Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 15, 1938, Page Two, Image 2

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Water under the bridge:
Headlines in the University of
Oklahoma announce the entering
of the Sooners into “big time’’
competition next fall with the
Sooners’ scheduling of Washington
State college for a game December
The Cougars are described as
perennial football champions of the
Pacific Coast conference. No doubt
California, Washington, Stanford,
and USC will be glad to hear of
this. * * *
Dr. Alfred Strauss tried to get
Bill DeCorrevont to go out to the
University of Washington, but now
that Bill has decided to go to
Northwestern, Bob Cahen, Wash
ington Daily sports columnist,
comes out in his column and says
that the Huskies didn’t want De
Correvont so badly after all.
He quotes Frank Monkus, mem
ber of the Husky frosh, who op
posed DeCorrevont in the Chicago
high school championship game in
In it Monkus said: DeCorrevont
was . . . plenty good . . . past the
line . . . he’s almost impossible to
tackle. . . . But he’s always running
out of bounds when he saw he was
going to be hit . . . a couple of us
boys decided to see if he could take
*t ... I hit him high, the full hit
low, and the end piled in for good
measure . . . they carried DeCorre
vont off the field.
* :|: *
Short sport shots—The Univer
sity of Washington hockey coach
is a B.A. prof. . . . recently the
Huskies lost to Gonzaga 18 to 1
. . . when John Wagner, Corvallis
restaurant owner, missed the re
cent OSC-Washington series at
Corvallis it was the first Oregon
State game that he missed in 20
years . . . last year he, though
barely able to move, climbed out of
a hospital bed to sec one of th!
OSC home series.
The Idaho Argonaut certainly
fixed some of our boys up . . . in
telling how tall our reserves are
they added an inch to Ted Sar
pola’s height and said that Matt
Pavalunas was 6 foot *1 inches . . .
oars as used in college racing shells
are hollow and made of cedar . . .
WSC placed two boxers on last
year's all-American boxing team,
while Idaho's Vandals placed one.
* * *
Iowa lost 13 athletes through
ineligibility the past week ... an
article in the Northwestern Daily
tells about two University of Ore
gon freshmen, Dallas and Wet
more, cracking coast conference
marks. . . . Both the California and
Stanford student body presidents
are first basemen on their varsity
baseball teams.
Gale Breaks Record
Held by Palmberg;
7Free Throws Do It
Junior Forward Has Six Games to Set Real
Record; Failed to Get Field Goal Against
University of Idaho's Vandals
All hail the new northern divi
sion scoring record-holder!
He is Laddie Gale of Oregon,
and in only 14 games lie cracked
a mark which lias withstood the
attacks of other basket bombar
diers in the northern loop since
Coach Hobby Hobson's gangling
ace, although failing to hit a single
field goal in Saturday night's game
with Idaho, canned seven free
throws from the gift line to sur
pass Wally Palmberg’s total of 187
by two. The Oregon Stater's record
was established under the old 1G
game season.
Held to only eight points by Hill
Kramer of Idaho Friday night,
Gale needed but five points to tie
Palmberg’s record when he trotted
Phone 245
0^ W. Broadway
onto the floor Saturday night, but
once again Kramer was riding him
hard, lie found field goals harder
to hit than match heads at 40
With a mintuc to go, “The Lad”
had tied the coveted all-time mark
with his fifth straight conversion.
Then, with Oregon trailing by two
points, Gale was fouled again, and
he calmly stepped up to the key
hole and bucketed both attempts
to write his name alongside that
of Ed Lewis, Palmberg, and other
point-minded greats in the pages of
northern division annals.
With only a few seconds remain
ing and the score knotted at 34-all, ■
a foul was called on Gale, his
fourth personal of the game, and
Willis Bohman, Idaho sub, sank
the toss that beat the Webfoots
for the second straight night, 35 to
34. Friday night the Vandals won
33 to 38.
Gale has six games left In which
to add to his total and set a greater
high for himself and other hopefuls
to shoot at next year.
The tall sharpshooter's feat in 1
surpassing previous marks in the
scoung department, was little so
lace for Hobson, however, as the
Lucks tumbled out of first placet
in the championship chase for the j
first time this year.
ATO B Leaguers Bounce
DUs; Dudley Field Stars,
Campbell Also Cop Tilts
Hotelmen Earn Chance to Vie in Finals; lay
Graybeal and Karstens Lead Victory
March of Defending Champs
Alpha Tau Omega’s squad ran right over Delta Upsilon and into
the division championship yesterday, 38 to 10.
The Hotelmen jumped into an early lead, and easily pulled away
from the DUs. Baskets by Anderson, Graybeal, and Hay ran up a
12 point lead in the first quarter, while the frantic DUs were unable
to score. They managed to sink one basket in the half, meanwhile
Tackle Uni High
Tomorrow Noon
Co-Captains Dallas,
Wetmore Will Lead
Team Wednesday
University of Oregon’s frosh
swimming team opens its schedule
Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the
University pool when it clashes
with University high school.
Pre-meet favorites, the freshman
squad is composed of some of the
most promising Duckling swim
mers in years. Mainstays of the
team will be Co-captains Jack Dal
las and Sherman Wetmore.
Dallas was rated as the best
high schooler in the 100 - yard
breast stroke last year by the
NCAA. He comes from Long
Wetmore, also of Long Beach
Poly, was one of the best back
strokers in high school competi
tion.Wetmore is getting in condi
tion for a try at the state AAU
title in the back stroke which has
been won for the past few years
by Fred ltossiter of Multnomah
Mamie Outstanding
Third outstanding man is Jim
Marnie from Honolulu, who is fol
lowing the footsteps of the Ha
waiian boys, Hurd and Sexton,
leaders of Oregon swim teams in
the Pist.
Elmer Mallory, brother of the
varsity sprinter, is the only frosh
diver. Wilson and Keller will in
the middle distances.
University high school, coached
by Leonard Scroggins, will put out
a strong team against the frosh.
Gerald Huestis, state high school
champ in the 100-yard backstroke,
will give Wetmore a hard battle.
His brother, Ralph, was one of the
state’s best high school paddlers
in the 100-yard breast stroke and
will offer plenty of competition for
all-American Dallas.
Other swimmers for the Uni out
fit are Dick Smith, John Merrell,
Alan Card, Lumbers, Hoffman,
Sargent, and Young.
holding the ATOs to a 19 to 2 lead
at the half.
The ATOs never let up in the
third quarter, and led 31 to 4. at
the end of it. ATO substitutes car
ried on the massacre in the final
Jay Graybeal of football fame
I copped scoring honors with 11
points, closely followed by Kar
stens wih 8. Corby led the routed
DUs with 4. The game was the
cleanest of the season, only 4 per
sonals being called on the two
ATOs (B) 38 10, DUs (B)
Hay, 6 .F. 2, Mclnturff
Mitchell, 4.F. Silven
Anderson, 6.C. 2, Nott
Graybeal, 11.G. 4, Corby
Karstens, 8.G. 2, White
Peake .S
Crawford, 1 .S
Wiener .S
Wyman .S
Rousseau, 2 .S
Campbell 30, Omega 4
Led by Leonard Burke and Jim
my "Gallopin’ Greek” Arygris, the
Campbell Co-op B squad annihilat
ed Omega hall yesterday, 30 to 4.
It was only by the grace of God
that the haliers got the four points.
Omega placed only four men on
the floor for the first quarter and
a half, and was helpless as the co
op ran up a 9 to 0 lead at the half.
Reinforced midway in the second
period they were still unable to
score and trailed at the half, 22 to
0 and again at the quarter, 26 to 0.
In the final canto a wild flurry of
shots and a suitable number of
prayers were aimed at the back
board and heaven respectively, and
two of the shots went in, to ac
count for four points. So amazed
were the Soupers that they quit
shooting, and contented themselves
with the 4 points they already had
for the quarter.
Burke and Argyris led scorer:
with 12 and 11 points respectively
The game was too lethargic to be
wild, only seven fouls being called
Omega (B) 4 30, Campbell (B)
Olmsead, 2 ...
Gates .
. F.4, Krein
F. 12, Burke
C.. 2, Scot
G. 11, Argyri:
G. 1, Steven:
In the only other schedulec
game, Alpha hall defaulted to the
Dudley Field stars.
Frosh Bothered
With Slick Floor
Left by Dancers
Ducklings Prepare for
Lumberjack Series
Anyone watching John Warren's
frosh work out in the Igloo
yesterday would have been in
doubt whether it was a dancing
or skating party. The Igloo
floor had been waxed for the
Senior Ball Saturday night and the
big Ducklings had trouble keeping
their position vertical.
The frosh, having won the two j
OSC games over the weekend are
in training to meet the powerful
Longview high school quintet in
Longview Saturday. The youthful
Oregonians took the Rooks here
Friday with a 51 to 31 score and
then nosed out the Orange team
at Corvallis Saturday with a 10
to-41 win.
Archie Marshik, big Ducking
center, led all scorers with 27:
points for the two games. Karl'
Sandncss bucketed 23 counters for
second place honors.
Team Drilled
Warren drilled the team in tak
ing the ball off the backboard and
in shooting. Sandness, Marshik.
and Allen, the tall boys of the
squad, were given most attention
by the Duckling mentor. A short
scrimmage session was also held,
but the floor was too slick for fast
Sandness received an injury on
his weak knee in the game Satur
day night and had d tightly band
aged in scrimmage yesterday It
did not. however seem to keep the
Astoria lad from dumping in the
Oregon State
Downs Ducks
In Local Pool
Cathey Beats Myers;
R. Lafferty Wins at
Breaststroke; Only
Webfoot Firsts
Oregon’s sophomore swimming
team lost its season’s first dual
meet Saturday afternoon when
Oregon State turned the Webfoots
under, 48 to 27.
It was the first defeat in inter
collegiate dual meets that any
Hoyman coached Duck team has
experienced. Oregon’s last defeat
was in 1933.
Ralph Cathey, Oregon’s promis
ing soph diver, turned in a stellar
performance to grab first place
honors from his teammate, Bert
Myers. Ralph Lafferty in the
breast stroke took the only other
first place for Oregon.
Brownell, Brugger High
Brownell and Brugger of the
Beavers were high point for the
met with 11% points each. Brown
ell walked off with both 100 and
220 yard free-style events. As
anchor man in the 440 yard free
style relay, he cut down Oregon's
lead and nosed out Jim Smith to
add 7 points to his team’s total.
Brugger won the 60-yard free
style sprints, the 150-yard back
stroke, and also swam in the 440
yard free style relay.
The 60-yard free style was any
one’s race from start to finish.
Brugger nosed out Jim Smith and
Pierce Mallory with a burst of
speed in the last few yards. The
100-yard dash was close, too, with
Brugger edging out Smith for first
Burns Walks Away
The biggest walkaway was the
440-yard free style race in which
Burns of OSC finished a lap ahead
of Jim Levy and two laps ahead of
Tom Hayashi. Burns took a wide
lead at the start, so Levy clack
ened his pace and coasted in for
second place.
The only fast time was in the
300-yard medley relay.
Summary of the meet is as fol
i lows:
300-yard medley relay: Won by
OSC (Vogland, Rea, Koski). Time,
220-yard free style: Won by
Brownell, OSC; Burns, OSC, sec
ond; Levy, Oregon. Time, 2:27.3.
60-yard free syle: Won by Brug
ger, OSC; Smith, Oregon, second;
Mallory, Oregon, third. Time, 31.8.
Diving: Won by Cathey, Ore
gon, 404.2; Myers, Oregon, second,
394.1; Edwards, OSC, third,'345.4.
100-yard free style: Won by
Brownell, OSC; Smith, Oregon, sec
ond; Koski, OSC, third. Time, :57.5.
150-yard back stroke: Won by
Brugger, OSC; Vogland, OSC, sec
ond; Coleman, Oregon, third. Time,
200-yard breast stroke: Won by
Lafferty, Oregon; Rea, OSC, sec
ond; Stewart, Oregon, third. Time,
440-yard free style: Won by
Burns, OSC; Levy, Oregon, second;
Hayashi, Oregon, third. Time,
400-yard free style relay: Won
by Oregon Stae (Koski, Hillison.
Brugger, Brownell i.
Alpha Phis Win
Intramural Meet;
Hendricks Next
Alpha Phi captured the women’s
intramural swimming meet last
week with a total of -11 points, fol
lowed by Hendricks hall with a
score of 22.
Results of the meet are:
20-yard free style: Tomlinson,
Hendricks. 13.8 seconds; Howell.
Alpha l'hi, 14.2; Boggs, Alpha
Omricon Pi. 18.1.
40-yard free style: Carlson, Zeta
Tan Alpha. 26; McMicken, Alpha
Phi, 31; Tomlinson, Hendricks, 34.
20-vard breast stroke: Cunning
ham. Alpha Phi. 2.1.1; McMicken.
Alpha Phi, 22.6.
20-yard hack stroke: Cunning
ham, Alpha Phi, 13.9; Howard.
Gamma Phi Beta, 17; Howell, Al- i
pha Phi, 18.5.
40-yard side stroke: Howard,
Gamma Phi Beta. 33. Boggs. Al
(Please turn to page four)
John Warren Tells the Bovs How to Do It
Here you see Honest John Warren, Duckling basketball coach, giving six of his Oregon boys instruc
tions before the big frosh-rook series last week. They are, back row, left to right, Earl Sandness,
Archie Marshik, and Chet Allen; front, Coach Warren, Tovio Piippo, Harold Hoffman, and George An
: drews.
SPEs Drop Sammies
In Handball Contest
The strong Sigma Phi Epsilon
: team yesterday eliminated the Sig
I ma Alpha Mu crew from the intra
j mural handball race, 2 to 1.
Dick Russell of the SPEs beat
Robert Herzog in the first singles
! match, 21 to 5, 21 to 1. Del Bjork
og the SPEs then scored a 21-to-8,
21-to-12 victory over Abe Weiner.
Burton Barr and Jack Shim
| shak saved the Sammies from a
4:00 Court 40—Beta Theta Pi (B) vs. Sigma Alpha Mu (B).
43—Alpha Hall (B) vs. Sigma Hall (B).
League Play-off Games
4:40 Court 40—Phi Gamma Delta (A) vs. Sigma Alpha Mu (A).
43—Yeomen (B) vs. Pi Kappa Psi (B).
Alpha Tau Omega (B) 38, Delta Upsilon (B) 10.
Campbell Co-op (B) 30, Omega Hall (B) 4.
Alpha Hall (A) defaulted to Dudley Stars (A).
complete whitewashing by taking
the doubles match 21 to 16 and
21 to 11.
Sigma Chi and ATO handball
teams will clash tomorrow in the
quarter finals of the race.
William L. Philips, grand secre
tary of Sigma Phi Epsilon fra
ternity, visited the local chapter,
Sunday and Monday.
Vandal Ringmen
Slate Meet With"
San Jose State
Idaho Coach Rates
California Crew
Tops in South
cow, Feb. 14.—Some of the best
collegiate boxers in the entire west
will exchange punches here Feb
ruary 17 when the University of
Idaho ring team defends its repu
tation against dangerous invaders
from San Jose State college in
The card will be the first be
tween the two teams, but not the
first time their men have clashed.
Idaho men know how capable the
California fighters are, having
mixed with them several times in
tournaments. One of the San Jose
State boxers is a Pacific coast in
tercollegiate champion, and sever
al of his teammates are rated as
contenders for coast titles this
August Predicts
Louise August, youthful Idaho
coach, predicts that the nation.'!
intercollegiate team title will
won this spring by San Jose Sta'
Washington State, or Idaho. The
two latter schools finished first r
second, respectively, last year.
Final selections for the Idano
team will not be made until next
! week* Best guesses follow: 119
pounds—Captain Ralph Miller, Mor
cow; 129—Dale Fitzpatrick, Mos
cow; 139—Julian Benoit, Portland,
Ore; 149—Jow Fallini, Mackay,
159—Milton Osterhout, Declo; 169
—Alex Passi, Moscow; 179 arl Ki
lian, St. Maries; and heavyweight
—Ross Sundberg, Idaho Falls.
All school stickers at Pomeroy’s
On your way to and
from classes, let the
Co-op offer another of
its services to you by
redeeming- your Lucky
Strike cards.
invit(*s you to fj:ct your
LUCKIES from him.
Ho in one of the official
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Smoke Vm on tilt' way
ela>s, Stop at Keith
Fennell s! lie’ll redeem
yonr Luck v Strike
t orner 11th and Kincaid
Campus Merchants
We urge everyone to
try out for
You'll have a lot of
fun at the ‘Mike’, an
opportunity to win a
radio job, and will re
ceive a recording of
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Auditions begin this
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Educational Activities
Building’s new Studio.
Just. . .
show me your card —
and t lie LUCKIES are
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Across from Men’s Dorm
13th and Alder
is the place. We’re pre
pared to redeem your
cards i'or “Lucky,” so
bring ’em in!
are prepared to redeem
cards. Bring ’em in !
886 E. 13th St.
While you're enjoying a
“Siberrian," we’ll redeem
your Lucky Strike card.
We've got lots o' Luckies
in our show case — and
we re willing to give 'em
to you. So, drop around.
Next to Maj flower Theater