From Where I SIT By CLARE IGOE I ■ ' ■ ■ --' The other evening two charm ing blond coeds stepped out onto the balconies of the upper division reading room for a brief cigaret. All went well until it came time for them to return to books and Study, then they started to open the door, only to discover that it had locked behind them, and there they were, in a pretty mess indeed. Spying a young man they beat on the door and when they caught his eye beckoned coyly for him to come over. With gentlemanly haste he dashed over, and the maids in distress shouted would he please open the door. Disappointed, the youth queried Wistfully, "Oh, Is that what you wanted?” * * * We nominate for undying fame the Theta Chi pledge, who in the throes of being tubbed, turned to his tormentors and commented nonchalantly, with a pleasant smile—“Stimulating, isn’t it?” * * * We listen with great moral in dignation to the woeful tale of the football player who, wounded in the Stanford game and hied to the infirmary for a few' repairs, was denied his tickets for the game tomorrow. A pretty mean way to treat one of our grid gladiators, we’d say. * * * Speaking of moral indignation, ours practically frothed over the other night as we were walking peacefully and contemplatively down Thirteenth street. Down Al der street a grey sedan came burst ing, and in splendid disregard of “stop street” signs whipped around the corner, cutting off a generous slice, and missing us about one half an inch. It was piloted and manned by roistering students. Of such stuff is sudden death made. Visits to Infirmary Must Be Regulated All visiting hours at the infirm ary will have to be discontinued unless better cooperation from the students can be promoted, it was announced by hospital authorities Wednesday. Certain rules and regulations must be observed in order to have a successful healtli service, and one of the most important rules Is the observance of visiting hours. Lately visitors have been calling at the infirmary without permis sion and at all times of the day. Once again the health service wants to stress that the visiting hour schedule is from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. Education Honorary Tells Meeting Slgtte Phi Delta Kappa, education hon orary, will hold its first meeting: October 25, with Dr. R. W. Leigh ton, dean of the school of physi cal education, summarizing the significant contributions made to northwest education by the 1936 37 program. Speaker at the meetings on No vember 8 to 22 will be Mr. James C. Rettie, assistant consultant of tbe commission. Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public instruc tion, will lead the discussion on De cember 13, ami Professor F. L Stetson of the school of education, will report on January 10. H. B. Johnson, principal of Eugene high school, and his associated, will lead the discussion on January 24, and C. W. Reynolds, executive assistant of the Oregon state planning board, on February 14 and Febru ary 28. The public is invited to the meet ings at the school of physical edu cation auditorium at 7:30. Gerlinger Kitchen Reopened for Use Last night at Gerlinger hall the downstairs kitchen was reopened with a Girl Scout supper, under the leadership of Ruth Smith, local Scout head. The kitchen has been redecorat ed and will be used for suppers and teas. The kitchen has not been In use for over five years. Festivities Opened (Continued front page one) lective opinions concerning the homecoming game. Coach Prink Callison pointed out the feeling of self-confidence and increased pow er that the team has evidenced in fall encounters. He also drew at tention to the fact that all eyes will be on the University rooting section as representing the essence of "Oregon spirit” at the game. Upper and lower classmen alike joined in a demonstration of vocal energy, which will be released to the fall extent on Hayward field Saturday afternoon, at the instruc tion of Bob Elliott, cheer leader. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of CXregon, Eugene, pub lished daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods. Entered as second-class mall matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. LEROY MATTINGLY, Editor WALTER R. VERNSTROM, Manager LLOYD TUPLTNG, Managing Editor John Henry Nash—a 'Bold-Faced'1 Name in Printing History Jj^VEN the events of a homecoming pyogram Midi ns (lie one which is upon the campus lliis morning cannot completely overshadow a visit by John Henry Nash. John Henry Nash is one of the ranking fine printers in the United States. His rule and color work is held by experts in general to be the best. For the past fifteen years, Mr. Nash has been interested in the work of the typography class which studies under the direction of Robert ('. Hall, superintendent, of the Univer sity press. He has given the class aid and instruction and lias even permitted them to use fonts of bis own types in the books which they print. If the word can be used, Oregon “dis covered” Mr. Nash- The famous printer was a craftsman rather than a scholar and this University was the first to make use of his valuable advice. Mr. Nash now holds an honorary degree from Oregon and lias born attached to thr* faculty on several occasions as lecturer in liis field. Although it is bis craftsmanship that lias pained him fame, he is well versed in the background and history of Ids art. His re search into the history of printing; and paper making has been as exhausting; as those of any man of today and lie is an accepted au thority in every phase of fine printing;. Nor is his work and faurt* only in the past. Each year sees the inclusion of another of his books in the list of best fine books produced. Mr. Nash’s broad fund of knowledge has added a great deal to his product, making his books more than beautiful reproductions because be has been able to select only the finest works for reproduction. It is fitting that a man of his calibre and with bis interests in both the content and format of books should dedicate Oregon’s new library. And the Success of Homecoming Hangs in the Balance ^y/ I*, \ r; got a bad reputation to duck ami we learned a lot at that Stanford game,” Rally Chairman Sam Fort «Ioc'IsummI vest onlay in answer to oft-heard criticisms of his group front grads and tin Emerald challenge that it “do something.’’ The rally committee has in the past worked with ti California trip in mind and adminis tration of funds has not always been judi cious, Fort says, but such is not the case this year. Facing one of the biggest tasks lie Inis taekled in his three years of activity work on the campus, Fort marshalled his group yes terday afternoon to formulate plans for Ore gon State game festivities and stepped into the future to plan rallies for the California and WNC games in Cortland. The program Fort Inis outlined for the OKC game is a good one. The rally committee will not he “caught on a dime” when leader ship is needed, the leader states. If permis sion can he obtained and the showing of the team warrants it, a free dance probably will he offered Saturday night. * ■» # 'J'MIK Fmerald hopes Fort is right in placing so much trust in his committee. Tin; con census all over the campus seems to he that this is going to he Oregon's greatest home coming and that the rally committee will have ample chance to strul its stuff. The administration started the ball rolling when if decided to permit Iresliman men 1o lake Friday morning off from classes to work on flic bonfire, expected to be of record breaking dimensions. The program, including the names of Whiteman and dalli-C'itrci, lias caught the fancy of the campus—and apparently of a goodly percentage of Oregon’s alums. The time seems right for a display of enthusiasm which should mark a new era in the history of Oregon’s student activities. This paper lias always been tin* first to point out that a “tradition” which is placed or retained in service by force ceases to be a tradition. It has also indicated frequently that a great many foolish things grow un about a university which add little to either its cultural or educational programs. Apparently, however, (because its lack is widely recognized) Oregon lias not in the pasr few years hacked its representatives and taken as much pride in its activities as it should. The energetic way in which every phase ol the work on this homecoming pro gram has been pushed indicates a marked revival of interest on the part of students, faculty, and alumni. The rally committee's highly important job is to unify and direct that enthusiasm, granting it exists. It’s a big job. Upon the committee’s efforts will depend the real and lasting success of the whole homecoming pro gram. Brothers Explain New Libe Murals By BETTY JANE THOMPSON Tlu' latest scientific inventions nnd the wonderful achievements^! the various fields of art didn’t “just happen.” They are the products of many generations of many people, each who has given His life to n certain type of work in order that the people of his generation and wi Liiujsf iu iiuuf mu.;m uvr a pier and easier life, said Albert f Runquist, co-artist with Ids broth- I or, Arthur, of the murals which ( were hung in the library recently, j The murals, depicting the growth f of the arts and sciences from pre- , historic to present times, were humr on the walls of the stairways , leading up to the second floor of ( the building. The Runquist broth- f ers, both Oregon graduates, are f here from Portland to supervise j the hanging and to finish the mu- t rals in time for the dedication of j the library Saturday. I Common to both murals are cen- 1 tral figures of a man and a tree, t In the mural recording the ad- f vancements of the arts, the man * kneels with his head thrown back - to look to the top of the tree which v is in flower. The flowers are rep resentative of the beauty or the i goal toward which man is striving, t In the second mural he is shown r with his head bowed rising from a i kneeling position. The tree in this t mural is a fruit tree. It is inter- t eating to note that the trees are t shown with no tops, only with the T beginning of the branches and fruit t and flowers. This is the artists' c method of showing that invention 1 and advancement are not ended, a Jewels in Mural a On either side of the roots of l< the tree, in small pockets under a the ground are found precious jew- s els, garnets and amethysts, in the case of the arts, and minerals, t coal and iron in the science mural, t Growing on either side of the tree t are flowers in the first mural and b corn and grain in the second. In t» both cases these represent some of t t h e fundamental requirements o needed in arts and sciences. Development of Art The story of the development of r art begins when man first started n to sew skins with bone needles. His crude attempts at drawing, culnturing, weaving:, dveing mn erinls, nnd making: pottery were onstantlv improved. Gradually nusicnl instruments were'added to is accomplishments. This cultural dvancement was preserved by nenks in the monasteries. Finally the Renaissance with its evival of the ancient arts and add ion to that knowledge, the art of lass blowing, and silver work iaved the way for the modern arts, lere we find people prominent in he fields of art portrayed. Tn this ieture one may see Paderewski, ternhardt, and Charlie Chaplin, 'he advent of the radio is also oted here. The final picture shows i student playing, a score from Mighty Oregon.” a journalist, culptor. architect, and painter, ,’ith Deady hall in the background. The discovery of fire and the ses to which it might be put is he starting point for the science mrals. From the discovery of the ldined plane, the artists have raced scientific discoveries trough the advancements made by ’esalius, Guttenburg, Columbus, • ewton, and Faraday to the pres nt A man sitting at the controls epiets man's control over nature, [ere we see Madame Curie, Edison, nd Marconi. Johnson hall, Deady, nd the Pioneer in the last picture >ok down upon a group of students rnved with test tubes, micro ,'opes, and geological specimens. Although both of the artists feel lat one should interpret the de rils of the picture for one’s self, ley told their story of the picture ecause, as Arthur Runquist stat .1 it, if one knows a little about le story, it helps in forming one s wn interpretation. John Henry Nash will meet with lean Allen’s editing class this lorning. See you at the game tomorrow. J.H. Nash Collection Contains Rare Book John Henry Nash, San Francis co printer anil main speaker for tiie dedicatory services of the Uni versity's new library, has combed the great centers of the Old World for fine books, and searched out the great type foundries of Europe for tiie finest of types, ornaments, and borders. Saturday evening, Octo ber 23, at 8, Mr. Nash will talk and give an exhibit of some of the books of his private collection in the browsing room of the library. M. H. Douglass, librarian, invites the public to this exhibit and talk. Content with none but the best copies obtainable, Mr. Nash has volumes of incunabula that cannot be duplicated in the greatest li braries in the world. He has, as well, books from the great presses of the world, books about books, and the history of printing, broad sides, leaflets, a collection of med als commemorating the great printers, oil paintings of several of the master printers, and miscel laneous too long to mention. Dr. Carl Purrington Hollins, di rector of the Yale Press, named last summer ten books which he considered exemplified printing at its best; nine of these books are in tjie Nash library. Of books about books and the history of art. Rol lins listed 75 which he considered as the nucleus of a typographic collection; 70 of that number are owned by Mr. Nash. Evans to Lecture in Portland November 7 A pre-concert lecture, preceding the organ recital of the world famed concert organist Marcel Dupre', will be given in Portland November 7. by John Stark Evans, professor of music at the Univer sity. The lecture will be given in the south wing of the Portland audi torium, just before the concert, and will cover the selections to be play ed by the famous-concert organist. Houses Vieing for Homecoming Cups Prizes Due for Mosl Noise, Best Sign and Most Alumni Homecoming weekend herald.' the awarding of six annual cups which are given to those organiza tions having the most alumni, the best floats in the noise parade, and the most outstanding sign that is displayed by any living organiza tion. The cup which will be awarded to the fraternity or sorority hav ing the largest group of alumni is now on display at the Co-op. The awards will be announced between the halves of the Oregon and Ore gon State game. All alumni are to register from i to 5 on Friday at Johnson and from 9 to 12 at the new library. Registration is under the auspices of Kwama, sophomore women’s honorary. During the last two years, Kap pa Sigma has won the men’s cup and if won again this year, it will result in permanent possession Kappa Alpha Theta won in ’35 and Chi Omega in ’36. Dick Pierce, chairman for the Paul Whiteman dance, will award the cups for the noise parade and the signs during the intermission at the dance. Dean Victor Morris Talks Before Club Dr. Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business administra tion, spoke on business problems of the twentieth century in a talk before the Lions club Wednesday Dr. Morris pointed out how me chanical and physical problems had been dominant in the nineteenth century, but the human factor has been coming to the front for ma jor consideration in the twentieth century. This change is partly due to the great increase in population and more complex society result ant. Dean Morris stressed the neces sity of developing more good will and of realizing there must be im provement in human relations. HONOR RATINGS GIVEN Junior certificates with honor privileges have been awarded to the following students in addition to those announced at the first of the term: Beulah Faye Chapm&n, Kathleen McAlear, Doris McAlis ter, J. Monroe Richards. Pre-Gam e Spiri tHits Top as Studes Clash By HARRY LEHRBACK Traditional rivalry is coming back! And) with it comes much slinging of mud, paint, and gasoline. Word from Oregon State college reveals that the campus in Corvallis was invaded by vandals who literally overwhelmed the police force and painted several campus buildings with green paint. Of course, no aspersions were cast, but a radio commentator yes terday announced over KOAC that the painting consisted of hierogly phics interpreted as U. of 0., Ducks, etc. He also estimated that dam age would mount to at least $500. Alo that college authorities would punish the vandals if caught. Which all adds up to the fact that 15 cops were placed on duty here last night to guard any and all features of the campus which do not weigh more than six tons and which are not implanted twen ty feet into the ground. Not only are there cops on duty but no less than 200 freshmen, all armed with ball bats and glints in their eye to do or die for their old alma mater. Campus statues, the recently transplanted lawn, the bonfire, and the "O” on Skinner’s butte are being protected. Oregon State reports that the marauders not only did a very fine paint job on the campus but poured gasoline in the middle of the cam pus lawn and set a match to it which resulted in a huge bare spot resembling an O. Viva la Traditionale! Sophomore Class ToExtendWelcome Bill Dalton Appoints Group to Decorate Oregon Campus Homecoming Chairman Bill Dal ton today appointed the sophomore class to take charge of decorating the campus in Oregon's colors, to further extend the welcome royal planned for all alumni and grads this weekend. The campus will be completely adorned with yellow and green streamers making giraffe-like trees and telephone posts; the streets will be painted yellow and a huge banner will be strung across Thir teenth and Kincaid. Vandals Ignite (Cnntimicd from paqc nnc) material around town should be offered to the committee. Collection of materials, which amounts to the most important part of the work to be done, will start promptly at 8 o'clock, and actual construction will start shortly afterward. Part of the ma terial—old sections from bleach ers will be stood on end and pack ing cases, hay, excelsior, and all the trimmings will be heaped on Nearly one hundred gallons of oil and gasoline are ready to be poured on before the pile is lit. Frosh Challenged Oregon frosh were challenged last night when a phone call was put through from Corvallis to Bill Dalton, weekend chairman, asking, "Would the Oregon frosh like us to send over someone to help them build a real bonfire? We don’t want to make your frosh feel bad or anything, but if we don't get that rubbish burned up tonight, we might be able to come over and show you how a bonfire should be built." Construction will be under the direction of freshman Wally Ross mann and Stan Davis. Showing the spirit of cooperation which the townspeople feel toward this event, the city council has given the use of its tractor to aid in construction. ' Robert Anderson Added to Faculty of Business Ad School Robert Anderson, a graduate of | the University of Washington in 1930, has been employed as a new accounting instructor in the school of business administration. He will arrive in Eugene today and will assume his duties immediately. Before accepting his new posi ' tion, Mr. Anderson was the re search director of the Washington I state tax commission at Olyinpia. j Previous to his position with the ) tax commission, he was the assist ant comptroller with Electric Pro ducts Consolidated at Seattle. He also has had three year’s teaching experience and has nearly complet ed the graduate work for his mast er’s degree in business administra tion. iiiiiiniiiiiBiiiniiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiBiiig | DANCEf I at Swimmers’ Delight with H i Maurie Binford and his popu- j| B lar band Sunday, Oct. 24, | 1 8:30 till 12. m ■ Don’t forget ... ^ 2 SWIMMERS’ DELIGHT | B for private parties and dances jjj liHiiiiniiBiiiiiHiiiiiBiiiiiBiniiHiimiiiainiiiiiBi FOR HOMECOMING PARTIES . . . VINTAGES LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN SWEET AND DRYS IMPORT AND DOMESTIC SODA MIXERS WHISKEY SOUR 15c per qt., 10c per pt LEMON MIX TOM COLLINS SINGAPORE SLING LIME MIX GRENADINE Per bottle, 35c FANCY AND IMPORTED GROCERIES Bell’s Basket Grocery 34 E. 10th Phone 770 Grand Opening * ODAY, Friday October 22 or me CAFETERIA FREE Cup of coffee and cream puff given free with every lunch and dinner order. Enjoy it too! ANY DAY * Brain food of all kinds. * We serve only the best for less * Whole portions or half por tions served * Come ! Enjoy this economical place to eat AN EXAMPLE... of our menu Hot turkey sandwich with dressing. 20c ALDERbetween 12th and 13th