Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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IT MIGHT BE explained that
this column is being written be
cause the editor looked down
his long Anglo-Saxon nose at
me as I prepared to depart in
my blithe way for a house dance
and muttered, “What! No col
“No column,” I said firmly
and quietly. “Oh,” he said. And
then I don’t exactly know what
happened, hut I found myself
with a typewriter under my
rosy finger tips and I thought,
“what the hell, I might as well
write one,;” and perhaps this
was just as well for hack of me
stood the editor with a most un
pleasant look on his puss . . .
YESTERDAY and today Ore
gon-and the journalism school
particularly — was host to kid
editors and staff members from
all over Oregon . . . they swarm
ed in wearing their best suits
or dress, looking very intelli
gent, very impressed with the
grandeur that is* Oregon, and
very bewildered about it all . . .
three times I explained gently
and with emphasis that “no,
that is the Delta Gamma house,
not the administration build
ing,” that fraternities are
“houses” or “tongs” but never
“frats,” that, “yes, college stu
dents do go to bed once in
awhile,” and that “those are
WPA workers, not University
student or sit-down strikers” . . .
pushed my number eights-and
a-half to many a tuneful or
chestra including that ex-pachy
derm, Paul Whitman, hut the
best I huve run into as far as
dancing goes is the one which
tootled merrily at the house
dance I eventually went to last
night—at the gray bungalow,
almost on the farm—the Sigma
Kappas ... if I had a hat I
should doff it with the proper
exclamations over this set of
swingsters . .. hut I do not have
a hat, and anyway I forgot to
ask the name of the outfit . . .
Robbins of Sigma hall goes to
day’s bid to the Haul of Fame
. . . close-mouthed, Eddy is a
speaker of note . . . Quiet, ha
has made himself well-known
on the campus . . . No smoothie
when it comes to the fair sex, he
seldom fails to find very excel
lent feminine companionship for
almost any occasion . . . GPA ?
Of the best, friends, of the best.
My slightly battered orchids to
Eddy . . . long may he wave.
And so to bed.
In the Mail
To the Editor:
The linen you permit T should
endeavor to use well, for it is
said talk is cheap, and it is
also observed, in this ngo, the
pen is not more powerful than
the sword. We in the United
States are fortunate in that both
talk and pens are cheap, there
being no common restriction to
the use of either, and the sword
has recently been discarded by
the military as an instrument
of war.
Yet, the pen as an instrument
of coercion is not without some
use, as may be inferred from
the applications of those two
feminine geniuses in the fields
of politics and labor who re
cently showed willingness to
condescend (shyly) to speak
before this student body upon
their respective fields of (im
pecunious) interest.
By some good fortune or per
haps by better judgement, when
a price is set upon this to-be
questioned contribution to poli
tical and social science, those
who represent the recipients of
these ennobling gestures refrain
somehow from "signing on the
dotted line,” and a step is taken
toward curing a form of "black
mail'’ not commonly recognized
by the unsuspecting and the
gullible. F. L. ANDERSON.
Strange are the clothes af
fected by the young college man
and woman. But even on a col
lege campus, Harry Weston and
his pajama-striped sweater is
The weather at this time of
the year is fallish. Harry's cos
tume of last night was foolish
of the "kid" costumes which
rather than fallish.
Late Side patrons saw thea
ter-goers in formats, house
dancers in almost anything
but Harry wore his white and
blue sweater and hip pants.
i _ LLOYD TUPLING, Managing Editor
Associate Editors: Riul Peutschmann. Clare Igoe.
Elbert TTnwkins. Sports Editor
Bernadine Bowman. Citv Editor
Ilomfr Craham. Chief Night Editor
Eew F.\ans, Assistant Managing Editor
Jean Weber. Art Director
Wnm.n Wnlfirir f KtjtfT Photot/ranher
Martha Stewart. Women’s Editor
Don Kennedy, Radio Editor
Rita Wright. Society Editor
Betty Jane Thompson, Assistant Chief Night Editor
Elizabeth Stetson, Feature Editor
Pill Pcmrra
Louise Shepherd
Lick Lit fin
Pita Wrijfht
Wen M rooks
John Pink
Moritz Thomsen
Krn Kirtlry
Hetty Jane Thnrnpson
Catherine Taylor
Doris Lindffren
Tfarbara Stallcup
Parr Aplin
Leonard Jermain
Pill Ralston
P.'-tty Fikndal
Pill firnnt
Cllenn lfasselrooth
John Powell
Kli/aheth Ann Jones
Catherine Crane
Cordon Ridgeway
Dorothy Preyer
Merrill Moran
Patricia Krikson
Ceorge Pegg
Aida Macchi
Bettv Hamilton
Pat Walsh
Katherine Cannon
Marjorie Isler
\'era Stokes
Patsv VV'arren
Pat McCarthy
Eva Erlandson
({ill Norene
Georf/f Pasero
Bob Jordan
('buck Van Scovoc
Wes Johnson
Lloyd Peat's
David Sanderson
' i " M< i > > I :\ r r
Mill Porter
Pete Igoe
Assistant Managing Editor Corriene Antrim
Copyreaders: Dorothy Burke Pat McCarthy Della Root
XT:—1,* . Xfllo.r, t n.... Frar.U Vw.Urjr.n A <lr>ln i/I**
Day Editor Dick Litfin
Marjorie Worthen
7F.nvene Snvder
Circulation Manager:
Gerald Norville
Assistants :
Ruth Ketchum
Nancy Hunt
National Advt. Mgr.
Joe Frizzell
AssistantH :
Hetty Blaine
Mignon Phipps
Ann** Frederiekson
Portland Advt. Mgr.
William Sanford
Office. Manager:
Caroline Hand
Tuesday Advt. Mgr.
Keith Osburne
It ill Thompson
Line Decew
A l)V F.RTf SI X(» ST A F
Hill Knight
Roland Rodman
Wednesday Advt. Mgr.
Chnrlea Skinner
Assistants :
Wilbur Colwell
Larry Wales
Wayne Mackin
Thursday Advt. Mgr.
Max in#* Glad
Assistants :
Violet Stillman
Alice Stewart
Louise Aiken
Fridav Advt. Mgr.
Hal Meaner
Rita Wright
Fred Ehlers
()scar Bofrvnskv
Saturdav .VIvt. Mgr.
Bruce Curry
Assistants :
Jack Bryant
Majeanne Clover
Roma Theobald
Fine Work Under Tough Conditions
J^AST night tin* University theater did it
We haven’t seen “Roadside” yet lint the
reaction of those who did last night was that
Director Ottillie Turnbull Seybolt and ln*r
actors had again surmounted tremendous
stage and theater handicaps and had pro
duced a rounded, polished play.
For several years now the University
theater —once the (Judd hall players — has
been building a reputation. Its performances
have been good from every standpoint. The
acting is the best college amateurs with years
of training by professional directors can be
expected to present. The plays are well chos
en, the scenery constructed by Horace W.
Robinson is almost miraculously effective
when the material available is considered.
In contrast with the quality of the per
formances is the limited stage and the dis
couraging conditions under which the group
must work.
* # #
Jj^VERY bit of scenery used in any play
must be visible on the stage during the
whole (performance. The sets may lx* re
versed but there is no room behind the stage
or in the wings where additional scenery can
be stored. Every bit of' scenery not construct
ed on the stage must be carried in from the
When a University theater player strolls
off into the west wing after a dramatic bit
of action, he or she doesn’t stroll very far.
Once across the stage there is no way to got
back until the curtain is lowered. The players
must stand, packed into a tiny space, until
tin* end of the scene or until they are “on”
once more. Add to this the fact that ventila
tion is practically nil and yon have the stage
of the University theater—a small, low-ceil
inged stage which annually is the scene of
six or seven fine productions.
Regular seating facilities accomodate 158
persons. By usin^ the first throe rows, wliieh
jire very close to the stage, and by adding
chairs, this can be increased somewhat. But
(•ven Ansc Cornell himself couldn t find
space for 200 patrons unless lie distributed
them in layers.
The University theater isn’t kicking. Its
business is producing plays—the best possible
plays under the facilities provided for it. Its
director, Mrs. Ottillie Turnbull Seybolt, was
reluctant to grant the interview printed else
where in this paper which describes condi
tions. * * *
/"^REfiON has been fortunate to retain the
services of Horace W. Robinson as assist
ant professor of drama, for his work both
as a director and as a maker of sets, has
marked him for the directorship of a drama
A stage in Johnson, store room in Friendly,
and workshop in Emerald street, well off the
campus—this diffusion of facilities is an ex
ainple of the conditions under which Mr.
Robinson and his staging classes have had 1o
work. Yet the set. they made for “Bury the
Dead’’ last year (the results they obtained
from lighting helped considerably) was a
The University theater isn’t building bet
ter mouse traps but the theater-going public,
at. least, is knocking at its door. There’s no
place to put them, of course, but nearly every
performance of the past two years has been
a sell out.
Work of the caliber produced by the
drama department cannot for long go un
noticed. The quality of its plays alone and
the demands of the public for admission to
them warrant an appeal for a new home. Add
to this that the drama department’s quarters
for class work are also inadequate (when a
play is in production, there is no place for
the classes to work) and it is obvious that
the department deserves a better break.
Can Classes Stand a $75 Levy?
EADINO between tlit* linos ot Educational
Activities Manager George Root’s stfit<*
ment, it seems tlmt tlie Oregana’s capable
business manager, Howard Overbaelc, brought
Ilit* (piestion of wlietber classes will pay for
space to a bead before the educational activi
ties board was ready for the question.
The statement indicates that the possibil
ity of assessing each class $75 will be con
sidered Monday night as a part of the dis
mission of charges to be levied on other
honoraries and societies.
Exempt in former years, the classes appar
ently caught Manager Overbade’s eye when
lie started easting around for funds to swell
the budget of the 1938 yearbook. The justice
of such a tax seems debatable.
Fraternities and sororities pay for space
in the annual (this year $50 for two pages)
and the Oregana manager reasons that the
classes should likewise contribute.
('lass leaders advance the argument that
most class members, in addition to paying
their $•> tor the Oregana wluen they teei
should cover the charge levied on students
for the hook, also pay an additional sum
because of membership in a living organiza
tion or an honorary—and may be “hit’’ for
both. They also argue that the class trea
suries will not stand the new tax.
# # #
I? A ELY this year The Emerald characterized
the class card as the campus’ biggest gyp,
the outstanding small-time racket—with the
reservation that some of the classes were this
year attempting to put on a worthwhile pro
Soph President Pick Lit fin scored heavily
Thursday when he declared that he couldn’t
tell his class members that their class activi
ties consisted of two pages in the Oregana.
A $75 hunk of cream of the top of the
already thin class budgets doesn’t leave much
for an activities program. Both the Oregana
and the classes face the same difficulty—
lack of funds. But who doesn’t?
Strange Land
German Exchange Student
A COUPLE OF days ago a fellow talked to
me and said that it seemed to him my columns
on one day pat America on the back and on the
next day try to give her a kick in the pants. I
must object. I never had any intention to give
more than a little, good-natured poke in the ribs.
After a few weeks of acquaintance with a new
country it would not be right to criticize very
strongly. But you find out very soon whether or
not you like a country. I like America and I will
not hold back my opinion that I would be all in
favor of American democracy
The conference of Oregon high school editors
gave me an idea of the spirit of this American
democracy. These kids, engaged in making a
paper, have built up already in their community
that public opinion which is necessary to accel
erate Americanism. They build up true com
munity spirit of vivid and honest cooperation.
In spite of their responsibility at such an age
they do not take the wrong attitude toward elder
authorities. They do not say: He is already so
old and still a fool. And I did not see anybody
of whom one could say: He is still so young and
already a fool.
WE, IN OUR COUNTRY, try to develop the
spirit of cooperation too. We chose different
means. Whereas the American method is to change
the attitude of an individual by exposing him in
a gossip column, it is our idea to tell the readers
what they ought to do to become helpful members
of the community.
We do, of course, give the readers what they
want to read and we write about subjects that are
interesting. Before I came to America I paid a
visit to my chief editor in Germany and asked
him if he had any suggestions concerning my
articles about America. His answer was: Write
about everything that is interesting and that gives
a true picture of America and the Americans.
But editorials are devoted to ideas which we
believe the readers need.
Side Show
Edited by . . .
Where, oh where, did Don
KPnnPdy go last night whpn he
should have heen breathing
sweet syllalilPs into thp mikp at
the Kmerald of the Air program
over station KORE?
The eanipus is rife with ru
mor, most of it pointing toward
the Alpha Phi house, whose
members, it is said, kidnapped
the young orator of the air
just when he was seheduied to
make his appearanee at the local
broadcasting emporium. Coeds
at the Alpha Phi house, busy
with their pledgeless pledge
dance, contradicted the rumor
last night but it persisted,
Eighty editors and represen
tatives of high school newspa
pers from cities and towns
throughout Oregon are getting
an inside slant on University life
this weekend by virtue of their
twelfth bi-annual conference,
which is conducted by the fac
ulty of the school of journalism
in conjunction with Sigma Delta
Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, men’s
and women’s journalism soci
Many of the young journalists
are visiting the campus for the
first time, and their impressions
of University goings-on will
consequently be lasting ones. Of
course their interests are pri
marily journalistic, but the com
ments which they are sure to
make in their respective home
towns through the columns of
their high school newspapers
will not be limited to journalism
and the press conference. It is
therefore gratifying that cam
pus living organizations—where
the visitors stayed—and every
body else who came in contact
with them, seemed to display
the usual fine hospitality for
which Oregon is noted.
sfe * *
All’s quiet regarding the
choice of the University’s presi
dent to succeed C. Valentine
Boyer. Following their meeting
last Monday, the state board of
higher education and Chancel
lor Frederick M. Hunter are evi
dently still waiting for word
from Dr. Charles F. Remer, of
the University of Michigan, who
has the inside track for the
position if he wishes to accept
it. During his recent visit to
Oregon, the Michigan candidate
had an opportunity to look the
University over, and now’, it is
said, he is conferring with home
officials before deciding. Please,
Dr. Remer, end the suspense.
Yeserday the federal reserve
board which also regulates the
stock market announced that
the margins on buying were re
duced from 55 to 40 per cent
and that the short selling mar
gin was increased to 50 per
cent. The effect was good.
The attempts of the adminis
tration doctor to revive the
fluttering heart of its present
number one patient brought
signs of u stronger pulse, for
the market immediately jumped
from $1 to $6 on most leading
* * *
Before proceeding further it
might be wise to give a brief
picture of what the new regu
lations mean. Margin buyers,
those who deal on the market
by purchasing stock with the
expectation of its going up, will
now have to put up only 40 per
cent of the total value of the
block of shares in which they
are speculating.
This will open the market to
more margin buyers, who ex
pect profits through jumps, the
result being a raise in general
market values, or so the KRB
hojH's. In addition, if the mar
Why not do something
different ....
Skating every evening
7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Mati
nees: Tues., Thur., Sat.,
Sun. 2 to 4:30 p.m.
Special rates given to pri
vate parties. Call Spring
field 194.
One-half mile south of
Springfield junction
From Where
I Sit
I " ..i:'" i iiiiiiiiwi—w—
I was impressed yesterday, as
I sat in the back of the meet
ing room in 105 journalism, with
the interest, enthusiasm, and
understanding of the prep
school students, who were up o’n
their feet after every speech
with comments, criticism, and
viewpoints on the speeches of
faculty and student journalists.
Professor George Turnbull, di
rector of the conference pro
gram, could be justly proud last
night, when he remarked that
this was one of the livest con
fabs he had ever seen. It looks
as if youth is stepping out of its
alleged lethargy.
* * *
I want to commend the young
lady who told how she had to
submit copy for her school pa
per to two advisers and the
principal for a check, re-check,
and triple-check. If she and her
staff have the enthusiasm to go
on after that, I take off my
bonnet to her.
The Forest Grove representa
tive gave us some interesting
history on our own Bob Pollock,
erstwhile Damon Kunyan imi
tator who produces a “Folly”
most of the week. This prepper
told how Pollock, an alum of
Forest Grove, in his younger
day's wrote a dirt column for his
high school paper. It was fine,
the editor said, but it started a
fad, so that everybody else on
the paper started to write a
column. The only difficulty was
that the rest of the descendants
of Pollock’s original col were
all bad. (Like his present one,
perhaps ?)
I will even throw my bonnet
into the air for the stalwart
delegates from Albany high
school. Their paper (The Whirl
wind) is set up entirely by hand.
I wish the night editors on the
Emerald had that much enthus
ket slips temporarily, under the
new setup the margin men will
not have to pull out as quickly
as they did in the last slump,
thus contributing to the general
downward trend.
* * *
The 50 per cent cover on
short selling is more difficult
for the average person to under
stand, but in reality it is quite
as simple. The short seller
("bear” in Wall street slang)
contracts with a buyer to deliv
er stock in the future at the
present price. He hopes to gain
by a slump in prices, natural or
artificial. If he can help pro
duce the slump he makes that
much more.
The new regulation specifies
that there “bears” must put up
half of the value as collateral
on the stock they intend to de
liver to their contractor. If
they fail to deliver the stock,
the purchaser can confiscate the
50 per cent which is more or
less a guarantee.
As a result of this measure
the FRB hopes to discourage
selling and add more impetus
to the upward trend.
* * *
One thing is certain, however,
as a result of the recent ex
change flutter. The Wall street
boys are beginning to realize
that the government is not fool
ing with its attempts to keep
the market stable. True, they
won a moral victory in the re
duction of margin percentages
on buying (which they blamed
for the big crash at the begin
ning of the week), but it is
practically nullified by the short
selling coverage increase.
An interesting article in a re
cent issue of the Nation by
Hail a Success!
Wild and Reckless |i
see M
Opened last night -gr
Second and last night ra
Tonight at 8:00
$5e-50c §
They Want It Kosher
cause they could not buy meat following the closing of 5,000 kosher
meat markets in the metropolitan area. The market operators closed
because meat prices became too high for them to sell profitably, they
Mariana h. Alien, nnance ana
investment counsellor, puts the
blame for the downtrend of
stocks that has made them drop
$25,000,000 since last March, on
political influences. In other
words the decreases in value,
according to this source, are at
tempts of “bulls,” “bears” and
others to discredit Roosevelt
and his policy of regulation.
Wall street has been suffer
ing the past seven years. The
good old days of the pre-1929
era are gone. In those days a
seat on the exchange cost $600,
000. Now they have drifted
down to a paltry $75,000.
Another item which is hurt
ing market prestige is the grow
ing public opinion in favor of
government restriction of ultra
free competition. The record
under the old system is nothing
to brag about; as a result peo
ple are glad to see some re
straints being formulated.
The activity of the market in
the past nine months will also
do its cause no good. In the
past the market has acted like
a thermometer, warning every
body when things are going to
slump. In the future, or so
vested financial interests indi
cate, the market will have to
fall in line after business.
r=~ ~—— ~^=
i A J LJ A U V rJl Vl 1«iUM A
Chinese Art Goods
Displayed at Co op
War in Orient Limits
Present Supplies in
United States
Beautiful silks, ivory and
bone carvings, and other un- 4
usual articles of Oriental art
are being displayed in the bal
cony at the Co-op store for a
limited time.
This display is being present
ed by Relta Lea Powell, stu
dent. Miss Powell will be in at
tendance every afternoon from
1 till 5:30 p.m. This display
should have particular appeal
to lovers of Oriental art and to
those seeking unusual Christ
mas gifts. Beautiful embroider
ed Chinese Mandarin coats
and pajama sets make ideal
gifts for mother or the girl
See them! A hint is suffi
I fjJUUstUli Ojini St&xZ .
Me M O * R A N
-PHONE 2700
Don Blanding
Author, Poet
and Vagabond
Will be here today
from 2 to 4 p. m.
Don’t Miss This Opportunity!
What does it
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check-up of the spark
plugs, battery, ignition
cables, distributor, igni
tion timing, valve clear
ance, and carburetor in
the engine of your car.
from your car and no unnecessary gas consumption.
Bring your car in now for a complete Motor Tune-up by
competent automotive engineers!
*2 E. 11th Ave. Phone 1619