Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1937, Image 1

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    Class Presidents
Refused to Be Taxed
By Oregana Levy
High School 'Eds'
Convene for 13th
Newspaper Meet
High School Editors
To Review Problems
At Conference Todau
87 Prep News Chiefs
Gather for Two-Day
Convention; Talks
Fill Program
Program, Page 3
Eighty-three high school news
paper editors from every corner of
the state will gather on the campus
today to start a two-day session of i
meetings and discussions of their
A full program, topped by pre
sentation of awards for the best
high school papers, is ready for
the editors. The convention will
open this morning at 9:30 in the
journalism building when delegates
register and housing arrangements
are made. Discussion of newspaper ;
problems, dinner, and entertain
^ ment is scheduled for the meeting.
Hall to Open Session
The young editors will get down
to the business of the weekend
when Barney Hall, ASUO presi
dent, opens the morning assembly
with a welcoming speech. Dean
Eric W. Allen of the school of
journalism will begin discussions
with a talk on how to deal diplo
matically with the school authori
ties and the best news sources.
The dean's talk will be followed
by a discussion led by Jerry Coates,
editor of the Benson Tech Pep.
“Can We Make It Worth the
Space?” will be the topic of Paul
Deutschmann, associate editor of
The Emerald, the next speaker on
the schedule. He will be followed
by a discussion led by Juanita Van
Vickie, editor of the Jeffersonian
of Portland.
To Talk Mimeographing
Michi Yasui, assistant editor of
V-the Hood River Guide will talk on
problems of the mimeograph with
editors of that type of paper.
With a talk by Bob Pollock, Em
erald columnist on features, fiction,
and humor in high school papers
the morning session will come to a
(Please turn to paeje three)
Prof and Class
Surprised by
Psych Studes
An economics class at the Uni
versity of Washington under Pro
fessor Joseph Demmery was more
than taken aghast when a young
lady burst into the last Friday lec
ture, slammed an electric bulb on
the floor, and announced, “Hell,
this is the dullest lecture I’ve ever
been in!’’
The incident was a mystery to
the econ class until several psy
chology professors came to Dem
mery with apologies and explana
tions. As part of an experiment in
reactions, the coed had been sent
from the psychology class with
orders to return with the denuncia
tion and light globe. In her excite
ment, she got her rooms mixed.
Poor Pa!
University women spend annual
ly for formal dresses approximate
ly $142,936.78 according J:o the
Daily California published at
Berkeley. And for formal shoes,
they put out $51,077.88, and to
smell sweet, they pay $5,599.88 for
< -
No More Wallflowers
“Live Alone and Like It” has a
strong competitor these days at
the University of Oklahoma, for
a professor in the psychology de
partment there sees no reason for
students to develop into wall
flowers, homebodies, or mere in
consequential beings just because
they are afraid of starting con
versations, or have a desire to hide
from visitors.
To aid such students this pro
fessor has established a psycho
logical guidance center to iron out
such mental wrinkles. To find out
just what is wrong “upstairs,” the
professor gives a quiz consisting
^ of several sets of questions. Upon
determination of the emotional
trouble the individual is given cer
tain prescribed activities for cor
rective purposes.
Record Size Group
Eyes Rhodes Honor
Elimination Exam
Saturday to Reduce
Number to Four
Greater than any past year of
the University is the registration
for the Rhodes scholarship exam
ination which is to be in room 202
Johnson hall on Saturday, October
30, according to reports received
yesterday from the graduate office.
Twenty applications have been
received, two of which were inelig
ible because of age limitations.
Terms of the will of the late Cecil
John Rhodes provided 32 scholar
ships for United States students
to Oxford university, England, be
tween the ages of 18 and 24.
Each applicant will be called be
fore the foreign scholarship com- i
mittee for half an hour on Satur
day, beginning at 10 a.m. and con
tinuing until 10:30 p.m., with one
hour intervals at the lunch and
dinner hour.
Oregon has sent ten students to
Oxford since the scholarship was
granted to the United States in
1903. Robert Hayter in 1934 was
preceded by David Williams, who
took a ‘first” in the school of en
gineering at the English university,
and Robert F. Jackson in 1931, who
took a “first” in mathematical
physics. Theodore Ruch, ‘28; Al
fons Korn, ‘27; Clinton Howard,
‘25; Arthur Rosebrough, ‘24; Kirby
Miller, ’21; Luton Ackerson, T6,
and Don Stuurman, graduate stu
dent in ’33 are other Rhodes schol
ars who represented the local cam
Four men will be chosen by the
committee to contend in the ex
amination at Portland on Decem
ber 16 and 18.
NY A Employees'
Checks on Hand
At Administration
Salary checks for NYA work
ers are ready for delivery at
window 2, second floor of the
administration building. They
should be called for Immediately,
and may be obtained today be
tween the hours of 8 to 12 and 1
to 3.
In accordance with govem
men regulations, checks not
called for promptly will be re
turned to the Portland head
Masquerade Party
Given by Hunt Club
The Eugene Hunt club held its
regular meeting and social ride
last Wednesday evening in Hhe
form of a Hallowe’en masquerade
Many townspeople filled the
guest box as spectators. Hal Young
and Wayne Morse of the faculty
were attired in Bavarian and Span
ish costume. Mrs. Wayne Morse
wore a Little Red Riding Hood
Rose Mary O'Donald, Jane Wes
ton, Elaine Goodell, and Paul
Washke were also appropriately
attired in masquerade costume.
New Piggers' Guide
To Come Off Press
First of Next Week
Oregon’s student directory,
known as the “Pigger’s Guide,”
will be off the press the first part
of next week. It will be available
at the ASUO office and the Uni
versity Co-op.
The guide has been given a new
cover and revamped throughout.
The book will have the list of
names and addresses of all Oregon
students and faculty members, an
up-to-date map of the campus,
■ floor plans of the new libe and oth
ler information.
Mr. Red Ike and Mr. Black Ike
The roles of Red Ike and Black Ike in the University theater’s
“Roadside” play tonight will be taken by Jack Lewis, left, and Kddie
Hearn, right.
Drama Season Starts
Tonight With Formal
Opening of'Roadside'
The University's drama season gets under way tonight at 8:30
with the formal opening of “Roadside” by Lynn Riggs. The play di
rected by Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt, features such campus favorites as
Gerry Smith, Gayle Buchanan, Walden Boyle, Roy Swartz, and Bill
Dougherty in the leading roles.
Tuxes and dark suits for men and long dresses for women will be
11 Beavers Pay
$5 Apiece for
!Loaded' Cars
Maybe OSC provoked the riot
—maybe they didn’t. But 11
Beavers were $5 poorer yester
day as a result of their trip to
Cause of their loss were fines
handed out by Justice of the
Peace L. R. McGinnis of Corval
lis, for driving with an obstruct
ed view. The 11 traffic offend
ers were given tickets by state
police on their return trip from
this campus last Monday. Their
cars, like those of the Beavers
who were lectured by a Junc
tion City justice Monday, were
covered with 10 to 20 returning
Reports from Corvallis indi
cated that the campus is back
to normal. No official word has
been spoken in regard to the rec
ord breaking rally and riot, but
authorities are believed to be
Prof. Gage to Probe
Japan Econ Set-Up
Discussing the subject, “Japan
ese Economic Structure,” Daniel
Gage, professor of business ad
ministration, will speak over sta
tion KOAC at Corvallis tonight
from 8:15 to 9:00.
Mr. Gage’s talk will include the
discussion of the government con
trol of Japanese railroads and in
The speaker, over the school sta
tion, next Monday, will be Victor
P. Morris, dean of the school of
business, discussing the subject "Is
Another Depression Near at
Eddie's Host
Dr. Robert Ley, leader of the
German labor front, will entertain
the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
during their visit in Germany. The
Windsors will not be entertained
at official receptions, but will visit
Krupp iron works.
in order for tonight's performance,
cider and doughnuts will be served
between acts.
The production is a rollicking
fast-moving comedy of early days
in the Oklahoma territory. An
especially fine bit part is being
turned in by Janet Felt as Mrs.
Foster, community snoop.
To Repeat Performance
The play will be repeated on
Saturday night, the performance
beginning at 8 p.m. Atmospheric
music is provided by special songs
performed in costume by Bob Hen
derson and Hugh Simpson accom
panied by Miss Felt.
Subscription tickets good for
five University theater productions
this year will be on sale at the
box office tonight.
Phi Sigs to Attend
Fraternity Meeting
President Vernon Cougill, Bud
Smith, Morrie Henderson, Stan
Hobson, Frank Hitchcock, and Car
ter Fetsch will leave this afternoon
for Pullman to attend a regional
conclave of Phi Sigma Kappa fra
On Saturday they plan to wit
ness the Washington State-South
ern California football game.
Coeds Give Up
Plan to Fight
Deans Ruling
Upperclass Women
Discourage Filing
Proposed Petition of
Acting; on the advice of upper
class women in their individual
houses, pledges who had planned to
protest the special regulations
placed on them for walking out,
yesterday abandoned their half
formed petition of redress.
With only the skeleton of a
petition for a new hearing of their
case started, pledges in one house
held informal discussions to deter
mine the support they would get.
Cooperation Lacking
Discouragement came from the
upperclass women, who, it is be
lieved, feared the results of any
move which might not secure one
hundred per cent backing of all the
Presidents of the pledge class
es of six sororities which have
been placed on social probation
for participating in walkouts met
last night for the purpose of dis
cussing the publicity arising
from the penalties imposed by
the discipline committee. 'Hie
following statement was issued:
“We have not and do not in
tend to sign any petition, hut
wish to accept the penalties im
posed by the discipline commit
tee of the heads of houses in
a manner becoming University
women. We regret that the mat
ter has received so much public
ity, and that the dean of women’s
office has been unduly criti
pledges affected by the ruling, i
With none of the houses wishing
to take the initiative, plans for the
petition were dropped.
Opinion on the special rulings on
walkouts ( some of which came two
weeks ago) was sounded out a
week ago, said one pledge class
president, and it was decided at
that time to abide by the decision
handed down.
Houses Enforce Rules
Rules binding the pledges whr.
walked out for this week allow
them—no dates, no shows, no ex
change desserts, no eating in cam
pus food shops, and no visits or
shopping down town. Several of
the houses had placed individual
discipline rules on the pledges be
fore the campus rulings were made.
In spite of several of the houses
having to present “pledgeless”
(Please turn to page three)
1Larrupin' Lawyers
Slate Stable Stomp
FLASH! Wayne L. Morse, generalissimo and charge d’ affaires of
the legal students (not that Oregon has any illegal students) today
purchased a new pair of riding boots in anticipation of the Stable
Stomp, slated for the social schedule sometime soon, according to
Ed Raudsep, chairman of chairmen.
After a pilgrimage to the Oregon State campus in Benton county
Classes Moved
From Journalism
For Editors' Meet
Because of high school press
conference sessions the follow
ing classes will meet in the fol
lowing rooms:
8:00, Sociology 351, Moore,
102 journalism.
9:00, History 104, Ganoe, 8
10:00, Philosophy 201, Town
send, 108 Villard.
1:00, Philosophy 111, Rebec,
105 McClure.
2:00, Social Science 101,
Knott, 105 McClure.
US Municipal Tour
Finished by Kehrli
Herman Kehrli, director of the
Oregon bureau of municipal re
| search, will return today from a
trip through the Middle West and
the South. In Chicago, New Or
leans, Los Angeles, and San Fran
cisco, Mr. Kehrli conferred with
officials on problems of municipal
government. He has been gone ap
proximately three weeks.
yesterday to learn the latest quirks
and quickies of the Barnyard shuf
fle, the dance committee of the
Oregon law school quickly an
nounced that final plans were near
ing completion and that “it was
only a matter of slime until the big
A hurried interview with Jason
(Parson) Lee, Barney (Klickety
Klix) Klicks, and Joe (Danny)
Devers disclosed that the lawyers
have forsaken the briefs and cases
and musty records for the more
plebian pastime of shuffle, shuffle,
who’s going to shuffle ? Howard
Galton, editor of the Law Review,
was found briefing cases on a
shuffle-board and Reva Herns, de
mure cherub of the institution, was
imitating the present dance craze,
the “truckin’ ” Ineme by raising
her fore-finger on her right hand
toward the high heavens and
chanting “Shuffle off to Buffalo.”
Whether this was natural reaction
from her recent appointment as
“social dictator” or a sincere effort
to “swing” into line, was a hotly
debated subject.
One week hence a caravan of
hay-wagons, laden with bales of
straw, sacks of wheat, and law
studes will parade the campus and
(Please turn to paye three)
Class Presidents
Defy Oregana T ax
Drum Majoress
Added to Staff
Of Oregon Band
No longer will the Oregon
bnml have to follow its nose
literally because of the lack of
a drum major.
John Stehn, director of the
band, has not only got someone
to “step it" in front of the play
ers, but he has managed to add
a feminine touch, by securing
Mary Ellen Williams, junior in
business administration, as UO
drum “majoress.”
Mary Ellen, who was formerly
the honorary colonel for the
Gettysburg Military academy,
tried out with the band last
Tuesday, satisfied all specifica
tions, and will be official major
ess from now on complete with
baton, swing skirt, and high hat.
Mrs. FDR, F. Perkins
Will Talk for $2000
For .$500 and $1500 respectively,
Madame Frances Perkins and
Eleanor Roosevelt Roosevelt have
offered to address student assem
blies at the University, letters from
secretaries of the two famous lad
ies received yesterday at the stu
dent activities office proclaimed.
Miss Perkins will make a tour
of Western states some time in
January when she will talk on
labor conditions. For $1500 Mrs.
Roosevelt offered to give a one
hour lecture on women in politics
some time during winter term.
George Root, educational activi
ties manager, filed diplomatic re
plies declining the engagements. It
was pointed out that the calendar
for the year was full and that the
nationally - known personalities
scheduled to appear were being
paid $75 for their appearances.
Girls Rifle Team
Being Organized
, On UO Campus
About 30 girls turned out yes
terday for the first meeting of the
gir ls’ rifle team which was held in
the ROTC building.
This team will be managed by
Miss Lucille Bachman and under
the supervision of Miss Russell, a
physical education instructor. Ser
geant Harvey Blythe will again
coach the team.
The rifle squaefwill be limited to
48 members, and a team will be
chosen by an elimination after they
have practiced a while.
A beginner’s class will be open
for registration for one week.
Practice will be held on Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday on the
ROTC range, and the rifles will be
supplied by the ROTC.
Business Honorary
To Banquet Tonight
Honoring C. L. Kelly, professor
of business administration, Beta
Alpha Phi, national honorary fra
ternity of accountants, will hold
a banquet at the Del Key cafe to
night at 6:00.
Mr. Kelly recently completed i
trip to New York attending the
annual convention of the institute
of accountants.
At the banquet tonight he will
tell of the questions discussed at
this convention, relative to ac
counting problems.
-r -W - -r -r -r -r -r -r V -r -r ^
Small Campus
Steamroller Is
Eye Deceiver
Students with visions of a
midget steam roller as a room
ornament or reposing in the
house trophy case may as well
forget their dreams for the ma
chine being used to roll the drive
and walk in back of Susan
Campbell is no toy.
The machine, probably the
smallest steam roller in exis
tence, is of such diminutive pro
portions that the operator must
control it from ^ seat on the
side, thereby arousing fears in
the minds of spectators that the
steel midget might topple over
from the extra weight.
However, size is apparently
no indication of true capacity,
for the roller, in spite of its un
dersized proportions, is no feath
er in weight, tipping the scales
at two and a half tons, accord
ing to its proud operator.
Student Geologists
Talk Catlow Finds
Members of the Condon club, a
group of students and professors
interested in geology and anthro
pology, met at the home of Dr.
Warren D. Smith, head of the de
partment of geology and geogra
phy, Thursday night to discuss
work done this summer at the Cat
low caves in eastern Oregon.
A party of students spent six
weeks at these vaces this past
summer under the leadership of
Dr. L. S. Cressman, professor of
anthropology, studying records of
an early race of men who inhabited
this region.
Moving pictures taken at the
caves this summer were shown and
several letters from authorities in
terested in the work which has
been done were read to the group
by Dr. Smith.
They Ate Crow
Tasting anil testing canned crow meat for the first time, F. It.
Wilcox, left, vice-president of the federal surplus commodities cor
poration, and J. Frank Grimes, president of the independent grocers
alliance, proclaimed the meat was tender hut further experimentation
was necessary.
Officers State Funds
Are for Activities;
Say $300 Total Levy
Grossly Unfair
Answering the challenge of the
Oregana business staff to pay $75
apiece or be left out of the year
book, Oregon's four class officers,
Gleason Payne, Dick Litfin, Zane
Kemler, and Charles Irwin, yester
day flatly refused to donate the
levy out of their respective class
The assessment was announced
by Business Manager Howard
Overback as a new levy this year
for the 1938 yearbook, to care for
increased cost of production.
Too Many Assessments
Class officers objected on the
grounds that students had already
paid for their book with the $5
initial fee, and more through as
sessments on living organizations,
and campus honoraries, and that a
general assessment on classes was
Junior Prexy Kemler said last
night that he had originally been
informed by Overback that the
only assessment on his class would
be $135 to the Oregana to put out
the campus humor magazine,
Scruples. Kemler said, after be
ing informed of the additional $75
levy, that he was going to “think
twice” before paying the Oregana
for Scruples.
This would necessitate the Ore
gana putting the magazine out
without the customary assistance
from the junior class.
Dick Litfin, soph class prexy,
said his class members expected a
fair return on their class cards in
activities, and that he couldn’t tell
them their activities were going to
consist of two pages on the sopho
more class in the Oregana.
Class Officers Waiting
Charles Irwin, senior prexy, said,
"It’s for the class officers to take
their stand, stick to it, and wait
to hear from the business mana
ger of the Oregana.”
Gleason Payne said he believed
the assessment unjust, and could
not afford to donate such a sum
from the class treasury.
Indications were last night the
controversy was rapidly gaining
the proportions of a major campus
conflict, and that ultimate settle
ment would probably come from
the executive council of the Uni
If the question is brought before
the council and the decision is
handed down that the Oregana
must include classes without the
levy, such will be the procedure, if
they say “pay or else,” that also,
will be followed.
| Calendar
C. K. Stalaberg, University cash
ier, announces that all final in
stallment fees (registration fees,
non-resident fees, and student body
fees) must be paid by 3 o’clock,
November 10.
Short silk dresses for women and
dark suits for men will be in order
for the junior-senior ball, Anne
Frederickson, campus social chair
man, said yesterday.
All Lutherans are invited to a
Hallowe’en party which is to be
held Friday night at a private
lodge up the McKenzie river. Cars
will leave the Luthern church at
6:30. Please have you reservations
made by 6 o’clock by seeing John
Lubaks or by calling 1305W.
There will be a social swim at
Gerlinger pool tonight at 7:30.
University students are sponsor
ing a non-masquerade Hallowe’en
party at the Baptist church tonight
at 7:30.
No change was shown in the
number iV’ patients at the infirm
ary yesterday. Those on the sick
list were: Jean Rawson, Frances
McCoy, Eleanor Koepp, Marion
Bjugstrad, Oleanna Dyekman, Pat
Taylor, Jean Gulovson, Margaret
Me Nab, Bert Adams, Robert Stone,
Burton Barr, Russell Inskeep, and
Robert Moore.