Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1937, Image 1

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    Guild Players Give
'Roadside' Farce
At Season Opening
Washington Babes
Down UO Frosh in
Scoring Landslide
High School Press
Association Holds
12 Bi-Annual Meet
Men's and Women's Journalism Honoraries
Aid Faculty in Entertaining High School
Representatives; Officers Elected
Coming from every corner of the state, Oregon’s high school “edi
torial association" composed of 80 editors and representatives of
approximately 30 school papers, met yesterday at the school of journal
ism to begin their twelfth bi-annual conference.
The press association holds its meetings under the direction of the
faculty of the journalism school,
assisted by Sigma Delta Chi and
Theta Sigma Phi, men’s and wo
men's journalism honoraries.
Officers Elected
Highlight of the session yester
day afternoon was nomination and
election of officers. Jerry Coates
of Eenson Tech in Portland is the
new president. Betty Marshall of
Washington high in Portland was
elected vice-president. The Hood
River representative, Michi Yasui,
was elected secretary.
The opening meeting in the
morning was a get-acquainted
meeting, with student body presi
dent Barney Hall greeting the edi
tors on behalf of the University.
Dean Eric W. Allen also addressed
the assembly.
wpeecnes lieartl
General discussions featured
both morning and afternoon meet
ings. Morning speakers were Jerry
Coates and Michi Yasui, followed
by the Emerald’s Paul Deutsch
mann and Bob Pollock.
Afternoon speakers were LeRoy
Mattingly, Emerald editor, Profes
sors Charles Hulten and George
Turnbull of the journalism school,
and discussions by Frank Meek,
former Caldwell high editor in Ida
ho, Jim Schiller, of Pendleton, Paul
McCarthy of Heppner, Gordon Con
nelly, former sports editor of the
Grantonian, Portland, and Gordon
Ridgeway, former editor of Frank
ling high paper.
Dinner at Del Key
A no-host dinner was held last
night in the Del Rey cafe for the
editor. The new officers were pre
sented by toastmaster Dean Allen.
Entertainment faetures were pre
sented by 'Sigma Delta Chi and
Theta Sigma Phi.
The Washingtonian of Portland
had the largest representation the
opening day with six of the staff
attending the conference.
Other representatives came from
as far as Huntington and Prine
ville. Also represented were Port
land’s Tech Pep, Grantonian, Com
merce Blotter, Franklin Post, Jef
fersonian, and the Cardinal of Lin
coln. From outside Portland came
the Klamath Crater, Silverton Hi
Life, Grants Pass Scroll, Pendleton
Lantern, Huntington News Flash,
and Eugene’s University and Eu
gene high papers.
Also represented were Corvallis
High-O-Scope, the McMinvillian,
Vernonia Timberline, Redmond
(Please turn to page three)
Ritz Brothers
Cheer Leaders
At USC Rally
Not cheer leaders but movie act
ors led a pep rally and dance at
the University of Southern Cali
fornia last week. Out to give their
best rah-rah's for the Trojan
team Tuesday night were the three
Ritz brothers, comedy stars of
stage and screen.
* * *
Laugh and your teacher laughs
with you,
Laugh and you laugh alone.
The first is the teacher’s joke,
The second is your own.
—Los Angeles Collegian.
* * *
Bear Goes Joe College
Rapidly becoming a bruin of the
world, Joe College, the bear mas
cot of Baylor university, Waco,
Texas, travels without fail to meet
opposing teams throughout the
season, to grunt the Golden Bears
over every touchdown line.
Joe, who weighs 423 pounds, is
an extraordinary bear, the Daily
Lariat reports, because he never
hibernates and has his food served
to him fresh every day from dor
mitory dining halls.
Weekly Inspection
To Be Held by ROTC
Company A Receives
Top Honors This
Week for Dress
I Every week all ROTC men will
be put through an inspection and
will be held for their appearance
in dress and in the manner in
which they wear their uniform.
Each man is given 250 points at
the beginning of each term and so
many points will be deducted from
this if any faults are found in his
Each week the company with the
highest score is posted. This week
honors go to companies B and D
as they both tied with 100 points
Company commander , of Com
pany B, Reed Fendall.
First sergeant of Company B,
F. R. Findther.
Platoon leaders of Company B,
William Gieseke, John Enders,
Ralph Amato.
Company commanders of Com
pany D, No. 2, Carrol Gates.
First Sergeant of Company D
No. 2, George Knight.
Platoon leaders of Company D
No. 2, George Moore, Dale Laselle.
The scores of the other compan
ies are:
Company A, third, 99.96.
Company C, sixth, 99.84.
Company D, No. 1, fifth, 99.90.
Company E, fourth, 99.93.
Oregana Office Is
Filled With Snaps
Immortalizing the much publi
:ized battle of the century the
Ducks vs. the OSC victory march
ers—were the first pictures to be
turned into the Carl Baker-Ore
gana snapshot contest, Louise
Aiken, contest chairman, reported
today. “Many amateur photogra
phers were in their element that
Jay, so we expect to get some more
picture versions of the ‘riot.’ If
any of you tried and failed, then
Carl Baker has promised to make
good his statement ‘any one can
take good pictures now, if the
camera is properly set and loaded
with modern films,’ so consult him
about your camera difficulties.”
The Carl Baker-Oregana snap
shot contest lasts only until No
vember 11, and so students are
arged to get their pictures in now
and get into the money—$26 in
prizes to be given away.
Pictures are to be turned in at
the Oregana office in the ASUO
shack between 2 and 4 any day.
work to Begin on
Library Driveways
With hopes for the permanent
driveways to be completed as soon
as possible, temporary structures
were begun Friday, says M. H.
Douglass, librarian.
These driveways will serve as a
trade entrance, for the delivery of
mail, and arrival of books and sup
plies, says the librarian.
Hoop Lettermen Notice
Varsity basketball lettermen
will turn out Monday afternoon
to start regular drill under
Coach Howard Hobson. The
Webfoot mentor wishes to meet
all men at the Igloo at 4 o'clock.
First games will be here on De
cember 3 and 4.
Two Times Chairman
Twice a chairman in one week is the record hung up by Doug Milne.
! Milne was named chairman of the speakers committee early this
week by ASUO President Barney Hall. Along with Willie Frager
he is chairman of the Junior-Senior mix which will be held tonighl.
‘To 'Let Loose'at Mix
In McArthur Tonight
Reviving an ancient tradition after a more than five year lapse
the juniors and seniors will gather tonight for a Harlem-themed mixer
that bids fair to be the most informal dance of the year, according tc
Doug Milne and Willie Frager, co-chairmen for the affair.
Gus Meyer’s orchestra will go into ultra-swing tonight to get every
body pepped up for the "Big Apple,’’ truckin’, and the strangest of all
Margaret Rag Gives
Bookto University
'Youth at the Wheel'
Donated to Library
By Chrysler
“Oregon Trail,” a book of poems
by W. F. G. Thacher, University
of Oregon professor, has been do
nated to the library by Margaret
This book was designed and
printed by Miss Ray as a typogra
phy class project, and was printed
by the University Press in 1937.
It has been added to the U. of O.
collection which includes work of
University students and faculty
Among other new books is in
cluded “Youth at the Wheel,” sent
out by the Chrysler corporation.
Written by John J. Flaherty, the
book jacket says it is “A reference
book for beginners in which the
automobile and how to drive it
safely are treated in a simple and
highly engrossing manner.”
It is illustrated with pictures of
the Plymouth plant.
Oregon's 'O' Gets
New Paint Dress
Oregon's “O” once more beams
from Skinners butte.
The reason ? Three cans of paint,
sixty minutes of labor. The paint
ing was made necessary by the
fact that the “O” was painted with
Staters but the paint of the wrong
variety was used and the top and
bottom of Oregon’s marker were
The paint was purchased by
members of the SPE house and the
decorating was done by SPE fresh
modern dances — pecicin or so
says “Smokey” Whitfield, director
of entertainment, who promises to
teach everybody that attends the
fundamentals of these dance inno
Whitfield With Heidt
The dusky entertainer is all up
on these creations for he has re
turned to the campus after a sum
mer with Horace Heidt's band in
The admission sets a new low
in prices for campus dances, the
directors proudly boast. Only one
class card per couple will be neces
sary. Students who have not yet
purchased their cards may get eith
er junior or senior ducats at the
gate tonight.
McArthur court has been turned
into a Harlem night spot, veteran
decorator Constance Kletzer and
(Please him to f>aiic three)
Rhodes Tests
To Be Heldjat
10 a.m.Today
Eighteen Students to
Take Examinations;
Pointing for State
At 10 a m. today IS men will
"come up" for examination in tho
Cecil Rhodes scholarship to Oxford
university. The foreign scholarship
committee will spend the entire day
in determining which of the 18
will represent the University of
Oregon in the statewide competi
tion at Portland on December 16
and 18.
The applicants will appear one
at a time before the board for an
half hour oral examination, until,
at approximately 10 p.m., the last
has been interviewed when the
judges will determine which men
are most eligible under the qualifi
cations of intellect, character and
Formal public announcement of
those who qualify for the state
examination will probably be made
on Monday, according to Mrs.
Clara L. Fitch, secretary.
Twenty-four students had regis
tered for the exam in the graduate
office last night, six of whom were
eliminated on grounds of age, resi
dence, or late registration. This is
by way of being a record registra
tion; the greatest number ever to
apply in former years was 19.
The board of education for the
University is the foreign scholar
ship committee of which Dr.
George Rebec, dean of the grad
uate division is chairman. Others
on the committee are Professor S.
Stephenson Smith, Dr. A. R. Moore,
Dr. Chandler Beall, Dr. Andrew
Fish, and Dr. R. R. Huestis.
Makes Statement
Educational Activities Manager
George Koot stepped into the con
troversy Iw'tween class officers and
the Oregano yesterday with a
statement that the yearbook's fi
nancial policies were only tenta
tive, and that further consideration
would be given the matter.
Modest Comet
Mentor Pities
Donut Rivals
From the Comet News Bureau
(Special) Oct. 29. After
watching the classiest members
in the volleyball league last
week members of Casciato's
Comets were vehement in declar
ing that Comets would have to
forfeit at least three or four
games in order to give other
squads in the tourney a fighting
Howard Overback, the ex
tremely modest Comet pilot is
(Please turn lo pane three)
Results of Fire Inspection
Highly Satisfactory, Say
Deans and State Marshal
The results of the inspection of students’ living organizations by
Deputy Fire Marshal Jack Hayes was highly satisfactory, according
to Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean of women, and Dean Karl W.
Onthank. The state representative with City Fire Chief W. E. Nusbaum
and Dean Onthank attended fire drill in all women’s living organiza
tions during the past week and inspected preventive and escape methods
Members of the educational ac
tivities board will meet in the of
fice of J. O. Lindstrom, University
business manager, in Johnson hall
at 9 o'clock this morning to dis
cuss Emerald problems, it was an
nounced yesterday.
Browsing Room Is
Defined by Webster
Library Tags Will
Be Sold Downtown
As a concluding feature of the
two-day campus sale of stickers to
raise funds for the browsing room
of the new library, tags will be sold
downton Saturday from 10 to 5 it
was announced yesterday by Har
old Faunt, student chairman.
Sales from the campus booths,
concluded last night, have been
very successful. While we have not
raised as much as we hoped for we
have made a showing that will let
Portland people know that we are
interested in our browsing room,
Faunt said.
Student representatives are still
selling the stickers in all living or
We are often asked, “What is
the browsing- room?" Perhaps this
little excursion into Webster will
help to clarify the situation.
“Browse” seems to derive from
a word of Teutonic origin meaning
“to bud” or “sprout,” from which
we get the noun "browse,” mean
ing the tender shoots or twigs that
sprout in spring. Pursuing our
word still further down the page
we find a verb meaning “to nibble
off.” Still keeping the implication,
you observe, of delicacy, tender
ness or choice morsels.
“To feed on” naturally calls up
the correlated meaning of feeding
the mind and therefore we are pre
pared to step easily into the next
sense of the word—“to read pas
sages here and there,” “to browse
around—to move here and there
pausing to browse.”
(Continued from faqe one)
in every student housing unit con
taining more than two students.
“On the whole we are vei'y
much pleased, although in a few
instances, the drill was a little
slow,” said Onthank, head of the
University personnel division. In
some cases, students could not hear
the alarm clearly, causing a loss of
time in vacating the structures.
Oregon has never had a serious
fire, but that is no assurance that
the buildings, which are mostly
frame structures, will not catch
fire, and it is the aim of officials to
have a complete method of pre
vention and safety in good working
Panic and suffocation are the
greatest hazards to effective fire
safety, and the Oregon fire-drill
system seems to eliminate much of
this threat, was the conclusion
reached after the annual inspec
Propeller Club Will
Dine at Anchorage
The annual fall dinner of the lo
cal chapter of the Propeller club
will be held at the Anchorage to
night at 6 o’clock.
Representatives from the senior
port at Portland will be on hand
to aid in the discussions. Under
the guidance of Professor Alfred
L. Lomax, adviser and honorary
president of the local chapter, the
members will talk over the prob
lems of foreign trade and the ways
and means of encouraging Ameri
can shipping.
Orphaned Articles Will Go on Auction Block
Amnestic students snouid take
stock of their belongings, for the '
University lost and found depart
ment is now filled to overflowing
with sundry goods, pending their
removal by auction on the library
Those who wish to repossess
their treasures should call as soon
as possible at the University depot
which ot late has assumed the pro
portions of a department store.
The usual spirited auction will be
held soon, and students with an eye
toward bargains should make a
point to attend the money saving
A vast quantity of belts, pencils,
key rings, pencil sharpener, com
pacts and purses are on stock
awaiting only identification by the
owners to remove them from the
grasp of the eager auctioneers.
If Don Stevenson, Henry Botkin,
Jean Rawson, and Maurice Weis
will call at the depot they will be
reimbursed with their notebooks.
John Parkhurst will find his biol
ogy dissecting kit among the miss
ing items and one unknown miss
can claim a small fortune of 75
cents by proper identification
A small library of textbooks has
accumulated and students missing
a "British Poetry and Prose,” "El
ementary Economics,” "College
Composition,” or “1937 Essay An
nual” should inquire at the depot
for these volumes before the auc
Tentative Plans for
Financing Oregana
Announced bg Root
Class Presidents Object to Assessment;
Activities Board Will Consider Problem at
Meeting to Be Held Monday Night
Policies for financing the 1938 Oregana, such as assessing each
class $75, have been tentatively formed, but not approved for adoption
by the educational activities board, it was learned last night from
George Root, activities manager.
Mr. Root’s statement on the question is as follows: “The discussion
on this matter is premature. Tentative policies have been formulated,
Amphibian Fledges
Entertained in Pool
Talented Swimmers
And Divers Among
New Members
A splash party was held Thurs
day evening in Gerlinger pool by
the Amphibians, women's swim
ming honorary and their pledges.
Water sports, games relays and
stunt diving were on the program.
Doughnuts were served later.
' New numbers are: lone Ring,
Berneice Eyerly, Lois Onthank,
Jima Lynch, La Von Oddy, Betty
Mae Lind, Carolyn Dudley, Arleeo
Thurmond, Helen Betty Gidding,
Eleanor Forrest, Pat Hambly,
Barbara Ann Pierce, Joanne
Reisch, Barbara Benham, Patricia
Jean Taylor, Carolyn Howard.
Elizabeth Ann Buckaleu, Jane
Bunker Weston, Barbara Baldin
ger, Loraine Gjording.
There are some champion swim
mers and some very good divers
among the new pledges. There are
now about 30 active members.
They are hoping to entertain the
Oregon State women’s swimming
honorary with a get-acquainted
party soon.
Cornish Publishes
Survey of Schools
For Salespeople
A fifth in a series of articles
written by Dr. N. H. Cornish of
the school of business administra
tion, appears in the October issue
of the Oregon Merchants’ maga
This article deals with salesman
ship taught retail salespeople. A
survey of 199 retail stores inter
viewed furnished the facts of the
In the survey, Professor Cornish
finds that, while the extent of
teaching salesmanship varies with
the type of store studied, 78 per
cent of the 199 merchants inter
viewed give instruction in selling
approaches; 67 per cent teach salu
tations; 60 per cent give instruc
tion on the analysis of customer
types; 29 per cent on how to an
swer effectively the common ob
jections to buying; and 70 per cent
on closing sales effectively.
urn. mey nave not ueen approvea
by the educational activities board.
A subcommittee of the board was
appointed today to confer with the
editor and the business manager
of the Oregana in regard to a num
ber of problems affecting the 1937
38 Oregana. Among these prob
lems was the question of assessing
classes. The subcommittee of the
board has prepared a report to be
presented to the regular meeting of
the educational activities board
which will be held next Monday
Overhack Silent
Business manager Howard Over
back again refused to be quoted on
the situation to date.
Objections to the $75 per class
levy for the Oregana were raised
by a determined group of four class
presidnts, Gleason Payne, Dick Lit
fin, Zane Kemler, and Chuck Irwin,
who flatly refused to pay the new
assessment on the grounds that a
general student organization such
as classes should not be taxed to
appear in a student publication.
No Dough for Photos
The four prexies also said they
did not have the funds for such a
purpose, that what they did have
was intended for an active program
for class members.
Rumors were last night that the
activities board was also going to
consider the question of whether
campus honoraries would again be
taxed for their spot in the Oregana.
Alum Prexy Lauds
Homecoming Spirit
Roland Davis, president of the
Portland Alumni association, ex
pressed his appreciation for the
consideration given the alumni in
the recent homecoming weekend, in
a letter to Elmer C. Fansett, secre
tary of the alumni association.
Mr. Davis commented on the stu
dent spirit saying, "It seemed to
me at the rally preceding the game
and at the game, that the student
spirit was especially good. The
student body at the game stood
right behind the team and was
fighting with the team all through
the game and did not let up at
any time, even though the team
was behind.”
"It is that kind of spirit,” says
Mr. Davis, "that will eventually
bring victory to the Oregon cam
Mr. Davis received his J.D. de
gree from the University in 1930.
'Phantom Wit'Saves
Em erald of the Air
The Emerald of the Air went over the ether as scheduled last *
night but in the absence of its master of ceremonies, Don Kennedy.
That left the situation up to Wendell Kaufman and Harry Lehrbach,
to struggle through an eternal fifteen minutes as ably as possible.
Lehrbach gave his regular newscast, after which Kaufman introduced
a "phantom player," who tickled
the ivories in a medley that took
up approximately six minutes of
the allotted fifteen.
Next breaker in the sea of trou
ble was the burlesque which Kauf
man had hastily prepared—a three
part play with two men to carry
it out. Again the phantom was the
guiding star, taking the stooge
part with a little ad libbing on the
side. This took up the rest of the
time and gave ample excuse for
the listeners to switch off their ra
dios and go to a movie.
An appropriate closing theme,
perhaps, would have been "The
Announcer’s Blues,” but alas, it
couldn't be found!
(Rumor has it that Kennedy was
kidnaped by the Alpha Phis.)
Oregon Prof Visits
Wall Street Markets
"Visiting the stock exchange,
during one of its busy days, was
one of the interesting features of
my trip,” said C. L. Kelly, profes
sor of business administration, who
recently returned from New York,
where he attended the convention
of the American Institute of Ac
countants. £
"The noise, confusion, and excite- a
ment, arising from the stock ex
change building, could be heard for
a city block,” related Mr. Kelly. ;
Although he visited the exchange ^
three days after the recent “crash,” 2
considerable excitement was still 1
shown by its members. 1