Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1938, Image 1

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    Extra Hours for
Auditions to Be
Held This Evening
©reoon HP €mmtld
Close Speaks at
Gerlinger Hall at
11 This Morning
far Eastern Correspondenttotalk in GerlingerThisMorning
World Known
Writer Slated
For Assembly
Upton Close to Speak
Of Events, Travels
In India, Orient
World famous traveler, news
commentator and writer, Upton
Close—originally Josef Washing
ton Hall—will speak at an 11
' o'clock assembly at the University
of Oregon today in Gerlinger hall,
where he will be introduced to the
student body by Dean Victor P.
Morris of the school of business
Close has been acknowledged one
of the foremost authorities on af
fairs in India, China, and Japan
for the past fifteen years, follow
ing his wide experience with the
people and events of modern west
After his graduation from a
university in Washington, D. C.,
Close began a career in the Far
East which has included participa
tion in the student revolution of
1919, the editorship of the world's
oldest newspaper in Peking, relief
work in Shensi during the famine
of 1920 and spectator at the great
earthquake of Kensu.
Survives Cholera
His book about this last experi
ence, "Where the Mountains
Walked," resulted in his election
to the Explorers’ club of New
York. He survived cholera during
this expedition, by the use of kero
sene oil and opium. This is only
one of the many times he has been
reported dead, only to reappear,
“bringing the corpse with him."
He held the position of chief of
foreign affairs in the staff of Gen
eral Wu, patriotic dictator of Chi
na, until he became the victim of
typhoid fever, and returned to
Rooks Published
In America he has been a part
of the University of Washington
staff, where he introduced a course
on Pacific Asian life, literature and
politics. He has published books,
written articles for syndicates,
talked over the radio, until he is
recognized as one of the most able
of contemporary correspondents on
*" the interpretation of social and po
litical developments in Japan, Chi
na and India.
He has made tours each year to
the Orient for the past ten years,
taking American students with
him. In 1929, Close revisited India
to confer with Gandhi, Tagore,
Nehru, Mme. Naidu and others
close to the heart of political de
velopment in that country.
Labor Trouble
Hits Montana
Music Grouo
Determined student musicians of
Montana State university put a
quick stop to the college spring
musical comedy with their de
mands for union wages during re
' hearsals.
The students had collected $400
for backing the show, but the
amount was not enough to meet
the demands for the union wage.
The show was abandoned and all
student musicians were directed
by the union to sign up and re
ceive a union wage for all rehear
sals and productions.
* * *
Sillyogism ...
To be understood is to make
sense. To make sense is to coin
money. To coin money is 20
years in A 1 c a t r|a z. Therefore,
what’s the use of being under
stood?—Indiana Daily.
* * *
The King's English ...
That’s what is required of the
students from the University of
¥ Pennsylvania. For the first time,
a law has been passed giving the
faculty power to withhold degrees
if the student has not “achieved a
satisfactory standard in written
and spoken English.” And what’s
more, the rule’s being enforced.
Education Majors
To Hear L. C. Moffitt
Education majors will hear Law
rence C. Moffitt, county school
superintendent, spoke on “Teacher
Problems” at Westminster house
last night.
The meetings have been arrang
ed to be held every week to help
some hundred students of the Uni
versity, who plan to be teachers,
receive practical advice for their
work. The meeting will be an in
formal discussion in which all stu
542 Audition
For Emerald
Turnout Necessitates
Adding Recording1
Hours; Girls Seen to
Have Edge
The second day of the Daily
Emerald-Lucky Strike news com
mentator audition boosted the total
of competing students to 542 when
the ASUO office was closed last
night at 10 o'clock. According to >
Gene Sheridan, conducting the au- I
ditions for Luckies, Oregon was
10 behind the University of Texas
yesterday, the only other school
receiving the auditions at the pres
ent time.
Originally scheduled for only
two more afternoon programs, to
day and Friday, Sheridan said that
an additional evening audition will
be held tonight from 7 to 10 o'
clock, with Friday’s afternoon au
dition concluding the trials.
Girls Have Edge
Girls seemed to have a slight
edge on the boys for confidence
and voice tone, Sheridan said,
which was also true the first day.
Listening to the students as they
filed into the audition room, spoke
for a few seconds, received a slip
entitling them to a “flat fifty” of
Luckies is very interesting, accord
ing to Walt Vernstrom, Emerald
advertising manager.
Students Show Variety
He said everything from timor
ous, quavering voices from
thoroughly scared students to bold,
confident tones such as Paul Stew
art’s, who announces over KORE,
were represented.
The entrants will be narrowed to
two finalists, who will be regularly
employed broadcasting the “Ore
gon Emerald of the Air” over
KORE each week. They will re
ceive $10 a week for approximately
12 minutes work.
Edison Marshall
Contest Entries
Sent to Portland
The 24 entries submitted in the
Edison Marshall short story con- ,
test were sent to the judges in ;
Portland yesterday by the journal
ism office.
First prize of $50 and a second
prize of $25 are offered in the con- '
test which closed Tuesday.
The contest is sponsored by Edi- •
son Marshall, noted short story
writer, who attended the Univer
sity. Mr. Marshall won the O.
Henry Award for the best short
story in 1927. 1
Judges, Dean Alfred Powers of
the Portland extension, John Haw- ■
kins, Portland professional writer,
and Margaret Goodall, retired Uni- ■
versity high school teacher, are
expected to announce their decision
in several weeks.
Coeds Watch
McPherson -
The Butcher
Students enrolled in the foods
class at the home economic
school last night had the oppor
tunity to supplement their ‘‘book
larnin.” An actual demonstra
tion showed them from which
parts of the beef certain meat
cuts were taken for preparation
of various cuts.
The demonstration was con
ducted by Mr. McPherson from
McPherson, during the demon
stration, told the group which
cuts were the choicest, and the
uses for each cut. He also di
vulged some of the “secrets of
the trade” used to make the cut
appear more desirable to the
Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery of
the school of education addressed a
class in the men’s division of the
Portland YMCA.
'Bottoms Up'
Maxine Glad, Gyp, and Jean Seliaefer... coeds drink lemon ‘cokes,’
the dojf goes thirsty.
Cokes Cop Campus
Thirst-Quench Titled
A Couple of Tags/ Cokes, Deck of Cards
Replace Two-Straws-in-a-Soda' Love of
Last Generation
“Lemon coke, please,” cries the Oregon student as he leans against
the counter of the local college hangouts.
Newt Smith, proprietor of the College Side, says "Lemon cokes are I
the most popular drink served.” He estimates that in his restaurant
alone, five to eight gallons of syrup are used each day—about a hun
dred cokes to a gallon. From this survey, it is evident Oregon students
[JO, UW Speakers
Hold Forum Tonight
reams Will Discuss
Labor Problems at
730 p.m.
The men’s public discussion
rroup from Oregon will meet with
epresentatives of the University
>f Washington in a public sym- .
JOsium on “The Labor Situation” ;
onight at Gerlinger alumni room, ,
starting at 7:30. ,
The forum, which is being spon- s
:ored by the Order of the Mace, i
speech honorary, alternates each i
'ear between the two campuses. i
University students taking part \:
vill be Marshall Nelson, Louis I s
totenberg, John Luvaas, Kessler
Cannon, Richard Romane, Zane
Cemler, and George Luoma. They
(Please turn to page four) \ '<
ire coking” in a big way.
Looking back into the history of
the past generation, the favorite
irink of the lads and lassies was
the ice cream soda, but now the
lumber of sodas sold per day aver
iges two or less.
Replaces Two Straws
Instead of young love over two
straws and a soda flavored with
flushes and coy glances, two cokes,
;wo cigarettes, a deck of cards and
i discussion of affairs at large,
characterizes this generation.
Through1 interviews with fellow
itudents it was found that the
argest number of “cokers” were
>f the feminine sex regardless of
he fact that cokes contain about
>ne hundred calories. Among the
nale customers, beer and cokes
an a close race. Friday and Sat
irday being “beering” days with a
inubbing attitude towards the
:okes by the masculine sex.
Orlando J. Hollis led discussion
it Alpha hall fireside last night.
Woo Woo, It's
A Foo or Two
For Me or You
“Indra?" ,
“I never met any," said Bob
Pollock. “Sounds like the name
of a book or an author," ven
tured Lloyd Hoffman.
“It’s Russian for ice cream,”
said George Godfrey, head of the
University news bureau.
But none were right, or per
haps all were right, explained
Zollie Volchok, noted publicizer
of local events. He queried cam
pus luminaries on the meaning of
such words as "Indra,” “Vilasa,”
and “Lanka Banana,’’ to get
grist for his publicity mill, which
is at present grinding out Uday
Shan Kar material.
He got it.
Koch Wins Rhythm
Revue by Coin-flip
Tied in Points With
Phillippi; Gets Free
Karl Koch of the Beta house won
the Emerald Rhythm Revue ‘‘Mu
sical Questionnaire" last night by a
flip of a coin. Koch and Dick Phil
lippi of Phi Delt were tied in the
quiz score and a flip of the coin
decided the winner of the Joe Rich
ards merchandise order.
Questions featured a group of
“title twisters” in which song ti
tles were expressed in “five gallon”
words for the contestants to un
scramble. Other questions con
cerned orchestra theme songs and
radio programs.
Babe Binford’s band swung out
for the broadcast with “The Snake
Charmer” and a Cab Calloway ar
rangement of “Minnie The Mooch
er.” Other numbers were: “You
Took the Words Right Out of My
Heart,” and “If It’s the Last Thing
I Do.”
Contestants quizzed besides Koch
and Phillippi were Dorothy Good,
Helen Pearson, and “Smoky”
Bishop From Alaska
Talks to Theta Chi
Rev. Peter T. Rowe, bishop of
the diocese of Alaska of the Epis
copal church, spoke at a fireside
at the Theta Chi Tuesday night.
He told of his adventures in Alas
ka where he has spent the greater
part of his life. He is the father
of Paul Rowe, Oregon student.
With Bishop Rowe were Rev.
Benjamin D. Dagwell, bishop of
the diocese of Oregon, and Rev.
Howard R. White, rector of St.
Mary’s church in Eugene.
Student Union, Rally
Reform, Class Voting
Topics of Meet Today
Junior Weekend
Theme Contest
Deadline Moved
Extension Made Until
Wednesday? Cash,
Tickets Are Prizes
Listed by Kemler
Extension of the Junior weekend
theme contest until next Wednes
day was announced yesterday by
Zane Kemler, junior class presi
dent. The contest is open to any
one interested in submitting a sug
gestion for the theme of this year’s
Junior Weekend, gala event of the
spring term.
The winning suggestion is worth
a firft prize of $20, while the au
thor of the second best suggestion
will receive two tickets to the
canoe fete, two tickets to the Hel
en Jepson concert, and a ticket to
the Junior prom. Third prize will
be two tickets to the canoe fete
and two to the Helen Jepson con
cert, Kemler said.
Winning suggestion last year
was the “Romantic Serenade” idea
submitted by Constance Kletzer,
who also won the year before.
Theme ideas should be turned in
at the secretary’s desk in the
ASUO shack by next Wednesday.
Judging will be by a special theme
committee, which will pick the
idea around which all of Junior
weekend will be built.
Jewett Contestants
Will Speak Tonight
A Jewett public speaking con
test, based on the general topic,
"Men and Machines,” will be held
tonight in Vlllard assembly at
The six contestants, chosen by
elimination from the extempore
speaking classes, will be Lawrence
Teeple, Irvin Mann, Leonard Clark,
Martha Wodaege, George Swan,
and Leo Kendrick.
A new method of assigning the
speakers’ topics will be used, said
Professor Donald E. Hargis of the
speech department. Speakers will
draw various sub-topics from a hat
an hour before the contest and
:hen prepare their speech.
The Emerald Rhythm Review Goes on the Air—The Boys 'Back Home' Listen
Don Kennedy and \\ indy Kauiman . . . pul miuu^u
their paces.
Mass Mattingly and crew . . . loaf and listen; try to answer the
questions first.
Executive Committee to Instruct Planning
Board in Spending of $30,000; ASUO May
Control Class Elections
Instruction of the newly-formed student union board as to
its duties as well as discussions of the proposed rally reform
and class election control will be the business taken up at the
noon meeting of the ASUO executive committee at the Anchor
age, said Prexy Barney Hall last night.
The student planning board has been working since its
Wedding Bells
Will Peal Forth
At Bridal Show
Outstanding among YW ac
tivities on the campus this year
will be tonight’s "Wedding
Belles” pageant, being presented
at 8:15 at the music auditorium.
Nearly one hundred students
from the campus will take part
in a pageant of wedding cere
A colonial wedding party will
feature Elizabeth Ann DeBusk
and Frank Drew as the bridal
couple. Little Colonel Mary Jane
Mahoney and Jack Euders, bri
dal couple for the modern mili
tary wedding, will be attended by
Margaret Carlton as maid-of
honor and Bob Goodfellow as
best man.
The surprise package of the
evening will be the futuristic
wedding, in which the ideal cam
pus couple, Marjorie Bates and
Pete Mitchell, will be bride and
groom. An interesting part of
the program will be the parade
of old wedding gowns. Harold
Strawn will wear a 95-year-old
men’s wedding costume.
General chairman of the affair
is Ellamae Woodworth.
Hawaiian Movies
Billed for Tonight
By Condon Group
Motion pictures taken on a re
cent trip through the South Sea
islands and Hawaii will be shown
to members of the Condon club by
Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, Eugene phy
sician, at a meeting tonight at 7:30
at the home of Dr. Warren D.
~'r. Wetherbee will accompany
pictures with a discussion of
the rarious islands he visited.
Among the interesting events
which he will discuss is the earth
quake which occurred while he was
in Honolulu.
Circulation of
Books Grows
Neai Mid-term
An increase of 947 books
checked out in the circulation
department of the University
library for the first week of
February this year was observed
over that of last year by Miss
Bernice Rise, circulation libra
This larger number is unusual,
Miss Rise says, since the library
is operating with a smaller staff.
A little less considerable was
the increase in books checked
out for the entire month of Jan
uary this year over that of last.
It amounts to about 1463 more
books in the circulation depart
Accounting for the increase,
Miss Rise pointed out that many
mid-term exams came during the
first week of February.
Members of the Frosh Commis
sion of the YWCA conducted a sale
on the campus Wednesday. “Maple
Twists” were sold from various
stands about the campus and
freshman girls called their wares
to the students as they passed.
Grace Irwin was in charge of
the sale.
appointment two weeKs ago to pre
pare for its study of the needs of
this campus. Ways to employ the
$30,000 available and to raise ad
ditional funds will be found by the
group after it has met with the
executive committee today.
Reform Proposed
A proposed reform of the rally
committee consisting of control by
the executive group and advisor
ship of a faculty committee will
come in for discussion. Latest sug
gestion to the reform is to have a
merit system of membership on
the pep squad with appointments
coming after four years of ! activ
ity work.” Under such a plan it
has been suggested that an award
of a letter be given the rally chair
Although the junior class i'e
cently voted to control its own
elections, the plan to bring class
elections under the ASUO guidance
has not been scrapped, Hall said.
The other classes will be broached
on the proposed vote-check sys
tem. Hall said that definite action
on voting by proxies in the ASUO
election will be taken today.
Spring Drive Plans Due
Plans to help the ASUO spring
term drive will be made by the
committee. A chairman to head
the card drive may.be named.
Hall stated that some discussion
of the battleship Oregon fund drive
will come before the group. An
attempt will be made also to
straighten out the difficulties aris
ing from the awarding of various
types of athletic letters.
Lack of Help Keeps
Libe Rooms Locked
Librarian Douglass
Says More Space Is
Not Needed
“Insufficient help,” was the
answer given yesterday by M. H.
Douglass, University librarian, as
to why seminar and reading rooms
on the third floor of the library
are kept locked.
The reason for their being locked
is not, he says, fear that people
may go in there to smoke, al
though, he added, smoking in the
rooms might be dangerous.
If the rooms on the third floor
were kept open it would necessi
tate the placing of an extra atten
dant there. The library at present
is running with a smaller staff
than last year, and has not enough
helpers in the busy rooms.
Mr. Douglass said he was given
a report that the library could get
along without the use of these
rooms, so he gave the order that
they were not to be used unless it
was absolutely necessary.
As to the question of smoking
in the browsing room, Mr. Doug
lass stated that he believes it un
desirable. Smoke would fill the
entire place and make the room
distasteful except for smoking, he
Sigma Delta Psi
Initiates Three Men
Sigma Delta Psl, national ath
letic honorary, recently initiated
Jim Buck, Harry Weston, and A.
3. Berry, who completed tests to
make the honorary.
Harry Weston was elected presi
Jent of the club a few minutes af
ter he was initiated.