
S. .Crosby
Sigma Nils 39, Fijls 15
The Sigma Nu B team pounded
their way to a 29 to 15 victory
over Phi Gamma Delta to keep
their slate clean in a playoff tilt
Led by Jack Hodgen and Bill
Van Dusen, they took an early ad
vantage, and were leading at the
quarter, eight to five. The Fijis
came back with a rush, and moved
into an eight-all tie, but it was
short lived. A basket by Van Du
sen and a gift shot by Clifford
gave the Sigma Nus an 11 to 8
advantage at the half
Norm Rankin came in at center
for the Fijis and practically stop
ped the game by committing three
personals in a little more than a
minute, and thereby sounded the
keynote for the second half.
Wild Scramble
Every so often the ball would
r611 out of the wild scramble of
players, and someone would throw
it into the hoop. Jack Hodgen and
Clifford teamed for eight points,
and sent the Sigma Nus into a 21
to-13 lead at the end of the third
The last quarter calmed down
a little, with players hanging on
the edge of ejection from the
game. Frantic Fiji substitutes fail
ed to penetrate the Sigma Nu de
fense, and they gathered only two
points on a long howitzer by Davis.
The Fijis meanwhile penetrated
the demoralized Fijis for 8 more
points to ice the game.
Sigma Nus (B) 29 15, Fijis fB)
B. Hodgen, 4.F.
F. ..
G. ..
Van Dusen, 8
Clifford, 7 ...
J. Hodgen, 8 .
Coleman, 2 ...
Rorovich .
4, Bladine
.. 2, Olson
. Richards
3, Haliski
2, Rankin
2, Schultz
.. Norville
. 2, Davis
.. Frances
4:00 Court 40—Sigma Chi A vs. Alpha Mu A.
5:00 Court 40—Phi Delta Theta B vs. Alpha Tau Omega B.
Alpha Tau Omega A, 33, Phi Delta Theta A, 17.
Sigma Nil B, 29, Phi Gamma Delta B, 15.
John's Charges
Travel to Coast
For Two Games
Frosh Leave Today;
Will Meet Bottlers,
Longview High
After two wins over the Oregon
State rooks last weekend, John
Warren’s 1938 frosh basketball
crew will leave at 9 this morning
for a two-day tour of the coast.
The Oregon team will play the
Astoria bottle works at Astoria
Friday and them move to Long
view for a game with the Long
view high school five Saturday.
The frosh to make the trip will
be Earl Sandness, Harold Hofman,
Archie Marshik, Evert McNeeley,
Porky Andrews, Chet Allen, Toivo
Piippo, Tini Smith, Bob Shisler,
and Danny Read.
Same Men to Start
Warren did not indicate the
starting quintet, but from all indi
cations the regular combinations of
Sandness, Hofman, Marshik, Mc
Neeley, and Andrews will start the
Not only will big Earl Sandness
and Toivo Piippo be going home to
the scene of their high school hoop
glory, but “Honest John," the able
Duckling coach, will watch two of
j the teams that he has coached
battle it out when the Oregon team
j meets the Bottlers.
On the Bottling team will be Dee
Phelps of the 1935 Oregon fresh
man team, Earlin Orwick, another
I of John’s Astoria boys, Hiram
Parker, Big iohn Jeffers and Lee
Canessa, all-state forward of the
I 1934 state champions.
I The frosh will attempt to add
these two games to their list of
| victories, but are expecting strong
competition on both nights. The
Bottlers have all played under
Warren and are familiar with his
type of play.
Short Drill Held
A short drill was held last night
with the babes drilling on plays
and shooting. Rangy Archie Mar
shik who scored 27 points against
the OSC rooks and Earl Sandness
are expected to carry the burden
of the Lemon and Green scoring
Drive it fast, drive it slow,
l’omeroy’s service is where to go!
'Iron Mike’ Leaves Job
So That Incoming Oliver
Can Have Choice of Aid
'Mik/ Star of 1933 Co-Titlists, Began Climb
To Fame at Indianapolis Prep School
Started Under Spears at Oregon
“Iron” Mike Mikulak, Oregon's youthful taackfield coach, yesterday
tendered his resignation to the athletic board, "in order that Tex
Oliver, newly appointed Oregon coach, would have a clear field from
whicli to choose his assistants."
His resignation, if accepted, will become effective June 30.
Mikulak one of the greatest backs to ever wear a lemon and green
jersey, was made baekfield coach
last year after a successful three
year tenure in professional foot
The text of Mikulak's resigna
tion follows:
In lieu of the fart that Mr. Tex
Oliver has been appointed head
football coach, I feel it my duty to
tender my resignation.
I feel that Mr. Oliver should be
given a clear field—present coach
ing staff or otherwise—from which
to choose his assitants.
Interest in Oregon
As you gentlemen know my in
terest is with the University and
always will be. If at any time and
in any capacity I can serve the
University I will be more than glad
to do so.”
The former Oregon fullback said
he has no immediate plans for the
Mikulak came to Oregon in 1930
from Edison high school in Indian
apolis. He played on Prink Calli
son’s powerful frosh team of that
year which had such stars as Tuffy
Leemans, Stan Kostka, Joe Lillard,
Bree Cupoletti, Art Clarkson, Bill
Bevans. Mark Temple, and Leigh
ton Gee.
In 1931 he played for Dos Speer’s
last Oregon team and the follow
ing year, he was the regular full
bad? on Prink Callison’s first Ore
gon team.
Leads Champs
He climaxed his senior year,
1933, by leading a “crushing”
band of Ducks which included
Temple, Gee and Cuppoletti to a
tie for the conference champion
ship with Stanford and Southern
After completion of his colle
giate grid career, he enlisted in the
professional ranks, playing three
seasons for the Chicago Cardinals.
In his last year with the Cardinals,
he did most of the coaching of the
His second year of pro ball
1935—saw him chosen as pro foot
ball's all-3tar fullback. In the
all-star backfield of that year in
addition to Mikulak were Dutch
' Clark, Ernie Caddell, and Ed
Iron Mike
Tabbed “Iron Mike" in his col
lege days because of his smashing
play on the field and his ability
to play 60 minutes of ball every
game, Mikulak was also placed on
the all-time Oregon eleven.
Although his coaching career to
date has been brief, the “Iron
Horse" is regarded by his associ
ates as a promising young mentor
with great potentialities.
LOST—Gold tie clasp, near men's
swimming pool. Call 411, Dale
Allen. Reward.
LOST—All-jewel Gamma Phi pin.
Call Janet Dillohunt, phone 772.
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REG CARRINGTON: I see you're a
steady Camel smoker, Commander.
There really isn’t any difference
in cigarettes, is there?”
wrong, Reg. The life of a deep-sea diver is
tougher on a man than most work. Most of
the divers 1 know are steady Camel smokers
and, believe me, they know there's a difference.
Take my own case, for example. I stick to
Camels — have smoked them for ten years.
They never get on my nerves. Smoking
Camels, I feel that I enjoy life more. Camel
is the cigarette that agrees with me.'’
CLUB-ROOM CONVERSATION {above) so often swings around
to cigarettes — an interesting topic to smokers generally. "1
can tell the difference in Camels,” Commander Eilsberg says.
' That famous saying, 'I d walk a mile for a Camel! ’ expresses
how enthusiastic I am about Camels myself.”
' Jack Oakie College” and Becny Goodman's "Sw mg School"—m one
fast, tun-tilled hour. On the air every Tuesday night at 9:50 pm E > T ,
S 30 pm C i T., 7.30 p® M S T . 0.50 p® P.S.T , over VABCCBS.
“Yes—absolutely!” says Commander Edward Elisberg. And
millions of other steady smokers know there is a distinct
difference in Camels. That's why Camels are the largest
selling cigarette in the world.
ELLSBERG is used to fatigue.
He says of Camels: ' I found
that smoking a Camel when 1
feel tired after an hour under
water—or any tour of duty—
gives me a quick lift’ in energy.’’
IN ACTION! Commander Ells
berg shares danger with his
men. He says: "The last thing a
diver does before going down
—and the first thing after com
iag up —is to smoke a Camel."
Camels are a matchless blecrd of finer, MOKE
EXPENSIVE TOEACCOi—Turkish and Domestic.
HIS FAVORITE sport - small boat
sailing. Camels are right beside him!
"Camels fit ia with my leisure hours
too,'' he says. "1 \e never known
them to jangle my nerves. That
oeauj aloe—because 1 ssoie t loci"
Camels agree with me