Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1938, Page Four, Image 4

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    Pollock's FOLLY
ALTHOUGH THIS department Is usually mom at. home in the
public announcement of unpleasant truths, we’re going to lot the
spirit of Christian charity permeate our bones and tell our readers
something we are sure will make them very happy.
To wit: Mrs. Dionne hud five puppies, one of which did not
survive his arrival in this world over five, minutes or so. The re
mainder, however, are quite happily scrambling lor the stuff that
made the dorms infamous . . . unfortunately their eyes are not yet
open and occasionally one of them tumbles out of bed and heads in
tlie- general direction of the great outdoors under the mistaken
impression that food may Ite obtained thereby.
THIS ALWAYS occasions great, grief on the part of Mrs.
Dionne, who pursues her errant offspring and returns him to tlm
parental bed and board. •
Evidence that, although the heart of Mrs. Dionne is pure, her
morals probably are not may he seen in the fact that three of the
surviving pups are white and the other is very definitely black,
Minnie, as the boys rail her informally, does not seem to regret
it, however and is, in fact, very happy with her newly-hatched
9 9 9 *
ME ARE IN RECEIPT of a. letter from a friend of ours, editor
of a country weekly in Culver City, Cal. . . . like all newspapermen,
he must occasionally attend and report ceremonial occasions like
chamber of commerce banquets . . . this he did the other evening,
being alternately bored and nauseated by the. speeches and alcohol -
tinged promises of the locul c of c boys . . .
In fact the only thing that cheered him was the presence in
great quantities of much-mellowed juice, of the vine and of the
brewery . , . being a banquet j( was, of course, free and our reporter
proved himself a true friend of union labor by attempting to see
that the breweries ran night shifts from then oil.
THE SPEECHES became, after a time, just ringing noises in
his head and when he finally strived back at the printery to record
the event for posterity he was in one of his finer cynical moods
and inclined to look at the whole thing with a jaundiced eye.
He therefore started the construction of Ins little masterpiece
with some sincere advice to tin* linotype operator ... it ran some
think like this: “Chamber of Commerce stuff . . . Gawd, bow they
piled it on—but chin up, stout fella . . . sel it anyway—it won’t make
you sick if you don’t smell it . .
THE PROCESS of writing consisted of poorly aimed blows at
the typewriter as it gyrated about our friend’s buzzing head and the
article contained other little gems meant as asides to the operator.
. . . Our budding reporter’s boss—publisher of the Citizen, sir had
also spoken and the youthful Pulitzer—with a fine sense of fitness—
saved up his most clever rebuttals for his remarks.
For the denouement of this little drama, we quote our friend’s
letter verbatim: “The copy was a little lousey, of course, and looked
as if it had been written by someone witIi senile debility or motor
incoordination—or an advanced stage of both . . . with sweeping
gestures—including most of each page per gesture—I eopyread it
and sent it down to the machine happily expecting that the night
crew would set it . . . Well, they didn't—and one of the firsl remarks
that tlie old man spewed forth upon coming to work was a request
to see my copy . . .
“THERE IT WAS in all of its pitiful incoherence. In the light of
the sober day it made even me a little ]>ale . . . the clever, buti
obscene, remarks to the operator seemd somehow ttie miasma aris
ing from a mind fetid, putrid, and festering with all tlie baser
emotions and lusts . . .
“There has been a cooler note about (lie office of late.”
» By Bill Cummings and
F I’aul Dciitohmann
Education is not always easy
to acquire, but once in a while
there comes an opportunity to
soak up some of it without much
effort. Such an opportunity is
the assembly today in which
Upton Close, noted commenta
tor, will talk on the significance
of Japan’s war with China. The
talk should be well worth a trip
to Gerlinger, inasmuch ns his
tory in the making will be di
vulged free of charge, enter
tainingly, and by one of those
few individuals who can rightly
be called an authority.
* *
Speaking of commentulors, it
seems that everyone cm till'
c ampus 1ms suddenly discovered
a latent talent for radio work.
Lucky Strike certainty lead a
good idea when someone thought
up the new’s-eominentutor ad
vertising scheme. Students are
talking Luckies, smoking Luck
ies, thinking about Luckies, and
listening to tlicir own voices
praising Luckies on tin* free
voice recordings given with ev
ery audition.
* 5H *
It's costly advertising, but
good advertising. At least it
lias caused a sensation here in
Eugene, which was picked as
one of the focal points of the
campaign because it is a typical
college town, with good radio
broadcasting facilities. II is un
doubtedly the most intensive
advertising campaign ever to
hit the campus. With so many
free smokes lying around, even
non-smokers are induced to
reach for one, so if the campus
doesn't literally go up in smoko
it isn’t the fault of Lucky
Strike. And if the cigarets do
all the tilings for one's nerves
that the advertisers claim, the
judges of tlie auditions will
probably need fifty flat-fifties
apiece before the end of the
Personality Authority
(Continued from puiie three)
talnment for Miss Osbourne is a
student committee composed of
Rita Wright, Elizabeth Stetson,
Virginia Regan, Phyllis Gardiner
Harriet Thompson, and Kay Cole
Phi Delts Finish
(’Continued from hone two)
terday, 41 to 2S. The victory puts
them into the champion hip play
Twenty-two fouls were called in
the contest, with Andy Karstens of
ATO going out on four personals,
and a new record was probably set
when exactly six conversions were
The ATOs took a six to one lead
in the first quarter, but the inde
pendents moved up to trail by two
points at the end of the canto, 0
to 4.
The second quarter was practic
ally a repetition of the first, with
the Hotelmen getting off to an
early lead only to see it fade before
the determined attack of the Yeo
men. Half time score was a tie,
17 to 17.
Score at the end of the third
canto was 29 to 26 for the ATOs
The independent offensive faded
before the ATO defense in the last
quarter, and they were able to
score only a pair of free throws.
Mitchell, Hay and Gray heal were
meanwhile teaming- to drop in 15
points and send the Hotelmen on
to a decisive victory.
Don Mitchell, high point man,
team with Don Anderson and John
Hay to give the ATOs a powerful
smooth passing offensive. Mitchell
took high point honors with 12
points, followed hv Anderson with
11 and Hay with 8.
The Yeoman forward wall, Huf
ford, Holland, and Anderson, were
responsible for 24 of the Yeomen’s
28 points.
28, Yeomen (B)
ATOs (B) 44
Peake. 5
Mitchell, 12
Anderson, 11
Graybeal, 5
Karstens, 1
Wyman, 2
Hay, 8 .
,,S .
i*. llufford
8, Holland
. 7, Webb
. Hillard
3, Bowens
. Good
Dr. C. B. Beall, professor of Ro
mance languages, had an article on
"Notes on the Influence of Tasso
in France," dealing with the imi
tations and translations of Tasso
in France in the 16th and 17th cen
turies published in the December j
issue of an Italian magazine.
Dr. Beall has been working on
the subject for "five or six years,"
he said. He has also had articles
on this same subject, published in
the "Modern Language Notes,”
and "Modern Philology" magazines
since the beginning of the school
What Does a Reading Room Attendant
LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor
Associate Editors: Paul Deutschmann, Clare Igoe.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year
exrei t Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods, Entered aa second-class mail matter at the postflice, Eugene,
Editorial Board: Darrel Ellis, Bill Peace, Margaret Ray, Edwin Robbins, A1 Dickhart, Kenneth Kirtley, Bernardine Bowman.
Bill Pengra, City Editor Martha Stewart. Women’s Editor Alyce Rogers, Exchange Editor
D*w Evans, Assistant Managing Editor Don Kennedy, Radio Editor Betty Jane Thompson, church editor
Bill Norcne, Sports Editor Rita Wright, Society Editor Milton Levy, assistant chief night editor
And the Breath of Spring Lead Them Thither —
j^PRTXG came 1o the TTiiversilv yesterday.
Sun-warmed breezes spread over Ihe
eampus like a star boarder’s band over (lie
last biscuit. The crinkling mill-race sang the
song of a siren; and in the hills Ihe earth
gave up the first moist perfume of spring.
Buds burst from twig ends, and an anxious
robin twittered from bough to bough.
The essence of spring lured students in
hordes. A class of 120 students was Tuesday
reduced to 40. Spring had taken its toll and
the call of Ihe wide open spaces was supreme.
Down the street they marched arm in arm.
their bodies swayed in rhythm with the
breeze. heels heat a light stacoatn in echo to
the chirping sparrow. Youth was free and
the world was full of sunshine.
# * */
rJTIEY stopped and turned into a little door
way. “Ah, at 1 ast,r’ they sighed emo
tionally. The Side was filled with a babble
of voices. Every booth was jammed as nature
loving students crowded around tables in the
ordinarily half-filled — at 11 o’clock —back
room. Coffee cups clanked on saucers and
cigarette smoke was twice as thick as usual.
Spring had come to the Oregon campus.
—L. T.
Owed to Odd
npifTRSDAY night Iho Associated Press
signed the following story, which con
tains a surprising amount of editorial com
ment for an AP reporter to write and an AP
editor to pass. Newspaper men all over the
United States took this and other stories of
a similar nature off the wires. Most of them
went into papers and, we'll wager, were well
read by a sympathetic public. For Oscar Odd
McIntyre, the small-town hoy who made good
writing of the big city, was known and re
spected by all journalists and read by most
American newspaper readers.
* *
•p)ATM line, slug and all, the AP story,
Nite lead
GALLIPOLIS, O., Feb. 15— (AP)—Odd Mc
Intyre’s "neighbors” agreed tonight that he would
have wanted a simple, unpretentious burial,
but his home town chamber of commerce laid
plans for one of its biggest civic observances
to honor him.
The columnist’s body will arrive here tomor
row from New York, where he died Monday.
A chamber of commerce delegation will meet
the cortege at Huntington, W. Va.
Every minister in this town of 7,000 will
take part in the funeral Thursday. Business
houses, schools and public offices in Gallia coun
ty will close.
Only a few of Gallipolis’ present residents
knew McIntyre personally (he left here 38 years
ago) but all mourned him.
J^TEW York Day by Day,” was a gossipy,
canny, and candid column, always ex
tremely readable, packed with human inter
est, and never malicious or bitter. 0. 0. Mc
Intyre was a college man who worked his
way up in the newspaper world from a small
beginning on the Gallipolis Journal, lie made
the long step to New York in 1912 from the
Cincinnati Post. About 2b years ago, Mc
Intyre stalled syndicating. At bis death 280
American newspapers were buying and print
ing his column.
At ">4, Odd was truly (lie dean of American
columnists. He never started any wars. He
didn’t bring about any great American re
forms. But he made thousands of people
chuckle over their coffee about his red and
white purple-spotted lies, and brought New
York into their lives as an interesting and
human reality.
Like Gallipolis, the nation has done him
honor for those services.
; • i 1 1 nnl f
night at 7:30 o'clock at the home
of Dr. Warren D. Smith, 1941 Uni
versity street.
Amphibian pledges will be in
itiated at 7 o'clock tonight in the
social room at Gerlinger.
University of Oregon Ski club
will meet tonight at 7:30 in the
men's gym. Very important plans
concerning student use of the
snowmobile will be discussed.
Alpha Delta Sigma will meet at
4 o'clock today in Professor
Thacher's office at the Journalism
Futuristic wedding party of YW
Wedding Belles pageant meet at
YW bungalow at 4 p.m. Final re
The Christian Science organiza
tion will hold a testimonial meet
ing tonight in the AWS room in
Gerlinger hall at 8 o'clock. Stu
dents and members of the faculty
nd their friends are invited to
Backseat Driver
(Continued from page three)
reluctantly, 1 give it to my own
two readers, and I do hope they
will try to keep it a secret.
It seems that my good friend
Zollie Volchek is becoming more
and more the executive every day. |
Not only does he go around smok-1
ing long black cigars, but he has I
recently hired himself a ghost
writer who composes touching lit-1
tie love epistles to be sent to the
light of Zollie's life. Zollie's only
orders, I am told, are,
“Make ’em mushy.” ,
And lastly comes one from the
Theta Chi house where the sub
ject of quiet hours arose one eve
ning. Leonard Clark and Jim Jar
vis, two of the brothers, after1
some consideration tiad come to
the conclusion that what their fra
ternity needed was more quiet and
they felt quite strongly on the sub
"How can you be expected to j
study when there is so much
noise going on?” they demanded.
Going into a huddle tile two boy s
proceeded to argue the subject at
Kreat length, and as the argument
proceeded it grew more heated and
the more heated it grew the louder
rose their voices. Presently the
two were shouting at the tops of
their voices, when in walks bro
ther Leland Terry armed with a
“Vou guys are breaking quiet
hours,” he informed them. ‘‘Take
; two hacks.”
UO, UW Speakers
(Continued from page one)
are under the supervision of Pro
fessor W. A. Dahlberg.
The groups present the forum
this morning at Eugene high and
at noon before the Active club at
the Eugene hotel. Friday night
both groups will meet with repre
sentatives of the local labor unions
in a discussion at 8:30 in the labor
The Washingtonians yesterday
discussed “The Agricultural Prob
lem" with an Oregon group com
posed of Charles Devereaux.
George Hall, Dean Ellis, Robert
Young, and George Mackin.
All meetings are open to the
Alpha Kappa Delta
To Meet Tonight, 7:30
Wayne Woodmansee, staff mem
ber in the University Bureau of
Municipal Research and Service,
will be the featured speaker at the
bi-monthly meeting of Alpha Kappa
Delta, national sociology honorary,
to be held tonight at 7:30 in Ger
linger hall. Mr. Woodmansee’s
topic will be, “A Point of View on
the Relationships of Doctrinal For
mulations and Institutional Struc
ture of Society.”
A discussion and a short busi
ness meeting will be followed by a
social period. Refreshments will be
Phone 24S 02 W. Broadway l
House Dances Head
(Continued from pacie three)
Gamblers for
Sigma Nu
Straight from “Monte Carlo”
will he participants in the Sigma
Nu winter formal at the Osburn
hotel, Saturday evening.
The ball room will be decorated
in the colors of the gambling
wheel—blue, white, red, and black.
Gigantic roulette wheels will be set
in the background. The programs
will carry on the theme and are in
silver and gold.
Dick Chaney’s orchestra from
Oregon State will play.
Patrons and patronesses will be:
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Parsons, Dr.
and Mrs. Will Norris, Mr. and Mrs. !
Wier MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs.
William Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Kneeland, and Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Reed.
* * *
Mrs. Jesse Montgomery Mann
announced the marriage of her
daughter, Margaret Mann to Gay
K. Pinkstaff which took place on
August 31, 1937, this week.
The couple were secretly mar
ried in Stevenson, Washington.
Miss Mann while in school was af
filiated with Alpha Chi Omega and
Pinkstaff with Phi Gamma Delta.
Dessert Toll
Of Week
Desserts which were held Wed
nesday night are: Pi Beta Phi play
ing host to Phi Delta Theta: Al
Do--or—What Use Is a Like Watchdog?
A Place to Study atid a Place to Sit
'HE Emerald’s suggestion that the rooms
on the third floor of tlm library Were
closed to prevent students from going Into
them and smoking lias brought a denial from
Librarian M. II. Douglass.
The real reason, says the librarian, is that
not sufficient assistants are available to keep
the rooms now open running, or, at least,
that a smaller staff is now devoted to this
purpose than was the ease in 1 lie old library.
This may he very true, but :
Why should it take more attendants to
run the third floor rooms as reading rooms
than it does now to have them standing idle?
one is actually on duty in reading re
serves at present. There would he no
more checking in and out of books to handle,
unless opening the rooms should enable more
students to use the library and even sueli on
increase would be handled at reserevs already
in operation.
About the only reason for not opening the
rooms is, then, that another assistant would be
required. And what would that help do?
Probably keep students from smoking in the
third floor rooms, although attendants now
employed seldom enter the second and first
floor reserves at all.
AVe have it on reliable authority that this
is really the ease. If there’s any other logical
reason for needing more attendants, unless
it's that the janitor would have to sweep the
rooms more often, we can’t think of it.
Last term the librarian announced the
rooms were not used because there was no
need for them. This term, it is certain, that
need exists. Even when a few seats arc si ill
empty in the second floor reserve, study eon
ditious In that room are bemud to bo poor. ^
There a,re no door-, to slmf off noise from the
hall and students are constantly moving in
and out.
A place 1o study Isn't all that should he
provided students. It might he possible to set;
up a desk and books in the middle of the
street at the intersection of Thirteenth and
Kincaid hut no student would do so if he
wanted quiet, and a less noisy plaee was avail
'T'lTOfsE loss noisy places arc available in the
new library. Why not use lliem if it’s at
nil possible? There’s such a bi" difference
between a place to study and a place to sit.
(Editor’s note: Despite the vigorous tenor
of the suggestions made above, the staff of
the library could probably establish, for its
own satisfaction, that no personal malice is
involved—as at least two attendants sug
gested following the last time they soaked
“this department” (to quote Pollock) $1.50
for having a few books out three days over
the deadline. At that time we suggested the
five-cent a day fine without warnings was
exorbitant, laying ourselves open to their
But this time it’s different. Through the
courtesy of the school of journalism, we have
an office—just as do the professors who also
have the private study rooms reserved in the
library—and would rather study here (or
not at all) than stumble into a crowded re
serve, scrape back a chair while people glai P
at us. and then settle down to glare ourselves
—alternating our glares between a book and
people coming in and going out.)
pha Xi Delta, Chi Psi; Alpha Omi
cron Pi, Beta Theta Pi; Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Delta Upsilon; Chi
Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Tonight Pi Kappa Alpha will en
tertain Alpha Phi; Sigma Phi Ep
silon, Gamma Phi Beta; and Theta
Chi, Delta Delta Delta.
Friday night Phi Kappa Psi will
go to Gamma Phi Beta and Sigma
Chi to Alpha Gamma Delta.
* * *
Radio Dance
For Rusliees
Kappa Alpha Theta will enter
tain rushees this Friday night with
a radio dance at the chapter house.
their offspring—the bulletins ap
peared every term—and also, if
imbued with a vulgar albeit par
donable curiosity, on scions of
frien.ds and acquantainces.
Scandal Sheet Abandoned
The popularity of this reading
matter was soon more than
matched by its unpopularity. It
looked as if publicity could be
overdone. In 1927 this, the most
interesting literature ever put out
by the University press, ceased
to appear. In discontinuing it, the
faculty voted that, “grade reports
be sent each term to parents, stu
dents, advisers, high schools and
major departments.”
The present well-known system,
based on four passing- grades, A,
B, C, D; F, failure; Inc., incom
plete; W, withdrawn; was inaug
urated in 1932. Now comes Dr.
Warren D. Smith, proposing, as
stated in the press, that grades be
recorded as at present and be
available to faculty members and
for other suitable purposes but
‘‘not revealed to students or their
parents. In their stead students
would receive ratings of Honors,
Passing and Incomplete.” Will the
pendulum swing back to the year
Hunt Club
Sponsors Dinner Dance
The Eugene Hunt club will hold
a dinner dance at the 4-H club
buildings at the fairgrounds this
Saturday night. Student members
and faculty will participate.
Several parties have been
planned preceding the dance. Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Macintosh will be
at home to guests.
Eugene Mothers
Eugene mothers' club of Pi Beta
Phi entertained the active mem
bers at the chapter house from 4
to 5 on Wednesday afternoon.
Grades Changed
(Continued front page three)
substituted for letters and the
marking system, otherwise modi
fied, appears in the catalog as fol
lows :
I. Unusual excellence.
II. High quality. Classes I and
II together constitute approximate
ly the highest fourth.
III. Satisfactory. Approximate
ly the second quarter.
IV. Fair. Approximately the
third quarter.
V. Passing.
F. Failed.
The highlight of the year 1920,
however, was not the change in
grading but the issuing of certain
seasonal publications, officiall;
known as bulletins but colloquial
ly as scandal sheets, which in thn
year began to brighten the cam
pus and the homes of students. In
these pulps—such was their type
of paper—all students were listed
alphabetically, together with their
grades. It thus became possible
for parents to keep better tab on
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