Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 28, 1938, Page Three, Image 3

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    Nine Men Mentioned
T For Steiwer's Post;
Martin to Act Soon
SALEM, Ore., Jan 27.— Names of nine men were being prominently
mentioned for appointment to the senate seat vacated yesterday by
Frederick Steiwer, as Governor Charles H. Martin promised last night
to make an appointment within 48 hours. Steiwer’s resignation and the
appointment will take effect January 31.
Prospects, all of whom would not intend to seek election at the
polls, it is believed, include: D O. Hood, Joseph K. Carson, Oswald
West, Evan Reames, H. B. Van Dozer, Oscar Hayter, E. B. Aldrich,
and Edgar W. Smith. ... rrr?r<-.
Almost simultaneously, peter
Zimmerman, candidate for gover
nor on an independent ticket in
1934, said that he would seek nom
ination to the senate in Republican
^primary elections, unless some oth
er candidate is induced to support
the Grange-sponscred production
cost bill.
Bridges Warrant
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27—Immi
gration officials today recommend
ed the arrest of Harry Bridges, Pa
cific coast maritime leader. The
request is made in connection with
a senate committee hearing to de
termine whether charges that
Bridges is subject to deportation
i are justified.
At San Francisco with conflict
between Bridges’ CIO longshore
union and the A. F. of L. forces
threatening a third major water
front tieup, attempts at concilia
tion «v ere being made by the na
tional labor relations board.
* * *
i Another Confab
> GENEVA, Jan. 27.—Another one
of those secret international con
ferences has been arranged for to
morrow by representatives of
Great Britain, France, China,
and Russia. Reports revealed that
discussion will center around Chi
na's appeal for aid in the way of
shipments of arms and ammuni
Ski bus leaves the College Side
promptly at 7:15 Sunday morning
and will return to the campus by
7:30 Sunday night. Tickets at
Dudley Field Shop for $1.00.
Auto desks at Pomeroy’s Asso
IS made
by the
Consequently they deserve
your support!
Boom 418, Eugene Hotel
President's Ball
Cast Side
Tom Hill’s
University Theater
The Falcon
Ella Meade
Eugene Laundry
Best Cleaners
Camel Cigarettes
Hirsute Sophs
May Come Out
Of Brush Soon
For two long weks sophomore
Tarzans on the campus have
undergone torture, both of the
mind and body, and have been
shunned by society . . . ignored
by their loves . . . and all because
they couldn’t shave.
For two long weeks stalwart
sons of the class of ’40 have
abstained from the use of the
razor, have undergone the itch
agony relative to raising beards
. . . and all for what ?
Tradition . . . the annual whis
ker-derby, to be sure . . . but
more than that, for prizes . . .
prizes to be awarded those with
outstanding beards at tonight’s
dance. And now comes the ques
tion, what prizes? And the writ
er is as much in the dark as
many a sophomore face as to
the answer. No one knows.
Dance committeemen assure
sophomore men that prizes will
be given those with winning
growths tonight but just what
the prizes will be, or how many
will be awarded, has not, as yet,
been announced. Perhaps tomor
row’s Emerald will tell . . . after
the awards have been made ( ?)
Igloo to Be Fitted
(Continued from page one)
tend to keep light down, shading
out the upper walls of the pavil
Robinson Assisted
The design and arrangement of
the decorations was planned by
Eyler Brown, associate professor
of architecture, and Dale King,
student in design, in collaboration
with Mr. Robinson.
The method of installation is
such, according to Mr. Robinson,
that three men can do the whole
operation in an hour. The panels
are arranged with snaps which
hook onto newel posts, while the
central drape will be suspended by
pulleys, for rapid installation.
Classes Give Funds
Permanent decorations for the
Igloo came as a result of a move
ment last fall on the part of classes
and other organizations, which do
nated sufficient funds for the pur
chase of the material. It was felt
that permanent drapes would elim
inate considerable expense in deco
rations throughout the year. The
new permanent decorations will be
used with whatever other decora
tions are desired.
Extended Cram
(Continued from page one)
dent said, “Review classes the
week before exams would help a
lot in courses where the professor
makes out grades almost entirely
in accordance with the grade of
the final.” Another believed that,
“Professors might analyze all the
content of the course in the regu
lar meeting of the class and ex
plain it in a simple form."
Others thought that having such
a plan in effect would eliminate a
great deal of cramming and give
students more time to relax before
being put to the “final test.” Some
said it would only promote lazi
A date the next night and no clean shirts—
That seems like quite a problem, but it isn’t if
you remember the EUGENE LAUNDRY. Just
call 123 and we will do the rest. You will have
your shirts back, clean and fresh, for the next
night. So it is w'ith all your laundering. \ ou can
depend on t^ic EUGENE LAUNDRY to give you
beautiful laundering and finishing plus the kind
of service you will appreciate.
" ^" p *¥■'»
H8 \V. 8th bt.
■y ‘|t
The Three Baers
Mr. and Mrs. Max Adelbert Baer and son . . .
chortles Max Sr.
“He looks like me,"
Municipal League
Adds 3 Coast Cities
To Swollen Ranks
With the recent additions of
Gearhart, Eastside, and Glendale
to its ranks, the League of Oregon
Cities this month reached the all
time high membership total of 129
cities, it was announced here yes
terday by Herman Kehrli, execu
tive secretary of the league.
The organization as it stands to
day joins together every city in the
state with a population over 1,500,
and all but three over 1000. Over
97 per cent of the population of
Oregon's incorporated cities are in
When the League office was
moved to the campus in 1933 to
join forces with the then newly
created Bureau of Municipal Re
search, membership numbered only
40 cities.
192 Graduates Enroll
For Winter Study
Graduate registration figures re
leased yesterday by Mrs. Clara L.
Fitch of the graduate division
show a total of 192 students regis
tered with graduate status.
Of this number, 157 are enrolled
in the graduate division, and 35
are enrolled in professional schools
of journalism, architecture, or law.
Ninety-five of those taking work
for graduate credit are men and
62 are women.
Art Students
(Continued from page one)
have been deciding upon the cos
tume they will wear to the mas
querade. Prizes will be awarded
for the best student and faculty
costumes, according to Earl Scott,
chairman. Scott, who has recent
ly taken over Gus Meyer’s orches
tra, will furnish the music for the
affair. Tables will be reserved for
dancers, Scott said.
Decorations have been assembl
ed by the students themsefvps.
Armed with brushes, paint, and
papers they have created sketches
which will adorn the walls.
Committee working with Scott
include: Don Bgyd and Walt El
liott, tickets and program; Libyan
Veatch, Mignon Phipps, and Jean
Kneass, ticket sales; and Lucille
Davis, publicity.
Charles H. Martin
(Continued from page one)
Col. E. V. D. Murphy, Majors A. L.
Morris, W. A. Wappenstein, and
Edwin T. Wheatley, and Sergeants
Harvey Blythe. Col. Frederick C.
Test, head of the Corvallis ROTC
unit, has also been invited.
Carlton E. Spencer, professor of
law and recently elected head of
the state reserve officers associa
tion, will also attend the military
dance. Mayor Elisha Large has
been asked to represent the towns
Other military men invited arc
Major-General White and Brig.
General Rilea, both of the national
guard: and Brig. General Marshall
of the Vancouver, Washington,
army post.
A busy infirmary staff nursed
18 patients yesterday as the fol
lowing students occupied the
wards: Bert Adams, Larry Mim
naugh, Virginia Ireland, Marian
Bjugstad, Ethel Bruce. Betty Van
Dellen. Barbara Washbourn, Fran
ces Burrows, Harold Clifford,
Frank Nash. Robert Black, Sol Ba
nasky, Wilbur Larson, Russel
Price. Cecil Sauders, Gordon Pcar
cy. Elmer Hanson, Lloyd Ma^on
Roberl Vaughn.
Tabard Inn will meet 730 Sunday
evening at 1426 Onyx.
i Subscribe for The Emerald. Get
the news of your school.
Speech Class Will
Give Weekly Play
Dramatization of changes taking
place in vocations will be presented
this afternoon by the radio classes
of the speech department over
KORE. The program will begin at
Today's broadcast, “Changing
Occupations,” is one in a series of
weekly vocational guidance plays
under the direction of Donald E.
Hargis, speech professor.
The cast will be Vincent Gates,
Laura Bryant, Kenneth Erickson,
Joe Earley, and Eleanor Pitts.
Midnight Oil
(Continued from page one)
burn pamphlets from summer
11:17 to 11:46 try to study lit
but find a crossword puzzle that
must be worked.
11:46 hear first call to dinner.
Rush to get tie on and comb hair.
11:49 can’t find comb.
11:57 find comb and rush to
wash bowl only to find upperclass
men using it.
12:00 hear last call for lunch.
Still have to comb hair and by the
time the table is reached it calls
for a 5 cent fine.
12:45 promise house prexy to
study all afternoon and night.
12:50 decide that a little exer
! cize is needed before studying so
walk to men's gym and dress down.
1:30 to 2:40 play basketball.
Forget all about the time.
2:40 to 3:12 dress and turn in
equipment hurriedly and rush to
Taylor's for a cup of coffee to got
rid of t,hat fagged out feeling.
3:12 to 3:30 drink coffee and get
date for Sunday matinee.
3:30 to 4:01 try to get notes
from friend at business ad library.
4:01 decide that a magazine
should be bought to read Sunday.
4:18 go in Lemon “O” and start
looking over magazines. Eoy!
What a form that gal has on the
cover of College Humor. Look at
all the pictures and decide not to
buy one.
4:57 believe that the evening pa
pers should be read before some
one tears them all apart.
4:59 to 5:20 read paper and ap
prove of the appointment of the
new coach.
5:20 to 5:44 dress for dinner.
Someone has tied the one and only
tie in a million—well at least ten
5:50 hear first bell and run
downstairs so that another nickle
fine won’t be called. Hear that
Alice Faye is playing in “You’re a
Sweetheart’’ at the Heilig.
6:00 to 6:30 eat supper and tell
house prexy how much studying
has been covered.
6:31 to 6:47 try to talk room
mate out of going to show. Oh
well, heck, might as well go to the
show and study later.
6:47 to 6:58 try to get a lift to
the show.
6:58 start walking and arrive
just in the middle of Mickey
Mouse. Darn it.
7:30 to 10:30 talk in show about
how swell it would be to take Alice
Faye to the house formal next
10:30 to 10:52 walk home, inci
dentally, get a sandwich and hot
10:52 find all the fellows in n
frist class bull session and can't
resist the temptation to voice opin
ion about what Dick Tracy will
find on the mystery boat.
11:10 decide l hat there is all day
Saturday and Sunday evening to
study for Monday exam.
11:15 go to bed and find fire
hose in sheets.
11:35 cuss some dirty 7,1 b /<£• 7
, for trying to be funny.
Sleep at last. Boy what a day
I No wonder college grads die early
Dream about what pop is go inf
to think about the UFA.
Oregana to be Out
Bg Junior Weekend
Oregon's 1938 “streamlined"
Oregana was half completed yes
terday in regard to copy and pic
tures prepared and fixed in the
correct positions, said Wayne Har
bert, yearbook editor.
This will assure the students of
i receiving their Oregana during
I Junior Weekend, said Harbert.
Two months yet remain for the
last half of the book to be com
Activities Manager George Hoot
also said that the book would be
out on time, and that “when the
queen is crowned. I'll crown Har
beit with a finished copy of the
Oregana to show students they
may obtain their books.”
Honorary Sets
March 25 for
\Bigtime'' Shag
Sigma Delta Chi, men's na
tional journalism honorary, has
set the date for its spring term
“Big Name Band” dance for
March 25, according to Darrel
Ellis, president of the society.
“In keeping with our past pol
icy, Sigma Delta Chi will this
year again bring one of the pop
lar “big name” bands to the
campus. Our aim being to please
the largest number in selecting
the 1938 "big name” band, we
feel the need to call upon stu
dents for suggestions. We will
gratefully receive and appreciate
letters from students naming fa
vorite bands,” he said.
Paul Pendarvis and Jimmy
Dorsey have formerly brought
their bands for this affair. Se
lection of an orchestra for this
year will depend largely upon
student opinion, Ellis comment
DU, Phi Gams
(Continued from page tzvoj
while Currie sparked the Pi Kap
' attack.
Sigma Chi, 18 Pi Kappa Alpha, 16
Sederstrom, 6 ..F.2, Larsen
Girdley, 2.F.1, Fcgcndalen
I Peters, 7 .C.6, Holcomb
i Amato, 2.G.5, Curry
j Hendershott, 1..G.2, Tower
Anderson .S.Olsen
; Hankinson .S. Gassmau
Butler .S
rijis .11, incur t in i t
Falling under a barrage of bas
kets the Theta Chi Quintet was
defeated by Bill Campbell and his
Fiji men, 34 to 12. The Fijis
scored early holding a 13 to 2 lead
at the half.
In the second half they kept
ringing the old hoop with basket
after basket. Big Bill Campbell
was the main cog in the Fiji scor
ing machine rolling up a total of
18 points. He put on one of the
best exhibitions of “sharpshoot
ing” of the current donut season.
Hanscom turned a good game for
the Theta Chis netting 7 points.
Fijis, 34
Findtner, 4.
Hutchinson, 0
Smith, 4.
Campbell, 18 .. G.
Juola, 3..—.G.
Madacr .S
DUs 22, Omega Hall 8
In a very slow, dull game the
DUs trounced a small Omega five,
22 to 8. The DUs scored early and
never once relinquished their lead
maintaining a 6-point lead at the
rest period.
Weber was high for the DUs
with 8 markers closely followed
by Dean. Kato was high for Ome
ga with 4 points. Morris played a
good floor game as well as being
up the ladder in the scoring col
umn with 6 points.
,.F .
Theta Chi, 14
.7, Hanscom
.1, Frye
_2, Winquist
.4, Nicnu
DU, 22
Forbes . .
Webber, 8
Silver, 2...
Kirtley ..
Dean, 0
Morris, 6.
De Gicco
Omega Hall, 8
. Olmstead
.4, Kato
.2, Itutz
. Rice
...2, Shimomura
New Lightweight Power
A1 Menasco . . . carries his new lightweight “flivver plane” motor.
University Concert
Scores Big Success
A brilliant musical success was
scored last night when the con
cert of the University symphony
orchestra, featuring soloists George
Hopkins, Jane Thacher, and Au
rora Potter Underwood, was pre
sented in the University music au
The 65-piece orchestra, under
the baton of Rex Underwood with
Mr. Hopkins at the keyboard,
opened the program with the pow
erfully majestic Beethoven "Em
peror” concerto.
F aculty-Student
Coffee Held, Meets
To Be Permanent
Gerlinger hall was the scene yes
terday of the third student-faculty
coffee sponsored by Phi Theta Up
silon, women’s service honorary.
Due to the large attendance at
yesterday’s meeting the group has
decided to continue the meetings
every month, Peggy Jane Peebler,
chairman and originator of the
meetings, said last night.
January Checks
Ready at Johnson
For NYA Students
NYA checks for the first month
of winter term have arrived at the
University pay - master's office.
Students may obtain their checks
by calling at window 2 on the sec
ond floor of Johnson hall, as soon
as possible.
Parsons to Speak
Before Ladies' Club
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, head of
the sociology department, will
speak before the League of Wo
men Voters in Portland on Febru
ary 1 on the subject, “A Model
System for the Prevention and
Treatment of Crime in Oregon.”
The talk was requested in view
of Dr. Parson's work in prison re
form projects. Last year the state
planning board submitted a plan
of reform for correctional insti
tutions to the state legislature.
Dr. Parsons was chairman of the
committee which made reports on
the problem, and Samuel Haig
Jameson, professor of sociology,
A new correspondence course in
business organization and finance
similar to the course offered on
the University campus has been
prepared by Professor C. C. Crum
baker for the extension division.
The course is designed to help in
understanding of business organi
zation as well as those entering
the field professionally.
Subscribe for The Emerald. Get
the news of your school.
There’s a Reason Why... r
with our prompt ser
vice niahc possible by
our nearness to you,
that students and
profs literally mean it
when they .,ay that we
are the—
Best Cleaners
Across from Sigma Chi
Cooperative School
Opened in New York
Systematic training in both aca
demic and practical courses for
students wishing to enter fields of
education, sociology and business,
is provided through the opening of
the Cooperative college of New
York City, and followed by eight
weeks of field work with coopera
tive societies.
Students having either high
school or, preferably, college edu
cations may call at the sociology
department, or write to the Co
operative college, Cooperative
League House, 167 West 12 th
street, New York City. The next
term extends from February 15
until May 15.
Soph, Frosh
/’Continued from page one)
iipon it, but soon would be given
the chance, was to have the board
either cancel the election, detract
a certain number of votes, or im
pose defeat upon the side voting
by proxy.
Classes ‘‘On Own”
Since revision of the ASUO con
stitution two years ago, classes
have been “on their own,” and
have drawn up constitutions!" to
govern themselves as separate
from the ASUO.
Thus, the student body cannot
force the classes to be under their
supervision at elections if the
classes do not wish to agree.
However, the underclesS prexies
said that if their plan did not work
in the spring elections, they would
allow the ASUO to take over con
trol of their future elections.
Westminster will have a regular
open house tonight. Betty Lewis
is in charge.
English Print Artist
Displays Collection
Miss Elizabeth Keith, English
print artist from London who has
an exhibition of her work in the
Museum of Oriental Art, had sev
eral of her prints purchased by
Queen Elizabeth when she exhibit
ed them in London recently. This
fact was revealed in a letter writ
ten by Miss Keith to Mrs. Gertrude
Bass Warner, director of the mu
The exhibition in the University
museum contains water colors,
colored etching and wood block
prints of Japanese, Chinese and
Korean nature. These prints were
personally exhibited last spring
when Miss Keith visited the Ore
gon campus. This fall, however,
additional water color prints were
purchased and are shown in the
collection. This exhibition will be
up for several weeks yet this term.
Many Korean, Mongolian and
Japanese ornaments are shown in
the table case in the Elizabeth
Keith room. Among them are: a
pair of ancient silver Mongolian
dress clips similar to those worn
by American women today, and
beautiful enameled Korean hair
pins from four to fourteen and one
half inches in length.
M. Mellinger Goes
To Seattle for Visit
Miss Martha Mellinger, instruc
tor in home economics, left recent
ly for Seattle. While there Miss
Mellinger will visit Miss Blanche
Payne, instructor in home eco
nomics at the University of Wash
ington. Miss Payne has returned
from a year and a half study of
Balkan costumes and has brought
several pieces of material with her.
Nazi Students
(Continued ]rom page one)
cameras in order to snap the girls
when they didn't know it. The har
assed editor of the publication an
swered administration reprimands
with: “Well, gee, we told the girls
only to take pictures when the tub
was full of bubbles.’’
* * *
Fast Ad Lib ...
An egotist is a girl who persists
in talking about herself when you
want to tell her how wonderful
you arc.
—Indiana Daily.
Good Food
and Drink
Men’s Dorm
Proceeds go to the
for the cure of
9 p.rn.; Men 00c, Ladies 35c
Your Photograph
A Lasting Valentine
Instead of
ordering that
same old box
I; of candy
this year,
| send her your
1 photo—
it will last.
: If