DUCK TRACKS By ELBERT HAWKINS Whisper, whisper, whisper! Why all the silence about the coast con ference's proposed new high com missioner : or maybe the idea has fallen through. Back in July Pacific coast conference direc tors met, and out came 1938 sched ules along with the anno unce Griffiths ment that a now .$20,000 commissioner of confer ence football was in the offing. Of course all details were shushed away until after the December meeting of said committee. The position will apparently be similar to that held by Major Grif fiths of the Big Ten. Said com missioner, who shouldn’t be too popular with all coaches is expect ed to investigate the incomes of various college athletes. An inter esting job to say the least. * * * One rumor says that Mr. Com missioner ..will ..draw his . 20,000 bucks from Rose Bowl receipts. Another report, which comes in directly from Hugh C. Willette, conference proxy, informs us that each of the eight full members of the ..conference ..will ..contribute $2500 to the cause, and the king’s-x members, Idaho and Montana, are to be held for $1250. According to Stanford's Tiny Thornhill, who kept rather quiet about the matter, conference coaches have very little to say about it. Probably they could all team up to squelch the idea, but not any two or three. Herb Dana, former conference referee, who now assigns officials to different games, gets a lot of criticism ev ery season, but it looks as though the $20,000 a year commissioner, whoever is chosen, will inherit a thankless job. Some schools will naturally re sent having some one snoop into their athletic budgets, to find out hqw A. 'Ijmck Wisnisky or left guard Blo£i\ is getting along. Not the faintest hint has been made to date about logical choices for the "dream job." In December we’ll probably know all about it. * * * What a break 1‘riuk (.'allisnu ami his ra/./.le-da/./.lc sophomores get in having a mid-season rest of one week. They just emerged from five really tough games on suc cessive weekends, (HC’KA, Ntan Indian Boy Kcl (iainicr, IU5-]xainu Stanford hulfhurk, is worr.viiiK oppouents with (he above cleft receh Skipper John A. Warren Points Undefeated Frosh For Washington BabeTilt Return of Haliski to Lineup Strengthens Duckling Team By BOB JORDAN With ace Quarterback Chet Ha liski positively in the lineup, the Duckling’s prospects for a win over Washington at Portland Fri day night are brightened visibly. Although Haliski was practic ing without shoulder pads last night, Coach Warren stated that ! he would don his grid togs against the Babes. Keeping Chet company on the casualty list, Roy Bishop is suffering from a torn muscle in his thigh. Fundamentals Improve Blocking and tackling have greatly improved on the frosh squad as shown by the sound smacking handed the rooks last Friday night. However, “Honest John’’ has continued to pound these principles into the lads in the last two nights of practice. From all reports, the Washing ton yearlings have a plenty tough eleven. Rudy Mucha and Frank Monkus head an entire backfield combination moved bag and bag gage from Chicago. Ted Dorman, formerly of Grant high school, Portland, and Dean McAdams Caldwell, Idaho, complete the first string quartet. Two Portlanders In addition to Dorman, two oth [ er former Portland all-stars, Bob McKeown, Franklin, and Jack | Coonan, Grant, tackles, share starting berths. After years of competition, the two squads clash for the first time in Portland. With the mythical northwest title at stake, the fracas should provide a thrilling bit of en tertainment. Warren's .frosh took the Babes over the wire, 13-7, in Seattle last season to .cinch the coveted laurel. “Honest John” Warren plans to use a mixture of fake reverses and wide end sweeps mixed with an oc casional thrust in the aerial lanes. ford, Uonzagu, Southern Califor nia, and Oregon State) and a week from Saturday start another sui cide month. Pullback Arleigli ..Bentley left seme teeth on Hayward field Sat urday, and is recovering from that, while Dale Jaisselle and Captain Tony Amato are still in question able condition with leg injuries. Colonel Bill Hayward won’t know until later when their casts are re moved. Bentley, Amato, and I.asselle were the only hoys really injured Saturday, hut several others can use an extra week to mend bruis es. On November t! Oregon faces Washington State in Portland, and a week later tangles with Califor nia Rose Bowl hound Golden Bears at the same place. Witli those two games under their belts, the Wcbfoots then entrain for Seat tle for a clash with their tradition al rivals, the Washington Huskies. Short shots Alonzo Stagg’s College of Pacific beat Nevada, 7 to 3, last weekend . . . Nevada not many seasons ago upset St. Mary's when the Gaels were a top-notch club . . . they call Joe Gray the northwest’s only backfield candi date for all-American honors . . . don’t forget George "Automatic" Kurumutic of Gonzaga . • . there's also a good boy in Milton Popo vich over at Montana . . . coaches keep cooking up new plays and formations for football, and now it's the “left formation" of Chica go's famous Bears of pro football. A few statistics . . . Joe Gray carried the ball 25 times against Oregon Saturday, and averaged 5.06 per try . . . Kolberg was sec ond in line for the Orangemen with an average of 3.2 for 14 tries . . little Jay Graybeal for Oregon GRUEN VICTORIA Newett round style. Yellow aq -ic *old tilled. • * • • ~ GRUEN WATCHES Modern . . . smart . . . and above all. DEPENDABLE. Gruen is in a class by itself. You must see these leading watch values of tin school year. DonSt delay. Buy the watch you always wanted. Select from a large display of smartly - styled Gruens. NOW! Easy Terms Ever LATE i to CLASS ; .... just because your [ | watch was wrong? It is so easy and conven ient to be on time with § a Oruen. Uie "Precision Watch." Matty's Dunstan Is Fading Away Rapidly PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 26. (Special) Matty Mathews, new' University of Portland coach, is afraid that Elwyn (Moose) Dun stan is fading away to a shadow. Dunstan was one of the biggest footballers on the coast last year at 262 pounds. Now he’s down to a mere 234. Mathews is alarmed. Five Games Played In Coed Volleyball Hendricks, Women's Co-op and Sigma Kappa Winners Hendricks hall defeated Pi Beta Phi in volleyball by a score of 51-12 in women’s intramurals yes terday afternoon. Lineups were: Hendricks hall: Dolan, Crane, Keno ston, Paske, Arnold, Guthrie, Tom linson, Fitch. Substitutes: Mont gomery, Boyd. Pi Beta Phi: Wes ton, McCord, Pierce, Riesch, Robin son, Murray, Hunt, Vandeneynde. Women's co-op defeated Kappa Alpha Theta by a score of 42-21. Lineups for Women’s co-op were: Richardson, Steele, Snyder, Enok son, Reetz, Clarke, Donaldson. Substitutes: Blake, Still, Martin, Putman. Kappa Alpha Theta: 1 Espy, Cooper, Onthank, Labbe, Marker, Charman, Englesby, Ful ton. Substitute: Gore. Sigma Kappa defeated Chi Ome ga by a score of 27-16. Lineups for | Sigma Kappa: Littletown, Sarlatt, Helikson, Hunt, Andrews, Booth. Turner, Langfard. Substitutes: Ray, Korge. Chi Omega: Strong, ; Young, Nicols, Foster, Janness, Hutchens, Booth. Delta Delta Delta defeated Alpha Omicron Pi by a score of 32-20. Lineup for Delta Delta Delta: Baily, Kramer, Merrill, Crane, Dougherty, Pell, Smith. Alpha Omicron Pi: Robbins, Sarazin, Ket jehum, DeKoning, McCorkle, Kelly, Miller. Kappa Kappa Gifmma defeated Alpha Delta Pi by a score of 26-23. Lineup for Kappa Kappa Gamma: Thatcher, Powers^ Roberts, Brown, Johnson, Goodell. Alpha Delta Pi: Plummer, Dofstead, Overstreet, Godlove, Isler, Browne, Van Dellen, Smith. topped ’em all with 15 yards ad vanced in a couple of trips . . . Dale Lasselle advanced the old pigskin 22 yards for a 5.5 average. Gonzaga’s 215-pound tackle, Ce cil Kennedy, is being groomed for the al 1-Coast . . . Oregon students will use gate ten at Multnomah stadium Friday night when John Warren’s Ducklings face the Wash ington Babes . . . kicking a free ball in football occurs only when it is touched by the foot. . . golfers in tournament play are limited to 14 clubs. Bottari Plays Possum/ Then Stars Vic Bottari, California Golden Bear, was rumore d to have been out of the Southern California fray ; with injuries. He was in there Saturday, and is sho wn scoring the first of three touchdowns in Cali fornia’s 20 to (i victory over Howard Jones’ Trojans. Undefeated Bears of California Still Hold Conference Top Spot Allison's Boys Roll Up 418 Yards in 20 to 0 Win Over Southern California; Stanford Edges Out Washington, 13 to 7 COAST CONFERENCE STANDINGS California . Stanford . Oregon State . Washington State . Southern California UCLA . Washington . Oregon. Won Lost Tied Pet. ..3 0 0 1.000 2 2 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 .666 .666 .500 .333 .333 .333 .250 Points For Agst 71 12 31 33 10 40 40 24 34 21 34 34 41 35 26 80 By BILL PORTER Coast conference football fans took a backward glance today at the damage done their favorites over the weekend, and most of them came through with the conclusion that the Golden Bears of California are headed for the green field and big purse of the Pasadena Rose Bowl. The USC Trojans, picked by experts to give the Bears their acid test, proved just another breeze, as the men of Stub Allison rolled up a total of 118 yards net gam in trouncing the Trojans, 20 to 6. The six points tne trojans cna score came in the second half after the Bear second string- had entered the fray, but as long as the regu lars were in, USC was just like any other opponent to the lads. Still Four Hurdles Still in the path of the Bear’s Hose Bowl parade remain the UCLA Bruins, the Washington Huskies, the Oregon Wcbfoots, and the Stanford Indians. All of these teams have been defeated at least once, and all with the exception of Stanford have been beaten twice. Washington State college re tained her mathematical chance at the conference title when she sur prised 20.000 fans in copping a 3 to 0 victory from UCLA. The Cou gars got a break late in the third quarter when Joe Sienko recov ered a fumble on the Bruin 8-yard line, and after three line plays hail failed to put the ball over, kicked a perfect placement from the 2 yard line. Indians Win Stanford's redshirted Indians kept their chances intact Satur day while scoring- a hair-raising 13-7 victory over Jimmy Phelan's midfield wonders from,Seattle. The Indians only gained eight yards from scrimmage during the en counter but took advantage of ev ery break, while the Huskies piled up useless yardage in the middle of the field. Joe Gray, Oregon State College star halfback, threw a wet blan ket on Oregon's homecoming cele bration Saturday by passing and running his team to a 14 to 0 vic tory over a stubborn Oregon elev en. The Beavers were repulsed six times within the 10-yard line, but with only six minutes of play left,' they scored two quick touchdowns. /a) APPcfiO/O10 4/5 CPF6A)s.v/e AS/urv AvJpy riS7//vioU(sMp‘? 4/mv^f /o ike, / , PUOT/ \)(3 rE'PARTA\£?/vJf /T Sg AiC'f’CE PAA^E* QUARTERBACK OF ;vsv uasr ygAR., AUV \, Became. 1A& ’...•»* RE&UiAR. ' . l&FT AAI'P TftiS FAU. r AAIF0ACK. Jc5 is iz\e AV?sr If l UrOR.'fA^T' C\5 .• A ASoffee PA.M& ‘ Oregon Varsity Work On Passes In First Practice Steve Anderson Does Throwing; Bentley To Dentist's Oregon's thrice-downed Ducks enjoyed another day of compara tive rest yesterday afternoon, with Coach Prink Callison letting a sig nal drill suffice for the day’s prac tice. However, before the drill, Coach Callison took time, as he usually does on the first practice after a game, to point out an correct mis takes made in the Oregon State game. Big Bill Foskett, tackle, Bud Robertson, end, and Hank Nilsen, quarterback, came in for praise on their fine defensive play Saturday afternoon. Nilsen’s backing up of the Oregon line was one of the gems of the day. Bentley Loses Teeth Arleigh Bentley spent the day in a dentist’s office. He lost several teeth in one of the Webfoots’ heroic goal-line stands. Dale Lasselle was not out last evening, but Captain Tony Amato was, although he was not in suit. Both suffered knee injuries in the Beaver brawl. Coach Callison also had his boys throwing a few passes, with Steve Anderson on the pitching end of the tosses. It was expected that the aerial offensive would receive some attention this week, because the Duck overhead attack failed to produce points for the first time this season. Webfoot passers, Bob Smith in particular, were rushed so fast and hard by the State line, that they had a tough time getting passes off. Didn't Duck Arleigh Bentley, Oregon’s quar terback and fullback alternate, was one of three casualties from the Beaver game. Arleigh lost some teeth and is now doing business with the dentist. Cross Country Men Urged to Start Work s Six Intramural Volleyball Teams Collect Victories Phi Sigs, Sigma Nus,, Betas, Sigma Chis, Phi Psi, SPE Win * Six more teams added victories to their records last night in the second round of the intramural volleyball tournament. Everyone of the six matches was finished in two games, with none of the win ners being hard pressed. The Phi Sigs, led by two six footers, Henderson and Hitchcock by name, swept to an easy 15 to 2, 15 to 4, victory over the Theta Chis. The victors piled up an early 10 to 0 lead in the first encounter and were never headed. Phi Psis Roll Phi Psi made short work of the vaunted Yeomen while winning. 15-2, 15-7, while the SPEs chalked up the only shut-out of the eve ning while beating the Omega hall team, 15-0, 15-7. The Betas and the Sigma Nus played the two closest matches of the evening while winning over the Gamma hall team and the SAEs. Scores for the games were,! 15 to 12, and 15 to 8, for the Betas and 15 to 7, and 15 to 11, for the Sigma Nus. Sweethearts Victorious The Sigma Chis took the meas ure of Sherry Ross hall, 15-5, 15-8, in the remaining game on the eve ning's schedule. All games were in the A league. Games scheduled for tonight are all in the B league, and include Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Gamma hall, and Chi Psi vs. the Fijis at 4 o’clock; Omega hall vs. Sigma Alpha Mu, and the Betas vs. Sher ry Ross at 4:40; and the Delts vs. the Comets, and Phi Psi vs. Sig ma Chi at 5:20. Comfort for UO Boosters Given In Hazy Records PORTLAND, Oct. 26.—U. of O boosters should find some comfort for Saturday's defeat in the follow ing: In the first game OSC ever played at Corvallis, November 1893, they won 62-0 over Albany : college, according to a news story in the Corvallis Gazette of Novem ber 17, 1893, which was dug up recently by a field representative of the Historical Records survey, a WPA project. The scoring was different in those days, and OSC had to make 13 touchdowns to pile up their score. A touchdown was good for only 4 points, but a goal kick was worth 2 points. There was no Gray on the team then, but it was still too much for Albany. At the beginning of the second half, three Albany players 3 Days Only ►Special Selling of NATIONALLY KNOWN Shirts $1.49 Reg. *2.00 to *2.50 Eric Merrell OVER? UOjSuiUSBM 'SA BIU.IOIIIB-) PUB ‘O S A\ SA uo mou sjsGaa.ioas .inoA .ia}ir;j •aaoisqoog aip puG • * • s jo[Abj^ • • • AoBUUBqj XjtsaaAiun • • • apig aSaqo^ • • • B}}^ UBA-podAG^ }B put p^Goc[ uqannq asnoq .moA uo parsed a.iG spujap jjn j ■ • • • ;sBoaaoog su-ioj^ dqiqj aip in sjonGq anoA .ia:jua 04 Aapuiuiai apuaS b }snf si siq ^ .,iaAC )i paiun} noA psjB aq q no ^ &mw Approximately one month re nains in which tentative partiei jants may sign up for the intra nural cross country race which is o precede the Thanksgiving holi lays. All organization managers ntending to have representatives n this particular intramural ac ;ivity are urged by Mr. Russell Sutler, who is in charge of the run, :o enter them immediately. This race will present an excel ent opportunity for the various n-ganizations represented to obtain ntramural points as each one hav ng three runners to finish the course in 21 minutes will be award ed 30 points toward the cup. The larger the number each has to fin-‘*l ish in'tlie allotted time, the greater will be their numerical award, he revealed. Men who plan to participate in this event have ample opportunity to get in condition and fill the en trance requirements which consists of nine workouts altogether. Three of the compulsory practice runs must be over the cross country course while the remaining six may be taken on Hayward field, said Cutler. Physical condition is to be stressed this year and it will be advisable for participants to util ize as much time as possible in preparation for the event, he said. In signing the chart, which is in care of the groundkeeper at Hay ward field, the name of the en trant, and the organization he rep resents is to be given. We would like to have all managers get their men signed up and in condition as "7 soon as possible, he added. were unable to go on and three OSC subs were loaned. At the re quest of Albany, the second half was shortened to 10 minutes, which cut the actual playing time to forty minutes. The news clipping and a photo graph of the team was found by the Historical Records survey rep resentative in a file in a basement closet of the publications depart ment of the college at Corvallis. YOUR CAMPUS CORD STORE IN EUGENE ERIC MERRELL CREW MAN "PUTS IN HIS OAR" - When isked about Can’t Bust ’Em CAMPUS CORDS, Stroke Orr said: "They’re snappy and in good form, they can hold their own against all comers. They’re at least two boat-lengths ahead of all other trousers for wear. And they take to soap and water like a racing shell and finish clean.” r. CA^toik ^CAMPUS CORPS THE L’NIVERSirr-STTLED TROUSERS ★ Look for this Gold Label at your clothiers, Eloesser-Heynemann Co. 1161-1165 Mission Street SAN FRANCISCO “THE MAN'S SHOP” 32 E. 10th CAMPUS CORDS