Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1938, Image 1

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    Coast Conference
Official to Probe
Athletes' Incomes
Z7" -
Radio Applications
Expected to Read
1200 on Final Day
Ex-G-Man to Investigate Oregon University Athletes’ Incomes
Atherton Will
Ex-G-Mcrn Will Hold
Survey of Athletes'
Sources of Money
For Research
Webfoot varsity and fresh
man athletes will next week un
dergo an investigation of their
incomes and sources of financial j
aid when ex-G-man Edwin N.
Atherton arrives on the campus
as a special operative for the
Pacific coast conference.
Atherton, recently appointed
conference investigator, is engaged j
in a preliminary survey of all the I
schools in the conference, having
already been at UCLA, Southern
California, Stanford, and Califor
nia. He is now at Oregon State
college interviewing Orange ath
Long Survey Due
This preliminary probe is the
first step in a survey which may
require from one to two years to
complete. The purpose, according
to Atherton, is to get data and all
information possible on sources of
financial aid and income and event
ually set up a standard of rules
and probably an office or organi
sation to enforce them.
The results will not be made
public in connection with any in
stitution or alumnus, Atherton said
at Corvallis yesterday. The con
ference will probably not take ac
tion or make any changes for at
least a year or two.
To Probe Incomes
The income of athletes in institu
tions of higher learning is one
which is always a source of con
cern in all amateur athletics. The
coast conference is pioneering this
method of treatment.
The exact day of Atherton's ar
rival here next week could not be
given last night by the University
athletic board. He has been devot- |
ing a week to each school.
Cornell to Get
Oriental Brain
For Collection
Cornell university's famous brain
collection may have added to it its
first Japanese ‘brain, if the reso
lution of Dr. Tomitaro Makino,
Japanese botanist, is carried out.
Dr. Makino, 78, wants his brain
to be the first of his race in the
Cornell collection, and will come to
the United States to die, if neces
sary, to make that possible.
Under the law in Japan, a body
may not be dissected until 24
hours after death. Presservation
of brains requires removal within
an hour after death. Cornell's
( brain collection has been used to
make notable discoveries about the
mind in general and in a few cases
about the perculiarities of noted
It's Expensive ...
The total value of 3000 fraternity
and sorority houses in the United
States is $85)000,000. The average
house is worth- $28,118.04!—New
Mexico Lobo^
s s
Males Preferred ...
Asked whether they preferred
men or women bosses, 520 women
studied by a Colgate university psy
chologist, said they preferred men
because women bosses let personal j
things creep into work, get angry
over errors, are jealous, are effic
iency slaves, finds fault, and pay
✓ too much attention to details.
Gleemen to Appear
For Shrine Bennefit
The sixth annual Gleeman con
cert for the benefit of the Shrine
hospital for crippled children in
Portland will be given there Fri
day night, February 25, in the civic
Soloist on the program will be
George Hopkins, professor of mu
sic at the University.
Tentative arrangements have
been made by John Stark Evans,
>■ Gleeman leader, to present She
program oyer short wave radio
lines, which would give it a world
wide audience. If this is done, a
commentator will be used.
Radio Contestants
Top Marks Reached
By Eastern Colleges
Auditions to Begin at 1 o'Clock, Continue
Until All Applicants Have Been Heard;
1200 Expected to Try Out Voices
With 961 entrants signed up yesterday for The Emerald-Lucky
Strike news commentator, and auditions lagging 200 behind registra
tion, program directors laid plans last night to open the little broad
casting station in the educational activities shack at 1 o'clock and
run tonight until the last entrant has been passed before the mike.
As preparations went forward to bring the auditions to an end,
announcement was received here that Oregon already had more stu
dents turn out thatn at either Yale or Cornell where the program
AWS Committee
Meets Saturday
For Nominations
Election Will Be Held
March 2 Following
Open Meeting
The AWS nominating committee
will meet Saturday morning to
make selections of candidates for
the March 2 elections, said Gayle
Buchanan, AWS president, last
The committee, appointed by
President Buchanan, will meet to
discuss the candidates for the va
rious offices of the women stu
dents’ organization.
(Please turn to fac/c three)
idea was first developed.
New Mark Expected
Don Hunter, technician in charge
of the boardcasts, last night wired
Corvallis for additional records.
Expectations ran high last night
that Oregon’s registration would
top the 1200 mark.
Oregon is the first college on the
Pacific coast to have the auditions
conducted. Officials in charge of
the try-outs, said the University
was picked as a typical school and
because of its excellent broadcast
ing facilities.
A formal reception given Tues
day night in honor of Miss Hazel
MacNair, newly appointed house
mother of Susan Campbell, was at
tended by nearly two hundred
guests, including faculty members,
Eugene people, and the presidents
of the various campus houses.
The reception was given by the
members of Susan Campbell.
Oregon Rifle Team Gains
I Point Lead Over U of W
In Sprint for National Title
Oregon's sure shooting rifle team is again after the national
championship and have started this year’s shooting with victories in
their first four postal matches.
The postal matches are shot every Tuesday and Thursday with
teams over different sections of the country. The teams mail their
targets to each other and are able to shoot four or five matches at
the same time.
The Oregon team with 3G42 points defeated the Washington uni
versity at St. Louis with 3641, South Dakota State college with 3508,
US Becoming
Trade Hermit
Close Claims
Fascist, Democratic
Nations May Clash
Soon, Far-Eastern
Authority Claims
Upton Close, internationally
known authority on far-eastern af
fairs, told students at the Univer- i
sity of Oregon yesterday that Ja
pan is forcing America into an
economic hermitage.
“In defending our military front,
we are leaving our economic front
wide open for the Japanese to
march in,” stated Mr. Close (Josef
Washington Hall) at an 11 o’clock
assembly in Gerlinger hall.
Introduced to a large gathering
of students, faculty and townspeo
ple, by Dean Victor P. Morris of
the school of business, Mr. Close
presented a graphic word picture
of economic relationships among
the foremost world powers and
showed positions Japan and Amer
ica will play in the approaching
struggle for supremacy in the in
ternational “ch^ss game."
Terming his address “America
in a Gangster World,” Upton Close
brought into vivid relief the spec
tacle of Great Britain and Ameri
ca as the champions of democracy,
in a fight-to-the-finish contest with
Japan, Italy, and Germany . . .
the nations employing gangster
tactic? to establish their unchal
lenged economic security, and new
world empires.
Ideals Threatened
Democratic ideals to which the
policies of the gangster nations
would mean destruction are politi
cal freedom, religious tolerance,
and high standards of living by
which the working man benefits
from machine production, accord
ing to the traveler and news com
Rapidly sketching the history of
Europe since the World war, Close
drew analogies and comparisons
between the Japantese-American
situation and the Italian-British
situation. He stressed the impor
tance of the element of the divine
origin which the Japanese attrib
ute to their governmental heads.
(Please turn to pa<ie three)
AS (JO... $25
Campus.. $47
Goal, $80,000
The ARUO executive commit
tee yesterday gave added impe
tus to the “Save the Battleship
Oregon" drive, appropriating $25
from the general fund for the
Jack Enders announced that
with one day left to go, $47 has
been raised by student contribu
tions. Fraternities gave $10, so
rorities $9, and the AWS $3.
The state committee is atj
tempting to raise a total of
Irvin Mann Wins
$15 in Jewett Contest
New System Is Used
In Selecting Topics
For Speakers
Irvin Mann, sophomore in jour
nalism, won the Jewett public
speech contest last night at an
open meeting in Villard hall when
six members chosen from the ex
tempore speaking classes discus
sed “Men and Machines." His
award was $15.
Contestants knew what sub-topic
of the general theme they were to
have only an hour before the meet.
Used for the first time here, this
system provides for the drawing of
a subject after doing general read
ing for several weeks.
Mann drew “Morals and the Ma
chine Age" to speak on.
Second money, $10, went to
George Swan, who discussed “Con
sumer Responsibility.” Leo Ken
drick won third place and $5 with
his discourse on “Mechanized
BA Honorary Head
To Visit Chapter
Mr. E. E. Davidson, professor of
marketing at the University of
Idaho, and northwest deputy coun
sellor for Alpha Kappa Psi, na
tional commerce professional fra
ternity, will visit Kappa chapter
here Saturday. He will be greeted
by the officers and advisers of the
chapter at a luncheon Saturday
Council Adopts Plan
To Pick Rally Squad
From Trained Group
Groundwork Is Laid
By Executive Group
For Student Union
Financing Project
Ed Robbins, chairman of the stu
dent union board, reported to the
executive committee yesterday that
his committee is going forward
with its planning by laying care
fully the groundwork for financ
ing the proposed building.
Settlement on the proxy-vote
question came in the form of an
addition to the by-laws when the
group definitely banned such bal
lots in ASUO elections.
Class Elections Studied
A discusssion of the plan to
bring the classes under the con
trol of an ASUO election board
brought forth the opinions of sev
eral committee members that the
class prexies have misunderstood
the purpose of such a check. It
was pointed out that each class
would be well represented if such
a board were set up, and that the
classes would be able to avoid the
“unpleasant situations and rumors
arising from not too well con
trolled elections in the past.” Al
though the junior class h.xS indi
cated that it does not wish such
aid from the ASUO, the plan will
not be abandoned, Prexy Hall said
last night.
Appropriation of $25 for the bat
tleship Oregon fund was made at
the meeting from the ASUO gen
eral fund. Discussion of changes
in the various athletic awards was
postponed by the committee.
Interdesk Handball
Victors Announced
Verlin Wolfe and Stanley Tuck
er emerged victorious in the first
battles of the interdesk handball
tourney to determine the “cham
peen” of the drafting room of the
architecture department.
Wolfe defeated Elmer Link
21-10, 21-G and Tucker defeated
Michael Gallis 21-1, 21-2.
University of Alabama with 3596,
and the University of Tennessee
with 3476.
Matches held Thursday were
with Hose Polytechnic institute,
UCLA, Montana State college and
University of Idaho.
The members of Oregon’s team
and their scores are: Stanley War
ren 379 out of a possible 400; Bill
Gieseke, 376; Jack Lew, 373; Don
ald Boyd, 371; Lawrence Lew, 361;
Joe Sallee, 358; Harold Wing, 356;
Tom Taylor, 356, Bill Kirkpatrick,
357; and Wybird Furrell, 354.
Oregon will shoot 17 postal
matches and two shoulder to shoul
der matches. The shoulder to shoul
der matches are with OSC. The
first match is here February 26
and the other at OSC March 5.
Plans are being made to have a
match with the University of
Washington at Seattle.
Warren Gieseke, Lew, and Boyd
were members of the five-man
team that won the national cham
pionship last year.
Three of the ten men on the
Oregon team are from Baker, Ore
UO Radio Players
To Tell of Trucking
University radio players will
present a program Sunday which
will be a dramatization of the de
velopment of trucking in this coun
try. The broadcast, one of a week
ly series on vocations and employ
ment, is scheduled for 1:45 over
Those taking part will be Ar
thur Porter, Freeman Patton,
Laura Bryant, and Dolph Janes.
Another weekly series, this one
based on scientific discoveries, will
be started next Thursday over the
same station at 8:30.
Truckin on Down to Weddingnelles
W , PM
Marjorie Bates and Pete Mitchell . . . wed in futuristic marriage as attendants truck.
Up on its collective toes went
the audience at last night's YW
Wedding Belles pageant, as
truckin’ Ronnie Robinson “Big
Appled” down the aisle in the
role of ringbearer.
Featuring several mock wed
ding parties and a parade of
historic wedding gowns, the
YW presented its second big
bridal program at the music
March Under Sabers
Elizabeth Ann DeBusk was
the bride in the colorful colon
ial wedding, and Frank Drew
the groom. AWS Prexy Gayle
Buchanan was maid-of-honor,
and Tom Miles, best man. Rev.
H. R. White, of St. Mary's
Episcopal church acted as min
ister. Attendants to the bride
included Gladys Battleson, Lor
raine Hixson, Jean Bonness and
Ruth Johnson. Groomsmen
were Hal Duden, Frank Cham
bers, Don Seaman and Jack
Members of the modern wed
ding party, which was military
in theme, marched through an
arch of crossed sabers from the
platform. Little Colonel Mary
Jane Mahoney and Cadet Colo
nel Jack Enders played the bri
dal roles.
To the rhythm of “Satan
Takes a Holiday,” attendants
in the Big Apple, futuristic
wedding, trucked out on the
stage, setting the tempo for the
entire wedding.
Apples Munched
Contrary to the usual proced
ure, Groom Pete Mitchell, es
corted by Mrs. Genevieve Tur
nipseed, who played the role of
his mother, marched down the
aisle, following the star per
former of the evening, Ring
bearer Ronnie. Marjorie Bates,
bride, awaited the groom on the
platform, standing before a huge
apple, which represented the
pulpit. Paul Stewart as minis
ter, nonchalantly munching on
numerous apples, followed the
bride and groom about the stage
as they danced, reading the
ceremony, which took place in
the center of a vigorous, rhyth
mic Big Apple ring of attend
Chairmen for the affair in
cluded Ellamae Woodworth,
general chairman; Virginia Mc
Corkle, colonial wedding chair
man, Aida Macchi; military
wedding chairman, Laurie Saw
yer; tickets, Eleanor Hays; mu
sic, and Clara Nasholmn, dec
Graduate Students'
Positions Available
Scholarships Also to
Be Granted to Super
Appointments are available for
graduate students to positions of
graduate and research assistant
ships, scholarships, and fellowships
and a number of fee scholarships
will be granted students with
superior records, according to in
formation received from Mrs.
Clara L. Fitch, secretary of the
graduate division.
Assistantships, amounting to
eighteen hours' work a week at
$540 per year, are available in the
fields of anthropology, art, busi
ness administration, classics, eco
nomics, education, English, geo
graphy, German, history, journal
ism, music, philosophy, physical
education, psychology, romance
languages, and sociology.
Fellowships will be awarded ta
persons working for the doctorate,
with at least one year of remark
ably superior work toward his de
gree. The service required is in
structional assistance or research,
with a stipend of $750 per year.
Applications-for these positions
should be made by April 15 and
sent to Dr. George Rebec, dean of
the graduate division at the Uni
versity of Oregon. Both men and
women are eligible for the posi
tions. Those interested in natural
science assistantships should write
to the graduate division of Oregon
State college at Corvallis.
Harry Ely to Speak
At Honorary Feast
Harry W. Ely, general manager
of northwestern group of Scripp
League of Newspapers, will be the
main speaker at the initiation ban
quet of Alpha Delta Sigma next
Saturday night.
Initiation will be held Saturday
afternoon at 4:30 o’clock in Ger
linger hall for the following: Ken
Ely, son of the main speaker, Joe
Frizzell, Frank Allen, Bill Thomp
son, Willie Frager, Les Miller,
Keith Osborne, Glenn Pownder,
Bill Cummings, Hal Adams.
Associate members to be ini
tiated at the same time will be
Elmer Fansett, Clair Kneeland, and
George Root.
The banquet will be held at 6
o'clock at the Anchorage and will
have Carl Thuneman, general man
ager of McMorran’s, as master of
W. F. G. Thacher, professor of
English and advertising, who has
been ill the past week, told mem
bers yesterday that he thought
that he would be well enough by
Saturday to attend.
Colored Films
Brought Here
By Architect
About 3:30 yesterday after
noon art and architecture stu
dents and faculty alike began to
leave their desks and drafting
i boards. All steps turned toward
! 107 architecture.
There in the darkened room,
Mr. Arthur Lovelace, Seattle ar
chitect and long time friend of
Prof. W. R. B. Willcox, home
ward bound from a trip of sev
eral weeks in Mexico, provided
{ entertainment by showing col
ored movies taken during his
I trip. Some of the pictures had
I just been returned from the
1 photographer, had not been edit
ed, and were, consequently, as
i new to Mr. Lovelace as to the
' students and faculty.
3 Sophs, 2 Juniors,
Senior Chairman,
3 Coeds Comprise
Committee Core
No more pig chasing.
Radical reforms for the rally
squad came yesterday when the
ASUO executive committee passed
a plan to be written into its by
laws that will control and direct
the work of that body.
Acting to clear up some of the
criticism that the present setup
receives, the committee agreed to
two plans submitted by Abe Wein
er and Prexy Barney Hall. Hall
was commissioned to formally
draw up the plan.
Nine to Be Ralllers
Weiner's part of the new deal
states that the rally group shall
be composed of nine members
(three sophs, two juniors and a
senior who shall act as chairman
and three women members). In
addition each living organization
will name a frosh to serve an ap
The executive committee will
appoint the Tallymen not later than
j May 22 of each year by elimina
| tion. From the frosh apprentices,
i three members will be named to
j serve- during their sophomore year,
J and so on up to the choice of the
senior man. Women will be named
■ by the executive group and rally
j chairman after they have peti
! tioned for places.
Hall Makes Suggestions
Parts of the plan suggested by
! Hall include provisions for the re
moval of any rally member and
the filling of the vacancy under the
above plan.
Sophomore members will receive
emblems. Although the plans are
not definitely made, it is believed
that the junior members will be
I awarded sweaters with emblems,
! and the rally headman will be
awarded a sweater and larger em
Chulrumn Is Coordinator
Under Hall’s plan, the rally
chairman will act as coordinator of
the entire rally program, appoint
ing sub-chairmen to head various
! phases of the work such as campus
rallies, publicity and dances.
A campus-wide contest at the
beginning of each school year will
be held to obtain ideas for half
time stunts. A faculty advisory
i committee will be set up each year
to advise in staging of rallies.
Control of the rally committee
| will be in the hands of the ASUO
1 prexy acting as the agent of execu
I tive committee . . .
Dramatists Desert
Campus for Seattle
Play Conference
Mrs. Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt,
Horace W. Robinson, and Walden
Boyle, all of the faculty of the
drama divir<on are in Seattle this
weekend attending' the sectional
meeting ‘ of the national theater
conference. A number of drama
students also attended.
Those attending the meeting will
have the opportunity of seeing a
number of plays in addition to the
regular conference sessions.
Woodmansee Talks
On Social Theories
Wayne Woodmansee, staff mem
ber of the bureau of municipal re
search, spoke Wednesday night at
the meeting of Alpha Kappa Delta,
national sociology honorary, in
Gerlinger hall. His subject was
"Relationships of Doctrinal Formu
lations and Institutional Structure
of Society.”
Mr. Woodmansee emphasized the
ambiguity of many doctrines re
sulting in a cultural lag between
social theory and social organiza