Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 23, 1937, Page Four, Image 4

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    Worn where
I hate editors. Editors are flinty
hearted, narrow-minded automa
tons who say write this and that
and then when you write it the;
look at it with a nasty sneer, am
either make rude comments or jus
When you would rather be do
ing other things, editors tell yoi
your story isn’t in yet, or you hav
to write a column, or they inquire
With polite sarcasm, if you thinl
you are writing for a monthly mag
Tonight, for instance, I wantei
to go to the rally. I walke<
through the campus, and it was ful
of life and noise and movement
Everyone was shouting at people
and there was a wrarin current o
excitement in the air. Big doing:
tonight, I thought. And I was glat
that I was a student, and that stu
dents do foolish things like havin;
rallies and noise parades and bon
* * *
I went over to the Shack. 1
shouldn’t have done it, but I did
I bounced happily into the editor’.'
office. I’m going down to the ral
ly, I said, isn’t it fun.
But the editor was unenthus
lastic, grim even. I haven’t seen
your column tonight yet, he re
marked coldly. Well, I hadn’t writ
ten it, and there I was, without
anything to but sit down to whip it
While I write, I can hear the
parade going on without me. The
air is full of the sound of horns and
noise-makers, and when I step out
side I see cars streaking downtown
full of excited students having fun.
Here it is, the biggest homecoming
in years and besides, I love noise
Maybe it isn’t worth it. Maybe
today when you read this you’ll
think better I should have gone to
the rally.
But the editor doesn't think so.
He thinks I should stay here and
turn out something, even if it is
drivel. So here I am, but I am
bursting with good old Oregon
spirit, and my heart is with the
But the editor doesn’t feel that
way—he has no heart.
Maury Manning asks that all
homecoming sign chairmen have
their itemiztil expense accounts
handed in by noon today. Judging
of the signs will take place at 8
o’clock tonight, the judges being:
Ottilie Seybolt, Dean Wayne
Morse, and Mr. Scroff.
The following students have
mail at the "Y” hut: Carl Pordin
ger, Milton Levy, Fred Facone,
Phil Barrett, Everett McKenna,
Jay Wilson, Jim Shepherd, Pearl
Paddock, Emguel Arcangel, and
John Marange.
The class of lillS will greet one
another today in the northeast cor
ner of the armory at the general
ulunmi get-together.
The monthly meeting of Alpha
Kappa Delta, national sociology
honorary, will be held Wednesday
at 7:30 p.m. in the AWS room m
Gerlinger hall. New officers will
he elected for the coming year.
All Order of the “O” men must
be at Gate 1 at Hayward field to
day at promptly 1:30 wearing let
termen sweaters.
King of Jazz
From then on it ww a round of
gay, swinging, laughing music fea
turing trumpets, trombones, banjo
and a tap dance by one of the
trumpeters, who also gave an imi
tation of a German band leader,
carried out event to the "Aehs,"
“Ahs,” and "Yus." Whiteman then
wielded the baton to his ever-popu
lar standby, "Announcer’s Blues.”
Whiteman Tired
(Continued from pane one)
Igloo was too lilgh-ceilinged and
too wide for the size of the audi
ence, which about half filled the
When asked about the Whiteman
museum at Williams college he
replied with interest that it was a
“deal whereby musicians can study
sound and acoustics, method of re
cording, studio arrangement and
other things important to concerts
in general. He said he believed he
was chosen because his band was
the only one that played and spe
cialized in concerts. They lose
money, and other bands are wont to
start playing concerts because of
that fact.
Asked if he used talent scouts
for new talent, l'« emphatically
stated that he had never engaged
talent scouts and that most of his
new members came to him. studied
With him for about five years, and
were then placed on the staff. Ho
said he was usually on the lookout
for any new spit s Among those
he .^discovered were Bing Crosby,
Morton Downey and the late
George Gershwin.
“George Gershwin, the man who
Composed the Rhapsody in Blue fors
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, pub
lished daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination period;
Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
LLOYD TUPLENG, Managing Editor
Inaugurating the Open Fist Policy
KIJj, (lie lug event s at hand find appar
ently off with more than a bang if the
noise parade of yesterday is any indication.
Bid, in tlie midst of all the rallying find
roistering, Oregon ought to remember that it
: is in the position of host. Although the foot
ball team will go out to attempt to pound
1 OSCs gridders against their own goal posts.
1 the fray officially and in the best interpre
1 tation of etiquette stops with the closing
Between the student bodies of the stale’s
two line institutions, at least for the last sev
eral years, there has existed a spirit of the
keenest competition—spiced by the cleanest
sportsmanship. There have been some in
stances of vandalism on the two campuses
wit usually it has been remarkably lacking.
The few exceptions have been 1 lit* work of
small groups and as often as not seem to
liave been the pranks of high school students.
There’s no denying that the rivalry be
tween the 1 wo schools is a hot one. It seems
more the indication of a healthy, proud atti
tude than something to be condemned. Both
schools have always been broadminded about
a bit of a tussle for the goal posts, even with
a few individual exhibitions of fisticuffs
thrown in.
The point is that when you run into that
fellow from State who plays in the band or
belongs to the same organization as yourself,
take your hand out of your pocket and extend
it to him. But keep your fist open and make
it a shake, not a sock on the jaw.
Please Prof, Take It Easy
JUS I to show that his heart was in tin* ri«rht
place, Oregon's beloved (lean of social
sciences. Dr. .lames (Jilhert, made a proposi
tion to his class in economics Thursday morn
in<r. Said the dean: “If Oregon wins or ties
the <rame witli Oregon State Saturday 1 will
postpone the quiz. I had planned for Monday
until later in the week, lint if she loses you
may expect the quiz on Monday.”
We compliment Dean (Jilhert for his Ore
gon spirit, but the fact still remains that
whether Oregon wins or loses the students in
this class and others will have spent the week
end attending rallies, the game, the dance,
the concert, and all the other entertainment
which has been planned to make this home
coming memorable, and will not have, we
hope, “cracked” a hook the entire weekend.
If then, in spite of the rallies and cheering
sections the Duck warriors should fail to
humble our Heaver friends, the students in
j this class and others will be punished for
displaying Oregon spirit over the weekend.
rally Rich Economically Poor
(TIi1n is the second of a series of articles writ
ten l>y Tom Turner, one of five Oregon student
delegates to the fourth America-Japan student
conference held at Stanford during the summer
months. In this article Turner tells some of his
impVdssions which he got at the round table ses
WE AMERICAN delegates were naturally
very eager to extract all the information about
Japan that we could from our Japanese visitors.
The Japanese students were more than willing to
answer our many questions.
Whenever we asked for a physical description
of Japan, we always heard the word “green.” Flow
ers, grass, shrubs, and trees apparently are to be
seen wherever one goes. I learned that there are
many mountains besides Mt. Fujiyama in Japan.
In fact, we were told that seven-tenths of Japan
is mountainous. However, it is Mt. Fujiyama that
is foremost in the thoughts and culture of the
Japanese people. After having heard its rare beau
ty described, I can now understand a little why to
the Japanese it is a symbol of perfection and pur
An economic picture of Japan was also of pri
mary interest. We learned, not in so many words
but from general discussion, that in Japan are
Japan's Old Civilization Cultu
combined the worst features of capitalism and
CAPITAL. IS MUCH more unevenly distrib
uted in Japan than in the United States. The av
erage income of a family of five is 856 yen per
year (a yen having about as much purchasing
power in Japan as the American dollar). Of this
amount, 47 per cent goes to the landowner class,
which is very small and select.
Taxes to the federal government consume 38
per cent, leaving only 15 per cent or a little more
than 125 yen a year for a family of five. Only 26
per cent of the farming class, which is almost one
half the total population, own their own land.
Nearly half the farming class lives on half a cho,
or about 1 1-4 acres of ground on the average.
Thus it is readily apparent that Japan's internal
economic condition is not sound.
However, we did not get the impression from
the Nipponese delegates that Japan was poverty
ridden. The needs and wants of the Japanese are
few and therefore easily supplied. At the same
time their cultural standards are high as high as
they should be with a continuous history of 2,600
years duration. I could not help but think that our
150 years of independence as a nation look rather
insignificant in comparison to the cultural heritage
that is Japan's.
- Strange Land -
Out will coinp the ice packs, steaming coffee,
iiinl hooks in preparation for the promised
* # #
JN all discussions on the value of college life,
the benefit of extra-curricular activities,
the friends made, and college life enjoyed, is
stressed as of nearly equal importance to the
intellectual training offered. If the maximum
benefit is to be gained from this side of college
life then the professors should be anxious to
encourage rather than discourage the stu
dents' participation in these activities. Nearly
every student'on the campus realizes that he
has come to the University to study and plans
his time accordingly, but there are exceptions
and it would seem that homecoming weekend
should he one.
* * #
jy^ORAL: Please, dear professors, those of
you who are planning Monday quizzes,
“lay-off ' until we’ve had a chance to make
up for the gala weekend to which we are
looking forward. M.R.
A STORY IN ONE of the weekly news maga
zines describes how German citizens go to the
public parks or to “Unter den Linden" in Berlin
to spend a restful afternoon on comfortable chairs
and benches which they can rent for a certain
time. Some of these chairs and benches are paint
ed yellow to show that they are reserved for "Non
Aryans.” The writer observed that Germans oc
cupy these benches, too. Voila, he says, this fact
proves how little the Aryans mind to sit on "Yel
low Benches." It shows that the government is
more radical than the people.
The point is well put, yet only another exam
ple of what you can do by interpreting news. Let
me show you what 1 mean.
My claim is, to be able to convince you, of an
entirely different point, by using the same facts i
supposing this yellow-bench story contains facts.I
as I didn't see any yellow bench in Berlin. !
The magazine makes believe that Germans
don't mind sitting on "yellow benches." I could
tell you, and you could not contradict me, that
the Germans don't care if a Jew wants to sit on
the bench, which is reserved for him by official
regulation. They simply occupy the benches, and
inform the poor Jews who want to sit there to
mind their own business. In other words: the Ger
mans are not even as considerate as the govern
ment. Or: the German people are more radical
than the authorities.
TO PREVENT ANYBODY' from getting the
wrong idea, my personal interpretation, based on
"inside knowledge," would be that the other two
stories are giving a false picture. The most proba
ble truth is that all the benches were occupied so
that the late comers had to sit down on the yel
low benches if they wanted to get a seat at all.
They were not bashful about it because they knew
by experience that barely any Jew would show
up for a very plain reason. Jews are usually too
busy to rest in parks to enjoy the beautiful au
tumn-color of fallen leaves. More so if they have
to pay rent for a chair.
(By the way: about 60,000 Jews are living
and attending to their jobs in Berlin.)
My purpose in recounting this story and giv
ing the different interpretations is, to call your
attention to the generally well-known fact that
there are two sides to every story. It depends
usually on your viewpoint how facts are inter
WAR PROPAGANDA makes us forget this
reality and lets the other side of the story pass
without notice or attention. But we are not in a
war. I claim to have a fair standpoint concerning
the United States. I am ready to learn and to
keep away from dishonest generalizations.
All I ask of you is to listen to the other side.
We have our points and the German nation is not
a bunch of scoundrels. Neither is our government.
We the German people have elected our gov
ernment and to blame and accuse the government
means to accuse us. Especially the young genera
tion. It is impossible to distinguish between Hit
ler and the Germans as long as national politics
are concerned.
Do not say please, that you like the Germans
but dislike the regime. For your dislike of the
regime may lead and particularly by means of dis
honest propaganda into a war that will not only
destroy the European culture but will make the
German people suffer unbearably.
We do not want war. you do not want war.
And I cannot convince myself that war is in
evitable just because history is slippery ground.
nit*, was invaluable to this organ
ization. I don't see how we can
get along without him "
Mach member of the Whiteman
band is a skilled musician, not only
in modern music, but in symphony
as well. When Whiteman wants
a symphony band, he simply tones
Sown his brass sections and adds
trings. He said that he once play- j
ed n symphony concert with 140
piece ensemble and did it success
“Each of my bandmen, of which
there are 24 at the present time,
can double on at least two instru
ments, making at least 58 instru
ments available at all times.”
He was asked if he thought the
air waves overrun with small bands
ami if it had any effect on the (
larger ones.
"The difference between the two. [
essentially, is that a large band [
such as mine can play a composi- [
tion in a thousand different ar- [
rangements,” he replied. "The 1
smaller bands play a thousand [
compositions with the same ar- C
rangement." P
Greatest Homecoming* Plotter
Behind Oregon’s biggest homeeoming lies hours of diligent work
by Elmer Fansett, above. Early last summer M. Fansett started work
on the program that has given Oregon alumni and students the biggest
three days in homeeoming history.
Anyway, They
Haven't Found
Old Deady Yet
With the turf or: Hayward
field branded OSC and the Ore
gon state buildings daubed with
paint, students from both schools
were pondering yesterday over
what might happen next.
Meanwhile campus disciplinary
authorities were conducting an
investigation in an attempt to
identify those responsible for the
estimated $250 damages. Dean
of Men, Virgil Earl, questioned i
all fraternities yesterday, learn- I
ing little, apparently, and deter
mined that any further damage
woidd best be prevented.
Three Eugene high students,
known to have been in Corvallis
Wednesday night, were quest
tioned concerning the Corvallis
painting. They denied taking
part in the vandalism.
The series of incidents began
when material for the frosh bon
fire was mysteriously touched
off Wednesday night, and cam
pus buildings at Corvallis were
painted. Evident retaliation
came Thursday night on Hay
ward field after the vandals had
eluded a large corps of freshman
campus guards.
Barney Hall, ASUO president,
declared yesterday that he would
meet with OSC prexy, Bob Hen
derson, in an attempt to adjust
damages to the two schools.
Musicians Reveal
Cost of Lessons
And Instruments
Sixteen thousand dollars may be
a lot of money to pay for the va
rious pieces of pipe and tubing
sometimes called musical instru
ments and the instruction needed
to play them; but for their lessons
and instruments, 55 members of
the University band paid at least
that much, and probably more.
Results of a questionnaire given j
the band by John Stehn, director, j
show that the players paid a total |
of $5,200 for their horns and $10,- !
800 for instruction. 1
Several students replied that j
For . . .
and a unique setting,
jj The . . .
they had paid over $1,000 for les
sons. Some had taken no private
instruction; one reported an ex
penditure of $6. Several accounted
for lessons amounting to $500, but
the most popular figures ranged
from about $75 to $150. About 10
students ranked in the $200-$300
class. This money was spent for
lessons on any instruments.
Concerning instruments, highest
prices for one ranged to about $300
while the lowest figure was $15.
But here, too, an amount of $125
seemed to fit the most of the pock
etbooks. Some of the students
probably spent considerably more
since, the questionnaire only con
cerned one instrument, and many
of the players have as many as
five different horns.
The poll also has revealed that
25 of the bandsmen are wholly
self-supporting, 13 provide about
half their living, and only three
are entirely dependent.
Bollinger Will Speak
At Methodist Church
Victor Goff to Lead
Services, Aided by
Other Students
University students and student
religious activities 1 eaders will
have important parts in the ser
vices of local churches Sunday.
"Christ on the Campus” has been
announced as sermon topic of Dr.
Niel Hollinger, national secretary
of Wesley foundations, who \%1
speak at the morning services at
the Methodist church. Wesley
foundation members will relieve
Dr. Parker of his duties by con
ducting the entire service.
Another visitor at the Methodist
church is Rev. Roy Burt, Method
ist minister and national executive
secretary for the socialist party,
who will speak on “The Changing
Social Order” at Wesley club meet
At the adult forum of the Com
munity Liberal church R. N. Wil
mot and Allan Benjamin, graduate
students of the University of Mel
bourne, Australia, will discuss "Pa
cific Problems.”
First Baptist
Broadway and High. Dr. A. ,1.
9:45—University Sunday school
class, H. H. Schroeder.
11:00—“A Foretaste of Heaven.”
6:30—University BYPU.
7:30—“A Soldier and a Maid.”
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. — Midweek
prayer service.
Community Liberal (Unitarian)
Eleventh and Ferry. Rev. Her
bert Higginbotham.
9:45—Special service for child
11:00—Adult forum. “Pacific
Problems,” R. N. Wilmot and Allan
Benjamin, graduate students of the
University of Melbourne, Australia.
11:00—“What Will the\ Harvest
2:00—Eclectic half hour, KORE.
First Congregational
Thirteenth and Ferry. Rev. Wil
liston Wirt.
9:45—Sunday school.
11:00—"Open Doors to Life.”
7:00—Plymouth club, Dr. War
ren D. Smith of the geology de
partment, speaker; Jean Cramer,
St. Mary’s Episcopal
Seventh and Olive. Rev. H. R.
8:00—Holy communion.
9:45—Sunday school.
11:00—Morning prayer and ser
6:00—Student group, 434 E.
Church of God
Third and Monroe. Rev. U. G.
9:45—Sunday school.
11:00—Morning worship.
6:30— Christian Crusaders, Clyde
7:30—Rev. Merrill J. Hooker,
First Methodist Episcopal
Twelfth and Willamette. Dr. B.
Earle Parker.
9:45—Forum for University stu
dents, Hayes Beall.
11:00 -"Christ oil the Campus,"
Dr. Hiel Bollinger.
7:00—Wesley club. “A Changing
Social Order,” Rev. Roy Burt. So
cial hour after meeting.
Westminster House
1414 Kincaid. Mrs. J. D. Bryant,
9:45—“Love and Marriage,” Mrs.
George P. Winchell.
6:00 Forum, Margaret Reid;
worship, Harold Cole.
Monday, 3 p.m. Student lead
ers' staff meeting; 4 p.m., Student
Christian council; 9:30, fireside
Rooting Sections
To Present Stunts
Between Halves
Spectators at the Oregon-Oregon
State game today will see a varie
ty of cheering section stunts which
will show University “rah-rahers”
in their best style.
Under the direction of Sam Fort,
rally committee chairman, a se
ries of card stunts have been lined
up for the half-time intermission.
Besides this all Oregon students
will join in singing Oregon songs.
A special, unannounced event
will conclude student participa
tion in the game although bands
from Oregon and Oregon State
will offer drills and music on the
Phone 526 — Evenings
Good Foods
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* Brain food of all kinds.
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Alder, bet. 12th and 13th