From where I SIT By CLARE IGOE Fraternity Reporter Bill Scot t relates the tale of one Carl Jantzen, Phi Delt. Tt seems that Carl struggled diligently for three terms, a model of neatness with his housework, a demon at his books, with one goal in mind initiation. With the greatest of equanim ity he endured the trials of hell week and finally all was over and Carl was hailed as brother. Hastily shaking hands with the hoys, Carl elutehed his new pin, made a reeord-hreaIcing dash to the Theta house to offer his heart and pin to the love of his life. Well, we must admit truthfully, even if it doesn’t sound so romantie, that it. was some four hours later that ttie pin ehanged hands. Tint even that’s not imd. # «J * Perhaps even more touching is the story of Jack Gavin, Kappa Sig. Jack, the minute initiation was over, jumped into his car, drove lickety-split to Corvallis, planted his pin upon Betty Cleator, Alpha Chi Ome ga, formerly of the University. And that, we feel, is carring de votion to a fine point. * * * Speaking of pin-plantings, Who, of all people, should ven ture into the field romanee hut Scandalmonger Boh Pollock. It seems that Boh, after three years, finally honored Florence, llaydon, Alpha Gam, with his heart, hand, and jewelry. That foresighted girl, know ing Pollock for I he Borneo he is, asked Boh to have the pin engraved so that it might wan der no more. But alas, when the job was done the inscription read, with touching simplicity, “From Boh.’’ » * * Who would ever think that the sparsely-furnished, garish ly-lighted browsing room of the library would be a spot to nur ture romance. But there must be something about the atmos phere of the place, or maybe love really is blind, because it was here that George Hall planted his pin upon Winona J*islow. Well, shucks, some people get married in airplanes. 'i Pollock's FOLLY Ey BOB POLLOCK THIS DEPARTMENT is com pelled by the editor and circum stances to blush with shame. It seems we were mistook. It all happened when we reported what we thought was a fact about the boys down at Phi Kappa Psi sending a telegram to “Brother” Tex Oliver. Well, we had the dope as far ns it went, hut the trouble is we went too far. The Phi Psis sent the WU all right hut there was nothing about brotherly love in it. In our brash inno cence we took casual conversa tion and made a column out of !f. * * TAKING THE STATE of Washington, all of Canada, and half of Alaska in our stride, we land our readers in an Alaskan village who’s title we have for gotten. This village is located on a river something like our own Willamette, and every win ter this river freezes solid and everybody stops fishing. In the spriug, naturally, the ice goes out. Now it seems that the citizens of this village, most of the residents of Alaska and a province or two in Canada have established a sort of game —it consists, briefly, of betting a dollar you can guess the month, the week, the day, the hour, and the minute when the said ice is going out. SO POPULAR IS this pas time to the Alaskans who can not fish in the winter time any way, that they sometimes get together a pot as high as ninety thousand bucks. Which is a lot of iron men. To check the time of the de parture of the ice, a tripod is set up in the middle of the riv er and connected by a wire with a sealed electric clock on tin' shore. When the Ice goes out, blooey goes the wire, the clock stops and the fun begins. ALL OF ALASKA’S sour doughs are, of course, honest but there is always a possibil ity of a cliechako from Califor nia coming in to hook the pot or monkey with the clock. To take care of this eventuality a gentleman with a thirty-thirty across his experienced knees stands guard night and day over the ticker with instruc tions to forget Christian mo tives and shoot to kill. Usually he is not bothered. All this is preliminary to the main story of the evening. Har old Shearer, Oregon sophomore who s|Mint three years in the land where Dan Me.Grew got what was coming to him, al most walked off with the kitty in 1937. USING THE BRAINS the Lord gave him, consulting such of the stars as peeped through Alaska’s snow clouds, Shearer finally concluded the ice was going out May 12 at f> :2G p.m. Steadily the weather grew warmer, the snow came out of the hills and the ice groaned preparatory for the big break up. At last came May 12th. The river was high, the lee was shifting a little. For miles around people came to watch. Three men tried to borrow some of Shearer’s prospective winnings—the pot was $35,000. One sourdough offered the al most winner a thousand bucks for one-lialf of his ticket. Shear er refused to sell. ALL DAY SHEARER paced the bank of the river, one eye on his trusty Elgin the other on the river. Noon came and passed'. Two, three, four and five o’clock went by ... the ice was shifting slowly ... it was evident that it would go any moment . . . Shearer accepted congratulations as well as all offers of liquid refreshment . . . in his mind lie could see himself chartering an airplane in Fair banks and flying out to the states . . . why, there was noth ing he couldn’t do with $85,000! Suddenly, with a roar of ten thousand e n r a g e d Tarzans, the ice broke . . . Shearer looked at his trusty, sweat-stained El gin ... it said two minutes af ter five . , . he had missed a fortune by 24 minutes! “What did I do? What would you have done? You would? Well, that's exactly what 1 did!” In the Mail QUICK HENRY! To the Editor: I hardly know how to begin! I’m utterly confused. Probab ably you'll all think me just another sour puss. Well, maybe I am, but having written this letter, I hope to recapture, once again, my placid state of mind. I used to be happy; now I only brood. Everyone is talking about di luted water and blue milk. I wish that were all 1 had to talk about. We (I must include the others) would gladly drink any thing if we could exterminate the sinister abnormality which looks as though it would com pletely annihilate the Kappa house. I am speaking about the little men. They're everywhere. And they have beards. Usually they come out at night around 12:45, but yesterday a girl saw one in the ironing room. We don’t know what he wanted. This un usual occurrence began about two weeks ago, anil we deckled not to tell a soul let alone the newspaper. Hut I guess these little men multiply rapidly; there are at least three times us many now. We wouldn’t have appealed for help if we were not worried about our next year's rushing'. However, as the days go by and the army of little men gets stronger, we’re afraid we will have no pledges. And, Mr. Ed itor. we just have to pledge somebody. As to the purpose of these lit tle men, we do not know. Some people think they have been se cretly driven from the Theta house; if this is true the occu pancy of our hostelry was in evitable. We are almost sure that they come up through the plumbing. Further details con cerning this cannot be printed. But, from this brief resume, you can appreciate our dilem ma. I could relate unbelievable The Fraternity--an Institution With Duties, Obligations; Does It Have a Future? 'T'TTE subjects which engage an editor's attention year in and vepr ont are limited in number. There are. usually, a variety of approaches to those problems. The problem of housing and fraternities—the term is used as ineluding social living organizations for both men a * * * and women—is not a new one. Tt has been approaehed from many angles and, recently, by several groups. Unfortunately, critieism and aelion has seldom eome from within—fraternity officials have shown a reverence for the sanctity of their system and apparently cannot conceive of its ever being wrong. T>Ef"AUSE: (1) living organizations, and especially frater nities, seem to have lost sight of their obligations to the individual; (2) the University, which has so long disregarded its own obligations to students in the matter of housing, shows inclinations of “taking over” its responsibilities at last: (3) fraternity men have condemned deferred pledging on grounds it would cut Ihe number of men “living in”— despite the fact that they are now over-crowded; (4) over crowding is more acute at present than before because enroll ment is up. The Emerald has attempted this year to strike at the heart of the situation by investigating housing condi tions. Tt has not chosen to skirt the fringes by “reforming” hell week or concent rating directly on pledging and rushing problems. Either action would he more simple and, in 1hc near future, more successful. But concentrating on such points means failure to raise issues which are gnawing at the roots of the fraternity sys tem, for, while council and house managers muddle along—■ in all fairness il must ho said the managers are making pro gress on some problems, such as cooperative buying—the whole system faces extinction. # i» # # TT is not difficult to prove the immediacy of Ihe fraternity’s problem. An analysis made by Dean of Men Virgil D. Earl reveals, roughly, that five years ago two per cent of Oregon’s total entering enrollment was made up of students with pre vious college training. This year 25.8 per cent of now students had matriculated elsewhere. And about 20 per cent entered with adavneed standing. This, it will be seen, is the real threat to the fraternity’s existence. It means the percentage of men and women who can profit from fraternity membership has been seriously limited—that there are of necessity, more independents on the campus in proportion to Greeks than there were five years ago. ♦ There is a distinct trend in this state towards putting education on a “junior college-’ basis. This, obviously, lops more material “off the bottom-’ of 1he list of possible pledges than deferred pledging would. '^^’TTTTTN the University there has also been a tendency to cut down tlie number of years students can spend in houses. Professional schools such as law and medicine—and, more recently, even journalism and business administration —encourage, consciously or unconsciously, 1heir senior stu dents to move out of houses into an atmosphere more con ducive lo concentration and study. The demands of these schools are so heavy ns to almost prohibit any great stress on extracurricular activity. These things are the factors, not competition from school owned dorms and houses or from cooperatives, that have reduced so greatly the importance of fraternities at eastern colleges. The next ten years are going to put challenges to the fraternities o nthis campus which they will have to face to continue to exist. Their problems, recognized by the Oregon dads, the faculty housing committee, Dean Earl, and, possibly, even by the state board, are at present so acute that they cannot much longer be ignored. If the fraternity has any thing to advance to make it worthy of retention it must take action to prove its worth. It must consolidate its position. Every house must face its obligations and duties and cease to blind itself 1o them, failing to see beyond its bills. « * * * r£>IIE easy solution to the fraternity and housing problem, from the fraternities’ standpoint, is for them to cease to exist. But this would increase rather than abate the Univer sity’s problem and would mean the loss to student life of something valuable and colorful. It is obvious that nothing can be accomplished by refusing to recognize the problem. But, granting recognition, what can be done to meet and defeat it ? # « # # 'J~'IIERE are three points from which the problem can be met. Two of them focus around the interfraternity council—the council should work externally to solicit, accept, and utilize every bit of “outside” help to improve the finan cial position of I he organizations. The main points in the battle to retrench and strengthen 1ho Greek s position would be: (1) tax reduction; (2) refinancing: (3) a building and” remodeling problem to make living quarters adequate and attractive. The second point of departure also involves the council. Tt should work with the houses and the administration: (1) lo improve relations between them; (2) to raise fraternity scholarship standards; (3) to make arrangements whereby the fraternities avoid defeating the University’s ends. The third approach should be made bv fraternities. They should endeavor to re-evaluate their ideals, investigate their position, work toward fulfilling the duties which have been delegated to them in matters of scholarship and molding the iinderlass student. Of course, bills must be met. Hut they should not be met by over-crowding houses, promiscuous pledging, and a disregard of living conditions and the ends of brotherhood and scholarship. MAKING fraternity stock at its face value, pledging is a good investment. The market value of “Greek Corpora tion Bonds, University exchange” has been dropping. A score of years will see it off the Oregon market if the hoard of directors and the stockholders can t see their ob stacles and work out an effective reform. 'T'TIE fraternity can help Ihe University immensely in com batting the “junior college” tendency, for it has a phase of University life to offer which is denied the transfer student. But it cannot hope lo survive when Ihe test comes if it has been a failure with everything in its favor. To justify its existence today the fraternity could not point lo scholastic achievement, for it has failed miserably in this respect, com parative GPA figures show. It cannot point with pride to evidences of cooperation with the administration, for the facts of the case are that it has often worked to defeat the ends of education. Always its approach has been negative as shown in the ease of deferred pledging. Deferred pledging is easily damned on some grounds although it has obvious strong points. There are other systems, however, such as open pledging or summer pledging which might solve some of Oregon's rushing prob lems. But the deferred method was not rejected because of the weak points in it as a system. It was never considered seriously because it might limit over-crowding in over crowded houses. The fraternity’s neck is on the chopping block. It may provide solace but it will not mean reprieve to ignore the axe. LEROY MATTINGLY, Editor WALTER R. VERNSTROM, Manager LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor Associate Editors: Paul Deutschmann, Clare Igoe. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and linal examination periods. Entered as second-class mail matter at the postffice, Eugene, Oregon. Editorial Board: Darrel Ellis, Bill Peace, Margaret Ray, Edwin Robbins, A1 Dickhart, Kenneth Kirtley, Bernardine Bowman. Sewers to Scriptures—or—the 'Profits' of Humility 'julH grammar hounds have got us squelch ed. Even eonfidenee will not withstand tlie death blow which they dealt us today, i.e., thMr somewhat caustic eoniment on the unusual manner, even for us, by which, in our opus yesterday on semantics and eonfi denee, we spelled or misspelled “ignominy.’’ We have a furtive suspicion that once more we must admit our error—whether in spelling or copyediting we decline to say— instead of placing the blame on the proof reader. Housing conditions in the shack demand comment—in fact thoy have been reeking (not shrieking) for it for several days. Tin* situa tion over here in the journalism building and especially in The Emerald editor’s office liter ally “smells”—and has ever since the sewer burst. Operative lfll.'l reports a fly in the butter at the 1 beta ( hi house. William F. Lubersky, 1he limnorous fellow whose name is so often garbled, suspects his water, received in the dorm, is more or loss than 11(2)0. A Kappa reports seeing things around tin' Kappa house besides Kappas. Ah, the possibilities for com ment are unlimited—they come right up to our own door (the sewer again) but we, still fools but fearing to rush in anyway, hesitate and are lost. * «= * JJFMILTTV is a wonderful thing. If we can't have confidence, at least we can still be humble. Besides, the bible says, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” liven that isn't altogether true, for it was expressed before the New Deal. The meek might still inherit it but the govern ment is the only one which would profit. Remember the inheritance tax. stories. We dare not go alone into a dark room. We are forced to retire at It o'clock. No more midnight repasts for us! Wher ever ve go, we have the uncom fortable feeling that eyes are peering at us from behind pic tures and radiators. Isn’t it awful? It's almost as bad as the Rinesmith complex every one is developing. In fact, it looks as though it will be worse than the Rinesmith complex! To whom could we appeal but you ? EN Editor's note: We feel, some how, that the initials on this letter should be B.H. or I.L.— only partly because of the way Rhinesmith is spelled. We might suggest, however, that the girls try Flit. It's wonderful for spi ders, and it just might work on the Little Men, too.) re et it (f m e ratfi UPPER NEWS STAFF Reporters Elizabeth Ann Jones Dorothy Meyer Leonard Jetmam Eugene Snydei Nj oriel Heckman Dorothy Burke Hill Scott Patricia Erikson Catherine Taylor Betty Jane Thompson Merrill Moran Bill Grant Friday Night Desk Staff Paul Deutsehmann Hill Ralston Gordon Ridgeway Tim Tait Phil Hladine Eugene Snyder Friday Night Staff Chief Night Editor this i>>ue: John Higgs. Assistant Chief Night Editor: Eugene Snyder Hill Phelps Adelaide Zweiiel Gerald Norville Janet Still Boh Knox Jean Crjtcs Fiances FLotli SIDE SHOW By Bill Cummings and Taul Deutchmann Campus Handling class elections is a big job, but not too big to be taken care of by one efficient group of upperclassmen, such as the ASUO board. Putting all elections out of the way on the same day would be an especially good step, and under ASUO supervision there is little reason t odoubt that a combined elec tion day for all organizations on the campus could be run off smoothly. Main objectors are Prexies Litfin and Payne of the sopho more and freshman classes, but there is a plan whereby even these worthy class officers may be satisfied. They want to try out a proposed system of direct primaries, to precede class elec tions and to be held for the pur pose of narrowing the field of candidates. Demi Earl has ex pressed his support of the plan, and it does seem as though the direct primary should at least be given a try. So the solution, it would seem, be to hold direct primaries a week or so in advance of cam pus election day, under super- LC vision of the ASUO, and then ! proceed with student body and chiss elections under the same supervision of an experienced and well organized election board. The main idea of holding all campus elections on the same day is to eliminate as much pre election ballyhoo as possible. It only leads to unfair elections, disputes, and hard feelings, and if the two major blocs on the campus could get it over with for the student body and the classes at the same time, so much the better. Herein lies a weakness of the promary sys tem; it would mean a prolonga tion of the ballyhoo, at least for the freshman and sophomore classes. What the campus really needs is a panacea for the whole elec tion system which has been in use (or rather misuse) on the campus for some time. The bloc system inevitably leads to foul play, and if blocs could be abol ished. maybe the students could elect their officers on a non partisan basis free from petty vote - dickering, mud - slinging, and high pressure politics. ST—Glasses in brown case with Jell Bros, inscribed. Return to Joen Jenness, Chi Omega. MYSTERY HISTORY iiiiiimiimiiiiiiiuiiinimimimiiiiiiiiiniiimniiuiimiiiiiiHmumimtiinmnn By GLENN HASSELROOTH “Boundary Against Night,” by Edmund Gilligan. For once the blurbs are right. Here is a novel that really means something to American literature. It is beautiful, terri fying, and brutal, a book that is at once a hurt and a joy to read. Sometimes it stings and burns like salt in a cut, then it gladdens the heart and brings new hope, again it makes you gasp at the barbarisms of un guided human beings, lost in a melee of lawlessness. The story is of Benjamin Cov entry, the sailor who returned from war duties, blinded in the bombing of the submarine, Or ca, just off his beloved Massa chusetts coast. He has money, and not embittered to the ex tent one would expect, becomes in his lonely darkness the friend of Hargedon, a lusty, in domitable policeman. A strange comradeship arises between the two: the blind man; sensitive, seeing the weaknesses and the strength of the poverty-stricken cop; the policeman, trying to be a friend, not quite knowing how, succeeds in being one. Many of the moments between •them are tenderly and under standingly told. But this is a novel of Boston, and the people of Boston. You will remember Pansie Raven, who married John Michael Har gedon, but was too much like him to be happily married to anybody; Olivia Bannon, who sent a son to war, and saw him return from it; Calvin Coolidge, who sucked maple candy in the Boston state house, had the newspapers read to him, and squirmed in his chair when | things began to happen; "Na- ' poleon” Farrington, who knew all about strikes; Laura James, ! who loved Mrs. Bannon’s son, ! Gabriel, found her heart as well j as his scarred by the war, and j fell in love with Benjamin Cov entry. The shadow of the war was over them all, but they had oth- ! er problems to face. The low j wages of the Boston policemen turned into strike, and fury writhed among them, twisting, breaking, and destroying. Now there is no turning back. Here j the novel reaches its highest j pitch, and it is potent, candid, j and fatal. j “Boundary against Night" ; fulfills its expectations; Edmund ; Gilligan is not a new .writer J who “will bear watching.’’ He has made his place firm with a red-blooded novel of America that carries a strong punch, and does not falter. There has been nothing so good of its kind in the 30’s. Our only wish is that the public (and the critics) will like it as well as we did. They all should agree on its readability, because it is unlaydownable. Leads to read. Sinclair Lewis, in his new novel, “The Prodigal Parents,” proves himself to be as adept as ever in developing characterization of the bour geois mind. ... If you read “Wake Up and Live” and still think it helped you to get out of a rut, you had better not bother about Dorothea Brande’s “My Invincible Aunt.” It might make you think that heretofore Mrs. Brande has had her tongue in her cheek. . . . The people who gossip are not the only ones who don’t know what they are really saying. If you don't be lieve it, get a copy of Stuart Chase’s “The Tyranny of Words” and find out how much all of us blab-blab. . . Gertrude Stein tried to tell us more about her life in the oh-so-modestly nametl “Everybody's Autobiog raphy.” Miss Stein still admits she is a genius. Breathless on finding it out, we can only add, in what might be her own words, but aren’t: Miss Stein is a genius is a genius is a gen ius is a genius. Which sounds nice when you say it fast, but«* means absolutely nothing. May be Mr. Chase could give Miss Stein some lessons. Mileage service at Pomeroy’s Associated. Rose Bud Bakery Goods Are as Dainty, Fresh and Pure as their name implies. Phone 245 82 W. Broadway YOU WILL BE SURE OF: at— Excellent repairing Quick service Reasonable prices The CAMPUS SHOE SHOP 13 yeais on the Campus ) i[aiaiSI3ISiaiSMSJai5I5iaiSJS®aEIS®5ffiiaiSMEISMaM3M5Mtair!inansirilivimrriinararHiraram! Application Pictures SHOULD BE TAKEN NOW Also A cap and gown will be furnished you for your Senior pictures at— ROMANE STUDIO I We Win Weioh Service against any other laundry in town. •SERVICE PHONE 252 Domestic Laundry